Multiple scan averaging. Get the full story on the Model 6001 from EG&G. PARC. Call or drop us a note. We have bro- chures, application notes and a ...
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Analyze from another point of view... PHOTOACOUSTIC SPECTROSCOPY

... sucn varied samples as: •

• Clays


• Gels • • • •

Rare earths Suspensions Semiconductors Cosmetics

• Catalysts • Plastics • •

Organometallic c o m p o u n d s Polymers

• • • • • • • •

Paint chips Vegetable materials Foodstuffs Biological tissues Bacterial cultures Fabrics T L C plates Phosphors

THE EG&G PARC M O D E L 6001 FEATURES: Microprocessor control 200 nm-1600 nm spectral range ' 2 nm spectral bandwidth Realtime source compensation Self-contained memory & X-Y recorder Differential and ratiometric capability M u l t i p l e scan averaging Get the full story on the M o d e l 6001 from EG&G PARC. Call or drop us a note. W e have bro­ chures, application notes and a bibliography which are yours free for the asking. EG&G PRINCETON APPLIED RESEARCH, P. O . Box 2565, Princeton, Ν J 08540; 609/452-2111. 163 for additional information only


