Electric Power Research Institute - Environmental Science

May 30, 2012 - Electric Power Research Institute. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1983, 17 (8), pp 380A–380A. DOI: 10.1021/es00114a723. Publication Date: A...
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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ON SPECIAL PROBLEM AREAS IN REGIONAL AIR QUALITY STUDIES The Electric Power Research Institute's Energy Analysis and Environment Division is soliciting specialized research pro­ posals pertinent to the following features of regional air quality: • Long-range transport of airborne gases and aerosols • Preferred chemical pathways for the formation of sul­ fates and nitrates in the atmosphere • Meteorological factors in the transport and transforma­ tion of reactive pollutants • The magnitude of the random component of air quality variability Responses to this solicitation are to be in the form of a clearly stated scientific problem, the research approach, the time schedule, and a cost estimate. Proposals from educational in­ stitutions, involving graduate student training and a level of ef­ fort in the range of one-half to one person-year per year are especially encouraged. The data bases on sulfates, precipita­ tion chemistry, visibility, etc. generated by EPRI's Air Quality Studies subprogram (SURE, RAQS, UAPSP) are available for these projects. If you wish to respond to this solicitation, write to the address below requesting RFP1630-25.

Mr. Michael Poole, Proposals Office Electric Power Research Institute 3412 H ill view Avenue P.O. Box 10412 Palo Alto, CA 94303 CIRCLE 1 ON READER SERVICE CARD 380A

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 17, No. 8, 1983

Nonwoven filter matrix Patented method now allows nonwoven filter matrix to be as strong or even stronger than woven matrices. The filter, from which particulates and residue can be cleaned, can remove particles down to 0.3 μιτι with mini­ mum efficiencies of 99.97%. MultiFab 131 Respirator Blue 1 air-purifying respirator uses new silicone technology and respirator design for maximum safety in haz­ ardous atmospheres. Tufel silicone rubber allows detergent cleaning, sanitizing, and drying with no evident deterioration. Meets NIOSH exhala­ tion criteria; does not react with ozone or skin barriers used against paint overspray. Survivair 132 Water flow velocity monitor Lightweight portable monitor now has gold sensing electrodes not affected by most acids, corrosive liquids, or in­ dustrial wastewater. Measures velocity in open channels with ±1% accuracy. Montedoro-Whitney 133 Hi-vol air sampler programmer Digital programmer is retrofittable on any standard high-volume air sampler. The Model 352 programmer can work 1-24 h on a repeatable 1-10-day schedule. Has digital clock, meets upcoming EPA reference method standards. Sierra Instruments 134 Baghouse leak detection Model 109 baghouse monitor will de­ tect open holes, seams, and breaks that cause leaks, and meets all EPA speci­ fications for visible emissions. Mea­ sures sub-micron particles and spans ducts up to 10 ft. Alarms at 0-100% opacity as desired. Datatest 135 Ethylene oxide monitor Environmental chromatograph mon­ itors ethylene oxide (EtO) at the pro­ posed OSH A limit of 0.5 ppm (1 ppm averages during 8 h) and detects EtO below 0.1 ppm. Control by micropro­ cessor; analyses in real time. HNU Systems 136 Sediment penetrometer Instrument determines types of sedi­ ment, erosion, accumulation, and transportation. It can be used for lake, waterway, and coastal area bottom investigations. Its weight is 7.5 kg. Samplers and traps are included. It is known as System Borg. C. H. Borgs Mekaniska AB, Lars Borg, Box 89, S-199 02 Enkôping, Sweden (write direct).