Electrochemical Treatment of Dye Bearing Effluent with Different Anode−Cathode Combinations: Mechanistic Study and Sludge Analysis Seema Singh, Vimal Chandra Srivastava,* and Indra Deo Mall Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, Uttarakhand, India S Supporting Information *
ABSTRACT: The present study investigates the electrochemical (EC) treatment of actual dye bearing effluent (DBE) with different combinations of aluminum (Al) and stainless steel (SS) electrodes as anode and cathode. Effects of the current density (j) and pH with different anode−cathode combinations (Al−Al, Al−SS, SS−SS, and SS−Al) were studied. The change in zeta (ζ) potential with current density at different times, and the change in colloid particle diameters at different pH, gave information regarding the potential stability of the colloidal suspension. In addition, specific energy consumption and current efficiency have also been calculated. Maximum color, COD, TOC, and turbidity removal efficiencies were found to be 99.90%, 82.50%, 68.8%, and 98.8%, respectively, at j = 117.64 A/m2 and pH 8.5 with the SS−SS electrode combination. Solid residue obtained during EC treatment of DBE was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and pore distribution analysis to propose reutilization of the sludge.
1. INTRODUCTION Textile industries generate huge volumes of high strength wastewater. The use of different chemicals and refractory dyes for better performance in textile industries makes textile industry wastewater highly polluting in nature.1 High levels of chemical oxygen demand (COD), burly color, dissolved solids, highly fluctuating pH, and poor biological degradation make the textile industry wastewater carcinogenic, toxic, mutagenic, or teratogenic to various fish and microbiological species.2,3 Various compounds present in textile wastewater interfere with light penetration in the receiving bodies of water and disturb the ecosystem.4,5 Therefore, it is necessary to treat textile industry effluents before their discharge into aquatic bodies.6 Various treatment methods including coagulation and flocculation, adsorption, ultrafiltration, advanced oxidation method, and chemical and biological oxidation have been used in the literature for treatment of textile industry wastewater. These methods except for the biological treatment method, which is less effective for color removal due to the toxicity of textile wastewater to microorganisms, have high operational costs and require the addition of extra chemicals. Electrochemical (EC) treatment is a simple, cost-effective, and reliable wastewater treatment method with short treatment time and less generation of sludge.7,8 Various researchers have extensively used the EC method for various kinds of wastewater. In the EC process, metal ions are generated from the electrodes, hydroxyl ions are generated by the electrolysis of water, and hydrogen gas is evolved at the cathode. During the EC treatment, metal ions interact with hydroxyl ions to form insoluble metal hydroxide that adsorbs pollutants during settling.8−11 Dyes have complex structures, have high molecular weights, and are highly water-soluble. Two mechanisms have been proposed in the literature regarding the EC method of treatment by metal electrodes. The first method involves removal of dissolved matter by electrocoagulation by released © 2014 American Chemical Society
metal ions. The second method involves opposite charge interaction between positively charged metal ions and negatively charged impurities of dye bearing effluent (DBE).8−11 Therefore, a decrease in the zeta (ζ) potential reduces the colloidal solution stability by the charge neutralization mechanism and adsorption of organic dye molecules on the amorphous metal hydroxides in the form of precipitation. The study of the ζ-potential in EC treatment helps in understanding the effect of factors that influence the treatment process. These mechanisms can be better understood by measuring the ζ-potential of colloids present in the solution during the EC treatment. In our previous study,9 changes in the ζ-potential during the EC treatment of basic green 4 (BG) dye solutions with aluminum electrodes were reported, whereas Singh et al.9 reported a detailed mechanism and schemes of BG dye degradation during electrochemical treatment. Local dyers in small towns produce huge amounts of textile printing dye bath effluent during dyeing of textiles, woolens, etc. in small dye baths, and discharge them without any treatment to open channels. In our previous studies,7,11 parametric and multiple response optimization of EC method parameters was carried out for treatment of DBE using stainless steel (SS) and aluminum (Al) electrodes separately. The main focus of these studies was on parameter optimization without measurement of the ζ-potential and particle size distribution (PSD) of colloids in the solution during the treatment. Yuksel et al.12 performed a comparative study on EC treatment of a reactive orange 84 dye solution and a textile wastewater by SS and iron (Fe) as sacrificial electrodes. It was found that the EC process with SS electrodes not only consumed less electrode material and energy but also produced a smaller Received: Revised: Accepted: Published: 10743
December 11, 2013 April 27, 2014 May 14, 2014 May 14, 2014 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 10743−10752
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
2Cl− + 2e− → Cl 2
amount of sludge with the pH of the medium being more stable compared to the Fe electrodes under similar experimental conditions. The operating cost with SS electrodes was about 0.7 times the cost with Fe electrode. Thus, between SS and Fe, SS because of a lower dissolution rate and less operating cost and other operational advantages seems to be much better than Fe. Akbal and Kuleyin13 reported Al to be more effective than Fe electrode in terms of decolorization efficiencies and operating costs for decolorization of levafix brilliant blue E-B. However, Arslan-Alaton et al.14 reported electrocoagulation treatment of simulated reactive dye bath effluent with Al and SS electrodes where SS was found to be more effective compared to Al. Thus, Al and SS have distinct advantages and disadvantages for treatment of various types of wastewaters depending upon the characteristics (particularly pH) of the wastewater to be treated. In continuation with our previous studies and available literature, the main aim of the present study was to perform EC treatment of DBE using aluminum (Al) and stainless steel (SS) electrodes in various anode−cathode combinations in a batch EC reactor. Effects of current density (j), initial pH (pHo), electrode material, and treatment time on the removal efficiency in terms of color, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC), and turbidity have been studied. Specific energy consumption (SEC) and current efficiencies (CEs) have also been estimated during the treatment. The DBE removal mechanism has also been justified via ζ-potential study and PSD study at different pH values. Physicochemical analysis of residues (sludge) has also been reported for understanding the removal mechanism of DBE. Thermodegradation analysis and pore size distribution of residues were determined for proposing their potential further application.
Chlorine gas (Cl2) hydrolyzes in water according to the following reaction to form hypochlorous acid (HOCl):18 Cl 2 + H 2O ↔ HOCl + Cl− + H+
Hypochlorous acid is a weak acid which dissociates in aqueous solution to form ClO−: HOCl ↔ ClO− + H+
Thus, chlorine, depending on the pH, forms various chlorine species (Cl 2 , HOCl, and ClO − ) in the EC reactor. Hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite are the main chlorine species present in water in the pH range 6−9. These species can indirectly oxidize the organic material present in the DBE. Since Cl2 hydrolysis is almost complete at pH 6.0 and > 8.0 for Al/Fe)
dye polymeric Al/Fe)(s) + Al(OH)3 /Fe(OH)3 (s) → (particles)
(pH > 6.0 and > 8.0 for for Al/Fe) (13)
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Table 1. Characteristic of DBE before and after EC Treatment with Different Combinations of Electrodes at Optimum Conditions after treatment param
before treatment
SS/SS (%)
SS/Al (%)
Al/Al (%)
Al/SS (%)
COD (mg/L) color (Pt−Co unit) conductivity (μm) total solids (g/L) total suspended solids (TSS) (g/L) pH Na (g/L) Cl (g/L)
4890 397 000 6.42 13.65 2.86 9.98 1.2 9.6
82.50 99.0 0.82 0.32 0.18 11.89 0.28 0.38
70.40 94.50 0.98 1.35 0.35 12.56 − −
68.62 96.35 1.24 4.13 0.63 8.2 0.34 0.68
56.65 88.5 1.63 6.78 1.08 8.9 − −
3. MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1. Materials. All the chemicals used in this study, such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide, and potassium dichromate purchased from Ranbaxy Chemicals Ltd., New Delhi, India, and mercuric sulfate and silver sulfate purchased from Himedia Laboratories, Mumbai, India, were of analytical reagent grade. A perspex made EC batch reactor of 1.5 L capacity (130 mm × 130 mm × 210 mm) was used in the experiments. Al and SS plate electrodes having 108 mm × 108 mm × 130 mm dimensions were used in parallel connections as various anode− cathode combinations. A voltmeter and an ammeter operated in constant current mode with a digital direct current power supply (0−20 V, 0−5 A) were used during the experiments. The main characteristics of the DBE obtained from local dye bath/textile printers in Roorkee, India, are given in Table 1. 3.2. Electrochemical Treatment. All EC experiments were conducted in a thermostatically controlled cuboid batch reactor with 1.5 L capacity. Two Al and SS electrodes with different anode−cathode combinations such as Al−Al, Al−SS, SS−SS, and SS−Al have been used in this study. The electrodes were connected in parallel mode with an interelectrode distance of 1 cm, and the total submerged area of the electrodes was 9.8 × 8.5 cm2. A magnetic stirrer with 600 rpm speed was used for stirring the solution during treatment. A schematic diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Figure S1 (Supporting Information). The pH of the solution was adjusted by adding 0.1 N NaOH or 0.1 N H2SO4. After treatment, the treated solution was centrifuged at 1800 rpm and the supernatant was used for determination of residual color, COD, TOC, and turbidity concentration. After the experiment, the electrode surface was washed with acetone followed by dipping in HCl (35%) and hexamethylenetetraamine ((CH2)6N4) (2.9%) for 5 min after each run to remove the impurities from the electrode surface, after which it was dried and reweighed. All the results reported are averages of three replicate experiments. Less than 5% deviation was observed from the average value in these experiments. Specific energy consumption (SEC) is an extremely important parameter of an EC process and is directly proportional to the current passed and electrode dissolution during the EC treatment. SEC (kWh/kg COD removed) was calculated using the following equation: SEC =
UIt EC(1000) (CODo − CODtEC )V
and CODt is the COD (mg/L) at time t. The current efficiency (CE) was calculated using the following equation:9,26 CE =
ELCe ELCe = ELCt (ZFV )/(It ECM w )
where ELCe is the actual or experimental amount of anodic dissolution (kg/m3) which was calculated by weighing the anode before and after experiment, ELCt is the theoretical metal consumption (kg/m3) which was calculated using Faraday’s law, Mw is the molecular weight of the anode (g/mol) in the EC reactor, Z is the chemical equivalence, and F is Faraday’s constant (96 485.3 C/mol). Considering electrocoagulation as the surface process, the degradation kinetics can be represented in terms of the heterogeneous rate constant (kh) by the following equation: ⎛ V ⎞ d[COD] r = −⎜ ⎟ = k h[COD] dt ⎝ Ae ⎠
Also, inside the batch electrocoagulation reactor, the COD removal rate is proportional to the concentration of the organic pollutant and the amount of corresponding hydroxides formed.27,28 Since the generation of ferric and aluminum hydroxides can be assumed constant for a given current density, the kinetics for COD removal can be represented by the pseudo-first-order kinetic model as −
d[COD] = k[COD] dt
where k is the pseudo-first-order reaction rate constant (min−1) and is related to kh by the following equation:
k h = k(V /Ae)
Rearranging eq 17 and integrating the equation gives CODt = CODοe−kt = CODοe−kh(Ae / V )t
Values of k and kh were determined from ln(COD/CODo) versus time plots. 3.3. Instruments and Analytic Measurement. Initial and final CODs and color were determined by using a double beam UV−visible spectrophotometer (HACH, DR 5000, USA) and digestion unit (DRB 200, HACH, USA), and a colorimeter (Aqualytic, Germany), respectively. TOC was determined using a nondispersive infrared (IR) source of a TOC analyzer (TOC-V-CSN 39208967, Shimadzu) by the combustion of samples at 680 °C. Turbidity was measured by a turbidity meter (2100P, Hach). Samples were collected from the reactor after the desired level of electrolysis time (tEC), and the removal
where U is the cell voltage (V), I is the current (A), tEC is the time (h) of electrocoagulation, V is the volume (L) of wastewater treated, CODo is the initial COD of the solution (mg/L), 10745 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 10743−10752
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Figure 1. Effect of current density and time on color removal and COD removal for different anode−cathode combinations.
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Effect of Current Density. Current density (j) is an important parameter for controlling the electrodissolution, the potential between the pollutant and coagulant particles, the interaction between the particles, etc.29 The effect of j on DBE treatment efficiency during EC treatment was investigated in the range 39.215−156.86 A/m2 at pH 9.5 and 3.5 mS/cm conductivity. Figure 1 represents the percentage color and COD removals at different j values during EC treatment with four different anode−cathode combinations of electrodes. Color and COD removals increased with an increase in the j value from 39.215 to 117.64 A/m2 as shown in Figure 1a−c. However, very little change in removal efficiency was obtained with further increase in j to 156.86 A/m2 (Figure 1d). This may be due to the fact that, at appropriate j values, sufficient coagulants are generated via anodic dissolution and they interact with OH ions to form respective precipitates (eqs 1−4) to remove impurities by adsorption and flotation (precipitation) mechanisms.30 For j = 117.64 A/m2 after 120 min of electrolysis, 98.2% color removal and 64.7% COD removal were obtained with the SS−SS electrode combination, 96.7% color removal and 44.7% COD removal were obtained with the Al−Al electrode combination, 97.9% color removal and 56.1% COD removal were obtained with the SS−Al electrode combination, and 91.4% color removal and 38.5% COD removal were obtained with the Al−SS electrode combination. SS−SS and SS−Al electrode combinations gave approximately 82% COD removal and 99.8% color removal after 150 min of electrolysis at 117.64 A/m2. Similarly, TOC and turbidity removal percentages at different j values with various combinations
efficiency (RE) was determined by using the following relationship: RE (%) =
Co − Cf ·100 Co
where Co and Cf are the initial and final concentrations (mg/L or NTU) for the COD, TOC, color, and turbidity removal efficiencies. The effect of j during EC treatment was optimized by measuring the surface charge in terms of the ζ-potential (mV). The surface charge and particle size distribution (PSD) were determined with respect to the change in pH by a Malvern Nano Zetasizer (Z-S 90, U.K.). This instrument used dynamic light scattering (DLS) and laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) for the particle size distribution (PSD) and the ζ-potential, respectively. The ultimate composition of DBE residue in terms of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur elements was determined by using a Thermo Finnigan Flash EA 1112 Series. The morphology and elemental composition of residue generated during EC treatment were determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopic analysis in an EDX analyzer (QUANTA, Model 200 FEG, USA). Thermal analysis of the EC residues was done by a Perkin Elemer (Pyris Diamond) thermogravimetric (TG) analyzer. The Brunauer−Emmett− Teller (BET) surface area and pore size distribution were determined in a Micromeritics ASAP 2020 surface area and porosity analyzer for determination of textural properties of the EC residues. 10746 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 10743−10752
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The above results show that the higher values of j produce higher amounts of metallic cationic species which in turn lead to increased color and COD removal efficiencies; because of this, the ζ-potential of the treated DBE moves toward a positive value. Also, the electrochemical equivalent mass of iron (17.37 mg/A min) is almost 3 times that of aluminum (5.59 mg/A min); i.e., the SS electrode produces more iron coagulants than aluminum when the same amount of electric charge is passed through these electrodes.32 Therefore, the SS/Al and SS/SS systems have higher treatment efficiencies than the Al−Al and Al/SS systems. It may be noted that the effect of j was studied at pH ≈9.5, where aluminum exists in the form of Al(OH)4− ions and Fe exists in the form of Fe(OH)4− ions. It may also be noted that the DBE itself contains very a high amount of chloride. During the EC process, chlorine gas is generated at the anode (via reaction 7) and forms other chlorine species (HOCl and ClO−) depending upon pH via reactions 8 and 9. At high pH >9, ClO− (formed via reaction 9) is dominating among all chlorine species and has a very high oxidation potential. It helps in the treatment of DBE at high pH by direct oxidation.33 Figure S2c,d (Supporting Information) shows variations of SEC and CE with j for various anode−cathode combinations. After 150 min of treatment and for j = 117.64 A/m2, SEC values were found to be 4.71 and 4.24 kWh/(kg COD) for SS/ SS and SS−Al and 3.84 and 3.35 kWh/(kg COD) for Al−Al and Al/SS, respectively. Generally, CE values were ≥100%; i.e., ELCe values were found to be higher than ELCt values in the present study, indicating insignificant passivation of electrodes. A higher amount of electrode consumption as compared to the theoretical amount may be because of dissolution of cathodic electrode materials at high (>9.5) solution pH and high current densities.32,34 Also the hole and pit formation on the surface of electrode referred to as corrosion pitting also causes higher metallic loss on the electrode surface. This mass loss also is calculated as the metal dissolved by the electrochemical process and increases the CE values.26 Overall, the SS−SS electrode combination was found to have the highest removal efficiencies (99.8% color removal, 82.4% COD removal, 68.5% TOC removal, and 96% turbidity removal) for j = 117.64 A/m2 at 150 min treatment time. The corresponding SEC value with the SS−SS combination was 4.71 kWh/(kg COD). Values of k (pseudo-first-order rate constant) were determined from ln(COD/CODo) versus time plots (Figure S3 in Supporting Information) at various j values. The rate constants (k and kh) and R2 values for COD removal for various anode− cathode combinations at various j values are given in Table 2. It may be observed that k values increase with increase in j values. Also, values of k are much higher for SS electrodes than for Al electrodes, indicating a higher COD removal rate for SS electrodes. 4.2. Effect of pH. EC process performance and the treatment efficiency are directly influenced by the pH. The effect of pH on various parameters is reported in Figure 3. Figure 3a shows the effect of pH on color and COD removal efficiencies with various combinations of electrodes. For Al−Al and Al−SS combinations, COD and color removal efficiencies increased with an increase in pH from 3.5 to 6.5, while for SS−SS and SS−Al combinations, COD and color removal efficiencies increased to maximum within the range pH 6.5− 8.5. Maximum color and COD removal efficiencies were found to be 95% and 66% for Al−Al, and 86% and 52% for Al−SS at pH 6.5, 99% and 82% for SS−SS, and 96% and 74% for SS−Al at pH 8.5, respectively. Beyond pH ∼6.5 and pH ∼8.5,
of electrodes are reported in Figure S2a,b (Supporting Information). After 150 min of electrolysis, 68.4% TOC removal and 98.5% turbidity removal were observed at optimum j with the SS−SS electrode combination. For 150 min treatment time, increase in j had no effect on the removal efficiency. Therefore, 150 min of electrolysis was sufficient at j = 117.64 A/m2 for 68% TOC removal and 99.8% turbidity removal with the SS−SS electrode combination, 64.25% TOC removal and 92.35% turbidity removal with the SS−Al electrode combination, 58.23% TOC removal and 95.32% turbidity removal with the Al−Al electrode combination, and 43.14% TOC removal and 89.12% turbidity removal with the Al−SS electrode combination. ζ-Potential measurement at different j values with different anode−cathode combinations at different electrolysis times help in understanding the treatment mechanism by the EC process. The original DBE was found to have pH ≈9.5 and ζ-potential ≈ −28.6 mV. It may be seen in Figure 2 that the
Figure 2. Effect of current density and time on ζ-potential for different anode−cathode combinations.
actual value of the ζ-potential changes from a more negative value (−28.6 mV) to a less negative or positive value for EC treatment of DBE with all anode−cathode combinations. Comparison of ζ-potential values obtained after 150 min of treatment show that the ζ-potential values are higher (i.e., less negative or positive value) for higher j values. Treated DBE was found to have ζ-potentials of −6.1 mV for the Al−Al combination, −1.2 mV for the Al−SS combination, 5.2 mV for the SS−SS combination, and 3.6 mV for the SS−Al combination after 150 min of electrolysis time. These results show that the metal cationic species increase with an increase in the j value and interact with negatively charged impurities.31 Comparison of the results for j = 117.16 and 156.86 A/m2 in Figure 1c,d and 2c,d shows that the color and COD removal efficiencies and the value of the ζ-potential at t = 150 min follow the order for various anode−cathode combinations: SS − SS > SS − Al > Al − Al > Al − SS 10747 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 10743−10752
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Table 2. Values of Pseudo-First-Order Rate Constant (k) and Correlation Coefficient (R2) for COD Removal at Various Current Densities current density, j (A/m2) anode−cathode combination SS/SS SS/Al Al/Al Al/SS SS/SS SS/Al Al/Al Al/SS SS/SS SS/Al Al/Al Al/SS
Pseudo-First-Order Rate Constant, k (min−1) 3.6 × 10−3 5.3 × 10−3 −3 2.7 × 10 5.0 × 10−3 2.1 × 10−3 5.0 × 10−3 2.0 × 10−3 2.5 × 10−3 Heterogeneous Rate Constant, kh (cm/s) 6.65 × 10−4 4.97 × 10−4 4.99 × 10−4 9.23 × 10−4 3.9 × 10−4 9.23 × 10−4 −4 3.69 × 10 4.62 × 10−4 Correlation Coefficient, R2 0.98 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.98
9.0 6.9 3.0 3.6
× × × ×
1.66 1.27 5.54 6.65
10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3
× × × ×
10−3 10−3 10−4 10−4
0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
156.86 9.8 7.3 4.5 3.8
× × × ×
1.81 1.36 8.31 7.02
10−3 10−3 10−3 10−3
× × × ×
10−3 10−3 10−4 10−4
0.96 0.98 0.98 0.97
For Al−Al and Al−SS combinations of electrodes, the ζpotential was found to be positive in nature at the optimum pH value of 6.5. Beyond the optimum pH, the ζ-potential decreased for experiments carried out with Al as anode. The increase in color removal and COD removal was constant and further decreased after an increase in pH beyond the optimum pH. For experiments carried out at 2.5 ≤ pH ≤ 6.5, an increase in pH increases the cationic species (Al3+ and Al(OH)2+), which increase the color and COD removal efficiencies. In the case of Al as anode, for pH >6.5, aluminum exists in the form of Al(OH)4− ions. This reduces the color and COD removal efficiencies because of the increase in repulsion between the same charge particles in colloidal DBE effluent. Similarly, for pH ∼8.5, the speciation of SS as anode35,36 illustrates that various cationic and hydroxide species (Fe2+, Fe3+, Fe(OH)2+, Fe(OH)2, etc.) increase the removal efficiency by the charge neutralization mechanism and sweep coagulation mechanism (Figure 3a). The PSD of colloids present in DBE was determined by DLS measurement. It is known that the smaller particles move more quickly than the larger particles; because of this smaller particles show larger fluctuation in the intensity of scattered light whereas larger particles give smaller fluctuations.37−39 In EC treatment, the particle size increased with an increase in the pH from 2.5 to 8.5 with SS as anode and pH 6.5 with Al as anode (Figure 3d). Figure 3a,d illustrates the relation between the particle diameter and removal efficiencies with various combinations of electrodes (SS−SS, SS−Al, Al−Al, and Al−SS). Particle diameters and color and COD removal efficiencies follow the order for various anode−cathode combinations:
Figure 3. Effect of pH on (a) color and COD removal efficiencies, (b) final pH, (c) ζ-potential, and (d) particle diameter for various anode− cathode electrode combinations at t = 150 min and j = 117.64 A/m2.
the removal efficiencies decreased for Al−Al and Al−SS, and SS−SS and SS−Al combinations, respectively (Figure 3a). Figure 3b shows the plot between initial and final pH change during the EC treatment at different pH values. A marginal increase in pH was found for all anode−cathode combinations. Untreated DBE effluent has a ζ-potential of −28.6 mV. Figure 3c,d shows the values of ζ-potential and particle diameter for DBE treated at different pH values with various anode−cathode combinations. It may be observed in Figure 3c that the treated DBE had less negative or positive values of the ζ-potential for all combinations. Values of the ζ-potential of treated DBE increased during the treatment because of the charge neutralization reaction of negatively charged colloids species present in the DBE with the positive metal ions released into the solution from various anodes (Figure 3c).
SS − SS > SS − Al > Al − Al > Al − SS
At optimum pH, charge neutralization and sweep coagulation by respective hydroxides allow the different particles to come together by van der Waals interaction and adsorption mechanism, respectively. These mechanisms increase the particle size at optimum pH. These particles later settle to the bottom and cause the highest color and COD removal efficiencies (Figure 3a,d). Thus, floc formation and settling are directly related to particle diameter.7 Similarly, TOC and turbidity removal percentages at different pH values with various combinations of electrodes are reported 10748 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 10743−10752
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in Figure S4a,b (Supporting Information). After 150 min of electrolysis at pH 8.5, 68.4% TOC removal and 98.5% turbidity removal were observed for the SS/SS electrode combination. For 150 min treatment time, increase in pH had no effect on removal efficiency. Therefore, 150 min of electrolysis was sufficient at pH 8.5. At this condition, 68.8% TOC removal and 98.8% turbidity removal were observed with SS−SS and 92.25% TOC removal and 62.65% turbidity removal were obtained with the SS−Al combination. Similarly, 56.23% TOC and 91.32% turbidity removal efficiencies were observed with Al−Al and 48.14% TOC and 87.32% turbidity removal efficiencies were observed with the Al−SS electrode combination at the optimum pH ≈6.5. Figure S4c,d (Supporting Information) shows variation of SEC and CE with pH for various anode−cathode combinations. After 150 min of treatment and for pH 8.5, SEC values were found to be 3.81 and 3.28 kWh/(kg COD) for SS/SS and SS−Al, respectively; for pH 6.5, SEC values were found to be 3.68 and 3.51 kWh/(kg COD) for Al−Al and Al−SS, respectively. CE values were found to be higher for SS electrodes compared to those for Al electrodes. This is due to the higher electrochemical equivalent mass of iron compared to that of aluminum. SEC and CE values increase with an increase in the pH value due to increase in anode dissolution. Overall, at low pH ( Al−SS (372.7 m2/g) > SS−SS (272.2 m2/g) > SS−Al (196.9 m2/g). The internal structure and structure heterogeneity of sludge can be determined in terms of the pore size distribution with the help of Barrett− Joyner−Halenda (BJH) analysis.41 Industrial application of the EC generated sludge is likely to be highly dependent upon its pore size distribution analysis. BJH pore volumes were found to be in the following order: SS−Al (0.386 m3/g) > Al−SS (0.325 m3/g) > SS−SS (0.292 m3/g) > Al−Al (0.280 m3/g). Similarly, BJH pore diameters were found to be in the following order: SS−Al (66.95 Å) > SS−SS (43.72 Å) > Al−SS (33.60 Å) > Al− Al (32.80 Å). IUPAC classifies various types of pores based on the pore diameter (d): supermicropores (d < 7 Å) < ultramicropores (7 Å < d < 20 Å) < micropores (d < 20 Å) < mesopores (20 Å < d < 500 Å) < macropores (d > 500 Å). On the basis of textural analysis, it can be said that all the anode− cathode combination sludges are mesoporous in nature. 4.4. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). Thermal degradation characteristics of sludge generated after EC treatment of DBE by various anode−cathode combinations was analyzed by thermal analysis.7,9 TGA/differential thermal analysis (DTA) gives qualitative and quantitative results regarding the thermal degradation nature, energy content, etc. 10749 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 10743−10752
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Figure 5. (a) Nitrogen adsorption (A) and desorption (D) isotherms for SS−SS and SS−Al, (b) nitrogen adsorption (A) and desorption (D) isotherms for Al−Al and Al−SS, and (c) pore volume and (d) pore area analysis of SS−SS, SS−Al, Al−Al, and Al−SS sludges.
Table 3. Surface and Thermal Degradation Properties of the Solid Residue Generated by the EC Process of Different Combinations of Electrodes sludge parameter textural properties BET surf. area (m2/g) BJH surf. area (m2/g) BJH pore vol (m3/g) BJH pore diam (Å) TGA analysis drying range (°C) moisture (%) degradation range (°C) temp at max rate of weight loss, Tmax (°C) max rate of weight loss (mg/min) DTA analysis exothermic reaction temp range (°C) exothermic energy, ΔH (MJ/kg)
272 267.28 0.292 43.72
196.95 230.82 0.386 66.95
389.69 364.95 0.280 32.80
372.66 385.03 0.3254 33.60
25−100 17.26 300−450 850−1000 220 and 350 0.20 and 0.167
25−100 20.9 300−460 260 0.323
25−100 20.11 350−456 870−920 300 0.329
25−100 13.21 300−480 820−950 319 0.58
200−260 300−400 −2.73
which help in deciding their possible usage as fuel in boilers and furnaces. Thermographs of sludges obtained in an air environment at 10 °C/min are shown in Figure 6, and the main results are shown in Table 3. TGA (Figure 6a) illustrates the quantitative analysis of mass change due to change in chemical composition of sludge during oxidation; differential thermogravimetry (DTG; Figure 6b) and DTA curves (Figure 6c) show the range of exothermic peaks associated with thermally induced oxidation. Table 3 shows the values of weight loss with temperature, peak temperature, and enthalpy change, etc.
Analysis of Figure 6a shows 10−21% thermal degradation in samples because of loss of moisture and some volatile matter up to a temperature of 210 °C. Sludges of different electrode combinations show a major degradation zone between 220 and 450 °C. Zones of maximum degradation for various anode− cathode combination sludges with corresponding weight losses were the following: 200−360 and 400−980 °C with 11.31 and 10.18% weight loss for SS−SS; 200−210 and 210−980 °C with 30 and 8.5% weight loss for SS−Al; 220−400 and 430−950 °C with 24.5 and 7.5% weight loss for Al−Al; 210−350 and 400−930 °C 10750 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 10743−10752
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higher amount of metallic cationic species, which in turn increased the color and COD removal efficiencies. Because of this, the ζ-potential of the treated DBE moved toward a positive value. Charge neutralization and sweep coagulation by respective hydroxides allowed the different particles to come together by van der Waals interaction and adsorption mechanism, respectively. These mechanisms increased the particle size at the optimum pH, and the particles later settled to the bottom and caused the highest color and COD removal efficiencies. At high pH (>9), ClO− formed via secondary reactions of chlorine directly oxidizes the colloidal matter present in DBE. BET surface areas of sludges were found to be in the following order: Al−Al > Al−SS > SS−SS >SS−Al. However, the trend was opposite for the BJH pore volume and pore diameter. All the anode−cathode combination sludges were mesoporous in nature. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the heating value of sludge was about 1/10 that of Indian coal. Because of the good surface area, sludge can be directly used as an adsorbent or can be used for making nanomaterials out of them by heat treatment.
S Supporting Information *
Schematic diagram of experimental setup; effect of current density and pH on TOC and turbidity removal, specific energy consumption (SEC), and current efficiency (CE); pseudo-firstorder reaction COD removal kinetic plot and EDX analysis of sludge generated by the EC process with different anode− cathode combinations of electrodes. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at
Figure 6. Variation of (a) TGA, (b) DTG, and (c) DTA graphs of SS−SS, SS−Al, Al−Al, and Al−SS sludges generated after EC treatment of DBE.
with 16.8 and 15.71% weight loss for Al−SS (Figure 6a). The rates of maximum weight loss (Figure 6b) were found to be 0.20 and 0.167 mg/min at 220 and 350 °C for SS−SS, 0.23 mg/min at 260 °C for SS−Al, 0.32 mg/min at 300 °C for Al−Al, and 0.58 mg/min at 319 °C for Al−SS. DTA curves in Figure 6c show different exothermic peaks of different electrode sludges, and results are shown in Table 3. Total weight losses were found to be 68.6, 62.6, 69.9, and 70% for SS−SS, SS−Al, Al−Al, and Al−SS, respectively. DTA analysis predicted the heating values of different electrode sludges to be 2.73, 2.80, 1.28, and 1.45 MJ/kg for SS−SS, SS−Al, Al−Al, and Al−SS, respectively. The average calorific value of Indian coal is reported to be 18.8 MJ/kg. Overall comparison of sludge characteristics based on textural and thermogravimetric analyses shows that the various sludges have very much less heating value compared to Indian coal (18.8 MJ/kg). However, the pore surface area of sludge is more than those of many of the low-cost adsorbents such as bagasse fly ash (156.9 m2/g),42 rice husk ash (36.44 m2/g),43 and fertilizer plant waste carbon (357 m2/g),44 and some of the commercial adsorbents such as commercial activated carbon (174.2 m2/g),42 zirconia (87−320 m2/g),45 and alumina (143 m2/g).46 Because of the good surface area, sludge can be directly used as an adsorbent; however, leaching of other elements present in the sludge needs to be checked. Since sludge also contains a number of metals such as iron and aluminum, these sludges can be used for making nanomaterials out of them by heat treatment.47 These nanomaterials can further be used as catalysts for other applications. Research work on these aspects is in progress in our laboratory.
Corresponding Author
*Tel.: +91-1332-285889. Fax: +91-1332-276535. E-mail: Notes
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are thankful to the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), India, for providing financial help for carrying out this work.
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