electromotive force measurements is molten divalent metal-metal

ordinary porous glass is hydrogen bonded to silanol groups. The substitution of fluoride ions for hydroxyl groups in the case of the ammonium fluoride...
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ordinary porous glass is hydrogen bonded to silanol groups. The substitution of fluoride ions for hydroxyl groups in the case of the ammonium fluoride-treated glass has changed the interfacial forces between the glass and water; the glass has become more hydrophobic. Unpublished work in these Laboratories shows that there is a reduction by a factor of 10 in the amount of water adsorbed a t room temperature and low per cent relative humidities by ammonium fluoride-treated over untreated porous glass under the same water vapor pressure. The considerable decrease in water adsorbed cannot be explained solely on the basis of loss of surface area following the ammonium fluoride treatment. This suggests that water adsorption upon a fluoride ion via hydrogen bonding with one of the hydrogen atoms of the water molecule is not likely. The absence of the peak at 2.68 p in the case of the fluorinecontaining glass (curve 1 in Fig. 2B) suggests that no free silanol groups are formed as mater is adsorbed a t room temperature. Furthermore, the overtone bands at 1.4 and 2.2 p which are due to silanol groups were not observed. Evidence of a silanol peak at 2.68 p for the above glass was found on reheating it after exposure to water vapor as shown in Fig. 3, presumably due to the replacement of fluorine atoms by hydroxyl groups. The activation energy necessary to produce this hydrolysis reaction calls for temperatures higher than 300'.

Vol. 67

Folnian and Yates8 have shown that the water initially adsorbed by ordinary porous glass is not hydrogen bonded to silanol groups, but must be taken up by other sites. They suggest that bonding via the oxygen atom of the water molecule to a silicon atom occurs, producing a quite stable bond. This mould give rise to a band around 2.8 p and could be the source of the band noted for the ammonium fluoride-treated glass. I n this case, there is also the possibility that the water is bonded to surface atoms other than silica. I n the manufacture of porous glass, the heat treatment that the alkali borosilicate base glass receives causes phase separation into a silica-rich phase and a boronalkali-rich phase. This latter phase is removed by subsequent leaching in acid solution, leaving the porous skeletal structure. Some boron and aluminum oxides remain within this structure, although normally there would be few boron or aluminum ions a t the surface. However, if the porous glass is heated above 500' (as was the case in this experiment) boron is known to migrate to the surface since boric acid "whiskers" are observable if the glass is placed in a humid atmosphere. Here then some of the water could be bonded to surface boron atoms, producing the broad band a t 2.8 p which has been observed in water-containing boric oxide g l a s ~ e s . ~ (8) M.Folman and D. J. C. Yates, Trans. Faraday Soc., 64, 1684 (1958); also, A. N. Sidorov, Buss. J . Phys. Chem., 80, 9115 (1956). (9) A. J. Harrison, J . Am. Ceram. Soc., 30, 362 (1947).

ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE MEASUREMENTS IS MOLTEN DIVALENT METAL-METAL HALIDE SOLUTIONS' BY L. E. TOPOL Atomics International, A Division of North American Aviation, Canoga Park, California Received April WR, 196s Potentiometric studies on concentration cells of the type C, AT ( N L ) ,MXZ(1 - XI) /I MXZ(1 - SZ), M (A'i), C, where M represents Hg, Cd, Pb, and Zn, MX7the halide, and 1Y denotes the metal mole fraction, were made a t various temperatures. Slopes of plots of the log metal concentration 21s.e.m.f. yielded apparent Nernst n-values of 2 for Hg-HgCl? at 300" and for Cd-CdClz at 580°. For Pb-PbI? apparent Nernst n-values of about 2.2-2.3 were found a t 5% and 693"; for Pb-PbClz the low metal solubility made detection of an n-value difficult but a value of 2 appeared probable. No ronstant e.m.f. values were obtained in Zn-ZnClz melts a t 658 and 695". The above n-values of 2 indicate a two-electron reaction a t the electrode and are consistent with the existence of metal atoms M or cation dimers hI2 +*. No evidence for the monomer ion M + was observed.

Introduction Electromotive force measurements of concentration cells with molten bismuth-bismuth halide solutions2z3 h a w yielded information as to the species present in these systems. These results ha\-e shown that more than one lower-valent metal species exists in these melts. Since a similar study in divalent metal-metal halide melts would be expected to yield information as to the entities present, the potentiometric procedure has been extended to cells with mercury, cadmium, and zinc dissolved in their respective molten chlorides and with lead in its fused chloride and iodide. (1) This work was carried out under the auspice8 of the Research Division the U. 8. Atomic Energy Commlssion. (2) L. E. Topol, 8. J. Yosim, and R. A. Osteryoung, J . Phys. Chem., 65, 1511 (1951). (8, L. E. Topol and R. A. Osteryoung, ibid., 66, 1687 (1952).


Experimental Materials.-The chemicals used in this study were all reagent grade. HgC12 was dissolved in anhydrous methanol and filtered to remove any HgZC12 that might be present. The solution then was evaporated to dryness, washed with distilled water, and dried again. The salt was finally sublimed in a chlorine atmosphere a t 300". The system was purged of chlorine by repeatedly flushing it with dry nitrogen a t room temperature and then evacuating it. The CdCl,, ZnClz, and PbClz salts all were melted under an HC1 atmosphere; after several hours, the HC1 flow through the fused salt was stopped and Clz introduced. The molten salt was finally purged with nitrogen and filtered through a fine fritted disk. The CdC1, and ZnClz, after purification, were handled in a helium-filled drybox. PbIz was mixed with iodine and heated overnight in an evacuated, sealed vessel enclosed in an oven a t 150". The iodine was then removed from the mixture by sublimation a t 200" and the PbIz melted and filtered under nitrogen. -4gC1 and NaCl were dried under vacuum at 208". The metals used were melted under helium


Oct., 1963


and filtered to remove oxide impurities. The graphite and tungsten electrodes have been described el~ewhere.~ Apparatus and Procedure.-The cells and coulometric procedure to add metal used in this investigation were similar to those employed in the previous studies.z-* I n brief, a three-compartment cell was used; the outer compartments served as a reference half-cell and as a working anode, respectively. The reference half-cell was joined to the middle compartment by an asbestos fiber, whereas a fritted disk separated the middle compartment from the working anode. Metal was added to the middle compartment by passing a known number of coulombs between this compartment and the working anode. The e.m.f. then was measured between graphite electrodes in the middle and reference half-cells. At the higher temperatures (above 600") Vycor cells were substituted for Pyrex. In these cells, the fritted quartz disks (manufactured by Thermal American Fused Quartz, Dover, New Jersey) were impregnated6 with SiOz to decrease their porosity. Purified argon was allowed to flow slowly through the cells. However, for the Hg-HgC12 and Zn-ZnClz measurements, the half-cells were sealed under a pressure of argon of about 30 em. and completely immersed in a silicon oil and metal bath, respectivlely, to keep temperatures uniform throughout and thus prevent the distillation of metal. To increase the conductivity of these systems in order to facilitate the coulometric addition of metal, 2 mole % NaCl was added. The working anodes, utilized in the Hg-HgCln and Zn-ZnCL cells in the coulometric generation of metal species, were platinum. l'latinum is subject to anodic dissolution in chloride solutions a t these temperatures and thus prevents a chlorine pressure build-up in the anode compartment. The reference half-cells in most of the cells investigated were composed of a graphite electrode and weighed amounts of the respective metal and salt to yield a metal mole fraction of 0.005 or, if this concentration was above the solubility limit, a saturated solution; in the Cd-CdClp cells, however, a Ag-AgC1 ( 2 mole %) in CdClp reference was employed in addition to Cd (0.5%))in CdClp since cadmium in this system was found to be somewhat volatile a t the temperatures of measurement (ca. 600"). In addition, it was found that the use of tungsten anodes usually resulted in the passage of only a limited quantity of current in t,he coulometric addition of cadmium before a large resistance occurred in the cell. This obstruction to current flow did not occur when gold or platinum anodes were substituted for tungsten. It thus appears that either an insulating film is formed on the tungsten anodes or chlorine gas bubbles congregate on the frit. Although e.m.f. values in the Hg-HgClp system were quite stable, the relative stability decreased in the Cd-CdCb, Pb-PbIp, Pb-PbClz, and Zn-ZnClz cells in the order listed.




uncorrected data


corrected dota


1 0 - 4 .06




1 .02





I -.02


1 -.04


I -.06

E (volt).

Fig. 1.-Log

Q us. E results for Hg-HgCI2 cells a t 287'.

Results Potentials of cells of the type

c,M (NJ, MXZ (1


c o r r e c t i o n = l05p eq.

N1)J 1 MX2 (1 - Nz), M ( N d , c (1)

where iCI represents Kg, Cd, Pb, and Zn, nlX, the halide, and N the metal mole fraction, were measured a t various temperatures. I n Fig. 1, 2, and 3 are shown some typical plots of log concentration of metal expressed as Q (microequivalents of electricity passed in the coulometTic addition of metal) vs. e.m.f. (against a reference electrode) for Hg-HgClz a t 287O, Cd-CdClz a t 57S0, and Pb-PbIz a t 693O, respectively. In all three figures the uncorrected points a t low metal concentrations fall below the straight line that can be drawn through the higher metal concentration (or log &) data. As in the bismuth-bismuth halide solutions, it was assumed that these deviations from linearity can be ascribed to the presence of an initial coilcentration of lower-valent metal species in the molten salt. The concentration of these species can be calculated from the initial e.m.f. values of the cells and the reference (4) L. E. Topol and R. A. Osteryoung, J . Blectrochem Sec., 108, 673 (1961). ( 6 ) F a R,Duke find R,A. Neming, ibzd., 108, 130 (lQ6Q).




uncorrected d o t a


Corrected d o t a


I .08







E (volt).

Fig. 2.-Log

Q US. E results for Cd-CdClz cells a t 578".

concentration. For example, in the case of Hg-HgC12 a t 287' (Fig. of 1): E = 0.0527 v. at Q = 10 pequiv. and the concentration of the reference compartment = 600 pequiv./8.95 g. of HgClZ. From the Nernst relation, assuming n = 2, E = 0.0627 = 0.112/2 log 600/(Q0 lo), and we find QO = 60 pequiv./20.65 g. of HgC12in the center compartment. The log Q values are corrected accordingly, and the corrected data are not only linear over the whole composition range studied but also yield apparent Sernst n-values much closer to the integer 2




VOl. 67

tions of metal (where .Vnlx2 is essentially unity), if Henry’s law holds, it can be shown2that


RT In Q (22 - y ) F

+ constant


Here Q is the number of equivalents of currcnt passed to gciierate the species 3fz+u, i.e.


‘Ol 30


o uncorrected d a t a


corrected data




E (volt)

Fig. 3.--Log

(2 us.

E resiilts for 1%-I’bIZ cells a t 693’.

than the Uncorrected values. These data along with the calculated initial metal concentration corrections in microequivalents per weight of salt arc suminmized in Table I. For Pb-l’bC12 cells a t 580 aiid 710”, the limited stability of the e.m.f. values which is presumably related to the low solubility of metal (0.020 and 0.032 niole yo a t 600 and 700°, respectivelys), did not permit the calculatioii of an accurate value of n. I-Iowevcr, for the few data that were obtained, an n of 2 appeared to be most probable. For Zii-ZnCIz a t 658 and 693O, no constant c.m.f. values could be obtained. TABLE I APPARENTNERNST ??,-VALUES IN DIVALENT hfETAL-3fETAL HALIDESOLUTIONS System


Temp., Cnlcd. initial metal concn., peq./g. salt OC.




287 297 578 581

60/20 65 42/19.25 105/29.60 108/30.71

2.28 2.23 2.15 2.28

2.02 2.01


585 693

50/33.75 100/59 00

2.5 2.4

2.3 2.2


580 710

3/38.50 3/33.50


2.00 2.08

(2 2) (2.1)

Discussion The electrode reaction to be considered in cell 1 is

+ (2z - y)e-

M , + ~= LII+~


where x and y are integers and y may also equal zero. For a reversible half-cell, the Nernst relation

where the brackets denote activities and n = 22 - y for reaction 2, may be employed. For low concentra(6) J. D. Corbett and S. von Winbusb, J . e m .Chem. Soc., 1 1 , 3 9 6 4 (1955).


N(hlXn)o(22 - y)


Jyhere AT is the mole fraction of 31z+u, and (hIX& is the initial number of moles of JIX,. Thus, if the cells are reversible and liquid junction potentials and departures from Henry’s law are negligible, a plot of log Q us. E a t constant temperature should yield a straight line, the slope of which depends on 22 - y. (Actually, the liquid junction potential need not be negligible as long as it is relatively constant over the concentration range of the experiment. The fact that such junction behavior pertains in these cells is corroborated by the linearity of the plots yielding an apparent Kernst n-of 2 upon addition of a constant correction Q0. If the junction potentials changed appreciably with addition of metal, a constant correction would not be expected to yield the above results.) Since values of 2 (= 2s y) for the apparent Nernst n were found in the IIgI-TgCI2,Cd-CdC12, and Pb-Pb12 systems and a similar value appears to be consistent with the results in the l’b-PbClz system also, entities of the type ;\Iz2z-2 are present. Possible examples of such species are &Io (x = 1) and M 2 + 2 (x = 2), but, unfortunately, no distinction can be made here between the two. Other evidence tends to favor the formation of subhalide in both HgHgClI and Cd-CdCY melts. Actually, metal atoms, which would IF easily polarized, presumably would exist in t h w melts as solvated species of the type M-;11+2. Thc difference between such a solvate and the chemical entity is then mainly due to a difference in the degree of interaction between the metal atom and cation. Values for these energies of interaction in infinitely dilute solution can be calculatedg and are found to be appreciable, about - 18 kcal., in the Hg, Zn, and Cd systems and larger still (-31 kcal.) in the lead system a t the temperatures of this investigation. The larger interaction energy with lead atoms presumably is related to their greater polarizability as compared to the group IIB metal atoms. It is interesting that although the mercury system is the only one above in which a solid subhalide is known to exist, the interaction energy in the Hg-HgC1-2 melt is no larger than that in the cadmium or zinc solutions. It was thought that if MZ2+ dimers were present, some noticeable dissociation would result a t low metal concentrations. However, a t the lowest concentrations measured (N = 0.0003 Hg in HgC12, 0.0003 Cd in CdC12, and 0.0004 P b in PbI2) no sign of monomers, Le., n = 1, was detected. Thus, if any &I+ is present in these melts, its concentration must be insignificant above 0.03 mole yometal. Karpachev and co-workers have conducted similar e.m.f. studies on Cd dissolved in CdCl-2 (50 mole Tc)-KC1 (25%)-SaC1 (25yo)a t 700°10 and on Pb-I’bClz (7) S. J. Yosim and S. W.AIayer, J . Phys. Chem., 64, 909 (1900). (8) L. E. Topol and A. L. Landis. J . A m . Chem. SOC., 82, 6291 (1900). (9) L. E. Topol, “Thermodynamic Considerutlons on the Intertartions Metal-Metal Salt Solutions.” to be publlshod.



Oct., 1963 at 700°.11 In the cadmium solution these workers found a linear e.m.f. vs. log concentration relation over the entire solubility range investigated and calculated an apparent Kernst n of 2 . In the Pb-PbC12 melt a similar linear plot was observed and an 11 of 1 resulted. It is interesting that no departures from linearity were found a t low metal concentrations as in the present investigation, especially in the Pb-PbClz solution. In the cadmium melt the preseiicc of the alkali chlorides would tcrid to decrease the initial metal concentration, and, more important, the most dilute solution measured was 0.059 g.-atom of Cd/l. or about 0.3 mole %. This boncentration is much greater than the dilute metal concentrations in the present study. In fact, in this investigation solutions containing more than 0.3 mole % Cd (approximately 1000 pequiv. in Pig. 2 ) also fall on a straight line before corrections are applied. Howevcr, in thc Pb-PbClz solution where low metal solubility occurs, no obvious explanation for the difference in rcsults is apparent. In addition, Karpachev’s value of unity for n is not only contrasted to the “probable” n of 2 indicated here but is also in disagreement with a polarographic study, l 2 the results of which favored the species Pb2C12, i.e., in accord with an n = 2. The solubility of a metal in its salt can also be obtained with cells of the above type from the number of equivalents of current passed to yield a saturated solution. This point is readily detected since no further changes in e.m.f. between this compartment and the reference will be found with passage of current. (If the reference half-cell, itself, consists of a saturated (10) S. Karpachov and A. Stromberg, Zh. Fzz. Khin., 13, 307 (1939). ( 1 1 ) S. Karpaohev, A. Stromberg, nnd 15. Jordon. zbzd., 18, 43 (1944). (12) J. J. Egan, J . Phys. Chenr., 6 6 , 2 2 2 2 (1961).


solution of the metal, then the point of attainrncnt of zero e.m.f. will indicate the solubility concentration.) In the mercury and cadmium systems the solubility limit of the metal was not reached, but for the lead-lead halide systems Table I1 gives a comparison between the solubilities found by this method and those reported in the literature. Although there is reasonable agreement between the potentiometric and analytical l’bPbIz values, the agreemcnt is much poorer in the chloride. Since the solubility of Pb in its molten chloride is very low, any initial concentration or formation (by reduction) of metal in the salt will result in a relatively large error in the value. It is interesting to note that the potentiometric values for the solubility of l’b in PbI2 are larger than the analytical values found previously. If these present values are truly high, it may be indicative of the fact that somc electronic conductioii occurs in this systcin; i.e., the true coilcentration of metal formed on electrolysis (see cq. 5) is less than that givcii by the number of cquivalents of currciit passed. Thc n value for Pb-PbIz being somewhat larger than 2 is also in accord with this possibility.





-----Solubility, mole %--





This work


0.012 ,024

0 018 ,053

580 710


585 .18 .14 693 .57 .41 See ref. 7 and J. D. Corb(,tt, 8. von m’inbush, and F. C. Albers, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,79,3020 (1957).




Department of Chemisfry, Washington State Uniaeroity, Pullman, Washington Received January 17, 1965

In photomicrographic studies2 of ion exchanger swelling properties, no significant variation among the swellirig properties of different particles of the same ion-excliaiige material has been observed. In particular, a snrnple of polystyrcncsulforiic acid cross linked with 8% divinylbenzene (Dowex 50W-X8, 20-50 mesh), equilibrated with 0.1 m HCl, and then with G.8 m IICl, exhibited a deswelling of 20% to within 1% among seven particles whose diameters in water ranged between 0.24 and 0.66 n m . This consistency, which agrees qualitatively with the particle density observations of Suryaraman and Walton,a would not ( 1 ) l’his work was snpportpd by the United Stntos Atoniio Energy C o i n niissinn under Contriict No. A t (45-1) 1544. (2) I). I T . Freeman a n d Q. Scatrhnrd. t o he ~111bIis1io~l. (3) h l . G. Siirpraninn and 11. I?, Wnlton, Science, 131, 821) (1960).

be expected on the basis of Hogfeldt’s observation4 of a 1.7-fold variation in the swollen exchange capacity per unit volume measured with three different particles of the same type of ion exchanger. We undertook a radiotracer study of the individual particle cation-exchange capacities using the following method. A weighed quantity of reagent grade potassium carbonate was irradiated in thc Washington State University reactor corc. With no further chemistry the compound was di1iitc.d with dcinineralized water to 0.03 N in potassium ion. The decay spectra showed the prcsencc of pure I