EG&G PARC - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

There and back again: The tale of 2 asteroid sample-return missions. @OSIRISREx: After traveling for nearly 2 years, last week I caught my first glimp...
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Michigan State University, he joined the faculty of the Chemistry Department at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in 1987. His research interests include flow injection analysis, chemical acoustic emission, chemometrics, and artificial in­ telligence.

David B. Sibbald received his B.Sc. in chemistry, with a minor in computer sci­ ence, from UBC in 1987 and completed his M.Sc. in chemistry in 1990. His inter­ ests include chemical acoustic emission and chemometrics.

Shabtai Bittman obtained his B.Sc. in bi­ ology in 1972 and his M.Sc. in agronomy in 1975 from McGill University. He re­ ceived his Ph.D. in crop science from the University of Saskatchewan in 1985. He was a biologist and research scientist with Agriculture Canada research stations in Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan from 1977 until joining the Agassiz Research Station, B.C., in 1987. His current re­ search concerns are the improvement of yield and nutritional quality of forage crops and reducing the environmental im­ pact of farming practices.

Ron M. Belchamber is leader of the Pro­ cess Analysis and Automation Team at the British Petroleum (BP) Research Cen­ tre, Sunbury-on -Thames, U.K. He ob­ tained his B.Sc in chemistry from Imperi­ al College, London University, in 1975, and his Ph.D. from the University of Al­ berta in 1981. He was a postdoctoral re­ search associate at University College Swansea until joining BP in 1982. His re­

search interests include on-line spectros­ copy, process acoustic measurements, and analytical instrumentation.

Mark N. Bailey received both his B. A. Sc. in mechanical engineering (1985) and his M. A. Sc. in metals and materials en­ gineering (1988) from UBC. He is cur­ rently an engineering consultant in mate­ rials failures for Macinnis Bigg Associates, Vancouver.

John A. McLean, a professor in the De­ partment of Forest Sciences at UBC, ob­ tained his B.Sc. (1965) and M.Sc. (1968) from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and his Ph.D. from Simon Fraser University, B.C. (1976). His ma­ jor research interests are the ecology and management of forest insects, especially the semiochemical ecology of ambrosia beetles, and the utilization of semiochemicals in pest management systems to reduce the economic impact of these insects.

Peter D. Wentzell obtained a B.Sc. from Dalhousie University (1982) and his Ph.D. from Michigan State University (1987). After completing postdoctoral work with A. P. Wade at UBC, he joined the faculty of Dalhousie University as an assistant professor in 1989, where he is a member of the Trace Analytical Research Centre in the Chemistry Department. His current research interests are in the areas of chemometrics (with emphasis on digi­ tal filtering and response surface method­ ologies), flow injection analysis, and chemical sensors.


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