and custom software, we have configured the. Model 351 Corrosion MeasurementSystem. Imagine running eight different experiments simultaneously! Write ...
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The elegant touch for computer-assisted electrochemistry^^^

A new family of electrochemical instrumentation from EG&G Princeton Applied Research Corporation! The Model 1000 System Processor is designed for optimum interfacing with both the user and our new potentiostats. The user communicates with the Model 1000 with our unique soft touch system or through an optional keyboard in BASIC. The Models 2 7 2 / 2 7 3 Potentiostat/Galvanostats incorporate features such as a new low noise design and interfacing via GPIB, RS232C, or a proprietary high speed bus to the Model 1000. With this powerful instrumentation and custom software, we have configured the Model 3 5 1 Corrosion Measurement System. Imagine maemaemmmmmimmm running eight different experiments simultaneously! Write or call to get the full details on this remarkable approach to computer-assisted electrochemistry.

EG&G T^^*


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P.O.BOX 2565 · PRINCETON, Ν J 08540, U.S.A. · 609/452-2111 · TELEX: 843409

EG&G PARC will conduct a series of free seminars on polarography & electrochemistry in room TS101 at the Pittsburgh Conference. Stop by Booths 112-119 for a seminar schedule. CIRCLE 124 ON READER SERVICE CARD

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