Electrochemistry in the freshman course - Journal of Chemical

Electrochemistry in the freshman course. William B. Meldrum. J. Chem. Educ. , 1951, 28 (5), p 282. DOI: 10.1021/ed028p282. Publication Date: May 1951...
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object in presenting this paper to this group of high-school and college tsachers is twofold: first, to call attention to one type of college chemistry course in which credit is allowed for work done in the subject in high school; and, second, to emphasize the importance of electrochemical concepts in the freshman chemistry course. In doing this the author finds it convenient to utilize the experience accumulated in the more than quarter century of his own teaching. For nearly twenty years a system has been in operation at Haverford College whereby students, most of them freshmen, are admitted directly to a second course in college chemistry on the basis of their preparatory school course. They are carefully selected and, on the average, about 25 per cent of those who attempt to elect the course are "persuaded" not to take it. Judgment of a boy's fitness to enter this second course is based upon several criteria of which the chief are: first, his rating in the College Entrance Examination Board Achievement Test in chemistry; second, his rating in the school course; and, third, the general rating of the school from which he comes as indicated by the degree of success in our course of former graduates of the same school. If his course in school has been of standard length and coverage, with suitable laboratory experience, and if his College Board rating in chemistry is 550 or over, then he is usually admitted. If he has not taken the College Board test in chemistry, then his ratings in mathematics and physics are examined. Such records as these are made available to the Department by the college office. Those students who have not had chemistry in high school and those whose preparation is considered inadequate for creditable performance in the course may enter the elementary course, and then, if they wish to pursue the study of chemistly further, they may elect the same second course in the following year. Formerly, the Chemistry

Department could "demote" to the elementary course those students who showed within the first five or six weeks of the term that their preparation was inadequate or their habits of study unsuitable to ensure creditable performance. This desirable privilege was, however, ended in the postwar reorganization of the college curriculum and its termination has necessitated more careful screening in order to avoid the admission of students who are unprepared to do good work in the course. A student thus admitted to the second course is enabled to proceed more rapidly into the more specialized courses in chemistry and is required to repeat relatively little of what he has already learned in high school. The results have been uniformly satisfactory. In the first place, the psychological effect on the student is good; thus admitted to an advanced course he feels that he is put on his mettle and tries to do good work; the depressing and relaxing effect of spending time in repetition of what he has already studied in school is largely eliminated and, definitely, he finds the work more interesting. Our experience shows conclusively that we are not being over optimistic in expecting the abler and more alert students to carry over and apply in the college course what he has had the year before, or the second year before, in high school, especially if that material has been well taught. Also, the subsequent success of these students in graduate schools and in positions in industrial chemistry would indicate that they are not handicapped by having this type of a general chemistry program. This second course is labeled "Inorganic Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis." Systematic qualitative analysis using semimicro methods chiefly comprises the laboratory work. The classwork emphasizes the principles of inorganic chemistry: "the fundamental chemical theory, reaction velocity and equilibrium, solutions of nonelectrolytes and electrolytes, the ionic 1 Presented st the Twelfth Summer Conference of the New England Association of Chemistry Teachers a t the University of theory and its applications to analytical processes and electrolytic phenomena, the periodic law, radiations, Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, August 22, 1950. 2E12

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and the theories of atomic and molecular structure and their applications in chemi~try."~With the aim of setting a t rest the fears of some teachers that principles are overemphasized and the learning of the facts of inorganic chemistry neglected, two things may be pointed out: first, that the discussion of principles as here listed involves inevitably the use of many facts as illustrative material; and, second, that prospective chemists, to whom solely the learning of such facts can be of real importance, have the opportunity of expanding their factual store in a senior course in advanced inorganic chemistry and in their review for the Major examination a t the end of the senior year. The author is in sympathy with those educationalists who hold that a t the freshman level in eductation it is of greater value to develop principles than to memorize facts. "Fundamental chemical theory" deals with the logical development of the principles leading to the establishment of equations, formulas, atomic and molecular weights, and other "tools" of the chemist. This is followed by "reaction velocity and equilibrium" where the principle of dynamic equilibrium and the principle of Le Chatelier are stressed because of their later importance in connection with ionic equilibria. The study of aqueous solutions and their colligative properties leads to the development of the ionic theory; the theory of Arrhenius is treated historically and the theory as it is today studied more thoroughly. Three fields of application of the ionic theory receive extensive treatment: ionic reactions, quantitative ionic equilibria, and electrochemistry. The remainder of the course, comprising about 40 per cent of the whole, deals with the periodic system, radiations, radioactivity, the atom, isotopes, and atomic and molecular structure. About nine class hours are devoted to electrochemistry, the subject being studied with reference to a "typical electrolytic circuit." The various parts of the circuit are studied in turn: the nature of the current through the connecting wires; electrolytic conductance and its approximate measurement; ion velocities; electrode reactions, considered as oxidation-reduction reactions and as the transformation of electrical energy into chemical energy; Faraday's laws; galvanic cells of various types, including the lead storage cell and one kind of dry cell; standard electrode potentials. These are interesting in themselves but their importance is enhanced by studying them in relation to other chemical phenomena and properties, for example: (1) the rel* tion of conductances of solutions of similar substances, such as the acids, to their chemical reactivities; (2) the determination of the end point in a titration by the resulting change in current, using such solution pairs as barium hydroxide and sulfuric acid, and silver sulfate and barium chloride; (3) the application of electrolysis in electrorehing, electroanalysis, electroplating and other electrochemical processes; (4) the development of a comprehensive system of deducing equivalent weights from equations based upon Faraday's second law; (5) the relation of standard electrode potentials 2Quoted from the Haverford College Catalogue.


to the reactivities of the metals and nonmetals as indicated in the reactivity series. In the last connection, it is interesting to point out the highly significant fact that a linear relationship exists between the standard electrode potentials of the metals and of the nonmetals and the heats of formation per gram equivalent of similar compounds such as the chlorides, bromides, or sulfates of the metals, or the potassium or sodium salts of the nonmetals. This can, of course, be deduced from the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, but its chief interest to the student lies in its bearing on the nature of the process of combination of a metal with a nonmetal. The above treatment of eleotrochemistry constitutes about ten per cent of the classwork but this becomes about 90 per cent if we accept the Websterian definition of electrochemistry as "the science of the relation of electricity to chemical changes." Much of what is listed under "radiations and atomic and molecular structure" and most of the material dealt with under "solutions, the ionic theory and its applications" belongs in this same category. Two topics under this broader definition seem worthy of further discussion at this time: (1) the production of free ions in solution and (2) ionic reactions. PRODUCTION OF FREE IONS

In aqueous solution this takes place by two processes which are essentially different: (a) In general, the crystals composing salts and hydroxides, like potassium chloride and potassium hydroxide, consist of ions formed when the substance was synthesized from the elements.' When the crystal of potassium chloride is put in water, the water molecules, which are polar, are attracted to the positively charged potassium ion and the negatively charged chloride ion sufficiently strongly to overcome the lattice forces binding the ions in the crystal, and so solution takes place. We represent the process by the equation: KXl--K+

or more simply, KC1



+ C1+ Cl-

In the case of most salts the change is probably complete and irreversible if solution of the substance is complete. The process is properly called dissociation, not ionization. (b) If the substance is covalent in structure, l i e hydrogen chloride or acetic acid, ionization is now assumed to take place by reaction with the water. A proton is transferred from the solute molecule to the water molecule; the proton breaks away from the covalent bond attaching it, for example, to the chlorine atom and attaches to the oxygen of a water molecule by a coordinate bond, thus:



a summary of the evidence see H. B. FRIEDMAN AND K. E. S ~ L E EJ., CHEM.E D U C . , ~ 11~(1947). , "or



This reaction to the right is virtually complete in dilute water or a weak acid from hydroxyl or the anion of the acid almost always involves the formation of a stable solution. Water in the liquid state is probably not such a simple covalent bond and in this lies the reason for the occursubstance as the formula H2O implies and so the fore- rence of the reaction. This may be seen in such reacgoing representation may be oversimplified but most tions as: chemists agree that the evidence supports this as the CH8COO- HaO+5 CH.COOH + HsO essential nature of the ionization process. In spite of this many authors persist in representing the change as and simple dissociation, thus: CaCOr 2HsOC Ca++ + HnCOI + 2Ht0







+ CI-

(c) The Formation of a Complex Ion. Many complex ions are capable of formation between the more common ions tested in the laboratory and the reagents employed. A careful examination of these will show that in most cases it is probable that a stable wordinate HC1 HIO CIHaO+ bond has been formed. One of the best known cases is and then revert to the old Arrhenins representation the reaction between cupric ion and ammonia to form which is thereupon used "for the sake of convenience the cupriammonia complex ion (tetrammiue cupric in writing equations." The defense is sometimes ion), thus: made that we do not use the hydrated forms of ions Cu 4NH. Cu(NHJ,++ other than hydrogen, except perhaps in the modern representation of hydrolysis, and so why be so particu- The composition of this complex ion is readily found lar about the hydrogen ion? The answer to this is from freezing point depression measurements and the that we are by no means sure of the extent of hydration evidence is reasonably conclusive that its structure is represented by the formula: of many of the ions whereas the evidence for H,O' from many angles seems convincing. Also, the process ++ H of ionization is more important pedagogically than the H H:N:H H writing of miscellaneous equations involving other ions. In the opinion of the author, the gain in "convenience" H H:N:H H in using H + instead of H30+even in writing oxidationreduction equations, is negligible in comparison with the loss concomitant with departing from what we be- The stability of this complex ion may be ascribed to the lieve to be correct. formation of four stable coordinate bonds by which the cupric ion is attached to the nitrogens in four ammonia IONIC REACTIONS molecules. In inorganic chemistry, but especially in qualitative (d) Ozidation-Reduction Reactions. In virtually all analysis the student meets vast numbers of reactions of the reartions of this type occurring in aqueous koluinvolving many different reagents and substances. tion there is a.transfcr of electrons from one substance Equations must be written for these if the matter is to to another. In fact, we may say that such reactions be understood. How many of these equations should take place because of a difference in electron affinity the teacher expect the student to know and how can of the reacting substances. The function of hydrogen they best be learned? If we study the situation we ion in some reactions and of water molecules in others find that by applying the concepts of the ionic theory must, of course, be carefully considered. the chaos of reactions readily reduces to order. By the careful study of these four types of reaction When dealing with aqueous solutions we find that the task of writing equations becomes less of a memory all of the numerous reactions can be classified in four chore and becomes rather a matter of applying definite principles. All of the mechanisms can be ascribed to categories, as follows: (a) The Fwmation of a Precipitate. The ions come a shift of pr&ns, electrons, or other charged particles, together to form a substance which is nearly insoluble and in most cases this can be visualized. The meoh* and thus precipitates. The lattice forces of the crystal nisms of oxidation-reduction reactions can be satisfacovercome the attractive forces of the polar water mole- torily demonstrated using the familiar "reaction a t a cules for the ions. This is merely the reverse of the distance" apparatus not only qualitatively but in many solution process of a soluble salt. A simple example is: cases quantitatively as well. By way of summary it may be said that the author Ag+ + C1AgCI definitely favors, on the basis of many years experience, (b) The Formation of a Weak Electrolyte. The forma- admission to a second course in chemistry in college if a tion of water or of a weak acid results in the majority student has had a good course in preparatory school. of these cases. If the student has learned which acids He recommends that such a course deal primarily with are weak and which strong he is usually in a position to the princaples of inorganic chemistry and that these predict the result in a given case. The formation of principles are, for the most part, best understood by the

which the thinking student is almost certain to question. The practice, however, seems to be growing, for authors to give as the probably correct representation








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students if presented against a background of electro- virtually all major points, not only arouses keen interchemical concepts. Further, such a course, permitting, est on the part of the students but provides an excellent as it does, lecture demonstrations in illustration of vehicle for the scientific method.