Effective Management of Chemical Analysis ... - ACS Publications

aid in understanding the system that best fits your needs. Throughout this unique course, you are made aware of ... managing service or research labor...
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Learn how to increase productivity and decrease costs— the twin goals of a well-run laboratory

Effective Management of Chemical Analysis Laboratories An Audio Course Produced by the American Chemical Society Designed with analytical laboratories in mind, this unique and valuable course draws on the extensive experiences of the instructors to give you an in-depth understanding of the problems and solutions involved in laboratory management. Beginning with a comparison of different types of analytical laboratories, you examine the organizational structure, the methods of analysis, and other laboratory operations. Several examples are given in each area to aid in understanding the system that best fits your needs. Throughout this unique course, you are made aware of what is expected of you as a manager. At the same time, you learn how to • improve communication at all levels in the lab • increase lab efficiency and balance workloads • assess work performance and productivity • motivate personnel and operate with technical proficiency This course is a genuine asset to anyone involved in managing service or research laboratories. No matter what the level, everyone will benefit from this valuable course. Course Highlights Introduction Charter & Image Operations • Organization Structure • Standard Operating Procedures • Sample Control Center • Document Control • Safety • Laboratory Information Management • Statusing Work in Process • Workload Balancing • Reports

Communications Productivity The Laboratory Manager The Employee Delegation Financial Analysis • Measuring Financial Peformance • Projecting the Cost of a Job • Financial Indicators • How to Really Make Money

Your Instructors John H. Taylor, Jr., Vice President-General Manager, Analytical Technologies, Inc., has responsibility for a multimillion dollar chemical services laboratory. He has many publications/presentations in lab and project management. Dr. Mary M. Routson, Bechtel Corporation, has directed analytical labs in two contract research institutes. She is experienced in management of organic and inorganic analytical efforts for both industrial and government clients.

656 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 59, NO. 9, MAY 1, 1987

Unit (Catalog No. 94) Four cassettes (3.8 hours playing time) and 120-page manual: U.S. and Canada, $34500; Export $416.00. Additional manuals-. U.S. and Canada, $19.00 each; Export, $2300each. No-Risk Guarantee All ACS Audio Courses come to you with a money-back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied, return the course within ten days for a full refund or cancellation of invoice. Use the coupon b e l o w to place your order or CALL TOLL FREE 800-424-6747 and use your credit card or purchase order number. To help us serve y o u better, please mention Department 8 0 and Catalog No. 9 4 w h e n ordering. American Chemical Society Distribution Office, Dept. 8 0 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 2 0 0 3 6 Yes! Please send me the following: Qty. Complete course(s), Effective Management of Chemical Analysis Laboratories, at $345.00 each (US & Canada) or $416.00 each (export). $ Additional manuals at $19.00 each (US & Canada) or $ 2 3 0 0 each (export). $ TOTAL $


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