Eight-coordination. I. Dodecahedral vanadium(IV) complexes with

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Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 11, No. 7, 1972 1543

DODECAHEDRAL V(1V) COMPLEXES The complexes were prepared according to standard procedures. I n general the ligand (0.002 mol for ligands except DP, PN, and P D N which were used in 0.001-mol quantities) was added dropwise in dry benzene or methylene chloride (ca. 10 ml) to a solution of the tin tetrahalide (0.001 mol) in the same solvent (ca. 10 ml). I n most cases the complex separated immediately or soon after mixing. Complex I separated as an oil which crystallized slowly beneath petroleum ether (bp 40-60’). Complex X could not be prepared in methylene chloride since rapid exchange took place in this solvent to precipitate complex I X . Complexes XXIV and XXV are freely miscible in petroleum ether and could not be recrystallized. The DMSO complexes VI1 and VI11 were prepared by the general method of Cotton, et aLSQ (39) F. A. Cotton and R . Francis, J . Amev. Chem. Soc., 82, 2986 (1960).

The complexes are usually white powders or microcrystalline solids (from SnCla) or colored crystalline solids (from SnBra and SnI4) and were characterized by melting point and published infrared spectra if known. New compounds, which are starred in Table I, were characterized by melting point and infrared spectral comparisons with similar, published complexes. Microanalytical data for C, H, and Sn were recorded only for key examples of these parallel series and are listed in Table I.

Acknowledgment.-Our work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant GP-16544. We thank Professor Luigi M. Venanzi for helpful discussions.




Eight-Coordination. I. Dodecahedral Vanadium(1V) Complexes with Sulfur-Chelating Ligands BY 0. PIOVESANA*



Received June 8 , 1971 Dithiocarboxylates (L = CeH6-CSS- = dtb-, P-CH3-CeHa-CSS- = dtt-, CHa-CSS- = dta-, ceH&H~-cSs- = dtpa-) react with both VOz+ion and V(II1) to give stable VL4 complexes. Magnetic measurements, infrared spectra, and molecular weight measurements in solution are consistent with eight-coordinated V(1V). Epr and preliminary X-ray results demonstrate an approximate Dzd geometry for the VSSchromophores. Electronic spectra are discussed.

Introduction Increasing interest is being shown in the chemistry of complexes involving second-row donor atoms, especially sulfur. A main stimulus is the rationalization of the increasing number of unusual steric and electronic properties of these complexes, on the basis of specific differences in polarizability, covalency, T bonding ability, etc., between second- and first-row donor atoms. Related to these studies are recent preparations and characterizations of some V(1V) complexes with sulfur-chelating ligands. Direct reaction of V 0 2 + ion with RzNCSz- in water gives “normal” VO(R2NCSz)z for which the usual CdU symmetry has been suggested. Eight-coordinate V(RzNCS2)4 complexes are ~ b t a i n e d ~from - ~ insertion reactions of CS2 and V(NR2)4 in dry cyclohexane, under dry, oxygenfree conditions. Apart from some “noninnocent” 1,2-dithiolene~~-~ and S2P(OEt)z- (which produces V(III),sthe behavior toward V 0 2 + of no other system of this type has been characterized, in contrast to the hundreds of V 0 2 + complexes with N, 0, or C1 donor ligands which have been studied in detail.‘O (1) B J. McCormick, Inorg. Chem , ‘7, 1965 (1968). (2) G Vigee and J. Selbin, J . Inovg. Nucl. Chem., 81, 3187 (1969). (3) D. C. Bradley and M . H. Gitlitz, J . Chem. Soc. A , 1162 (1969). (4) E. C. Alyea and D. C . Bradley, zbzd., 2330 (1968). ( 6 ) D. C. Bradley, R . H. Moss, and K. S. Sales, Chem. Commun, 1266 (1969). (6) M . Colapietro, A Vaciago, D. C. Bradley, M . B . Hursthouse, and I . F . Rendall, ibzd., 743 (1970). (7) J A. McCleverty, J. Locke, B Ratcliff, and E J. Wharton, Inovg. Chsm. Acta, 283 (1969). ( 8 ) N. M . Atherton, J. Locke, and A J. McCleverty, Chem. I n d . (London), 1300 (1965). (9) C. Furlani, A. A. G. Tomlinson, P . Porta, and A. Sgamellotti, J . Chem. Soc. A , 2929 (1970). (10) J. Selbin, Coord. Chem. Rev., 1, 293 (1966).

I n this paper an extension of the coordination chemistry of dithiocarboxylates to V(1V) is described. The main result is the cleavage of the oxo-vanadium bond by R-CSS- ions with the consequent formation of V(R-CSS), species for which an eight-coordinate, dodecahedral structure is established. A preliminary interpretation of the electronic structure is also given. Experimental Section

Vc&,VOSO4.2Hz0, VOClz.nHz0, VCL.-These compounds were obtained commercially and were used as received. Ligands.-Acids and sodium salts were prepared following known procedures: C6Hs-CSSH(dtbH),11 p-CH3-CeH4-CSSH (dttH),laCH3-CSSH (dtaH),13CsH&H&SSH (dtpaH).14 Complexes.-The vanadium(1V) complexes with the above dithiocarboxylates may be obtained very easily as impure products. Addition of an aqueous solution of vanadyl chloride or sulfate to aqueous solutions of the sodium salts of the ligands causes immediate precipitation of dark yellow, gummy masses. Little, if any, difference may be noted among the behavior of the different ligands. Powders were obtained, on washing and drying these products, which gave chemical analyses roughly in agreement with a stoichiometry V(RCSS)d. Powders with approximately the Same elemental analyses and melting points can be obtained by adding the ligands, as free acids, dissolved in the minimum amount of ether, to an alcoholic solution of vanadyl sulfate or chloride. Replacement of vanadyl salts by vanadium trichloride leads t o similar products in both water and alcohol. In spite of their simplicity, the two methods described are not suitable since attempts to purify the crude products by recrystallization from inert solvents, chromatography, etc., were unsuccessful. Decomposition occurred in all cases. T o avoid this difficulty, a procedure had to be found which gave pure reaction products directly, for reliable and reproducible chemical and physical measurements.’ The following methods were the most successful. (11) (12) (13) (14)

F . Bloch, C. R. Acad. Sci., 204, 1342 (1937). R . W. Bost and W. J. Mattox, J . Amev. Chem. Soc., 63, 332 (1930). J. Houben and H. Pohl, Be?., 40, 1726 (1907). J. Houben and H. Pohl, ibid., 40, 1303 (1907).


1544 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 11, No. 7, 1972

% Compd

V (dta )4 V(dtb)a V (dtpah V(dtt)a


. -----e




7 -











23.12 50.65 53.38 53.38

23.20 50.27 53.22 53.56

2.92 3.04 3.93 3.93

2.88 3.02 3.98 4.08

61.71 38.63 35.62 35.62

61.90 39.18 34.39 36.04

12.26 7.67 7.07 7.07

11.94 7.63 6.51 6.90

V(dtb)r.-To a variable, but known, volume of -0.03 M ligands. For V(dta)d, measurements were repeated by the Faraday method to correct for ferromagnetic impurities.16 solution of vanadyl chloride or vanadium trichloride in absolute ethanol was added an equal volume of a -0.3 M solution of the Molecular Weights.-Molecular weight measurements were dithiocarboxylic acid in ether. The addition was made dropwise performed with a Mechrolab Model 301A vapor pressure osmomover a period of -40 min, with stirring. Nitrogen was bubbled eter. Freshly prepared solutions in C?H?C12or CeHe were used, through the reaction mixture and additional ether was added since decomposition with time occurs in these and in any other when it occasionally became turbid. In the final reaction mixsolvent. V(dtpa)4: found, 610; calcd, 720; V(dta)a: found, 340; calcd, 416; V(dtb)a: found, 702; calcd, 664; V(dtt),: ture, ether was in the minimum amount to have a clear solution. Gradual crystallization was then achieved on slow evaporation found, 698; calcd, 720. a t room temperature. The first bright, dark red, transparent Infrared Spectra.-These were measured on Kujol and Fluorocrystals were obtained after several hours, mp 137'. Prolube mulls on Beckman IR 10 and Perkin Elmer 521 spectrogressive fractions of crystals were collected. The last ones photometers, in the region 5000-350 cm-'. had melting points progressively lower than the first and were Visible-Uv Spectra.-Both solution and solid-state spectra were discarded, since no suitable solvent was found to recrystallize recorded on a Beckman DK 1 A spectrophotometer. The inthem without decomposition. The yield of final product with vestigated ranges of concentrations for the solutions were 10-2m p 137' was -15yc, referred to original vanadium. Mfor the visible and 10-3-10-6 iM for the ultraviolet region. Different preparations gave quite reproducible elemental Single-crystal spectra (350-800 mp) were measured on a analyses, melting points, etc. Shimadzu MPS 50L spectrophotometer. V(dtpa)4, V(dta)r.-The same procedure as for V ( d t t ~ was )~ Epr Spectra.-These were recorded on a T'arian V 4502-12 il used to obtain these pure compounds. The first red, triclinic operated a t X-band frequencies. crystals of V(dtpa)a formed in about 24 hr, mp 84", yield -25%. Results and Discussion V(dta)a required 2-3 days to give dark-red, prismatic crystals, mp 115O,yield -8gZ. (A) Stoichiometry and Stereochemistry-In this V(dtt)d.-The compound can be isolated as above, mp 132O, section we describe how analytical data, magnetic yield -307,. Only microcrystalline powders were obtained in measurements, and spectroscopic methods were first this case since even a large excess of ether in the reaction mixture used to establish the stoichiometry and stereochemistry could not prevent fast precipitation. Well-formed, red crystals were obtained by adding a carbon disulfide solution of Z n ( d t t ) P of the V(R-CSS), complexes. Later, two collateral to a n absolute ethanol solution of vanadium trichloride and X-ray determinations became available and the agreecooling the reaction mixture a t 0' for -24 hr. ment between the two sets of results is discussed. Analytical data for the four new complexes are in Table I . Analytical data for the new compounds are reported Infrared and electronic spectra of the crystalline substances were similar to those of the crude products obtained from water in Table I. Magnetic measurements confirmed the or alcohol, so S'(R-CSS), has to be a main component of those presence of a dl system. powders. Magnetic Moments.-For V(dtpa)a, susceptibility The four complexes are similar in their properties. When pure, measurements show Curie-Weiss behavior with 8 = they are not air-sensitive and can be kept unaltered for long -20' suggesting magnetic interaction in the solid. periods. They are insoluble in polar solvents, and generally soluble in nonpolar ones. However, the solutions decompose However, the corrected value of peff was constant over rapidly and physical measurements were performed on them the whole temperature range (1.70 f 0.02 BM) and immediately after preparation. agreed with that (1.71 BM) calculated from the g Chemical Analyses.-Complex formation between YO2+ and value (1.978) (vide infra). V(dta)4 shows the same beEDTA4was used for the determination of vanadium. Watersoluble materials were obtained from the complexes after fusion havior in the range 77-200°K (perf = 1.72 i: 0.02, with a 507. mixture of iYa202 and Sa2C03. Fuming HSOs or 9 = - 2 0 ° ) , but between 200 and 293°K peff was found 70Y0 HClO, were ineffective. After reduction t o Y(I\') by to increase with temperature up to 1.87 BM a t 293°K. sodium sulfite a t p1-I -5 a small excess of EDTA was added and The presence of ferromagnetic impurities, undetectt h e resulting solution was titrated with ZnCL, using standard able by chemical analyses, seems to be the most probprocedures.'6 Xylenol Orange was used as indicator. Treatment with an H2SOa-HN08 mixture, folloiwd by reable origin of this phenomenon, since the Faraday duction with zinc amalgam and titration with K I v ~ O gave ~ , ~ ~ method gave a 1::; of 1.74 BM. nonreproducible results, probably because of interference by the For V(dtb), and V(dtt)4 the Curie-Weiss law was organic decomposition products formed. not obeyed and peff values were between 1.70-1.79 and C, H , and S analyses were performed by Alfred Bernhardt Mikroanalytisches Laboratorium, the Scandinavian Mikro1.68-1.75 BM, respectively, in the range 92-295°K. analytical Laboratory, Herlev, Denmark, and Laboratorio di These magnetic moments do not show any simple Microanalisi, Padua, Italy. These laboratories reported that correlation with T'K, particularly that expected from high-temperature combustion was necessary because of the the presence of orbital angular momentum in the formation of very temperature-stable decomposition products. ground state.19 Again the presence of impurities Magnetic Moments .--Magnetic susceptibilities were measured on solid polycrystalline samples by the Gouy method, between seems to be the most probable origin of the observed -90 and -300'K and a t several field strengths to check for magnetic interactions. anti- and ferromagnetism. Pascal's constants were used to On the whole, although the present experimental correct the measurements for diamagnetism of the cation and the (15) J. P. Fackler, Jr., D. Coucouvanis, J. A. Fetchin, and W. C. Seidel, J . Amer. Chem. SOL.,90, 2784 (1968). (16) F. J. Welcher, "The Analytical Use of EDTA," 2nd ed, Van Nost r a n d , Princeton, N. J, 1961. (17) A. T. Vogel, "Quantitative Inorganic Analyses," Longmans, Green a n d Co., New York, PIT. Y., 1961, p 319.

material in some case does not allow a detailed interpretation, little doubt is left about a +4 oxidation state

(18) A, E. Earnshaw, "Introduction t o Magnetochemistry," Academic Press, N e w York, N. Y., a n d London, 1968. (19) B. N. Figgis, "Introduction t o Ligand Fields," Interscience, New York, N.Y., 1966.


Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 11, No. 7, 1972 1545



447 w


540 vw


600 w, br 725 w

Not assigned Comb.

860 s


1020 w


1100 sh


1147 s\ 1173 1270 w 1357 m



1300 CM-1




450 vw 470 m 575 m

437 w

453 w

r(pheny1 ring)

569 vw

Phenyl and -CHa

615 vw

613 vw 668 w

563 vw 592 w 630 vw

{E z 690 s 752 s 798 w 810 w

{E:: {;E;

678 s 760 s 802 vw 840 vw


a (C-c-C)


790 m 820 s

n(C-H) mono- or disubstituted benzene ring n(C-H) wx Not assigned

948 s 982 w

8, (CSS)

850 sh


&(CHa) Comb.

1020 VSb 1072 s 1127 vs 1150 sh 1180 w 1200 w

a Abbreviations: T , out-of-plane bending; p, vibrations; U , wagging; comb., combination.

930 sh 945 ms 980 sh 1000 w 1015 s

is required in the VL4 unit. Obviously, a coordination number of 4 could also be attained, e.g., as in

and the intermediate cases are a third possibility. Since differently conjugated bonds in the CSS groups

Ring breathing i,,(CSS) 8aa (CSS) ?

1160 sh 1180 m 1210 sh 1230 sh 1290 w? 1260 vs 1335 w 1320 w in-plane bending; 8, deformation; Possibly s,(CSS).

for the vanadium atom. This conclusion is further supported by the epr measurements (vide infra). The reactivity of the dithiocarboxylates toward V 0 2 + or V(II1) to produce air-stable V(RCSS)d in strongly oxygenated solvents involves a t least three different features which are unusual for both the metal and the ligands. (a) Since the oxidation state of vanadium is preserved in the reactions involving V 0 2 + ion, one step must necessarily be the cleavage of the vanadium-oxygen multiple bond. Since this bond is commonly described using the dz2*, dzZ*,and dyz*antibonding orbitals of the metal ion, a transition state is suggested in which an unusually strong interaction between these orbitals and the ligand a-orbital system exists. (b) Oxidation of V(II1) to produce VL4 complexes contrasts with the general reducing character of sulfur-containing ligands and indicates stabilization of the +4 oxidation state of the vanadium atom in complexes of this type. (c) The presence of an uncommon VSS chromophore is suggested in these complexes. Infrared Spectra and Molecular Weights.-For eight-coordination to be achieved, a common structure

1000 sh 1020 sh 1031 s

Not assigned

1128 vw 1180 vs 1240 sh

Not assigned P(C-H) ax and 6(C-H)

1262 vs i; (phenyl-C) 1315 w ;(C-c)phenyl i;, stretching; w x , substituent-sensitive phenyl

should give O(CSS) stretching modes a t different frequencies, ir spectra have been used to distinguish between different cases. Infrared frequencies for the VL4 complexes are in Table 11; in Table I11 selected frequencies for other dithiocarboxylato compounds are reported for comparison. The assignments in Table I1 have been made by comparison with the spectra of the free the corresponding carboxymethyl dithio esters,2 3 and square-planar NiLz complexes21*22 (involving the same ligands as the VL4 complexes) in which a bidentate structure for the ligands has been proved by spectroscopic and X-ray A strong band in the vicinity of 1225 cm-I and a medium-intensity band a t about 670 cm-l have been identified by Bak, et u Z . , ~ ~as n(C=S) and 5(C-S), respectively, for the dithio esters. These assignments have been confirmed by Bellamy and RogaschZ7via solvent studies. I n aliphatic dithio acids ii(C=S) and n(C-S) are little shifted from the former values while in aromatic dithio acids these frequencies are found a t lower and higher energies, respectively.21 If a monodentate ligand were present in VL4 complexes, similar bands a t approximately the same frequencies as o(C=S) and p(C--S) of the corresponding dithio esters or dithio acids would be expected. I n no case were bands attrib(20) R. Mecke and H. Spiesecke, Ber., 89, 1110 (1956). (21) A. Flamini, C. Furlani, 0. Piovesana, and A. Sgamellotti, to be submitted for publication. (22) M . Maltese, t o be submitted for publication. (23) B. Bak, L. Hansen-Nygaard, and C. Pedersen, Acta Chem. S c a d . , 1'2, 1451 (1958). (24) C. Furlani and M. L. Luciani, Inorg. Chem., 7 , 1586 (1968). (25) M . Bonamico and G. Dessy, Chem. Commun., 324 (1969). (26) M . Bonamico, G. Dessy, and V. Fares, ibid., 1106 (1969). (27) L. J. Bellamy and P. E. Rogasch, J . Chem. Soc., 2218 (1960).

1546 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 11, No. 7, 1972





. ^


Inorganic Chemistry, VoZ. 11, No. 7 , 1972 1547

DODECAHEDRAL V(1V) COMPLEXES utable t o these vibrations found in the spectra of the vanadium complexes. 28 Instead new bands appear a t markedly lower and higher frequencies, respectively. This is consistent with S R-S4bH




Thus we tentatively assign these new bands to the antisymmetric ij,,(CSS) and symmetric ij, (CSS) stretching modes of the chelated ligands. Moreover, these frequencies are found in the same regions and often a t the same energies as those assigned as ij,, and ij, for the corresponding NiL2 complexes, the residual features of the VLd and NiLz spectra being completely similar. This can be seen in Figure 1 for L = dtb-.

tronic spectra of these solutions with those of either Nujol mulls or single crystals implies the presence of substantially the same species in the two media. The molecular weights never indicated polymeric units. Indeed, except for V(dtb)c, measured values were rather lower than the theoretical ones, suggesting that decomposition of the solutions, which is not completely avoidable, is connected with some dissociation reactions. Epr Spectra,-Table IV and Figure 2 report epr

Figure 2.-Epr







c m-1 Figure 1.-Infrared spectra (Nujol mulls) of V(dtb)r and Ni(dtb)t in the region 2000-600 cm-l.

Thus although there might be some doubt as to the exact assignment of the CSS modes,20,22 mainly because of the complexity of ligand vibrations, the above arguments strongly suggest a chelated bidentate structure for each ligand in the vanadium dithiocarboxylato complexes. This does not prove the existence of eight-coordination. I n fact, a different coordination number could be achieved via a bridging as well as chelating character of some of the four dithiocarboxylato groups (see U(CH3C00)429). The existence of the vanadium atom in monomeric units has been verified by molecular weight measurements in freshly prepared solutions in C2H4C12or CeHe. The close similarity of the elec(28) Previous assignment (0.Piovesana and C. Furlani, Chem. Commun., 256 (1971)) of D,,(CSS) at 1264 cm-1 should be changed following ref 20. (29) I . Jelenic, D. Grdenic, and A. Bezjak, Acta Cvystallogr., 17, 758 (1 964).

room-temperature powder spectra of the four VLa complexes.

results on the four vanadium dithiocarboxylates. These data indirectly confirm a 4-4 oxidation state for the central metal ion since V(V) has no unpaired electrons and V(II1) usually does not give epr spectra, due t o the high zero-field splitting. Furthermore, the generally anisotropic signals rule out a regular octahedral or tetrahedral configuration and this confirms the suggestions of the infrared spectra. Magnetic measurements show, most clearly in V(dtpa)r and V(dta)r, that there are no orbital angular momentum contributions (usually present for a TPg ground state). The epr spectra confirm this. Clearly the V(1V) atom is in a field of noncubic symmetry and this supports the view that it is eight-coordinated. The factors determining the stereochemical configuration of an eight-coordinate compound have been variously stressed by different authors and no detailed prediction is possible to date.a0 Valence-bond theory can be used qualitatively, in the present case, to restrict the choice of stereochemistry to two idealized structures, on the basis of the type of orbitals required to construct the proper set of hybridized orbitals directed from the vanadium atom t o eight ligand atoms located a t the corners of various ideal polyhedra. Apart from the hendecahedron (Go symmetry), which never has been observed for a “d”” metal ion, only the dodecahedron (DZdsymmetry) and the square antiprism (Ddd Symmetry) do not require the use of “f”-type orbitals.” Orbitals of this type are too high in energy t o be involved in bonding in the case of vanadium. Room-temperature powder spectra are interpreted (30) S. J. Lipgard, Pvogu. Inovg. Chem., 8 , 109 (1967), and references therein.


1548 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 11, No. 7, 1972

by the method of K n e ~ b i i h l . ~As ' can be seen from Figure 2, the spectrum of V(dtpa)r shows a broad, alalmost isotropic signal, while those of V(dta)4, V(dtb)r, and V(dtt)4clearly show axial symmetry with g l > g 1. D4d geometry requires that the v4+electron be in a d,? orbital (A1 symmetry), directed along the 8 axis. Dad geometry requires that the electron be in a dZ2+ orbital (B1symmetry), perpendicular to the 3 axis. Taking the magnetic field to be parallel t o the z axis, then for the antiprism gll > gl and for the dodecahedron gll < g l . The data for V(dta)4, V(dtb)4, and V(dtt)4 clearly indicate that a D2d symmetry is present. For V(dtpa)4 magnetic exchange phenomena are probably important and asymmetry is evident from the broadness of the band; lower temperatures are probably needed to observe splitting of the g parameter. I n fact, a preliminary X-ray investigation by Bonamico, et al.(vide infra), shows an approximately dodecahedral structure for this molecule. A more detailed epr investigation is in progress and will be discussed in a subsequent paper. X-Ray Analyses.-The evidence so far accumulated for the existence of VSB chromophores and their geometry in the four V(1V) dithiocarboxylato complexes, a t least in two cases, is unambiguously verified by the preliminary results of two X-ray analyses, carried out on V ( d t ~ a ) ~ and ~ 2V(dta)4.33 The vanadium atom was found to be coordinated to eight sulfur atoms in these complexes, as shown in Figure 3 and ref 32.


7 0




''most favorable parameters" should be OA = 35.2", 73.5", andRA/RB = 1.03. I n V(dtpa)d the experimental shape parameters are found to be BA = 37.6", OB = 76.0, and RA/RB = 1.02, the Dzd-22m symmetry being nearly achieved in the VS8 chromophore (belonging t o Id subclass) .32 I n V(dta)4 two independently coordinated vanadium atoms V(1) and V(2) comprise the asymmetric unit in the elementary cell. The arrangement of the eight sulfur atoms around V ( l ) is specified by eA = 35.1", OB = 77.0", and RA/RB= 1.02, and that around V(2) is specified by Bp, = 38.0°, OB = 70.0°, RA/RB = 1.02. The V ( l ) complex belongs to Id subclass, while the V(2) stereoisomer belongs to lid subclass.a3 The two 3 axes lie in a plane parallel to the ac plane and make an angle of about 70".3 3 (B) Electronic Spectra.-Details of the electronic spectra of the four vanadium dithiocarboxylato complexes are in Table V. The absorption maxima of the free ligands are also shown for comparison. The general shape of the spectra of the complexes is dominated by a very high-intensity, broad absorption in the near-uv region. This masks the bands in the lower energy regions, which are observable only as shoulders in many cases. There is no resolution a t low temperature and the molar extinction coefficients are inaccurate. Spectra measured both on single crystals (for which better resolution is achieved) and on Nujol mulls resemble those of freshly prepared solutions in nonpolar solvents. (See Figures 4 and 5 for pertinent spectra.) OB =



Figure 3.-The V(dta)c structure projected along the b axis. VI and VZare the two independently coordinated vanadium atoms in the unit cella4

I n a dodecahedral coordination, the metal atom position, a t the center of the polyhedron, has Dzd-&2m site symmetry. The eight donor atom sites are equally divided into symmetry-equivalent sets of four, A and B, respectively, comprising two interpenetrating bisphenoids. In order to specify the shape of the dodecahedron three parameters are required : the angles BA and OB, which the bonds M-A and M-B make with the unique axis, and the ratio of the bond lengths R A / R B . According to Hoard and S i l ~ e r t o n ,the ~~ (31) F. K. Kneubiihl, J . Chem. P h y s . , 33, 1074 (1960). (32) M. Bonamico, G. Dessy, V. Fares, P. Porta, and L. Scaramuzza, Chem. Commaiz., 365 (1971). (33) L. Fanfani, A. Nunzi, P. F. Zanazzi, and A. R. Zanzari, submitted for publication in Acta Cuystallogv. (34) J. L. Hoard and J. V. Silverton, IFzovg. Chem., 2 , 235 (1963).







Figure 4.--Absorption spectra: -, V(dta)a, single crystal; CHZCla; , V(dtpa)&in Nujol mull at 77'K.

_ _ _ , V(dtpa)d in


The nature of the solvent appears to influence the intensity of the bands. The present experimental information is not sufficient for determining whether these changes are simply connected with a different resolution of the bands or to some slight stereochemical modification. Spectra of aged solutions show marked deviations from solid-state spectra. Despite uncertainty as to the exact location of the absorption maxima and their intensity, the general


Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 11, No. 7 , 1972 1549

1 390







5.-Absorption spectra: -, V(dtb), in CHZC12; _ _ _ _ , V(dtb)a in Nujol mull; V(dtth in CHzClz; . . . . . . . . . ., V(dtt)r in Nujol mull at 77°K. Figure


patterns of the spectra lead to a relatively simple classification. (1) Bands between -30 and -34 kK are due to intraligand transitions. Similar bands are found in dithiocarboxylato complexes of other metals and have already been assigned to R -F a* (2) One or two very intense bands (shoulders) are

aliphatic- or aryl-aliphatic- to aryl-substituted dithiocarboxylato complexes. While the bands between -12 and -20 kK in V(dta)4 and V(dtpa)4 can reasonably be assigned as mainly d-d bands, the higher intensity of the corresponding bands in V(dtb)4 and V(dtt)4, except possibly that a t -13 kK, points to strong mixing of the metal and ligand valence orbitals. A ligand field description is inadequate in such cases and assignment of the bands may be made only by complete MO calculations. A similar situation is found in Ni(dtb)z and Ni(dtt)221124 and has tentatively been related to the extension of x conjugation over both the CSS group and the phenyl ring.24 The relative d-orbital energies of transition metal ions in eight-coordinate complexes with Dz,symmetry have recently been calculated using a point-charge modeLa9 These energies were shown to be sensitive to the detailed geometry assumed (values of RA/RB, $A, OB) and also to the crystal-field parameters Dq and Cp. A point-charge model is of limited validity in cases such as the present one. However, because of its simplicity, it is of interest to attempt a qualitative fit of the spectra of V(dtpa)4 and V(dta)4, for which d-d bands can be identified with greater confidence and the RA/RB,OA, and OB parameters are known from X-ray work. The energies of the vanadium d orbitals in V ( d t ~ a )and ~ in the two independently coordinated vanadium atoms (V(1) and V(2)) in V(dta)4, calculated using the algebraic expressions given by Garner and M a b b ~ are , ~ ~reported in Table VI, as functions of


dze dzz,,, dw

-5.33420~- 0.78150q +0.52lODq 4-5.07320~-

+ +

0.2364Cp 0.2364Cp 0.0979Cp 0.2364Cp



V(1j (dta)4


-5.lOllDq - 0.4442C9 +O .0387Dq 0.4442Cp -0.02580~ O.ZO19Cp +5.1139Dq - 0.4442Cp

present for each complex at about 22 and 27 kK, respectively, and are most probably charge transfer in origin, in view of their intensity. A much less intense band is present in the free ligands a t about the same frequency as the lower frequency band in the complexes, but its assignment could be hardly the same since in the free ligands it corresponds to an n --t T * transition localized on the C=S g r o ~ p , ~ ~ Jwhich ~y should be found a t sensibly different energy when the sulfur atoms are coordinated. For the bands a t -27 kK, a CT state could possibly be mixed with a a 3 x* state. (3) For each complex, several bands are observed between -12 and -20 kK, ;.e., the region in which d-d transitions are expected. v C 1 4 . 2 d i a r ~ ~and ~ V(S2CNEt2)4,* the only previously known eight-coordinate V(1V) complexes, exhibit d-d bands at 13.2 and 15.6 kK, respectively. The intensity of these bands is strongly dependent on the nature of the ligand substituents; ;.e., it is strongly increased on going from (35) D.Coucouvanis, Pvogu. Inovg. Chem., 11,311 (1970),and references therein. (36) M. Bossa, J. Chem. SOC.B , 1182 (1969). (37) A. Flamini, C. Furlani, and 0. Piovesana, J . Inovg. Nucl. Chem., 88, 1841 (1971). (38) P.H.Clark, J. Lewis, and R. S. Nyholm, J. Chem. Soc., 2460 (1962).

+ +


-5.03390~- 2.0366Dq 1.35770q +4.35510p -



+ 0.5260Cp + 0.2458Cp


Dq and Cp. I n all three cases, d,?-,p is the lowest lying d orbital, in agreement with the epr spectra. In V(dtpa)r the relative ordering of the d-orbital energies, for any CplDp ratio between 2 and 8 (which are the approximate limits for a wide range of first-row transition metal ions and me@-ligand distances) 40 is d,Z-,= < d,z < d,,,,, < dZu. According to this scheme, the spectrum of V(dtpa)4 should show three d-d bands, that a t highest frequency being attributable to the dxz-,e d,, transition, the energy of which is a function only of Dp. From Table V I it can be seen that if an energy of 19 kK is assigned to d,2.+ -+ d,,, a Dp value of 1826 cm-I is obtained, which gives a Cp value of 9897 cm-I if an energy of 14 kK is assigned to d2z-,2 -t dxc,yr. Using the experimental ratio Cp/Dq = 5.4, a frequency of 12.99 kK is calculated for the third transition d,Z+ --t d,z. This result is matched by the presence of the band at -12.5 kK. A more complicated d-d spectrum is predicted for solid V(dta)4, due to the presence of two independent vanadium atoms in the unit cell. Assuming the same ~

(39) C.D.Garner and F. E. Mabbs, J . Chem. SOC. A , 1711 (1970). (40) C. Ballhausen and E. M. Ancon, K g l . Dan. Vidensk. Selsk.. M a l . Fys. M e d d . , 81, 3 (1958).

1550 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 11, No. 7, 1972


ratio, Cp/Dq = 5.4, as found for V(dtpa)4 the sequences obtained are as follows: V(1), dX2+ < d,,,,, < d,i < dzu;V(2), dxz-y2< dzi < d,, < dzz.yz. Room-temperature Nujol mull spectra of V(dta)4 show only two very broad shoulders a t -12 and -19 kK. Better resolved single-crystal spectra show nu-

merous shoulders in the region in which d-d transitions are expected, giving an a t least qualitative agreement with the above scheme. Single-crystal polarized spectra and epr spectra are planned in order to give a more detailed description of the electronic structure of the complexes described.


Transition Metal Eight-Coordination. IV. Tetrakis(5,7-disubstituted-8-quinolinolato)tungsten(V) Salts1 BY RONALD D. ARCHER,* WESLEY D. BONDS,



Received Se9tember 7 , 1971 Violet, paramagnetic [WQ4] + ions have been synthesized by a variety of methods and appear to be the first complexes of tungsten(V) possessing four chelate ligands. The 5,7-dichloro-8-quinolinol derivative has been synthesized by the reaction of either KaWzC19 or W(C0)s with excess ligand a t elevated temperatures for extended time periods or by treating the corresponding tungsten(1V) inner complex with Clz, Brz, or HClO4 a t room temperature or with additional ligand a t elevated temperatures. T h e 7-bromo-5-methyl-8-quinolinol-tungsten(V) species is rapidly produced in the melt reaction of the ligand with W(C0)s. The [WQdlX salts, where X- = C1-, Rr-, Clod-, or Q-, disproportionate in alcoholic or aqueous KOH t o WQ4 and tungsten(V1). Electronic transitions of the [WQa] species consist of several bands in the near-infrared and visible region in addition to the normal ligand spectral transitions A magnetic moment of 1.7 BM, a (g) value of 1 872, and a I*3W hyperfine splitting of 85 G were observed for the dichloro derivative a t room temperature. Low-temperature electron spin resonance spectra exhibit three anisotropic g values indicative of isomerization from the Dzd-rnnzrnvz isomer found for a related 5-bromo-8-quinolinol-tungsten(IV) chelate.'&

Introduction Well-defined, eight-coordinate complexes of the transition elements in which the same element occurs in two oxidation states are indeed rare.2 Eight-coordinate cations are also relatively s c a ~ c e . ~We ' ~ have previously isolated WQ4-type species, where Q- is the anion of an 8-quinolinol d e r i ~ a t i v e . ~We wish to report the isolation of [WQ4]X salts, where X- is C1-, Br-, or C104-. The molybdenum(V) and -(IV) and tungsten(V) and -(IV) octacyano series are the only other eight-coordinate d1 and d2 pairs known.5 Whereas the octacyanomolybdenum(1V) complex appears more stable than the molybdenum(V) species, the octacyanotungsten(V) complex is of comparable stability with the tungsten(1V) complex.6 Further-

more, recent X-ray results' with the octacyano complexes show that dodecahedral and antiprismatic configurations are both accessible for identical MLsnspecies. Whether this is true of complexes with different ligands or chelates with unequal donors, such as the WQ4 and [WQ,]+ complexes, is unknown. The dodecahedral configuration has been found for tetrakis ( 5 bromo-8-quinolinolato)tungsten(1V)-benzene, la the only chelate of these series for which suitable, untwinned crystals have been obtained to date. Results Synthesis.-Reactions which lead to the tetrakis(5,7-dichloro-8-quinolinolato)tungsten(V)ion include (where QClz = the anion of 5,7-dichloro-8-quinolinol) HQClz

WzCh3(1) (a) P a r t 111: W. D. Bonds, Jr., R . D. Archer, and W. C. Hamilton, Inovg. Chem., 10, 1764 (1971). (b) Abbreviations: HQC1n = 5,7-dichloro8-quinolinol; HQBrMe = 7-bromo-5-methyl-8-quinolinol; HQAc = 5acetyl-8-quinolinol; HQBr = 5-bromo-8-quinolinol; HQClNOi = 7-chloro5-nitro-8-quinolino1, etc.; HQ = 8-quinolinol a n d its derivatives in general. (c) Abstracted in p a r t from t h e P h . D . dissertation of W. D. B., University of Massachussetts, 1970. (2) S. J. Lippard, Prop?. Inoug. Chem., 8, 109 (1967). (3) (a) D. G. Hendricker a n d R. L . Bodner, Inovg. N u c l . Chem. Lett., 6, 187 (19701, a n d (b) R . L . Bodner and D. G. Hendricker, ibid., 6, 421 (1970), have recently synthesized a n extensive series of labile complexes with 1,8naphthyridine which are eight-coordinate: ( c ) A. Clearfield, P. Singh, a n d I. Bernal, J . Chem. SOC.D,389 (1970). (4) (a) R. D. Archer a n d W. D. Bonds, Jr., J . Amev. Chem. Soc., 89, 2236 (1967): (b) W. D. Bonds, Jr., and R . D. Archer, Inoug. Chem., 10, 2057 (1971). ( 5 ) I n addition t o ref 2, reviews considering eight-coordinate complexes include (a) J. L. Hoard a n d J. V. Silverton, ibid., 2, 235 (1963); (b) E. L. Muetterties and C. M. Wright, Q ~ Q Y ~Rev., . Chem. Soc., 21, 109 (1967); (c) R. V. Parish, Cooud. Chem. Rev., 1, 439 (1966); (d) J . S. Wood, ibid., 2 , 403 (1967): and earlier references such as (e) L. E. Marchi, W. C. Fernelius, a n d J. P . McReynolds, J . Amev. Chem. Soc., 65, 329 (1943). ( 6 ) (a) A. Samotus a n d B. Kosowicz, Puoc. Int. Co?zf. Coovd. Chem., IZth, 211 (1969); (b) A. Samotus, Puoc. 1121.Co?af. Cooud. Chem., I S t h , 2, 287 (1970).

+ W(QClz)4+ melt



W(CO)6 +%'(QClz)4 + [W(QClz)41(QClz)


HQClz melt

(7) (a) B. J , Corden, J. A. Cunningham, a n d R. Eisenherg, I n o v g . C h e m . , 9, 356 (1970). (b) L. D . C. Bok, J , G. Leipoldt, and S. S. Basson, Acta Cuyslallogv., Sect. B , 26, 684 (1970), present distorted dodecahedral and antiprismatic structures for the [W(CNs)]8- ion. Antiprismatic coordination for the corresponding d2 ions has also been observed [(c) J. Chojnacki, J. Grochowski, L . Lebioda, B. Oleksyn, and K. Stadnicka, Rocz. Chem., 43, 273 (1969); (d) S. S. Basson, L. D. C . Bok, and J. G. Leipoldt, Acta C v y s t d logv. Sect. B , 26, 1209 (1970)] even though the classical structure is known to be dodecahedral: (e) J. L. Hoard and H . H . Nordsieck, J . Amev. Chem. Soc., 61, 2853 (1939); cf. (f) J. L. Hoard, T. A. Hamor, and M . D. Glick, i b i d . , 90, 3177 (1968).