, because of correlations between spontaneous, quantum mechanical fluctuations in the charge density. B y the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, these correlations are related to the imaginary part o f the charge -density susceptibility. Use of the virial theorem for the kinetic energy of the electrons yields a functional for Ε that is simple and exact, but non-variational. e
The electronic energy Ε of a molecule depends on the nuclear coordinates {R }, the nuclear charges {Z }, the average electronic charge density ( p ( r ) ) and the charge-density susceptibility χ(ι·,ι·';ίω) at imaginary frequencies (/). B y definition, x(r,r';(o) gives the change in the electronic charge density at point r, due to the application of a perturbing potential of frequency ω at r' (2). The total electronic energy of a molecule with a fixed nuclear configuration {R } is (7) N
This chapter is adapted with permission from reference Institute of Physics.
Wilson and Peterson; Electron Correlation Methodology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.
170 E = l/2E Z Jdr(p (r))/|r-R | N
l/4|drdr'(p (r))(p (r')>/|r-r'| e
+ (Λ/4π) |_ drdr'J^drox(r,r';iœ)/|r-r'| E
N a
N ( I
jdr(p (r)>(R e
N a
-r )/|r-R | . a
The sum over Ν runs over all of the nuclei in the molecule, and the sum over α runs over the Cartesian coordinates x, y, and z. The subscript - ε on the integral containing x(r,r';ico) indicates that an infinitesimal region around r = r is excluded from the range of integration. The potential energy (V) of the electrons is the quantum mechanical average of the total Coulomb energy V of electron-nuclear interactions and the instantaneous Coulomb energy V of electron-electron interactions. The expectation value of the electron-nuclear interaction energy (V > is identical to the Coulomb energy o f interaction between the nuclei and a classical charge distribution with the charge density ( p ( r ) ) . In contrast, the electron-electron interaction energy .
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e N
e c
For an individual molecule, fluctuations of the instantaneous electronic charge density away from its quantum mechanical average are characterized by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (3, 4). The molecule is assumed to be in equilibrium with a radiation bath at temperature T; then in the final step of the derivation, the limit is taken as Τ —• 0. The fluctuation correlations, which are defined by ( ô p (r,t) ô p (r\t)) , [p. (r, t) - (p. (r. t)>] [p. (r, t) - (p. (r, t))} e
= (p (r,t)p (r\t))-(p (r,t))(p (r',t)) , e
Wilson and Peterson; Electron Correlation Methodology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.
171 persist at Τ = 0 due to quantum "zero-point" effects. The fluctuation-dissipation theorem relates the correlation ( δ ρ (r,t) 8p (r',t)) to the imaginary part of the nonlocal charge-density susceptibility, x"(r,r';co) . In this work, the electronic kinetic energy is expressed in terms of the potential energy and derivatives of the potential energy with respect to nuclear coordinates, by use of the virial theorem (5-8). Thus, the results are valid for all bound electronic states. However, the functional derived for Ε does not obey a variational principle with respect to ( p ( r ) ) , even though x(r,r';o))is in principle a functional of ( p (r)), as implied by the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem (9-12). The derivation (7) of Eq. (1) is related to the treatment of van der Waals energies within density functional theory, given by Kohn, Meir, and Makarov (73). However, in Ref. 13, the fluctuation-dissipation theorem was applied only to the long-range exchange-correlation effects, after the short-range exchangecorrelation energy had been separated out. In addition, the exchange-correlation energy as determined by Kohn, Meir, and Makarov (73) incorporates the dif ference between the exact electronic kinetic energy and the kinetic energy of a system of non-interacting electrons. This accords with the standard definition of 8xc in density-functional theory, but it differs from the approach used here. In the current approach, the fluctuation-dissipation theorem is used to determine both short- and long-range fluctuation correlations ( ô p ( r , t ) 5 p ( r ' , t ) ) , and the virial theorem is applied to the kinetic energy of the system with the full electron-electron interactions. β
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The result in Eq. (1) is also related to adiabatic-coupling functional for the energy, derived by integration over a coupling constant λ that 'turns on" the elec tron-electron interactions as it varies from 0 to 1 (14-23). This approach was introduced in the context of density functional theory by Langreth and Perdew (14) and used shortly thereafter by Harris and Griffin (75) and by Gunnarson and Lundqvist (16). In related work, Gôrling and Levy (77) have developed a couplingconstant perturbation expansion for the correlation energy; and Levy, March, and Handy have suggested a generalized, two-point adiabatic connection (19).
Nonlocal Charge-density Susceptibilities The charge-density susceptibility is a linear response function; it is nonlocal because a perturbing potential applied at any point r affects the charge density throughoutthe molecule. Quantum mechanically,x(r, r';o) is specified by (2)
(r r';œ) = - [ ( g | p ( r ) G H p ( r ' ) | g ) J
(g|p (r')G(- )p (r)|g)], e
Wilson and Peterson; Electron Correlation Methodology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.
172 where G((o) is the resolvent operator, G(co) = (1 - p ) ( H - E - Αω)"' (l - p ) , 0
p denotes the ground-state projection operator | g) ( g | , H is the Hamiltonian for the unperturbed molecule, and E is the ground-state energy. For real fre quencies ω,χ(Γ, r'; ω) gives the functional derivative of the charge density at point r with respect to a variation of frequency ω in the applied potential at r \ The relation V V : ct(r, r'; ω) = - χ ( ι \ r'; ω) connects χ(Γ, r'; ω) to the non local polarizability density ct(r, r'; ω) (24, 25). In earlier work, it has been proven that the following properties all depend on ct(r, r'; ω): o
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• • • • • • •
infrared intensities (2(5), intramolecular dielectric functions (27), Sternheimer electric field shielding tensors (26), electronic reorganization terms in vibrational force constants (28, 29), softness kernels (30, 31), induction energies for interacting molecules (32, 33), and van der Waals dispersion energies (34).
Each of these properties can be expressed equivalently in terms of χ(ι\ r'; ω). In the current work, χ(ι\ r'; ω) contains exchange and correlation contributions to ; it also contains terms that (in effect) remove the self-energy (35-37) from the final result for ( V ) . Static charge-density susceptibilities have been computed ab initio by L i et al (38). The frequency-dependent susceptibility χ(ι\ r'; ω) can be calculated within density functional theory, using methods developed by Ando (39), Zangwill and Soven (40), Gross and Kohn (41), and van Gisbergen, Snijders, and Baerends (42). In ab initio work, x(r, r'; ω) can be determined by use of timedependent perturbation techniques, pseudo-state methods (43-49), quantum Monte Carlo calculations (50-52), or by explicit construction of the linear response function in coupled cluster theory (53). Then the imaginary-frequency susceptibility can be obtained by analytic continuation from the susceptibility at real frequencies, or by a direct replacement ω —• i o , where possible (for example, in pseudo-state expressions). Working within the coupling-constant formalism, Huit, Rydberg, Lundqvist, and Langreth (20) have used applied the fluctuation-dissipation relation for values of λ intermediate between 0 and 1. They have obtained in terms of a λdependent susceptibility, with an integration over the coupling constant. In the current work, χ(ι·,Γ';ω) corresponds to the λ = 1 value of the susceptibility. In its underlying physics, the use of susceptibilities to obtain Ε is related to the use of a generalized dielectric response function to determine the energy of a ee
Wilson and Peterson; Electron Correlation Methodology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.
free electron gas, in the classic work of Nozières and Pines (54). On the intra molecular scale, a nonlocal dielectric function e ' (r, τ';ω) characterizes the screening of applied potentials; that is, the contribution to the effective potential (pcff at point r due to the application of an external perturbation (p at r ' is given by ε ε^ (Γ, ι·';ω) φ ( Γ ' ; ω ) . The nonlocal dielectric function e ' (r, *"';ω) is related to χ(ι\ι·';ω) by (27) l
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β χ
= ô ( r - r') + ( ^ E O ) " i d r " | r - r ' f X ( r " , r » .
The fluctuation-dissipation relation has previously been applied to van der Waals interactions between pairs of molecules or multiplets by Linder and co workers (55-57), Langbein (4), and Hunt (24, 34). The relation yields the disper sion energy of large or weakly overlapping molecules (55-57), for which point multipole representations of the potential break down. Langhoff has treated both covalent bonding and van der Waals interactions, using electronic susceptibilities (58). Hunt (34) has used the fluctuation-dissipation relation to prove Feynman's "conjecture" (59, 60) that the dispersion force between nonoverlapping atoms in S states stems from the attraction of the nucleus in each atom to the perturbed charge distribution of the same atom, and to generalize the result to nonoverlapping molecules of arbitrary symmetry (34). Dispersion effects on the dipoles (61, 62) and polarizabilities (63, 64) of interacting molecules have also been derived within the fluctuation-dissipation framework.
Electronic Potential Energy The total electronic potential energy of a molecule depends on the averaged electronic charge density and the nonlocal charge-density susceptibility. The molecule is assumed to be in equilibrium with a radiation bath at temperature T, so that the probability distribution over electronic states is determined by the partition function at T. The electronic potential energy is given exactly by
= Z Z,Z eJdr(ô(r-r ))/|r-R | N
(6) 2
l / 2 e Z Z , J d r d r ' ( 6 ( r - r ) 6 ( r ' - r ) ) / | :r - r I
where the sums over i and j run over electrons, while the sum over Ν runs over all of the nuclei, with charges {Z } located at positions { R }; e is the charge on an electron, with e < 0. In this equation, the angular brackets denote thermally averaged expectation values of the operator or operator products. Thus, (6(r - r,) ô(r' - r,)) represents the thermally weighted average of the expectation value of 6(r - r,) 6(r' - r,) in each of the electronic states. When the limit as Τ —• 0 is N
Wilson and Peterson; Electron Correlation Methodology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.
174 taken subsequently, this average becomes the ground-state expectation value o f the operator. (In this case the operator is the product of Dirac delta functions of the positions of electrons i and j.) No self-energy terms are included in Eq. (6). In terms of the electronic charge density operator p (r), e
p (r) = e E , ô ( r - r , ) ,
(V) has the form (v) = Z Z j d r ( p ( r ) ) / | r - R | N
+ l/2jdrdr'(p (r)p (r')>/|r-r1 Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on July 14, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: March 13, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0958.ch010
-1/2 e Z , Jdrdr'(6(r - r,)δ(ι·' - r,))/|r - r'|. The third term in Eq. (8) is the negative of the self-energy Zee- The self-energy is divergent (J5-J7), but the divergence is precisely canceled by an opposing divergence in the integral containing(p (r)p (r')) . The statistical average of the product (p (r)p (r')) is identical to the single-time correlation ( p ( r , t ) p ( r ' , t ) ) . From Eq. (2), this quantity can be expressed as the sum of the fluctuation correlation (δρ (r,t) δρ (r',t))and the product of the average charge densities, (p (r,t))(p (r',t)J, which are independent of time. Thus e
( v ) = Z Z Jdr(p (r)>/|r-R | N
+1/2 Jdr dr'(p ( r ) ) ( p (r'))/|r - r'| - Σ e
+1/4 jdr d r ' ( ô p ( r , t ) ô p (r\t) + δ ρ ( r ' , t ) ô p (r,t))/|r - r'|. e
The second term in Eq. (9) for (V) gives the classical Coulomb energy of a con tinuous, static charge distribution with charge density (p (r)). The integrand has a singularity at r = r', but the singularity is integrable. By Fourier transformation, e
(v) = I Z | d r ( p ( r ) ) / | r - R | N
l/2|drdr'(p (r))(p (r'))/|r-r'|-Z e
+ l/4 Jdrdr' £ £ β χ ρ [ - ΐ ( ω + ω ' ) t] x(5p (r )5p ( r V ) + 5p (τ',ω')δρ, e
(r,œ)>/|r - r'|.
Wilson and Peterson; Electron Correlation Methodology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.
The fluctuation-dissipation theorem (3) relates correlations of the spontane ous fluctuations in the charge density to the imaginary part of the charge-density susceptibility, x"(r, r'; ω), where x(r, r'; ω) = x'(r, r'; ω) + ί χ " ( Γ , r'; ω):
(r V ) + δ ρ (r' , ω ' ) δ ρ ( , ω ) ) 6
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= (λ/2π)χ"(ι·, r';œ)6(œ + œ )coth(»œ/2kT). Although χ(Γ, Γ ' ; ω) is a linear response tensor, Eq. (11) is exact—its use does not imply that the calculation itself is limited to linear response. The averaged potential energy (V) includes contributions from fluctuations in the charge density at all real frequencies. The fluctuation-dissipation theorem restricts the contributing frequencies to ω = - ω ' , but allows for all real ω. The effects on the energy are contained in the term (V)/?, defined by ( V ) ^ =(ft/4n)|drdr'£x (r,r';œ)coth(ftœ/2kT)/|r-r |. f
The ω-integral in (Μ)β is evaluated analogously to integrals appearing in the van der Waals interaction energy (4, 24, 55-57), dispersion dipoles (61, 62), and dis persion polarizabilities (63, 64). By itself, χ"(τ, r'; ω) is not analytic as a func tion o f ω; however, the full susceptibility x(r, r'; ω) is analytic throughout the upper complex ω half-plane (65)', and by parity arguments (4), x"(r, Γ ' ; ω) can be replaced in the integrand by (-i) x(r, r'; ω). Both the imaginary part of the susceptibility x"(r, r'; ω) and coth(hco/2kT) are odd in ω, while the real part X'(r, r'; ω) is even in ω. The frequency integral can then be evaluated by com plex contour integration, where the contour runs along the real axis from ω = W to ω = - ε , around an infinitesimal semicircle of radius ε to ω = ε, then along the real axis to ω = W (4). The contour is closed by a semi-circle of radius W in the upper half-plane, and the limit is taken as W —• oo. By causality (4, 65), the poles of x(r, r'; ω) are confined to the lower complex half-plane, so the only enclosed poles are those of coth(h(û/2kT), at η ω = 2,7rinkT, for each integer η (4). (The contribution from the pole at η = 0 is multiplied by 1/2.) In the limit as Τ —* 0, the poles become infinitesimally close, and the sum over the residues at these poles becomes a Riemann sum for the integral η
( V ) , = (Α/2π) Jdrdr' f x ( r , r ' ; i œ ) / | r - r'|.
While the Τ —• 0 limit has been taken formally, it should be noted that the elec tronic fluctuation correlations at room temperature are essentially equivalent to those at Τ = 0 for normal, nondegenerate systems. (Thermal photons at room temperature are generally unable to excite electronic transitions!)
Wilson and Peterson; Electron Correlation Methodology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.
176 With the result for (V)/, from Eq. (13), the potential energy becomes
(v) = Z Z J d r ( p ( r ) > / | r - R | N
V2fdrd^(p (r))(p M>/|r-r^|-I e
+(ft/2^Jdrdr'J[x(r,r ;iœ)/|r-r'|. The self-energy Z is divergent, but there is a canceling divergence in the χ term, so that the net result for (V) is finite. Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on July 14, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: March 13, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0958.ch010
e e
Electronic Kinetic Energy A virial theorem (5-5) applied to the electronic coordinates gives the kinetic energy (T) in terms of (V) and expectation values of the first derivative of V with respect to nuclear coordinates (66-72). For bound electronic states |f )
2 ( f | T | f ) = (f|Z
r aV/ar |f), ia
where the summation over i and α runs over all electrons i and over the Cartesian coordinates α = x, y, and z. The Born-Oppenheimer approximation is used in this work, so I f ) represents an electronic state that depends parametrically on the nuclear coordinates. The Coulomb potential for the interaction between charged particles is a homogeneous function of degree - 1 , with respect to the coordinates of all of the interacting particles. By Euler's theorem,
Σ Γ 5ν/δτ ία
N a
N a
N a
= - V ,
with the nuclear coordinates denoted by {RN}. Equation (16) applies both to the classical potential function and to V in operator form. Then, from Eqs. (15) and (16),
(f |T|f>= -(l/2)(f | v | f ) - ( l / 2 ) l , R ( f | ô V / Ô R | f ) . N
By the Hellmann-Feynman theorem, the expectation value ( f | - 5 V / 9 R | f ) is the force on nucleus Ν in the a direction. The force on each nucleus vanishes for a molecule in its equilibrium nuclear configuration; the force also vanishes for an isolated atom. In these cases the virial theorem becomes (T) = -(1/2) (j|p (r')|g)/|r-r'|. e
From the closure relation Σ ' J j ) ( j | = 1 - | g ) ( g I, the sum over the product of transition matrix elements involving p ( r ) and p (r')separates into two terms, one containing the ground-state expectation value of p ( r ) p ( r ' ) and the other containing the product of the expectation values of p ( r ) and p ( r ' ) , both in the ground state. These terms can be further separated into those containing self interactions vs. those containing interactions between distinct electrons. Then e
Wilson and Peterson; Electron Correlation Methodology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.
(h/2n) Jdr dr'|°x(r, r'; ico)/|r - r'| = +(eV2)Jdrdr'(g|^6(r-r )8(r'-r )|g>/|r-r1 1
x(gM('"-r )|g)/|r-r'| J
-(eV2)}drdr'Z (g|ô(r-r )|g)(g|ô(r'-r,)|g>/|r-r'|. Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on July 14, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: March 13, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0958.ch010
The third term on the right in Eq. (20) cancels the divergent self energy Σ in (V). The final term on the right equals (-l/n ) times the internal Coulomb energy of the charge distribution ( p ( r ) ) [the second term in Eq. (14)]; thus it removes the self-interactions from the static Coulomb energy. For precise cancellation of the self energy, the closure relation must be satisfied by the expansion basis. Thus for numerical work, a different approach is needed to remove the canceling divergences in the expression for (V). If an infinitesimal region around r = r ' is removed from the range of integration, at least one of the two delta functions 6(r - η ) and 8(r' - η ) must vanish, for any value of r,. Consequently Z —> 0 and the third term in Eq. (20) also vanishes. Equation (1) for Ε follows immediately,'with the deleted region denoted by the subscript - ε on the range of integration. Deletion of the infinitesimal region has a negligible effect on the static Coulomb energy and a negligible effect on the fourth term in Eq. (20). This technique is analogous to the use of a "cut-out" propagator in dielectric theory (79, 80), to exclude self-polarization contributions to the dielectric function. ε β
e e
Summary Equation (1) gives the final result for the electronic energy as a functional of the electronic charge density and the charge-density susceptibility. This result follows immediately from Eqs. (14), (17), and deletion of an infinitesimal region around r = r ' from the range of integration. Although the fluctuation-dissipation theorem has been used in the derivation of Eq. (1) for E, the same result follows by analytic integration of χ(ι·, r'; ίω), using Eq. (18). Within the non-relativistic Born-Oppenheimer approximation, the functional is exact. The functional is nonlocal because it contains x(r, r'; ίω). It differs from the nonlocal density functionals in use for computations (23, 71, 78, 81-94), including the averagedensity (95) and weighted-density approximations (96-100).
Wilson and Peterson; Electron Correlation Methodology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.
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This approach gives a compact expression for the electronic energy, in terms of the molecular properties; in this form, the result is useful for analytical work. The result may also be useful for determining contributions to the correlation energy from widely separated regions within a single molecule, or in interacting molecules, complementing the adiabatic coupling (14-23, 101-105) and "seamless" density functional (106-108) approaches. Earlier expressions for the van der Waals energy of large, nonoverlapping molecules (24, 34, 55-58) required integration over four spatial variables, vs. the integrations over two variables, r and r', in Eq. (1). Use of Equation (1) in numerical work requires a means of generating x(r, r'; ίω) as well as the average charge density. Direct variational methods are not applicable to the expression for Ε itself, due to use of the virial theorem. How ever, both p (r) and x(r, r'; ίω) (39-42, 109-112) are computable with densityfunctional methods, thus permitting individual computations of Ε from Eq. (1) and investigations of the effects of various approximations for x(r, r'; ίω). Within coupled-cluster theory, x(r, Γ ' ; ίω) can be generated directly (53) from the definition in Eq. (3); then Eq. (1) yields the coupled-cluster energy in a new form, as an expectation value. c
Acknowledgments This work has been supported in part by the National Science Foundation, through Award Number CHE-9817297.
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Wilson and Peterson; Electron Correlation Methodology ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.