Eight Firms Will Use AMF Reactor - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

THE FIRST NUCLEAR REACTOR to be owned and operated by private industry for research in industrial and humanitarian fields will be built near New York...
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Eight Firms Will Use A M F Reactor Private industry's first nuclear reactor will be owned and operated near New York by leading industrial firms qpHE


KILL ΙΤ^2έ4> DOW CORNING SILICONE D E F O A M E R Use t h e space now w a s t e d o n foam t o increase your o u t p u t by as much as 1 0 0 % . For example: fe production of vacuum concen­ trated food product increased by 6 0 % ·> refinery still t h r o u g h - p u t i n ­ creased f r o m 1 5 0 0 to 2 5 0 0 barrels per day fr y i e l d of textile v a t dyes i n ­ creased b y 1 0 0 % And you get increased production immediately without installing expen­ sive new equipment. All you have to do in the case of most foamers is add a few parts per million of the water dilutable Antifoam AF Emulsion or, where solvents can be tolerated, a dispersion of Antifoam A . Both of these Dow Corning silicone defoamers are physiologically harmless. Both of them increase production * reduce processing time · eliminate the waste and fire hazard of boil-overs.




·*· owned and operated by private in­ dustry for research in industrial and hu­ manitarian fields will b e built near N e w York. AMF Atomics, a subsidiary of American Machine & Foundry, will build the reactor. A M F first revealed its plans last February (C&EN, page 7 0 8 ) , inviting other firms to participate on a coopera­ tive basis. Original plans called for the reactor to cost between $1 and $1.5 million, including supporting facilities. Current estimate is between $1.5 and $2.0 million. So far, seven other firms are planning to participate: American Tobacco, Continental Can, Corning Glass, Inter­ national Nickel, Chas. Pfizer, Socony Mobil Oil, and U. S. Rubber. AMF says other companies are expected to join the group shortly. N o definite site for the reactor has yet been chosen. However options have already been taken on two 250acre sites in N e w Jersey and N e w York within commuting distance of N e w York City. Construction of the Indus­ trial Reactor Laboratories, as the facility will be called, is scheduled to begin in early fall. It is expected to be ready

for use a year later. Final selection of the site is subject to A E C clearance. Operation of the lab will be directed by a leading university, according to a policy established by a board of direc­ tors to be made up of representatives of participating companies. Ownership will b e vested in a corporation in which each company will have an equal stock interest. Unitized Reactor Design. The re­ actor itself will be of AMF's own uni­ tized design which permits standardiza­ tion of certain components. This re­ sults in ease of modification which pre­ vents early obsolescence. It will be of the swimming pool type using ura­ nium fuel surrounded b y water serving as a moderator, cooler, and shield. Each participating company will be free t o perform its own industrial re­ search under conditions that wiD pro­ tect its o w n discoveries. Purpose of their research will be the development of n e w products, or n e w methods in their manufacture, that will be of wide­ spread consumer benefit. For instance, Corning plans investigations to deter­ mine more completely the effects on various glass and refractories and will use the reactor to produce new and

Showcase f o r Plastics New plastic research and development lab built by Rohm & Haas at Bristol, Pa., houses company's design staff, customer service group, and plastics research personneL Embracing 14,500 square feet, building is focal point of design and engineering service of company. Featured in the new structure are engineering offices, conference room and design studio, large chemical lab devoted primarily to research in high-polymer systems, and a cast sheet semiworks for evaluation and limited production of experi­ mental polymers in large size sheets. Main entrance, shown here, is flanked by translu­ cent awnings of V-rib Plexiglas to control heat and glare

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beneficial applications of glass and re­ fractories, and to provide more informa­ tion on structure of glass and refrac­ tories.

UytÂΚJSS 4 t L K I N D S

Sohio Schedules New Dry Ice riant a t Lima Sohio will soon start building a new $800,000 dry ice plant as the first ex­ pansion of its petrochemical plant now under construction at Lima, Ohio. New unit will have an annual production capacity of more than 54 million pounds, or 75 tons per day, of dry ice or bulk liquid carbon dioxide. Thus Sohio will utilize and market the only waste gas produced in commercial quantity in the process of its Lima petrochemical plant. With construction work on the petro­ chemical plant well ahead of schedule, company expects the new carbon di­ oxide unit to be in full production by May 1956. The 3 0 0 ton per day an­ hydrous ammonia unit will be placed in operation this October, and the 180 ton per day nitric acid plant in Novem­ ber. The urea unit will be placed in operation during January.

• Du Pont and Nopco Chemical have announced settlement of Du Pont's patent infringement suit against Nopco pertaining to polyurethane foams. Suit was filed by D u Pont in U. S. Dis­ trict Court in Newark, N. J., on Sept. 3, 1954. D u Pont has now granted a license to Nopco under the patents in question.

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• Ac'cent International is new name of amino products division of international Minerals & Chemical. Name change was made to identify company's product, Ac'cent (pure monosodium glutamate crystals), with producing di­ vision.

• Jefferson Chemical has transferred its executive offices and sales headquar­ ters t o 4 1 1 Fannin St., Post Office Box 303, Houston 1, Tex. • Inductotherm Corp., manufacturer of Inducto line of high frequency heating and melting equipment, has moved from Glenolden, Pa., to a larger, more modern plant at 412 Illinois Ave., Delanco, N. J.

(&l Chicago Bridge & Iron Company

• S h a w i m g a n Resins expanded facili­ ties for production of Butvar specialty resins have been completed at Spring­ field, Mass. N e w facility, to go on stream immediately, is scheduled to re­ lieve the present short supply situation of such resins. Plans are also under w a y for a new Butvar plant in Trenton, Mich. VOLUME








A m o n g o\ir r e c e n t installations for the chemical industry are the t w o storage tanks shown in the above foreground— a 5,000-bbl. a n d a 1,500-bbl. cone roof t a n k built for tile National Petro Chemical Corporation at Tuscola, Illinois. The tanks are not dramatic i n appearance, but behind t h e m is the CB&I story of* experience, engineering k n o w - h o w and proper facilities to build welded steel structures to the most exacting spécifications. W h e n y o u r operations call for n e w tanks, pressure vessels, or any type of special steel plate work, write to the nearest CB&I office for information, estimates or quotations.

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