Electrode Reactions of Aromatic Compounds in Strong Acid Solutions

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enhanced, and the second decreased, as expected for a catalytic system. However, the third and subsequent relative transition times did not follow the theoretical model (Table 11). The third transition time was much lower than that predicted for a reaction with a rate constant fitting the first two transition times, and was in fact even lower than the value expected for a simple diffusioncontrolled case. This finding prompted the solution of Case 3, involving both catalytic and kinetic irreversible reactions. However a good agreement between theory and experiment could not be obtained for this case either; the predicted slow decrease in the relative transition times was not observed experimentally. The reaction system involving titanium(1V) and hydroxylamine is apparently more complicated than has been suspected, and is being investigated further. CC has the advantage of allowing the determination of rate constants for an experiment a t a single current density. Furthermore differentiation between kinetic and catalytic cases is immediately apparent in a single experi-

ment, as opposed to chronopotentiometry with a single current reversal. Complications due to additional reactions, such as the case of titanium(1V) and hydroxylamine, or due to adsorption are readily recognized.

set RK 1, RK 2, and T (1) a t desired values. To form tables of an’s for different values of k1 and kz, a DO-loop can be added, starting with the statement before READ 900 and ending on the 500 CONTINUE statement.



Computer Program for Generating and Solving Equations for CC with Following Chemical Reaction. This

program in Fortran 60 generates and solves the equations for the various relative transition times. The following data are read in: K, the total number of reversals desired, NOSIG, the number of significant figures desired ~ ~ d k~ (RK 11, in a,, ( i ~ ~ d i ~ ~ ) l i(RR), the rate constant for the catalytic reaction, kz (RK 2), the rate constant for the kinetic reaction, and [T(l)j, the first transition time. The output involves printing the above data and also k ~ [T . ( S ) ]and a, [R ( S ) ] . This program can be used for all three cases. For Case 1, set RK 1 = 0.0 and T (1) = 1 .O. For Case 2, set R K 2 = 0.0 and T (1) = 1.0. For Case 3,


(1) Delahay, P., Mattax, C., Berzins, T., J . A m . Chem. SOC.76, 5319 (1954). (2) DraEka, O., Collection Czech. Chem. Commun. 25. 338 11960). (3) Fischer, 0.; Dra$ka, O., Fischerova, E., Zbid., 26, 1505 (1961). (4) Furlani, C., Morpurao, G., J. Electroanal. Chem. 1 , 35i (1960).

Herman. H. B.. Bard. A. J.. ANAL. CHEM.35,’ 1121 (1963). ‘ (6) Murray, R. W., Reilley, C. N., J. Electroanal. Chem. 3 , 182 (1962). ( 7 ) Sartori, G., Furlani, C., Morpurgo, G.. 2. Elektrochem. 63. 588 (1959). (8) Smith, D. E., ANA;. CHEM.35, 602 (1963). (9) Testa, A. C., Reinmuth, W. H., Ibid. 32, 1512 (1960). RECEIVED for review October 25, 1063. Accepted December 12, 1963. Division of Analytical Chemistry, 145th Meeting ACS, New York, X. Y., September 1963. Work supported by the Robert A. Welch Foundation. 15’1 \





Electrode Reactions of Aromatic Compounds in Strong Acid Solutions Chronopotentiometric and Spectrometric Studies of the p-Hydroquinone-H,S04 System at Platinum Electrodes HARRY


Jr.l, and CURTIS 1. ATKIN

Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute o f Technology, Pasadena, Calif.

b The electro-oxidation of p-hydroquinone and the subsequent reduction of the electro-oxidation products a t platinum electrodes has been studied chronopotentiometrically in supporting electrolytes of varying sulfuric acid concentration. Five distinct anodic waves are found between 10 and 16F HzS04 which represent the oxidation of hydroquinone and four new species formed a t high acid strengths, Reverse current chronopotentiograms reveal that only two oxidation products are observed in this acid strength range even though the total reverse transition time was in all cases equal to ‘/3 the anodic electrolysis time. Ultraviolet and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra as well as electrochemical evidence indicate that the four new species are sulfonation products rather than protonation compounds. The four compounds and their oxidation products are identified. 514



ELECTRODE reactions of aromatic compounds such as the phenylenediamine isomers and related diamines ($3,29, 34, 36), p-aminophenol (43, 46), NJ1V-dimethylaniline (9, 11, 31), chloropromazine (33, and nitrobenzene compounds (12, 28, 36) have been the subject of considerable interest in recent years. Quite often the electrode mechanisms of this type of compound involve the formation of short-lived intermediates such as both negative and positive free radicals (28, 36), carbonium ions (9, 11, 31) and imines (9, 11, 31, 45). The nature and reactions of some of these intermediates can be studied by means of such electrochemical techniques as reverse current chronopotentiometry (7, 38, 45, 46), rotating disk electrodes (10, 11, 24), and cyclic voltametry (11, 19, 31, 39). These techniques are generally employed in conjunction with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) (12, 28, HE

$6) and spectrophotometric (31)studies. Such investigations have not only elucidated the electrode behavior of many organic compounds but have also shed considerable light on the chemistry of these short-lived intermediates. This information is very useful also to the organic chemist as it results in a better understanding of homogeneous organic reaction mechanisms in general. A recent study of the anodic oxidation of phenylenediamine compounds (29) as a function acid strength of the supporting electrolyte showed that total protonation of the basic amine groups had a very large effect on the oxidation potential. Protonation of just one amino group (one free amino group remains) had no observable effect on the

1 Present address, Department of Chemistry, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.

quarter wave potential, &4, but total protonation (no free pair of electrons) shifted the ElI4about 250 mv. The present study of the effects of acid strength on the elect ro-oxidation and p-hydroquinone was undertaken to determine if any protona ;ion phenomenon could be observed and, if so, to compare them with thoise observed for p-phenylenediamine. As the phenolic (--.OH) group is a very weak base (2), this study was carried out in solutions of high acid strength; 1 to 188' H:2S04 [Ho, Hammett's acidity function (15, 35) = -0.26 to -11.1 (35)l. According to current theory three types of conjugate acids of phenolic compounds can form a t these high acid strengths (13, 16, 32, 3 5 ) : an oxonium compound (i), a *-complex (ii), or a o-complex, (iii): 0








It has been shown that phenol is protonated primarily on the oxygen atom [type (i)conjugate acid] in strong acids (2) bu tphloroglucinol (1,3,5trihydroxybenzene) is protonated on a ring carbon [type (iii) conjugate acid] (22, 41). To the best clf our knowledge, no previous studies of t ?e protonation of p-hydroquinone have heen made; thus, the possible formation of all three types of conjugate acid had to be considered in interpreting the results of this investigation. Also, other investigators have found that phenolic compounds are extremely sensitive to sulfonation (2, 14, 16, 44), oxidation (do), and other decomposition reactions (2). The formation of such sulfonation or oxidation products could also affect the characteristics of the chroriopotentiograms. Thus, because of the complex nature of the system, the ultrasviolet spectra as well as the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of the phydroquinoneH2S04 solutions were studied in conjunction with the potential-time curves obtained by anodic and reverse current chronopotentiometry. As a result of this chronopotentiometric and spectrometric study, the various species formed in the p-hydroquinone-H~SO~system have been defined and their electrochemical behavior described. EXPERIMENTAL

Apparatus. The :hronopotentiometric circuitry followed the standard practice (25) and complete descriptions of the circuit components have been previously reported ( : I ) . A Mosely Autograph Model 3-S recorder was emdoyed. The applied electrolysis current was determined b,y measuring the

voltage drop across a precision (0.05%) resistor of appropriate value which was connected in series with the electrolysis cell. A Leads and Korthrup directreading pH meter, operating as a millivoltmeter, was employed to measure the potential drop across the resistor. A Hg2S04(14F H2S04)/Hg reference electrode was used and all potential values given in this paper are reported (unless otherwise stated in the text) with reference to this electrode. The potential of this reference electrode was +0.2560 volt us. the saturated calomel electrode (SCE). The reference electrode made electrical contact with the sample solutions through a liquid bridge which contained an H&O4 solution of the exact same acid concentration as that of the sample solution (a medium sintered glass frit separated the liquid bridge and the sample solution). The liquid bridge arrangement eliminated any appreciable change in the acid concentration of the sample solution resulting from the diffusion caused by the difference in acid strengths of the electrolytes of the sample and reference electrode. The working electrode was a Beckman Model 39273 platinum button electrode which had an exposed surface area of approximately 0.23 sq. cm. The working electrode was pretreated before each measurement by successively anodizing and cathodizing it to 1.6 and to -0.2 volt us. the SCE, respectively, in approximately 1F H2S04 in a cyclic manner (SO). The final cycle was cathodic and the current was interrupted as soon as the potential reached hydrogen ion reduction (approximately -0.2 volt us. SCE). This pretreatment results in the formation of finely divided platinum on the surface (27). The pretreated electrodes were then immediately used to record the chronopotentiograms of the sample to be investigated. As platinum oxides form in the potential regions of the experiments, the electrode must always be pretreated before each measurement. The auxiliary electrode was a coiled 3-inch length of 0 020 inch in diameter platinum wire. The ultraviolet spectra were obtained with a Cary Model 14 recording spectrophotometer and the proton magnetic resonance spectra were obtained with a Varian A-60 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer. The sample solutions were de-aerated in the electrolysis cell by bubbling prepurified nitrogen gas through the solution prior to the experiment. =1 nitrogen atmosphere was maintained over the surface of the solution during the actual experiment. All measurements were made a t room temperature (25' =t l.oo C J . Preparation of Solutions and Materials. All chemicals, with the exception of those specifically listed below, were reagent grade and were used without further purification. All solutions were prepared with triply distilled water. The HO values of the standard acid solutions, from which the samples for measurement were prepared, were determined by measuring the density with a pycnometer and then determining the weight per cent sulfuric

acid from a wt. %-density plot constructed from the density tables in the International Critical Tables (17). The Ho was then estimated from Ho tables of Paul and Long (35). The hydroquinone (or related species) sQlutions were prepared by dissolving weighed amounts of solid sample in a specific volume of standard acid solution. The 2,5-dihydroxybenzenesulfonic acid (16), 2,5 - dihydroxybenzene - 1,3 - disulfonic acid [it is assumed although not proved that the predominant product will have the sulfonic acid groups in the 1 and 3 position (2O)], and the monosulfonic acid ester of p-hydroquinone (48), were synthesized and purified by standard methods found in the literature (16, 20,


Anodic Chronopotentiometry. Figure 1 shows the anodic chronopotentiograms of p-hydroquinone solutions of vsrious Ho values between -4.84 and -8.14 (10 to 16F H2SOd). At Ho = - 4.89 (curve A ) , only one wave, 1, corresponding to the oxidation of species, I , is observed; both for a freshly prepared solution and for a solution that has been allowed to age for over 48 hours. At Ho = - 5.87 (curve B), however, the chronopotentiogram of a freshly prepared solution (indicated by the dashed line) shows two distinct waves; 1 and 3. By examining the chronopotentiograms a t intermediate Hovalues, wave 1 of curve B was shown to correspond to the electro-oxidation of I . The slight positive shift of the E1/4of wave 1 between Ho = -4.89 and -5.87 is the result of the change in the acidity of the solution. This is not unexpected, as protons are undoubtedly involved in the electro-oxidation mechanism of hydroquinone (26). Wave 3, however, must represent the electrooxidation of a new species, I I I , which is formed a t this higher acid strength. As the solution of HO = -5.87 is allowed to age (in a sealed container) a new wave, 2, begins to appear which represents the formation of another species, 11, which is oxidized at a potential intermediate to those of waves 1 and 3. The transition times, T ~ r2, , and r3, of waves 1, 2, and 3, respectively, change with time: r1 and T~ decrease, while r2 increases. The chronopotentiogram of the Ho = -5.87 after 48 hours (indicated by the solid line of curve B ) shows that I I is now the predominate species in the solution. The concentration of I is quite small, and the concentration of I I I has been reduced to zero. It should be noted a t this point that the overall transition times (sum of the transition times of individual waves) of the hydroquinone chronopotentiograms in the high acid strength solutions decreases with time (approximately 2% per day at HO = -4.89 to about 10% per day a t VOL. 36, NO. 3, MARCH 1964



I TIME.sec.

Figure 1. Chronopotentiograms of 0.01 F p-hydroquinone a t various Ho values

.. . . A. 6. C.


Freshly prepared solutions Solutions aged for 48 hours Ho = -4.89(1 OF HnSOa) Ho = -5.87 (1 2F H2SO4) Ho -6.51 (13.2F H2SO4) Ha = -8.14 (16FHzS04)

Ho = -11.1) which indicates that the hydroquinone is also undergoing oxidation and/or decomposition reactions which do not yield electroactive products. At Ho = -6.51, the chronopotentiograms of freshly prepared solutions (not shown in Figure 1) exhibit three distinct waves which correspond to the oxidation of I , I I , and I l l . As the solution ages, however, the transition time of wave 2 increases and those of wave 1 and 3 decrease. After about 12 hours only one wave (wave 2) is observed which does not change on further aging (see curve C of Figure 1). At Ho = -8.14 (curve D ) , the freshly prepared solution (indicated by the dashed line) exhibits two distinct waves (2 and 5). The wave a t the least positive potential was shown to correspond to the oxidation of species, I I . The change in acidity again is responsible for the change in E114 of this wave. Wave 5, however, results from the oxidation of another new species, V, formed a t the higher acid strength. As the Ho = -8.14 solution is aged, a third wave, 4, representing the oxidation of another species, I V , begins to appear and the transition times of waves 2 and 5 decrease, as indicated by the solid line of curve D of Figure 1. As the acidity of the solution is increased to Ho = -8.75 and -11.1 (17 and 18F H2S04, respectively), the chronopotentiograms of the freshly prepared solutions exhibit three waves, 2, 4, and 5. The only change in the characteristics of the waves as the acid strength increases is the increase in the rate a t which the transition time of mave 4 increases (and that of 2 decreases) with aging. The chronopotentiograms of p-hydroquinone solutions of H o between -0.26 and -4.89 exhibited only one mave corresponding to wave 1 of curve A of Figure 1. There was no abnormal shift of E1/4 (29) of this wave indicating that 516


T I ME, SeC.

Figure 2. Current reversal chronopotentiograms of 0.01 F p-hydroquinone solutions A. E.

no new species having a different oxidation potential is formed in this acidity range.


Current Reversal Chronopotentiometry. I n an effort to character-

ize the various species formed in the H2S04solution whose oxidations correspond t o waves 1 through 5, the cathodic waves obtained on reversal of the current after an anodic electrolysis were investigated. A typical set of current-reversal chronopotentiograms are shown in Figure 2. The curves shown in part A of Figure 2 were obtained for an aged (10 hours) Ho = - 6.40 solution which exhibits three anodic waves : 1 , 2 , and 3. The cathodic chronopotentiogram obtained on reversal of the current near the end of wave 1 (at point a) exhibits only one wave, 1’. The potential of wave 1 at 0.25 T~ was found to be equal to the potential of wave 1’ a t 0.215 T Z ‘ , which indipates that electrode mechanism for the oxidation of this species, I , is reversible (3, 6, 33). It was found that TI = 3 T ~ ‘ ;thus, the oxidation product, I,,, was not subject to rapid hydrolysis or decomposition reactions. Plots of log


Aged Ho = 6.40 (1 3F H2SO4) solution Aged Ho = -8.14 (1 6F H2SOnl soluion

(+2tius. potential, E, (for t1’2)

wave‘ 1) were linear as exDected for a reversible reaction (4, 19) and had a 2.3 RT reciprocal slope [equal to -- (18) I nF

that was equal to 0.031 indicating that the numbers of electrons, n, involved in the electrode reaction was eaual to 2 Ifor n = 2. the theoretical slope of the log plot is 0.030 (3, 19fl. The eipression for the potential-time curve of the current reversal chronopotentiogram of a reversible system (S), predicts that plot of log








+ t ’ ) 1 / 2- 2t”j2

E, where rl is the transition time of the anodic wave and t‘ is any time after T ~ will , be linear and have a reciprocal


slope of ____ RT. Such plots for wave 1’ nF

yielded straight lines of slope = 0.0300.033 indicating the number of electrons, n, involved in the reduction reaction is also equal to 2. If the current is reversed just prior to the transition of wave 2 (at point b, Part A of Figure 2), two waves, 1’ and 2‘, which correspond to the reduction of the products I,, and II,, of the two anodic waves 1 and 2, are obtained. The overall transition time, T I , (r’ = T ~ ‘ T Z ’ ) , of the reverse wave was equal to 1/3 of the overall time duration, tb, of the anodic wave, indicating that the oxidation products do not undergo a rapid chemical reaction to form electro-inactive species. Palke, Russell, and Anson (33) have shown that for reverse wave in this case, T ~ ‘can be calculated from the expression :



= 1/9 [sn -k 3rz


4(47iz -k



where T~ and T* are the transition times for waves 1 and 2 in this case. Comparison of theoretical values of TI’ and experimental values showed that the experimental values were 10 to 20% less than the theoretical values. This coupled TZ) = 3 ( T I ’ with the fact that (71 rZ1) indicates that the species, II,,, produced on the oxidation of I I undergoes a chemical reaction to form the same species, I,,, produced by the oxidation of I . Also, aged solutions of H o = -6.51 which showed only one anodic wave, 2, were found to exhibit two cathodic waves, 1’ and 2’, on



current reversal; further indicating that ITox was undergoing a chemical conversion to Iox. Studies of the reverse current chronopotentiograms of the same Ho = -6.51 as used above but now diluted to Ho = - 3.75 showed that only one anodic wave, :orresponding to $ 0 1 oxidation of species Ii‘, and only one cathodic wave on current reversal. However, in this later case the potential a t 0.215 T’ was approximately 90 mv. O 0.2 .1 more negative than E1/4of the anodic I I wave and was found to be equal to that 200 zao 300 W A V E LENGTH.mp of the E114 for the rmodic wave of species I , a t Ho = -3.75. It was conFigure 3. Ultraviolet spectra of 0.2 cluded, therefore, thai,, a t this lower X 10-3Fp-hydroquinone a t various Ho acid strength, the oxidstion product of values I 1 is very rapidly cclnverted to lox. Furthermore, a t higher acid strengths, Ho = -7.00 to -8.00, the reverse current wave obtained after the anodic though all three species have undergone oxidation of I I exhibitf, only one wave. oxidation. The potential of the single In this case the Ell4 of the anodic wave cathodic wave, 2‘, corresponds to that was exactly equal to the potential a t of the reduction of IIOx. No cathodic 0.215 T‘ which indi2ates that the wave was obtained for a distinct oxidaelectrode reaction is rex,ersible. Also, it tion product of either species IV or V was found that T Z = 3:-z’ Thus, at the even a t Ho = - 11.1. It was found that, higher acid strengths, the chemical reregardless of the point a t which the curaction of II,, to forin I,, does not rent was reversed, the duration of the proceed a t an appreciable rate. The anodic electrolysis was always equal to apparent influence on the acid strength 3s~’. Thus, the oxidation product(s) of on the rate of this chemical reaction IV and V must be either II,, or undergo suggests that this reaction is reversible. extremely fast chemical conversion to It was found that the data obtained a t IIm. Ho = -6.51 treated by the method of i+ us. i Studies. The value of Testa and Reinmuth (16) did not yield i ~ was ” ~ studied as a function of i for linear plots as expected for irreversible waves 1 and 2 for a IOmF p-hydrofirst-order reactions (+6). Thus, the quinone solution over an Ho range of reaction is either reversible or second -5.87 to -11.1. It was found that for order. X o attempt wss made to calwave 1, ir112 was independent of i culate the rate constants by means of (over a r1 range of 1 to 35 seconds) for the expression for a revwsible first-order a Ho = -5.81 solution and for both a reaction derived by DraEka ( 7 ) as the fresh and aged Ho = -6.40 (see curves equilibrium constant for this reaction is A and B of Figure 1). This shows that not known and cannot be determined the electro-oxidation of I over this acid from the present data, strength range was diffusion controlled. When the current is reversed just Thus, if species IT and I I I are in prior to the transition time of wave 3 equilibrium with I , the rate constants (at point C, Part 14 01 Figure 2) only for the conversion of I I and I I I to I two cathodic waves, 1’ and 2’, are obmust be quite small. This was subserved which correspond to the reduction stantiated by diluting both fresh (exof I,, and II,,, respectively. No hibits wave 1 and 3) and aged (exhibits separate reverse wave was observed for waves 1 and 2) Ho = -6.40 solutions the oxidation product of the oxidation (see curve B of Figure 1) with water of I I I . It was found that the overall until the Ho was equal to approximately duration of anodic c’lectrolysis was -2.0 (at this acid strength, species I I eqyal to 3 times the werall cathodic and I I I did not form as explained preQ’). Thus, the transition time (rl’ viously). The anodic chronopotentiospecies produced by the oxidation of grams of the resulting H o = -2.0 I I I must either be TI,, or I,, or undergo solution showed the same ratio of an extremely rapid chemical conversion transition times as obtained for the to form II,, or Iox. initial acid strength of -6.40. Thus, Part B of Fig&-e 2 shows the cathode the concentration of I I and I I I did not waves obtained on reversal of the change on dilution, which suggests that electrolysis current a t three different these two species are quite stable once points, a, b, and c, on the anodic chronoformed a t the higher acid strength. potentiogram of an agc>dHO = -8.14 It was found that ratio of T ~ / T for ~ solution. Note that, although the the diluted, aged solution did not anodic wave suggests that there are change even after 24 hours. The three species, I I , I V , and V , in the species, I I I , however, was somewhat less solution, only one cathodic wave, 2‘, stable, as the ratio T3/T1 (for the diluted is obtained on current reversal even fresh solution) had decreased noticeably 0




10 minutes after dilution and only wave 1 remained after about 30 minutes. The value of i r ~ l of ’ ~wave 2 for an aged lOmF p-hydroquinone solution of Ho = -8.14 (exhibits essentially only waves 2 and 4) were also independent of i and on dilution to Ho = -2.0, the ratio of r4/r2did not change even over a 24-hour period. Thus, the wave of species I I is diffusion controlled and there is no evidence that I V converts to I I once it has formed. The value of irZ1l2 for a fresh lOmF p-hydroquinone solution a t H o = -8.27 (exhibits only waves 2 and 5) decreased linearly with increasing current density; from 340 to 2% pa.-cm.-z-second1’2 for the current densities of 63 and 20 pa.-cm.-*, respectively (T varied over this current range from 1.4 to 29 seconds). This variation of ir2112with i suggests that in this case the electrode mechanism for the oxidation of I I is con. trolled by a chemical kinetic process that precedes the electron transfer rather than diffusion controlled (4,5, 29) process. The reaction is probably the rapid conversion of V to the more easily oxidized species, I I . Thus, it appears that species I I and V are in rapid equilibrium a t Ho values between about -8 to -11.1. This was further substantiated by diluting several solutions (Ho’s between -8 and -11) with water to a Ho of approximately -6. The chronopotentiograms of the resulting solution were measured as fast as possible (-3 minutes delay) and showed only one wave which corresponds to the oxidation of I I . No wave was observed for species Ti. Ultraviolet and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra. To further char-

acterize the nature of the five species found by the chronopotentiometry experiments to form in HZSOd solution between Ho = -2.30 and -8.14, the ultraviolet (UV) adsorption and N M R spectra of solutions containing the five species, either alone or as mixtures, were measured. The UV spectra of 0.2mF p-hydroquinone solutions a t Ho = -2.30 (contains I only), -4.89 (contains I I only), - 5.87 (fresh solution, contains I and I I I ) , and -8.14 (aged solution, contains I I , ZV, and V ) are shown in Figure 3. In all four solutions, two strong bands are observed; one a t approximately 219 mu which did not appear to be appreciably affected by change in Ho and one about 275 to 295 mu which varied with Ho. The peak of this band for a absorbance, A,,,, Ho = -0.26 solution occurs a t 275 mp and the molar absorptivity, t, is 2.7 X IO3. As the acid strength is increased to -4.89, A,, shifts to about 290 microns and the absorptivity decreases to 2.2 x 103. It was found that the shift in A,, is approximately linear with increasing acidity, but the change VOL. 36, NO, 3, MARCH 1964


in 6 took place in a narrow acidity range between HO = -2.30 and -3.03. Further increase in the acidity function to -4.89 did not result in any appreciable change in e. A similar shift of the 270-mp band of phenol to longer wavelengths with increasing acidity and a similar decrease of its absorptivity over a narrow acidity range has been reported ( 2 ) . The shift of the peak in both cases to longer wavelengths is probably a medium effect (8, 41) but the change in absorptivity is interpreted to be the result of protonation (41). The protonation of phenol is thought to take place on the oxygen atom to form an oxonium conjugate acid, analogous to species (i). In both the phenol and p-hydroquinone cases such a protonation would reduce or remove the resonance interaction of the free pairs of electrons of the oxygen with the r-electron system of the ring [an AT+ V band (47)],and the oxonium ion spectrum would be similar to that of toluene. The spectral evidence suggests that the formation of a r complex, species (ii), or a a-complex, species (iii), does not take place to an appreciable extent in the case of the first protonation of p -hydroquinone. A r-complex would result in little spectrum change (32) and a a-complex would exhibit two new bands in the 255and 355-mp range). The fact that the change in E in the p-hydroquinone case is considerably less than that of the phenol case, 18.5% decrease compared to approximately 40% (a), is not unexpected because one of the oxygens of p-hydroquinone still remains unprotonated and its electrons are still free to have some resonance interaction with the r-system of the ring. Thus. the UV spectra indicates that the p-hydroquinone protonates to form an oxonium conjugate acid which has a pK, e -2.5. As the chronopotentiograms of p-hydroquinone solutions between Ha = -0.26 and -4.89 showed neither an abnormal shift of quarterwave potential nor a new wave, the protonation of one oxygen must not have any appreciable effect on the electro-oxidation potential of the compound. Similar results were observed for the electro-oxidation of pphenylenediamine (29). The ElI4of the mono-protonated form of p-phenylenediamine was not appreciably different than that of the free base. However, the E1,4 of the diprotonated form was about 310 mv. more positive than that of the mono-protonated species (29). As the acid strength increases from -4.89 to -11.1 there is a further shift of the absorbance maximum to longer wavelengths as shown in Figure 2. occurs at apAt Ho = -11.1, A,, proximately 295 mp. No appreciable change in e is observed over this acid strength range. At HO = -5.87, a new peak is observed a t 262 mp, as shown

5 18


A’ ’ B

8 (vvml

Figure 4. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of various p-hydroquinone solutions (5%) A. 8. C.

D. E.

InCHaCN In 1OF tils04 (Ho = -4.89). Chronopotentiogram of the solution shows only wave 1 In aged 12F HzS04 (Ho = 5.81 1. Chrono. potentiogrom shows waves 1, 2, and 3 In aged 13.2F HtSOc (Ho = -6.57). Chronopotentiogram shows wave 2 only In aged 1 6F HzSOa (Ho = 8.1 4). Chronopotentiogram shvws waves 2, 3, and 4



in Figure 3, indicating that a new species is formed a t this acid strength. Althoubh i t has been shown that the formation of the o-complexes (species iii) of phloroglucinol (22, 41) and mesitylene (21) results in a strong band (e = 1.11 X IO4) in the region 255 mp, the peak in this region for p-hydroquinone is not thought to be that of a u-complex. All known a-complexes also exhibit a strong band a t 355 mp (21, 22, 41) which was not observed for p-hydroquinone. This peak a t 262 mp was also observed in fresh Ho = -6.51 (waves 1, 2, 3) but not observed in an aged solution (waves 1 and 2 only) of the same acid strength. Thus, this peak probably corresponds to that of the species, TIT, whose oxidation is represented by wave 3. The NMR spectra of the ring hydrogens for 5’% p-hydroquinone in acetonitrile, and sulfuric acid solutions of Ho = -4.89, -5.87, -6.51, and -8.14 are given by Parts A to E , respectively, of Figure 4. In an aprotic solvent, acetonitrile. the ring carbon line is found to have a chemical shift, 6, of 6.6 p.p.m. (6 = 0 was arbitrarily set equal to the proton resonance line of tetramethylsilane). However, in H2SO4 solution of Ho = -4.89, the ring proton line has shifted down field and has a 6 of 10.2 p.p.m. This large change in

the chemical shift probably is the result of protonation of one of the oxygen atoms of the phenolic groups in the acid medium (42). This observation agrees with conclusions drawn from the UV spectral data. Note that the magnitude of this line decreases as the acid strength is increased to -5.87 and the line has practically vanished a t -6.81. This change in the concentration of the oxonium conjugate acid concentration between HO = -4.89 and -6.51 corresponds with the change in the transition time of wave 1 over this acidity range. Thus, there can be little doubt that species I , whose oxidation corresponds to wave 1, is oxygenprotonated p-hydroquinone. The additional shift of the ring carbon peak over this acidity range, as shown in parts B to D of Figure 4,is probably a medium effect (8‘7). At acid strengths of -4.89, two strong lines begin to appear a t 7.17 and 7.40 p.p.m. and a weak line at 6.90 p.p.m. These two lines increase in magnitude a t Ho = -6.51. The increase in these two lines is essentially proportional to the decrease in the line of the ring carbons of the oxonium conjugate acid. Thus, the two lines at the 6.17- to 7.40-p.p.m. range probably correspond to the resonance of the ring protons of the species T l , as a t Ho = -6.51 essentially only one wave, 2, is observed for the anoqic chronopotentio. gram. As the line at 6.90 p.p.m. does not appear to increase in magnitude, it might correspond to the resonance of the ring protons of species I I I . Such small amount of I I I in the aged HO = -6.51 solution would probably not exhibit a distinct chronopotentiometric wave. The fact that the ring carbon lines for 11 (and presumably ITI) have shifted up field to the 7-p.p.m. range indicates that these species are not oxygen-protonated. The resonance lines fall a t approximately the same chemical shift value found for p-hydroquinone in aprotic media (see part A ) . At Ho = -8.14 (chronopotentiograms indicate the species I I , IV, and V are present) the position of the group of lines is moved slightly down field [which is again probably a medium effect (3‘7)l and the spectrum is considerably more complex. There appear to be a t least two more lines and perhaps more between 8.0 and 7.0 p.p.m. which suggests the formation of new species. Because the resolution is not good in sulfuric acid media, it is difficult to sort out the new lines from those of species TI, As the resonance lines for 11, I V , and V all appear to fall in the 7- to 8-p.p.m. range, it is probable that these species are not oxygen-protonated either. It should be noted that the above discussion assumes that the same species are formed in 5% (employed in the NMR measurements) and 10-3F (in chronopotentiometric measurements) hydroquinone solutions.


Further experiments showed that the mono-sulfonic ester hydrolyzed in acid solution and that the hydrolysis went to On the basis of the NMR and the UV completion in acid solutions which had evidence, species I (corresponding to acidity function values less than -5. wave 1) is the oxygen-protonated form At Ho = - 5.87, it was observed that the of p-hydroquinone [see structure (i)] rate of hydrolysis, although very rapid, for solutions of Ho G -3.5 to approxidid not go to completion but an equimately - 5 and simp15 hydroquinone a t librium was reached between the monolower acid strengths,. The chronosulfonic acid ester and hydroquinone potentiograms show that protonation of (oxonium ion) itself. one of the oxygens h;ts no appreciable Because the reaction rates estimated effect on the oxidation potential of from the ir1’2us. i for the solution conhydroquinone. The TJMR and UV retaining species I1 and V (see curve D of sults obtained for solutions of HO = Figure 1) did not compare with those - 5 to -11.1 (range where species expected for a protonation reaction and ZI, IIZ, I V , and V are formed) indicate because the NMR spectra of the solution that, not only has no further protonadid not exhibit a oxonium protonation tion taken place, but that these species are not protonated a t till. Thus, it must peak in the 14- to 11-p.p.m. range, it is be concluded that these species are sulbelieved that species V is proabably a fonation products. The fact that i ~ l ’ ~mono-sulfonic acid ester of 2,5is independent of i for waves 2, 3, and 4 dihydroxybenzenesulfonic acid. Such and that the i+12 dependence of wave a compound was not, however, synthe5 was not that to be erpected for a prior sized independently; its properties deprotonation chemical reaction supwould be expected to be similar to that ports this conclusion. [Calculated k’s, observed for V . although not precise, were several orders The current-reversal chronopotentioof magnitude less than expected for grams reveal some very interesting protonation (,99)]. 7’0 test this coninformation about the nature of sulfonic clusion, the chronopotentiograms of acid derivatives of p-benzoquinone (the 2,5-dihydroxybenzenei~ulfonic acid were anodic electrode reaction products). measured. At Ho = -5.87 and -6.51, First, it is felt that the oxidation product the EIIIJs for this compound were of the oxonium ion of p-hydroquinone in identical with those otlserved for species the higher acid strength solutions I I (Rave 2). Furthermore, it was is simply p-benzoquinone and not its observed that the chrmopotentiograms oxonium ion conjugate acid, because of a mixture of p-hydroquinone and 2,5the quinone oxygens would be expected dihydroxybenzenesulfonic acid showed to be considerably less basic than the two cathodic waves whose potentials phenolic oxygens [the pK, of anthracorresponded exactly to those of waves The quinone is about -8.3 (%)I. l’, and 2’. Also, the ratio of the anodic oxidation product of 2,5-dihydroxytransition times of the mixture did not benzenesulfonic acid is undoubtedly change on dilution to Ho = -2.0. The p-benzoquinone-2-sulfonic as n was NMR and UV spectra of 2,5-dihydroxy- found to equal 2 and the reaction was benzenesulfonic acid in HO = -6.51 reversible. This sulfonated benzosolution correspondec exactly to the quinone is not stable, however, in low lines and peak assigned to I I . Similarly, acid strength solution, but was found the chronopotentiogram of 2,5-dihyto be stabilized in Ho = -6.51 solutions droxybenzene-1,3-disulfonic acid in H o indicating that the chemical reaction = -8.14 solution had a Ell4which vias between p-benzoquinone and sulfuric essentially equal to that of IV (wave 4) acid is also reversible : and the cathodic wave on current reversal showed only one wave whose E0.215~~ was identical to that obtained for wave 2’. The ratio of the transition times for the chronopitentiograms of a mixture of 2,bdihydro vybenzenesulfonic acid and 2,5-dihydro benzene-l,3-disulfonic acid did not vary as the acidity of At present it is not understood why this the solution was varied from -8.14 to reaction is such a rapid equilibrium. - 2.0 The p-benzoquinone-2,5-disulfonicacid The chronopotentiogram of a freshly which would be expected to be the prepared HO = -5.87 solution of the oxidation product of I V (2,5-dihydroxymono-sulfonic acid ester of p-hydrobenzene-1,3-disulfonic acid) is evidently quinone exhibited two waves which quite unstable even in solutions of were identical to waves 1 and 3 obHo = -11.1 and decomposes into served for a freshly prepared p-hydro111,,,a rate sufficiently great to prevent quinone solution of the same acid the observation of any cathodic wave strength (see curve B of Figure 1). for its reduction on current reversal. The ratios of 71/78 for both the monoAs expected, the oxidation of the two sulfonic acid ester of p-hydroquinone monosulfonic acid esters, 111 and V , solutions were essentially the same. would not be expected to show a reverse

wave, because the oxidation products will be p-benzoquinone and p-benzoquinone-2-sulfonic acid, respectively, which necessitates the cleaving of the ester a t some point during its formation. It is also interesting to note that t h p-hydroquinone-quinone couple shows 43, perfect reversibility a t Ho > but it is not reversible, zE~.~~~T’ at lower acid strengths. This effect of acid strength on the couple is not understood a t the present. N


The authors express their appreciation to Kenneth Servis, Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, for measuring the NMR spectra of the p-hydroquinone solutions and for his help in interpreting their meaning. LITERATURE CITED

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RECEIVEDfor review October 31, 1963. Accepted December 9, 1963. Contribution No. 2391 of the Gates and Crellin Laboratories of Chemistry. Presented at the 145th Meeting, A.C.S., Analytical Division, Sew York, N. Y., Sept. 1963. C. L. A. is indebted to the National Science Foundation for an Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship.

Evidence for Adsorption of Cobalt(III)(Et hy Ie nedinitriIo)te t raa ceta te at PIatin um Electrodes FRED C. ANSON California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.

b Qualitative and quantitative chronopotentiometric measurements of the reduction of cobalt(llI)-ethylenedinitri1o)tetraacetic acid (COY-) at platinum electrodes indicate that the COY- is adsorbed on the electrode surface. The adsorbed species appears to interfere with the reduction of the unadsorbed species. Preferentially adsorbed anions, such as iodide, cause desorption of the COYand eliminate the interference. The cobalt(l1)-EDTA chelate also appears to be adsorbed on platinum electrodes.



bromide and iodide ions produce large shifts in the potential at which the electrooxidation of the cobalt(I1)-(ethylenedinitrilo)tetraacetate and similar chelate ions occur at platinum electrodes ( 2 ) . This behavior cannot be explained simply by taking account of the changes in the structure of the double layer which the added anions could produce because the shifts in potential are apparently independent of the charge on the cobalt(I1) chelate. This behavior was interpreted previously by assuming that the added anions are adsorbed on the platinum electrode and play an important role in the transition state for electron transfer ( 2 ) . The present study pursues the source of the very similar anion effects observed in the electroreduction of cobalt (111)-EDTA, (COY-) and analogous chelates. The results are helpful in understanding the behavior of the cobalt(I1)-EDTA COY-^) chelate as



well. It appears that both chelates are specifically adsorbed at platinum electrodes and that the adsorbed chelate interferes with the electrode reaction of the dissolved chelate that diffuses to the electrode. The effects of the added halide ions result from their ability to eliminate the chelate adsorption, and, thereby, the interference. EXPERIMENTAL

Chronopotentiometry was used to study the electrode reactions. The working electrode was a 0.030-inch platinum wire sealed in soft glass. Its area was 0.1 cm.2 The auxiliary electrode was a cylindrical platinum gauze electrode having an area of ca. 200 cm.2 that surrounded the working electrode. An X-Y Recorder (F. S. Moseley Co., Pasadena, Calif.) was used to record the chronopotentiograms for the qualitative observation of anion effects. For the quantitative measurements of transition times over a wide range of current densities the chronopotentiograms were recorded with a calibrated cathode ray oscilloscope (Tektronix Model 561 A with appropriate plug-in amplifiers) and a Polaroid camera having a 0.9: 1.0 image to object ratio. Transition times were obtained from geometrical constructions directlv on the photographs. The most reproducible values of i F were obtained by employing the empirical method of Voorhies and Furman (14) as adapted by Reinmuth ( I d ) to evaluate the transition times. A John Fluke Co. constant current supply was the current source and a mercury-wetted relay was used to switch the current from a dead short to the cell. To prevent the current source

from providing a brief current pulse in excess of the desired value a t the instant of relay closure the relay employed was of the “make-before-break” type (C. P. Clare, Co. Model 1002). With poorly poised solutions, brief, but often rather large (0.5 to 1 volt), anodic potential excursions by the working electrode were observed at the instant the relay closed. These were traced to the platinum auxiliary electrode which becomes oxidized in poorly poised solutions as consecutive cathodic trials are run with the working electrode. The working-auxiliary electrode pair then discharges through the relay contact during the instant (2 to 5 milliseconds) when all the contacts are common, and the working electrode is forced in an anodic direction. T o avoid these potential excursions a third platinum electrode was added to the cell and the potential of the auxiliary electrode was maintained equal to that of the working electrode by means of a potentiometer connected between the auxiliary electrode and the third electrode. I t is perhaps worth noting here that our experience has indicated that to obtain accurate values for chronopotentiometric transition times of a few milliseconds or less, the performance requirements for both the constant current source and the switching circuitry are considerably more stringent than is the case for ordinary chronopotentiometry with transition times of several seconds. A group of batteries or a regulated d.c. power supply in a series with a high resistance is a commonly used constant current source. With this type of current source, breakbefore-make relays cannot be used because the voltage across the terminals