eh sargent & co. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

pearance, underground and underwater packaging ... LOW COST. Extreme resistance in electrode or solution is completely compatible with Sargent or...
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NEW BOOKS difficult to use. This book was origi­ nally written for first year university students but was expanded to include material for more advanced classes. The book covers: dissociation con­ stants, buffered solutions, and solubility constants; apparatus and techniques; preliminary tests; separation in groups, thcorv, and practical details; analysis of Groups I, II, III, IV, V, & VI; analysis for anions; confirmation of an­ ions; an appendix covering bench re­ agents and side reagents; and an index.

Searching t h e Chemical Literature. A d v a n c e s in C h e m i s t r y Series N o .

30. 326 pages, American Chemical Society, Special Issues Sales, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. 1961. $6.50. This book is a re\'ision and enlarge­ ment of Advances in Chemistry Series No. 4 issued 10 years ago. The 31 papers included in the new edition are based on ones presented by the Divi­ sions of Chemical Literature and Chem-

ical Education at national meetings of the American Chemical Society from 1947 to 1956. It surveys the use of indexes and abstracting; discusses name, nomencla­ ture, and language problems; literature sources; government sources; and searching techniques. It has a 22-page index. The new edition offers updated ver­ sions of all but 3 of the original papers presented in Advances No. 4. Most of these were prepared by the original authors. Twelve new papers have also been added.

Advances in Electronic Circuit Pack­ aging. Vols. 1 and 2. Plenum Press, 227 West 17th St., New York ΙΙ,Ν.Υ. 1962. Vol.1, $12.50. Vol. 2, $12.50. Both volumes. $23.00.

A c t u a l laboratory application s h o w i n g Sargent C o n ­ stant Rate Burette w i t h Magnetic Stirrer, p H RE­ C O R D I N G A D A P T E R , and M o d e l SR Recorder.

For Recording pH



1 millivolt per pH unit

O u t p u t adjustable to give full scale recorder deflection for 1 t o 14 pH

EXCELLENT STABILITY Drift less than 0.01 p H / h o u r


Extreme resistance in electrode or solution is completely compatible with Sargent or other high quality potentiometric recorders through this new instrument, which transmits potential without distortion but converts impedance to lower values. An electrometer circuit—stable, linear and of high resistance—provides smooth, non-interrupted conversion with output at maximum sensitivity approxi­ mately 1 millivolt per pH unit. Adjustable sensitivity and variable displacement give flexibility in setting pH range of the recorder. Accommodates standard commercial glass and reference electrodes. For pH titration, the Sargent Constant Rate Burettes, which may be synchron­ ously driven from Sargent Recorders, are useful adjuncts. S-72172 pH ADAPTER-Sargent Recorder. Without electrodes $140.00 Designed and Manufactured by E. H. Sargent & Co. W r i t e for Bulletin R A


E.H. SARGENT t CO.,4647 W.FOSTER AVE..CHICAGD 30,ILL Detroit 4. Mich. · Dallas 35, Texas · Birmingham 4, A l a . · Springfield, New Jersey • A n a h e i m , Calif.

S A R G E N T SCIENTIFIC L A B O R A T O R Y I N S T R U M E N T S - A P P A R A T U S - S U P P L I E S - C H E M I C A L S Circle No. 179 on Readers' Service Card

82 A


Volume 2 comprises the Proceedings of the Second International Electronic Circuit Packaging Symposium held at Boulder, Colo, in August 1961. The twenty-four technical papers contained in this book are all written by engineers and designers from leading electronic companies. The areas covered extend from the microscopic to the macro­ scopic, with particular emphasis on packaging materials, packaging for outer space vehicles, packaging for ap­ pearance, underground and underwater packaging, interconnections in packag­ ing, and packaging economics. "Advances in Electronic Circuit Packaging" Volume 1, the Proceed­ ings of the First International Elec­ tronic Circuit Packaging Symposium held in 1960, currently out of print, will also be available earlv in 1962.

The Journal of Chemical Documen­ tation. 1155 16th St., N.W., Wash­ ington 6, D. C. Subscription: ACS members $7.00; nonmembers $10.00. The Journal of Chemical Documen­ tation, which deals with every phase of the broad subject of documenta­ tion, is rounding out its first j-ear. Originally projected as a semiannual publication, JCD has become a quar­ terly in 1962. JCD is edited by Dr. Herman Skolnik of the Hercules Powder Co. It was founded in 1961 at the urging of the ACS Division of Chemical Litera­ ture. While primarily an organ for the publication of papers and sym­ posia presented before the meetings of that Division, it also includes articles written for the journal by experts in pertinent fields.