Electric infernos from United States Steel Chemicals - C&EN Global

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Efetiiir infernos toil United StaferSteei Clemicals ^e~teTOce^!a€trtde$ mmi W mhmble. insoluble, chemically inert, electrically

conductive mechanically stroiig, and resistant to thermal shock, Tke binder that holds the carbon particles

together mmt also meet mmy exacting


carbon content, uniformity of composition, compatability with aggregate material, binding strength, high resistance to thermal shock, and low


manufacturers who make high quality electrodes use only the highest

quality materials-like USS Pitch, im qmhlf of USS Fiftfr jt-tHMnrecmtroi of eacii production step from < the coal mitte to the finished product Specification pitch is only o&e of a (nil line of basic chemical products trout United Mates Meet, iiiey ntctacte beasseae, toluene, xylene* ,ia»>lithalene, meihyb&phthalenes, creosote, phenol,

^^p ^ li^ ^ lj^ jl^ ll

cre$olf cresylic acid, pyridine^

anhydroiss ammonia, ammomnm nitrate, nitric acid, nitrogen solutions, and ammonium sulfate. Whatever yoiir needs, you can be sure of uniformly high quality and dependable delivery from United States Steel. Call or write your nearest Chemical Sales Office; P i ^ ^ ^ ^ t e New York, Chicago, Salt ^^^BUBK^ and-Fairfield, Alabama.;^^^^^^« USS is a registered t r a d e m ^ K ^ ^ ^ .JwF

