Electrochemical Ferrates(VI) Preparation and Wastewater Treatment

Dec 19, 2016 - To eliminate disadvantages of previous methods, the electrochemical preparation of Fe(VI) in low temperature binary hydroxide melts has...
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Chapter 8

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Electrochemical Ferrates(VI) Preparation and Wastewater Treatment J. Híveš,1,* M. Gál,1 K. Kerekeš,1 E. Kubiňáková,1 and T. Mackuľak2 1Department

of Inorganic Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovakia 2Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovakia *E-mail: [email protected]

In recent years, interest in ferrate(VI) has increased significantly. Ferrate is a strong, non-toxic oxidant with almost no harmful by products. It is potentially an environmental friendly cleaner for both waste water and drinking water treatment. Therefore, effective means of the preparation of ferrate become a challenging task for several research groups all over the world. Several methods have been developed to produce ferrate. Among them, electrochemical mean of the synthesis of ferrate is considered as a “green” method because no harmful and expensive chemicals are usually used to oxidize Fe(0) to Fe(VI). One of the most important tasks is the elucidation of the reaction mechanism of the ferrate production. Conditions for the large scale electrochemical preparation of ferrate in low temperature molten media can be tuned according to the individual steps of the reaction mechanism. The influence of parameters such as the temperature and the composition of reaction mixture, anode material, and current density on the mechanism of ferrate preparation during transpassive electrochemical dissolution of iron based electrodes are addressed. Two electrochemical methods, cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were used to characterize this process. The number of exchanged electrons during transpassive iron dissolution was also determined and the reaction mechanism was proposed.

© 2016 American Chemical Society Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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Introduction The high oxidation potential of ferrate may result in the most effective oxidizing agent. In contrast to chlorination, no harmful by-products are found in water after its utilization. It was confirmed that ferrate are able to effectively degrade even very stable inorganic and organic pollutants (1). The oxidation of organic pollutants and microorganisms was accompanied by the disinfection properties of ferrate. Ferrate can be prepared by thermal, chemical, and electrochemical methods as follows (2): dry oxidation of iron at high temperature (800 °C) for several hours according to the reaction Fe2O3 + 3Na2O2 → 2 Na2FeO4 + Na2O, wet oxidation, and electrochemical anodic oxidation of iron or cast iron in concentrated hydroxide solutions or melts (3). In a traditional wet chemical synthesis, insoluble K2FeO4 is prepared from alkaline hypochlorite by oxidation of Fe(III), and less soluble Fe(VI) salts are prepared by precipitation upon addition of various salts according to the following reactions: to solutions containing dissolved 2Fe(OH)3 + 3NaOCl + 4NaOH → 2Na2FeVIO4 + 3NaCl + 5H2O and Na2FeVIO4 + 2KOH → K2FeVIO4 + 2NaOH (3, 4). This procedure produces K2FeVIO4 in 10 15 % yield, and several steps, such as recrystallization and washing with dry methanol, are required to obtain a product with more than 90 % purity (3). Despite the fact that wet oxidation has been extensively studied, its application on a large scale has not been realized (3). The weak point in this process is the harmful environmental impact, complicated procedure, multistep synthesis and high cost. To eliminate disadvantages of previous methods, the electrochemical preparation of Fe(VI) in low temperature binary hydroxide melts has been introduced. Using electrochemical methods, high purity ferrates are easily prepared. Electrochemical method is based on anodic oxidation (dissolution) of iron or cast iron in concentrated hydroxide solutions or melts. In the case of a melt suitable temperature for ferrate(VI) synthesis is up to 200 °C. In water solutions the typical temperature range is from 20 to 70 °C (2). Stability of ferrate(VI) in the presence of water remains the weak point of electrochemical approach. Even a small amount of water decomposes ferrate(VI) within hours. Electrochemical DC (direct current) and AC (alternating current) techniques were found to be suitable for interfacial and metal dissolution studies in both aqueous and molten systems (5–8). Since the electrochemical preparation of ferrate has been known for more than 170 years (9) the dissolution of iron in the strong alkaline systems has been studied by several research groups (10–19). Although the transpassive iron dissolution in alkaline solutions is discussed less frequently it has been found that in alkaline environment Fe is dissolved as ferrous(II), ferric(III) and, finally, ferrate(VI) species depending on the experimental conditions (3, 8, 15, 17–21). It has been found that the current yield increased with electrolyte concentration, temperature, as well as with the carbon content in iron electrode (15). Grube et al. (10) used superimposed alternating current in order to increase a current yield. Both, anode and electrolyte composition has been shown as one of the key factor affecting ferrate preparation (8, 22–25). Pick (12) has observed the decrease of the current density from ca. 50% in NaOH to 37% in KOH. This indicates that different reaction mechanisms must be considered in these two hydroxide 222 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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media. Similar conclusions have been reported by Bouzek et al. (26) during iron and white cast iron electrode dissolution. Lapicque and Valentine (27) have suggested the utilization of mixture NaOH:KOH instead of pure NaOH or KOH solutions in order to combine the high efficiency of ferrate synthesis in NaOH electrolyte and low solubility of potassium ferrate. Depending on the individual experimental conditions, reaction schemes were proposed in order to describe processes that occur at the anode surface. Several research groups have tried to elucidate the anodic dissolution mechanism of iron or iron based electrodes in alkaline solutions (3, 7, 8, 17–21, 25, 28–36). In this study the electrochemical preparation of ferrate(VI) in strong alkaline environment at elevated temperatures is described. Various hydroxide solutions, anode materials and potentials were used. The characterization of electrode reactions by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is also discussed. The second part of this contribution is dedicated to the use of electrochemically prepared ferrate(VI) for the elimination of various pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs and antibiotic resistant bacteria from real wastewater samples.

Experimental An oil thermostat with calibrated sensor, stainless steel box and PTFE crucible with the sample was used for our experiments. Reference connection of thermocouple was immersed in a Dewar flask with ice-water. Measuring connection of thermocouple was immersed into the melt at the same level as electrodes. Electrochemical measurements were performed using AUTOLAB instrument PGSTAT 20 equipped with FRA2 module (ECO Chemie, The Netherlands). A three electrode electrochemical cell was used for all experiments. Working electrodes (WE) were made from: (A) pure iron (Fe) (99.95 % (w/w) Fe, 0.005 % (w/w) C, 0.0048 % (w/w) Ni and 0.0003 % (w/w) Mn), (B) silicon steel (FeSi) (3.17 % (w/w) Si, 0.47 % (w/w) Cu, 0.23 % (w/w) Mn, 0.03 % (w/w) Ni), and (C) white cast iron (FeC) (3.17 % (w/w) C in the form of Fe3C, 0.44 % (w/w) Mn and 0.036 % (w/w) Ni). The geometric area of the working electrodes varied from 0.2 to 0.7 cm (2). The same material (pure iron) was used as the reference electrode (RE). Counter electrode (CE) was made from mild steel (steel class 11). The temperature was varied in the range 70 ºC to 160 ºC for NaOH and in the range 110 °C to 160 °C for KOH. The lower temperature was limited temperature of eutectic NaOH:NaOH.H2O which is 62.5 °C at the composition of 74 % (w/w) and eutectic KOH:KOH.H2O which is 100 °C at the composition of 86.5 % (w/w) (3, 17–19, 21). Impedance measurements were carried out in the same systems immediately after CV measurements. Frequency range used for the impedance measurements was from 1 Hz to 100 kHz. Perturbation signal had a sinusoidal shape with amplitude of 5-10 mV. 223 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

Results and Discussion

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In the first part of the Results and Discussion section electrochemical method of ferrate preparation in binary alkaline media will be discussed. In the second part of this subsection the oxidation power of ferrate will be tested for both wastewater treatment and disinfection. The anodic part of the potential window is limited by the decomposition of the melt and the subsequent oxygen evolution:

It is serious problem of the electrochemical preparation of ferrate because oxygen evolution is observed at very similar potentials as ferrate production.

Inert Anodes One possibility for elimination of this complication in the strong alkaline solution is use of an inert anode e.g. Pt, Au or boron doped diamond (37) and Fe2O3 as a source of iron. A sharp anodic peak at 0.4 V - 0.5 V vs. RE depending on the anode composition is observed on CVs in NaOH:KOH eutectic mixture in the presence of Fe2O3 at both Au and Pt electrodes. Peak analysis gave z = 2.99 ± 0.08, where z is the number of electrons involved during iron transpassive oxidation (34). The following reaction of ferrate formation can be written:

where ferric(III) cation is produced during Fe2O3 dissolution in hydroxide solution as follows:

The same number of electrons was calculated from the analysis of the peak corresponding to the reduction of anion to ferric ion at +0.4 V vs. RE according to the reaction (34):

From the linear dependence of anodic peak current intensity vs. square root of the scan rate it can be concluded, that reaction of the ferrate(VI) production is diffusion controlled process (34). Although, in this system, the evolution of oxygen is quite well separated from ferrate production the use of expensive electrodes disqualify it from the massive utilization in wastewater treatment technologies. 224 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

Iron/Iron Based Anodes To decrease the overall cost of the ferrate production various hydroxide media, anodes composition, current densities, and working temperatures were tested.

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Molten NaOH The first tested system was composed of eutectic NaOH:H2O mixture, mild steel cathode and iron/iron based anode. Several temperatures and current densities were used in order to elucidate the transpassive oxidation step, improve yield and current efficiency of the process. In Figure 1 CVs in NaOH electrolyte for various anode composition at 80 °C are shown. All curves are characterized by the presence of several anodic and cathodic current peaks. On the anodic part of the cyclic voltammograms at relatively low temperature two, well separated, current peaks A(I) and A(II) are observed. The first one, A(I), corresponds to the Fe(II) formation and the second one, A(II) peak, (situated 200 mV more positively than A(I)) to Fe(III) formation (17). A part of Fe(OH)2 layer may react with the fused electrolyte forming soluble species. This is connected with small shoulder on respective CVs in the slightly positive regions than peak A(II). The exact mechanism of this reaction is, however, not known. The current densities in the case of A(I) and A(II) peaks for FeC electrode is not so much higher compare to the pure iron electrode as reported by Macova et al. (2) Behavior of FeSi and FeC electrodes is, in our case, similar, which is different compare to Macova et al. (2) The different behavior is probably connected with higher solution aggressiveness at elevated temperatures in our systems compare to relatively low temperatures in Macova’s work. The higher is the temperature the higher current densities are obtained. At 120 °C A(I) and A(II) peaks are not well separated and at 160 °C only one A(I) + A(II) peak is observed. After the passivity region the transpassive iron dissolution, i.e. ferrate(VI) production followed by oxygen evolution occurs. The current shoulder A(III) is visible for all electrode materials used. The most positively is shifted A(III) peak for pure iron and the most negative for FeC anode. In the case of FeC electrode the A(III) peak is hardly detectable at lower temperatures. In all cases the hysteresis in the course of voltammetric curve in the transpassive potential region was visible. It is probably caused, on one side, by the diminution of the inhibition of the electrode surface toward dissolution at high potentials and/or due to the massive oxygen evolution causing the mechanical disruption of the anode surface. Almost all systems are characterized by the linear dependence of the A(III) peak current density on the square root of potential scan rate. This indicates that the electrode reaction kinetic is controlled by the mass transport under the semi-infinitive linear diffusion conditions (Figure 2). In the case of FeC at higher temperatures the current density after reaching a certain maximum at about 400-500 mV s-1 decreases with increasing the polarization rate. When scan rate reaches ca. 400 mV s-1 a chemical reaction probably become a rate determining step. 225 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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Figure 1. Cyclic voltammograms of working electrodes, i.e. pure iron (solid line), FeSi (dashed line), and FeC (dotted line) at T = 80 °C in molten NaOH at scan rate of 400 mV s-1; arrows indicate the potential sweep direction

Figure 2. Dependences of the A(III) peak current densities on the square root of potential scan rate; ▴ pure Fe electrode at 80°C; ▵ pure Fe electrode at 150°C; ▫ FeSi electrode at 80°C; ▪ FeSi electrode at 150°C; inset: × FeC electrode at 140°C. Size of the individual points represents an experimental error; binary NaOH:H2O system. 226 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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In order to deeply characterize ferrate(VI) formation EIS was used. Impedance spectra obtained for various electrode materials at two different temperatures are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively. In both Figures 3 and 4 two time constants with inductive low frequency region can be observed. The low frequency inductance is probably connected with passivation phenomena on the surface of respective anode. The electrochemical behavior of the electrodes in NaOH system was represented by EIS as an equivalent circuit (17). The physical model based on the concept of two macrohomogeneous surface layers with theory of duplex sandwich assembly of passivation layers was taken into account in order to find the best equivalent circuit representation of our results. Two parallel R-Q (constant phase element) impedance elements characterizing individual layers (inner, outer) connected in series together with one resistant (RS) and one inductance (L) element compose the simplest equivalent circuits that fit , where Oi is the our experimental data with acceptably low observed frequency for bin i and Ei is the expected frequency for bin i. Constant phase element (Q) was used instead of pure capacitance element (C) to underline the nonlinearity of the dissolution process (17). The accuracy of the proposed model was checked by the Bode diagram and the consistency of the data by the Krammer-Kroning test.

Figure 3. Nyquist plots of impedance spectra for different anode composition at T = 80°C and E = 1.55 V vs. RE. The composition of respective anode is depicted in the figure; binary NaOH:H2O system.

227 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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Figure 4. Nyquist plots of impedance spectra for different anode composition at T = 160°C and E = 1.55 V vs. RE. The composition of respective anode is depicted in the figure; binary NaOH:H2O system.

Resistances of both inner and outer layer are higher at low positive potentials and, vice versa, resistances are lower for higher potentials, where ferrate is formed. This implies that either both layers are getting thinner or are disintegrated with increasing potential. This process is connected either with strong anodic potential or with massive oxygen evolution at higher potentials. Resistance of outer layer is significantly lower than resistance of inner layer. It means that inner layer is either thicker or more compact. High temperature of the electrolyte positively influences the resistance of outer layer: the higher is the temperature of the system the lower is the resistance of the respective layer. This means that the charge is at higher temperatures easily transferred; the layer is either thinner or more disintegrated (17). The second parameter that can be extracted from the impedance analysis is the capacity of the individual sublayers. The capacity of inner and outer layer increases with increasing potential. These findings are consistent with previous observations which mean that layers are getting either thinner or more disintegrated by oxygen evolution or strong anodic dissolution. Capacity of outer layer is lower than capacity of inner sublayer. Capacities of inner and outer layers are higher at higher temperature. At about 120 °C individual capacities are approximately equal. Additional information can be gained from n parameter of constant phase element, Q. In the case of outer layer, the value of the parameter n is nearly one (“ideal” behavior) and decrease to ca. 0.6 (non-ideal surface) at higher potentials. This means the quality of the outer layer is changing and the specific surface is increasing and is getting more porous. Bearing in mind the previous conclusions about Rout and Qout, one should think about the disintegration 228 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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of the outer layer rather than reduction in its thickness. Values of nout are higher at low temperatures. This means that at low temperatures outer layer behaves “more ideally” than at higher temperatures (17). Contrary to previous observations, ninn is almost constant in the potential region. Therefore, the reduction in thickness of the inner layer is more probable than its disintegration. Temperature has a low impact on ninn value. The inner layer is probably more stable than outer one. It can be concluded that temperature has an impact on the thickness of the individual layers, but not on their morphology. This is in agreement with the theory concerning the mechanism of temperature influence on the surface behavior of the electrode consisting in a chemical interaction of the OH- anion with surface layer (25). Parameters obtained by the nonlinear regression analysis of the respective equivalent circuits for other two electrodes show the same trend as in the case of FeC anode. However, some differences among them can be found. The resistance of the inner sublayer, Rinn is significantly highest for pure iron anode and the lowest for silicon rich working electrode. Constant phase element, Qinn(FeC) is equal to Qinn(FeSi) and is higher than Qinn(Fe). Resistance, capacitance, and parameter n, Rout, Qout and nout, are approximately the same for all three electrodes. This means that the chemical composition of anode influences manly the inner layer of the electrode, but not outer one (17). The number of electrons involved in the electrode reaction of ferrate(VI) formation (peak A(III)) was calculated utilizing, so called, static polarization curve method. These curves were constructed as follows: DC current densities, jDC and DC potentials, EDC were recorded during EIS measurements. Then the “static polarization curve” ln (jDC) vs. EDC was plotted. The number of electrons was calculated from the exponent of the dependence of DC current density on , where α is a charge transfer coefficient, η is an DC potential overpotential and R, T have an usual meaning, in the potential region where ferrate(VI) is produced. These calculations provided the average number of electrons z = 3.08 ± 0.52 for the pure iron electrode, z = 2.74 ± 0.29 for FeSi anode, and z = 2.76 ± 0.19 for FeC electrode, where z is a number of electrons exchanged during the oxidation. This has allowed us to write following final electrochemical redox reaction of ferrate(VI) production (17):

The next step of the characterization of binary NaOH:H2O system was the optimization of the electrolysis parameters. The influence of the current density and temperature on the electrolysis yield and current efficiency was optimized. The measurements were performed in a 70 % (w/w) NaOH system. Higher concentrations of NaOH would cause an increase in the temperature, resulting in an increase in the energy consumption during the process. The lowest experimental temperature was influenced by the fact the crystalline phase was dissolved by increasing a temperature to more than 75 °C. Therefore, usable and reproducible results were obtained at only 80 °C. Higher temperatures would be possible but not economically feasible. In addition, at temperatures higher than 100 °C, changes in the system composition would not be negligible 229 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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due to extensive water evaporation (3). The current efficiency decreases with the electrolysis time for all temperatures. A significant decrease in the current efficiency occurred after four hours at a higher temperatures. The decrease in the current efficiency is most likely not related to the electrical current efficiency but to the decomposition of ferrate at higher temperatures during electrolysis. An increase in current density had a positive effect on the current efficiency. However, when a higher current density was used, oxygen evolution was more intense. In addition, higher current densities caused an increased in the temperature of the system, which indicates a higher energetic demand during experiments. Although the highest concentration of the product was achieved at the highest current density, a further increase is not beneficial due to the energy intensity (3).

Molten KOH Similarly to the previous system, binary KOH:H2O system was initially characterized by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Voltammetric curves are characterized by the presence of several anodic and cathodic current peaks. The intensity of the respective peaks depends on both temperature and electrode materials used (18). Anodic peaks at the most negative potentials correspond to the formation of Fe(II) and Fe(III), respectively. It is . probable that a part of Fe(OH)2 layer reacts with the environment forming It must be noted that one can hardly expect complete stoichiometric oxidation of the hydroxidic layer. In agreement with previous observations the formation of the layer composed of nonstochiometric species similar to the magnetite with better protecting properties is more probable (25). At high temperatures (160°C) for all three electrodes only one well developed peak followed by shoulder is detected (25). After the passivity region the transpassive anodic electrode dissolution, including ferrate(VI) formation followed by oxygen evolution occurs and new A(III) current peak at about 1.6 V vs. RE is formed. This peak is the best developed for the pure iron electrode. In the case of the FeC electrode, only current shoulder is detected. At higher temperatures A(III) peak potential peak is better developed and slightly shifted to the more negative potentials (18). Similarly to NaOH:H2O system, the linear dependences of the current density on the square root of the polarization rate in the region below 0.2 V s-1 were found for all three anodes indicating that the electrode reaction kinetic is controlled by the mass transport under the semi-infinitive linear diffusion conditions (Figure 5) (18). Then the maximum is reached in the case of all anode materials and at all temperatures. At scan rates higher than 0.25 V s-1 the decrease of the current density occurred. Similarly to the previous case (FeC electrode in NaOH system) a chemical reaction due to the electrode structure becomes the rate determining step when scan rate reach ca. 0.25 V s-1. These observations are in good agreement with published data (34). The more complex information can be extracted from the impedance measurements. Nyquist plots show similar behavior as in the case of binary NaOH:H2O system. Two time constants with inductive low frequency region can be also observed in the case of 230 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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binary KOH:H2O system (18). To characterize this processes the electrochemical behavior of individual anodes in molten KOH was represented by an equivalent circuit. (see Figure 6) The proposed model is also, as in the previous case, based on the concept of two macrohomogeneous surface layers. The accuracy of the model and the consistency of measured data were checked by Bode plot and Krammers-Kroning test, respectively.

Figure 5. The dependences of the anodic peak current densities (A3) on the square root of potential scan rate; ▫ pure Fe electrode at 100°C; ▪ pure Fe electrode at 150°C; ◦FeSi electrode at 100°C; • FeSi electrode at 150°C; ▴ FeC electrode at 160°C; binary KOH:H2O system.

Figure 6. Equivalent circuit representing the electrochemical impedance of the system consisting of binary KOH:H2O system and iron/iron based anode; RS, ohmic resistance; L parasitic inductance; Rin/out, resistance of inner and outer layer, respectively; Qin/out, constant phase element that characterize inner and outer layer, respectively. 231 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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Figure 7. Values of the equivalent circuit elements obtained from nonlinear regression analysis for both outer layer dependent on the potential for white cast anode in binary KOH:H2O system; T = ◦ 110 °C and T = • 150 °C. In the next Figure 7 data obtained from the nonlinear regression analysis are plotted. Resistance (upper plot) of outer layer decreases with the increasing applied potential for both temperatures. Either it is disintegrated by massive oxygen evolution or it is getting thinner. The same behavior was observed for the 232 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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inner layer. Resistances of both outer and inner layer are almost equal indicating the same thicker and/or morphology. Three regions are visible in the upper plot: short plateau at the beginning indicating stability of the individual layers at the end of the passivity region, followed by relatively fast decrease of the resistance meaning either reduction of the thickness or the development of the spongy or porous structures, and, at the highest potentials second plateau that can be assigned to disrupted layer. The capacity of the outer layer increases with increasing potential. This is in agreement with decrease of the resistance of this layer. Capacity of outer layer is slightly dependent on the temperature meaning that it loses its thickness and/or morphology equally at all the temperature used (18). From the parameter, n, of the constant phase element supplementary information characterizing the surface morphology of the respective layer can be obtained. Similarly to the resistance of outer layer, the curve can be divided into three regions. Bearing in mind the previous conclusions about Rout and Qout, one should think about the disintegration of the outer layer rather than reduction in its thickness. Contrary to previous observations, ninn changes from quasi ideal to spongy at high temperature and to ideal at lower temperatures. Therefore, the conclusions made for Rinn and Qinn are connected to the reduction in the thickness of the inner layer rather than its disintegration especially at low temperatures. Parameters for other two electrodes show the similar trends as in the case of FeC anode (not shown). Rinn and Rout are the highest for pure iron electrode and the lowest for white cast anode. The capacities of individual layers are the highest for FeC electrode and the lowest for pure Fe electrode. Both parameters indicate that the layers are the thickest for pure iron electrode and the thinnest for FeC electrode. This statement corresponds with CV results, where C(III) peak, that corresponds to the reduction of iron(VI) to iron(III), was the highest for pure iron electrode meaning the highest amount of ferrate(VI) presented on the electrode surface (18). From the static polarization curves the number of electrons involved in the respective reaction steps was calculated, z = 2.30 ± 0.39 for the pure iron electrode, z = 1.78 ± 0.16 for FeSi electrode, and z = 1.07 ± 0.13 for FeC electrode. Based on this information the reaction mechanism corresponding to the transpassive anodic dissolution of the individual anodes was proposed. For the pure iron electrode and silicon-rich anode:


and for white cast anode:

or 233 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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Based on these findings the next step was to optimize electrolysis parameters for KOH:H2O system. The behavior of KOH:H2O binary system was slightly different from that of NaOH:H2O environment. The concentration of potassium hydroxide was 55 % (w/w). The mass fraction of KOH was less than 70 % (w/w). At higher KOH concentrations the working temperature would be increased up to 140 °C causing the thermal decomposition of the resulting ferrates. Based on the phase diagram, the most suitable temperature was chosen to be 40 °C for all experiments. Foaming, which was typical for NaOH system, was almost not observed. The working anodic current density was optimized to be 20.3 mA cm-2 (3). The anodic compartment was independently cooled with a cooling element placed directly into the electrolyte behind the anode. The aim of this improvement compare to NaOH:H2O system was to produce ferrate in the area between the anode and the diaphragm. Ferrate produced at the electrode surface circulated to the colder section of the anode compartment where the products fall down as fine crystals. At the end of 25 hours of electrolysis, all of the anolyte was collected and centrifuged for 30 minutes at 4 000 rpm. Then the ferric compounds were separated and after the forced evaporation of the remaining solution potassium ferrate in a stable solid form was obtained. Wastewater Treatment and Disinfection In the second part of our contribution the use of ferrate as an oxidizing agent for wastewater treatment and disinfection is discussed. Wastewater analysis has, been widely used for the determination of various micropollutants, such as illicit drugs, pharmaceuticals, in the individual cities, regions and countries. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are not able to effectively eliminate wide spectrum of compounds, which are then getting into the environment. Treatment plants thus become a source of these types of micropollutants. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) can be used at WWTP as a tertiary post-cleaning procedure and are capable of effectively removing difficult-to-remove pollutants from wastewater. The studied procedures include ozonation, UV irradiation and Fenton reaction. In this part of our contribution electrochemically prepared ferrate was used to test its ability to comparable remove micropollutants from real wastewater samples. Firstly, the model samples of hardly degradable pharmaceutical were used in order to test the oxidation power of ferrate. The first one is amoxicillin, β-lactam antibiotic in the aminopenicillin family used to treat susceptible Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. It may also be used for strep throat, pneumonia, skin infections, and urinary tract infections among others. The second one, carbamazepine is antiepileptic (anticonvulsant), mood-stabilizing drug used primarily in the treatment of epilepsy and bipolar disorder. Carbamazepine is relatively slowly but well absorbed after oral administration. Its plasma half-life is about 30 hours when it is given as single dose. However, it is a strong inducer 234 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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of hepatic enzymes and the plasma half-life shortens to about 15 hours when it is given repeatedly. In the next Table I the efficiency in degradation of these two model compounds by the Fenton reaction and ferrate is shown. A 24 hour composite sample at the influent of the Petržalka WWTP was used for the elimination study. Our results indicate that iron(VI) is able to almost totally degrade wide spectrum of compounds. The ability of ferrate to remove such substances relates to the redox potential of the compounds to be degraded. Some of the selected compounds (Tramadol, Venlafaxine, and methamphetamine) were not degraded to below the limit of detection (Table II) (1). Compounds such as tramadol, venlafaxine, and methamphetamine were degraded with efficiency of 65 %. These types of compounds are, in aqueous solutions, oxidized at slightly more positive potentials than the ferrate standard half-cell reduction potential in a neutral/basic environment (+0.72 V). Since a part of the compounds were, despite the redox potential issues, removed by ferrate in slightly basic environment, the degradation mechanism is based not only on the “simple electron sharing”. It is possible to increase ferrate oxidation power by adjusting the pH value (pH~6-6.5) where total removal of all micropollutants is expected (the standard half-cell reduction potential of ferrate has is +2.20 V in this region) and/or by increasing ferrate concentration (1).

Table I. Comparison of the degradation power of the Fenton reaction and ferrate(VI) towards model, hardly degradable compounds amoxicillin and carbamazepine. Amoxicillin (0.1 mg/L)

Amoxicillin (0.5 mg/L)

Carbamazepine (0.1 mg/L)

Carbamazepine (0.5 mg/L)

Fenton reaction

< 10 ug/L

64 ug/L

16 ug/L

128 ug/L

removal efficiency %

> 90%




Ferrate 20 mg/L

< 10 ug/L

< 10 ug/L

< 10 ug/L

22 ug/L

removal efficiency %

> 90%

> 98%

> 90%

> 96%

Ferrate 100 mg/L

< 10 ug/L

< 10 ug/L

< 10 ug/L

12 ug/L

removal efficiency %

> 90%

> 98%

> 90%

> 99%

235 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

Table II. Concentration and removal efficiency of the selected illicit drugs, pharmaceuticals, and their metabolites in wastewater at the WWTP influent by ferrate(VI). without Fe(VI)

with Fe(VI)

removal efficiency






< 11




< 8.3




< 13








< 2.5




< 5.2




< 9.8












< 7.7










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THC-COOH - 11-nor-9-carboxy-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (1-hydroxy-6,6-dimethyl3-pentyl-6a,7,8,10a-tetrahydrobenzo[c]chromene-9-carboxylic acid)

The disinfection power of ferrate was also tested. Wastewater from hospitals is a source of various antibiotic resistant bacteria, which can spread genes encoding resistance on the susceptible strains and contribute to the dissemination of antibiotic resistance in the environment (38–40). In our study, we have focused on potential pathogens such coliform bacteria (CFB), especially on Escherichia coli and staphylococci, especially on Staphylococcus aureus. CFB represents commensal microbiota of human gastrointestinal tracts. E. coli include nonpathogenic strains and also pathogenic strains, including enterotoxigenic (ETEC), enteropathogenic (EPEC), enteroagregative (EAggEC), enterohemorrhagic (EHEC), enteroinvasive (EIEC) and verotoxin or Shiga-toxin producing (VTEC, STEC) strains responsible for different serious illnesses (41). S. aureus is a common cause of variety of nosocomial infections, including folliculitis, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, metastatic abscess formations and postoperative septicemia (42). Table III describes the amount of total CFB, E. coli, staphylococci, and S. aureus in the hospital wastewater and the decrease of its concentration after the application of ferrate. It can be seen that ferrate with concentration 0.5 mg/L was able to totally remove all tested microorganisms. The inclusion of iron(VI) before the WWTP influent can significantly reduce the risk of developing resistant strains of bacteria. 236 Sharma et al.; Ferrites and Ferrates: Chemistry and Applications in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

Table III. Bacterial composition of the hospital wastewater before and after the application of ferrate. without ferrate

after the application of ferrate

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the number of bacteria log CFU/mL

log CFU/mL

Coliform bacteria



Escherichia coli






Staphylococcus aureus



By restructuring the technology, adding another degree of purification either before entering WWTP or as a tertiary post-treatment, the removal efficiency of the substances at WWTP may be significantly increased. However, the economic aspects of wastewater treatment may also increase. Other possible ways of reducing the burden on wastewater are, for example, increased separation of pollution sources (expired pharmaceuticals), sludge combustion, raising the awareness of the population and a responsible approach of doctors when prescribing pharmaceuticals (1).

Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic for project VEGA No. 1/0543/15.

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