EKCO electronics

Collection includes special NIR alphabetical and numerical in- dices. Additional ... 100 on Readers' Service Card. NEW PRODUCTS. Port-A-Spek Model 210...
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N-I-R SPECTRA identify 2,000 compounds Sadtler Near Infrared Reference Spectra speed and simplify identi­ fication of unknown compounds for the spectroscopist. At least three curves are supplied for each compound, one for each cell thick­ ness or concentration scanned— may be used for qualitative or quantitative measurement. All spectra are completely labeled as to name, structural and molecular formulas, molecular weight, melt­ ing and boiling points, cell thick­ ness, method of preparation and the instrument used.

Port-A-Spek Model 210 has a wave­ length range from 400 to 700 n y with a maximum bandpass of 15 m^. Continuous selection of wavelength is accomplished using a wedge inter­ ference filter. Power is supplied by two rechargeable nickel-cadmium bat­ teries and one transistor radio battery. Batteries supply 10 continuous hours of instrument use before requiring re­ charging, allowing convenient port­ ability. Anatek, P.O. Box 1195, Santa Ana, Calif. 425 Spectrophotometer Calibration Standard A new holmium oxide glass filter with sharp absorption bands in the ultraviolet and visible spectral regions is used for checking wavelength cali­ bration of Beckman Spectrophotom­ eters and the Β & L Spectronic 505. UV absorption by the Corning 3130 glass used in the filter occurs near 241, 280, 288, and 360 m^. Controlled thickness limits absorbance to 2 ταμ or less at the 241 m ^ band. A typical spectral transmittance curve is fur­ nished with each filter. Arthur H. Thomas Co., P.O. Box 779, Philadelphia 5, Pa. 426

Collection includes special NIR alphabetical and numerical in­ dices. Additional indices available as required. Write today for free N-I-R brochure including sample spectra.





SADTLER Research Laboratories, Inc. 1517 VINE STREET. PHILADELPHIA 2, PA.

Agents in principal countries of the world. Circle No. 100 on Readers' Service Card 126 A



Model ED-5 Laboratory Mill with a 5-inch chamber has approximately half the capacity of the regular Wiley Laboratory Mill. Basic shearing prin­ ciple, with pre-set clearance between four revolving and four stationary hardened steel blades, has been re­ tained. Arthur H. Thomas Co., P. O. Box 779, Philadelphia 5, Pa. 427

SCINTILLATION COUNTER AND AUTOMATIC SCALER These equipments provide a stable and accurate system for the assay of low energy Beta emitters in the liquid state, particularly Carbon 14 and Tritium. N664 is a shielded bench-standing scin­ tillation counter incorporating the sample/phosphor liquid technique. The design provides optimum geometry and ready access for sample changing. Specific activities down to 10 to 10 curies per millilitre can be assayed and counting efficiencies in excess of 40% can be achieved with tritiated water samples a t 15cps background. A phos­ phorescence filtration technique is available for background reduction. N610 is an automatic scaler and timer with an inbuilt ratemeter, pulse height analyser, amplifier and stabilised H.V. supply. The P.H.A. used with the inbuilt ratemeter provides rapid identi­ fication of energies. The P.H.A. can also be used for background reduction. In an alternative arrangement it is useful for the simultaneous assay of Double Labelled samples. The timer is used as a second scaler channel, taking an out­ put from the upper discriminator of the P.H.A.

EKCO electronics EKCO ELECTRONICS LTD SOUTHEND-ON-SEAENGLAND In U . S . A . contact associate company American Tradair Corporation 34-01 30th Street, Long Island City 6, New York 0-J98 Circle No. 116 on Readers' Service Card