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search and technical support, we're dedicated to ... that IMS functions best with trace lev- els of analytes that ... reactions in the drift space, bu...
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electrophoresis or ion chromatography. A significant step toward this goal was the recent development of a coronaspray ionization source for IMS (13). By introducing the effluent from a liq­ uid stream into the spectrometer via an electrically charged capillary, ion mo­ bility spectra from nonvolatile neutral and ionic compounds dissolved in liq­ uids have been obtained (29, 30). Al­ though simple liquid chromatographic separations have been reported (29), some difficult operational problems re­ main. Reactant ions and analyte re­ sponse factors vary considerably with small changes in geometry of the coronaspray source. Also, the high tempera­ tures and high drift gas flow rates need­ ed to break up solvent clusters have led to problems with sample decomposi­ tion, corona instability, and detector noise. The considerable practical potential of IMS for monitoring applications re­ mains largely untapped, in spite of its high sensitivity, low cost, small size, and versatility. This lack of develop­ ment is largely a result of initial dis­ couragement caused by overload and matrix problems. It must be recognized that IMS functions best with trace lev­ els of analytes that make only minor perturbations of drift tube conditions. Each application presents challenges such as analyte sensitivity and volatili­ ty as well as matrix interferences, and must be considered individually. The powerful techniques of preseparation by membranes, selective adsorption, and chromatographic inlets coupled with reactant ion modifications are helpful in many cases. Some fundamental problems remain in developing IMS. The resolving pow­ er of existing instruments seems to be less than expected on the basis of diffu­ sion and initial pulse width (55), and the reason for this is not understood. The extra broadening may be attribut­ able to ion-molecule reactions in the drift space, inhomogeneity of the elec­ tric field, or even coulombic repulsion. The FT mode should be able to probe reactions in the drift space, but it has not yet been used for this purpose. Oth­ er detection modes, such as an organophosphorus selective configuration that would simulate the nitrogen/phos­ phorus detector (56), have been pro­ posed but not yet implemented. Final­ ly, recent articles on peak shape analy­ sis (55) and a second-derivative algo­ rithm for separation of overlapping peaks (57) are reminders that several powerful signal-processing techniques are not fully used in IMS. Although IMS is considered an old technology, in many ways it is new technology waiting to be discovered. Its


low detection limits and simplicity of design assure IMS a strategic position in analytical chemistry between uni­ versal nonspecific detectors, such as flame ionization and electron capture, and the more powerful qualitative techniques, such as MS. IMS research in the authors' laboratory has been sponsored in part by a grant from the Public Health Service (GM29523). The authors are most grateful to Glenn E. Spangler for his careful critical reading of this manuscript and many helpful suggestions.

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