Electrodeposition of Coatings - American Chemical Society

bath maintenance; design of merchandise; influence of solvents ... quantitative rather than qualitative tools? Eleven papers discuss philosophical asp...
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Electrodeposition of Coatings


A symposium sponsored by the Division of Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry of the American Chemical Society, with George E. F. Brewer, Chairman. Seventeen papers report major new developments and research in the area of electrodeposition of organic coatings. This extensive collection discusses all aspects of this complex process including the advantage of better corrosion protection, lower cost, and virtual absence of pollution. Principal topics covered: • conversion and coatings; pretreating metals; surface changes; power supplies • new polymers, copolymers, and pigments; preparation of resins; cathodic electrodeposition • kinetics; dynamic simulation; throwing power • bath maintenance; design of merchandise; influence of solvents Each chapter offers material of permanent reference value for the industrial chemist working with automotive and appliance primers, as well as general-purpose one-coat systems. 243 pages with index Cloth (1973) $13.45. Postpaid in U.S. and Canada, plus 40 cents elsewhere.

Other recommended books in the ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY SERIES include: No. 1 0 9 Chemical Reaction Engineering Fixed and fluid bed reactors, polymerization kinetics and reactor design, optimization of reactor performance, catalysis in gas-solid surface reactions, two-phase slurry reactors, industrial process kinetics, and transient operation. 6 8 5 pages with index Cloth (1972) $16.50 No. 107 Industrial Color Technology Summarizes present knowledge of colorant formulation and evaluation and its application to industrial processing. Basic colorimetry, instrumentation, color difference metrics, and color as an aspect of appearance; 32 color plates. 177 pages with index Cloth (1972) $11.50 No. 1 0 4 Pesticides Identification at the Residue Level Is our environment really becoming more toxic, or are pesticides falsely condemned by instruments designed as quantitative rather than qualitative tools? Eleven papers discuss philosophical aspects of ultramicroanalysis, instrumental techniques, microchemical methods, and biological assay. 182 pages with index Cloth (1971) $8.50 No. 103 Origin and Refining of Petroleum Twelve papers on petroleum origin, deposits, Athabasca tar sands; catalytic reforming, hydrocracking, alkylation, isomerization; ethylene, propylene, vinyl chloride in processing; homogeneous catalysis; future of oil in Canada. 2 3 0 pages with index Cloth (1971) $10.00 No. 102 Molecular Sieve Zeolites—II Thirty-six papers from the Second International Conference on Molecular Sieve Zeolites covering sessions on sorption and catalysis. 4 5 9 pages with index Cloth (1971) $16.00 No. 9 9 Multicomponent Polymer Systems Thirty-seven papers on systems from olefin, diene, vinyl halide, styrene, acrylic, urethane, and epoxy resins as well

as from polyamides, polyesters, polyarylenes, and others. Theory, processing, and applications are included. Nine papers on polyblends, the rest on copolymers. 598 pages with index Cloth (1971) $16.50 No. 97 Refining Petroleum for Chemicals Up-to-date status report on the advances made in an exciting new industry. Emphasis is on basic processing with specific discussions centering around the chemical reactions used, new developments in these reactions, products and economics, and new processing concept. 2 9 3 pages with index Cloth (1970) $11.50 No. 9 6 Engineering Plastics and Their Commercial Development A "how-to-do-it" book with discussion and case histories on developing plastics in profitable commercial products. Topics include use research, process development, and patent and legal aspects including clear warnings on contributory infringement. Engineering properties of over 50 plastic products are included. 128 pages with index Cloth (1969) $7.50 No. 9 2 Epoxy Resins Sixteen papers on formulation and performance of epoxy resins. Processes and reactions are discussed including condensation reactions, gelation, synthesis, electro-deposition, curing, and reactivity. 2 3 0 pages with index Cloth (1970) $10.50 No. 91 Addition and Condensation Polymerization Processes Twenty-six chapters devoted to process improvements and the polymerization kinetics of common monomers. The last 22 papers deal with new and improved polymers designed for specific uses or properties. 767 pages with index Cloth (1969) $19.50

Order from: Special Issues Sales American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 2 0 0 3 6 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 45, NO. 8, JULY 1973 · 759 A