Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry - Industrial

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University; C. H. Hudson, Bureau of Chemistry, Washington,

D. C. This commission will cooperate with similar National bodies in other countries in the revision of the Nomenclature of Organic Compounds. Suggestions as to the general plan to be pursued in undertaking this work, or concerning special groups of compounds, will be welcomed, and should be sent to the Chairman a t Columbia University.




Great Hall of the College of the City of Kew York; Sectional meetings a t Columbia University. The Columbia University Gymnasium mill be headquarters for Registration, Distribution of Papers, Distribution and Sale of Tickets, Information Bureau, Telephone, Messenger, Telegraph and Cable Services, and Post Office Express and Baggage Facilities. Columbia University furnishes not only places of meeting and other conveniences as noted above, but also has placed a t the disposal of attending members living outside of New York the use of certain of its Residence Halls from August 31, 1912 to I O A.M., Friday, September 13, 1912. Applications for quarters in these Halls should be addressed to the Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, Residence Hall Committee, 2 5 Broad Street, New York City. A list of selected hotels and suggestions for accommodation 0 ) parties. Information concerning excursions and visits to works. Excursions.-.~rrangements in this direction are tentative and very incomplete and the excursions finally selected will depend upon the number of members indicating their desire to join the respective excursions. The itineraries of eight different routes ranging in cost from $11.70 to $435.00 and in duration from 7 days to 44 days are submitted. All of these prices are based upon parties of not less than IOO and do not include hotel charges nor transportation to and from hotels. A map inserted a t the end of the pamphlet shows the routes contemplated. Special ,Votice.-For the accommodation of those who wish to visit Yellowstone Park, a special tour has been provided for, leaving New York not earlier than August loth, and not later than August 15th, and requiring about thirteen days with no factory inspection. Members intending to take this tour must notify the Transportation Committee not later than May 15, 1912. Members intending to take part in any of the other trips, must notify the Transportation Committee not later than June 15, 1 9 1 2 . 411 communications in relation to tours should be directed to “ Transportation Committee, Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, P. 0. Box 1625, Philadelphia, Pa.” Visits to Il’ouks.-The list comprises 32 I different establishments, located in 144 different cities, and reprcsenting 139 different industries or branches thereof. I t will, of course, be impossible for the Congress to visit all of these on excursions or set trips. Individual members or small parties of members will be granted permission to visit, by any of the works on the list and not visited by the Congress on excursions or set trips, on presentation of the Treasurer’s receipt for membership dues. Rules governing admission to factories are very strict especially as to visits by competitors. Some works will admit competitors but negotiations for such inspection must be made by and through Prof. M. C. Whitaker, Chairman, Factory Visits Committee, Columbia Univeristy, New York City. Special Stcamship ilccommodations and Rates.-The European participants in the Congress are urged to reserve their accommodations for the westward trip a t the earliest possible moment, since the steamships are apt to be very crowded at that season of the year.

OF ANNOUXCEMENT NO. 3. ABSTRACT This announcement includes the following of special interest and importance : Ladies’ Committee, Committees o n Internal Transportation, Entertainment, Finance, Papers and Publications, Trans-Atlantic Transportation, Factory Inspection. Rules o n Papers, their Presentation, Discussion and Publication.-Papers and their abstracts, both in duplicate, must be in the hands of the American Committee not later than June 30, 1912, in order to assure their inclusion, if accepted, in their respective Sectional Volumes for distribution a t or before the opening of the Congress. The Congress obligates itself to have its final Reports and Proceedings, including subject and author index, completed and ready for distribution on or before December 31, 1912. Rejected manuscripts are to be returned to their authors and all correspondence concerning them is to be regarded as strictly secret and confidential. How to Obtain Membership in this Congress.-Jlembership in this Congress is open to individuals, corporations, societies, associations, institutions and the like. Persons contemplating membership in the Congress can obtain membership tickets from the Treasurer of the Congress, Wm. J. Matheson, 182 Front Street, New York City, by forwarding to him an application for membership and the membership fee, which is $5.00. Membership tickets can also be obtained from Prof. 31. 0. Forster, 84 Cornwall Gardens, London, S . W., England; N. F. Dupont, 6 .Place Rlalesherbes, Paris, France; Dr. B. Rassow, Stephanstrasse 8, Leipzig, Germany; Prof. Rosario Spalling, Via Panisperna, 89 bis, Rome, Italy. Membership of Congress Committees does not constitute membership in the Congress. All memberships received after July 1 5 , 1912, by the American Committee, are accepted on the condition t h a t deiivery of printed reports cannot be guaranteed to such members. Entertainment of Ladies.-The arrangements herefor are in the hands of the Ladies’ Committee, and everything mill be provided by them t o insure the comfort, convenience and entertainment of all ladies attending the Congress. Applications for Ladies’ Tickets, together with the fee therefor, $3.00, should be sent to William J. Matheson, ,182 Front Street, New York City. Program of Meetings.-The general lectures are to be given by ( I ) George M. Beiley, of Glasgow, Scotland, “Some Physical Aspects of Molecular Aggregation in Solids;” ( 2 ) Gabriel Bertrand, of Paris, France, “The Role of Very Small Amounts of CORRECTION. Chemical Substances in Biochemistry;” (3) Carl Duisberg, of A CONVENIENT FILTERING APPARATUS. Elberfeld, Germany, “The Latest Achievements and Problems of the Chemical Industry;” (4) Giacomo Ciamician, of Bologna, I n the issue of THIS JOURNAL for March, 1912, page 2 2 2 , Italy, “Photochemistry of the Future;” (5) Ira Remsen, of Balti- under the article whose title is given above, the name of the more, Md., U. S. A. (subject to be announced later). author was given as C. S. Williams, Jr., instead of C. S. WilliamGeneral lectures and general meetings will be held in the son, Jr.