Electron spin resonance line-shape analysis for determination of

Electron spin resonance line-shape analysis for determination of unresolved metal hyperfine splittings in ion pairs. Application to the benzene anion ...
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DETERMINATION OF UNRESOLVED METALHYPERFINE SPLITTINGS The usefulness of the correlation suggested above is, we feel, best illustrated by reference to the 4-formyl-2,6di-tert-butylphenoxy radical. At first glance the relative intensities of the formyl and tert-butyl endors appear to be different by 1800% and the overlap correction has reduced this to 127& Similar use of this equation, we feel, will greatly simplify the interpretation of other endor spectra. I n rigid medial9 and in hydrocarbon solvents cooled near their freezing pointsz0 methyl groups have been observed to give stronger endor signals than aromatic protons and this has been interpreted as being caused by differencesin the electron-nuclear dipolar interaction for these two types of protons. Thus the above sirnpli-

fied method of interpreting endor spectra must be restricted to the free tumbling region where the dipolar coupling of the rigidly fixed protons is also rapidly averaged.

Acknowledgments, Acknowledgment is made to the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, and to the Research Foundation of the State University of New York for support of this work. 72, (19)4269 J. S.(1968). Hyde, G. H. Rist, and L. E. G. Eriksson, J . Phys. Chem., (20) K. Mobius, H . van Willigen, and 289 (1971).

Maki, Mol. Phye,, 20,

An Electron Spin Resonance Line-Shape Analysis for Determination of

Unresolved Metal Hyperfine Splittings in Ion Pairs. Its Application to the Benzene Anion Radical1 by M. T. Jones,* M. Komarynsky, and R. D. Rataiczak Department of Chemistry, University of Missouri-St.

Louis, St. Louis, M ~ ~ S O 68181 U T ~ (Received February 18, 19'71)

Publication costs assisted by the National Science Foundation

A line-shape analysis is presented which allows the extension of the study of ion pairing into the spectral region where the metal hyperfine splitting (hfs) can no longer be resolved. The analysis allows one to quantitatively

evaluate the metal hfs and the component line widths from experimentallymeasured line shapes and line widths. The utility of the analysis procedure is demonstrated by its application to the benzene anion radical. The unresolved metal hfs in the benzene anion radical ranges from -75 mG at -120' to $150 mG at -30". The component line widths are found to range from -200 mG at -120" to -650 mG at -30'. Introduction There has been considerable interest in the use of esr techniques to study ion-pairing effects.2 To date, it has been necessary to explicitly resolve the metal hyperfine splitting (hfs) in order to study such effects. Although, very recently certain changes in g values have also been associated with ion pairingqa A line-shape analysis is presented which will allow the extension of the study of ion pairing into the spectral region where the metal hfs can no longer be resolved. The analysis allows one to quantitatively evaluate the metal hfs and the component line width (hence to obtain the "true" 2'2) from experimentally measured line shapes and line widths. The utility of the analysis procedure will be demonstrated by its application to the benzene anion r a d i ~ a l . ~

The underlying basis of the analysis procedure is the fact that esr spectral line shapes are strongly dependent upon the metal hfs even when the individualcomponents are not resolved. The analysis consists of determining precisely what the line shape looks like as the metal hfs increases from zero to the point where the individual (1) Presented at the Second Symposium on Electron Spin Resonance held at the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, Deo 1970. (2) (a) See for example E. de Boer, R e d . Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 84, 609 (1965); (b) N. M. Atherton and S. I . Weissman, J. Amer. Chem. SOC.,82, 2537 (1960); ( c ) N. Hirota, ibid., 90, 3603 (1968); (d) M. T. Jones and D . E. Zeller, J. Chem. Phys., 48, 334 (1968); (e) N. Hirota in "Radical Ions," E. T. Kaiser and L. Kevan, Ed., Interscience, New York, N. Y., 1968, Chapter 2; (f) I . €3. Goldberg and J. R. Bolton, J.Phys. Chem., 74,1965 (1970). (3) (a) C. L. Dodson and A. H. Reddock, J . Chem. Phys., 48, 3226 (1968); (b) W. G . Williams, R. J. Pritchett, and G. K. Fraenkel, ibid., 52, 5584 (1970).

The J O U T Wof~ Phyekul Chemistry, Val. 76, No. 18, 1071









Figure 1. Normalized plot of half of the derivative of the resonance line shape for various ratios of hfs to A H c . T h e individual components consisted of four equally intense Lorentzian shaped lines. T h e values of the ratio hfs/AHc shown are 0, 0.17, 0.34, 0,52, and 0.69 in order of decreasing amplitude in the wings. T h e dotted line represents a pure Gaussian line shape.

2 5-





I 5/



Hfs/AHc Figure 2 . Plot of the ratio of the calculated line width (AHobsd) to t h e individual component line width ( A H c ) us. the ratio of hfs/AHc. T h e individual components consisted of four equally intense Lorentzian shaped lines. When the ratio hfs/AHc 2 0.86 the individual component lines just begin to be resolved.

components just begin to become resolved. F~~ the calculations described here, it is assumed that the lifetime of the cation-anion pair is long compared with the inverse of the metal hfs.

Experimental Details and Results The spectral line shapes were simulated for an esr The Journal of Physical Chemistru, Vol. 76, N o . 18, 1071

line which consists of n closely spaced individual component lines. For example, in the case of ion-pair formation with a single sodium ion, four equally intense component lines are used. The simulation calculations were performed in such a manner that errors due to truncation of the individual component lines fell outside of the region of interest. The density of points calculated was such that the percentage of error associated with picking the correct half-width at extreme slope ranged from .t1% when (hfs/AHc) = 0 t o &0.25% when (hfs/AHc) = 1.0 and &0.5% when (hfs/AHc) = 0 to *0.3% when (hfs/AHc) = 1.6 for Lorentzian and Gaussian component line shapes, respectively. The component line width is given by AHc. Figure 1 shows normalized plots of half of the derivative of the resonance line shape for various ratios of hfs to ANc starting with four equally intense Lorentzian-shaped components. The data in Figure 1show that as the hfs increases from zero relative to AHc the line shape becomes less and less Lorentzian. It falls off in the wings much more rapidly than a Lorentzian. For hfs/AHc ratios >O.6 the line shape falls off even more rapidly than a single Gaussian component. Similar behavior is observed when Gaussian components are used except that their limiting line shape is a Gaussian and they fall off more rapidly than a Gaussian in the wings as the ratio of hfs/AHc is increased. Figure 2 shows a plot of the ratio of the calculated line width (AH,b,d) to the individual component line width (AHc) vs. the ratio of hfs/AHc. One notes that as the ratio of hfs/AHc is increased so too is AHobsd, A similar result is observed when Gaussian components are used. The results shown in Figures 1 and 2 are changed by an insignificant amount if one chooses instead of four equally intense lines, two sets of four equally intense lines with relative intensity and relative hfs appropriate to the case of ion-pair formation with potassium ions instead of sodium. The question immediately arises: are there ex(4) The suggestion that the benzene anion radical might be ionpaired is not original with the work reported here. However, the evidence presented leaves no doubt that the benzene anion radical in solution is ion-paired. NIalinoski and Bruning6 first suggested that the benzene anion radical might be ion-paired on the basis of their studies of the rate of electron transfer between the benzene anion radical and neutral benzene and their attempts t o simulate the electron transfer broadened esr spectra. Their suggestion was criticized by Kooser, Volland, and Freed6 (see their footnote 52a), who argued among other things that published simulated spectra (Cf. Y. S. Lededev, et al., “Atlas of Electron Spin Resonance Spectra,” Consultants Bureau. New York. N . Y . , 1963) decayed more slowly in the wings than did a pure Lorentzian line shape which was contrary to experiment. Subsequently, Das, Wagner, and Freed7 on the basis of more experimental evidence revised their criticism of Malinoski and Bruning’s suggestion. Apparently, their revision includes a reinterpretation of the simulated spectra of Lebedev, et al., which now agrees qualitatively with experiment and with the reported in paper. (5) G. L. Malinoski and W.H. Bruning, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 7, 953 (1968); J . Chem. Phys., 50, 3637 (1969). (6) R. G. Kooser, W. V. Volland, and J. H . Freed, ibid., 50, 5243 (1969). (7) M. R . D ~s.~B. Wagner, , and J. H. Freed, ibid.,52, 5404 (1970).




, Hfr/aHc


z 0 E m




% v)

Lorentzian Position Figure 3. Line shape of the M E = 0 component in the first derivative esr spectrum of the benzene anion radical in 2 : 1 (THF-DME) solvent (0.3 M benzene) a t different temperatures. The dashed line traces the locus of the Lorentzian line. See text for details of measurement.







LORENTZIAN POSITION Figure 5. Plot of the “observed” or “calculated” resonance line position us. the “theoretical” Lorentzian position for a series of increasing values of the metal hfs/AHc ratio. The 13C hfs/AHc ratio for the calculations shown here is 8.

Hts la HE

, 0.00 /



0 68

o 78

7 6


LORENTZIAN POSITION Figure 4. Plot of the “observed” or “calculated” resonance line position vs. the “theoretical” Lorentzian position for a series of increasing values of the metal hfs/AHc ratio. The effect of hfs is not included.

20% 40% 80% 80%


amples of the behavior of line shapes as described above? The answer, of course, is yes. Past studies on very M ) of peroxylamine dilute water solutions (9.5 X disulfonate anion radical have shown that the line shape is non-Lorentzian with a more rapid falloff in the wings.8 Figure 4 of ref 8 shows a normalized plot of the derivative of the resonance absorption curve of peroxylamine disulfonate anion radical in comparison with pure Lorentzian and Gaussian line shape^.^ Careful studies of the line shape of the benzene anion radical in solution show that (a) it is dependent upon the benzene concentration, (b) it is temperature dependent, and (c) it falls off more rapidly in the wings than does a Lorentzian line.“7>”J This behavior is demonstrated in Figure 3 for a solution of the benzene anion radical in a 2: 1 mixture of tetrahydrofuran and 1,2-dimethoxyethane which is 0.3 M in benzene.








Figure 6. Plot of line positions in units of peak-to-peak half width us. the metal hfs/AHc ratio for various different relative heights. The effect of 13C hfs is not included in this plot.

Figure 3 shows another way of looking at the information shown in Figure l. On the ordinate is plotted the “observed” line position vs. that of a pure Lorentzian line for fixed percentages of the height. The analysis (8) M. T. Jones, J. Chem. Phys., 38, 2892 (1963). (0) While the analysis of the peroxylamine disulfonate spectra line shapes will not be considered further here, it is of interest and studies

in ogr laboratory are underway. (10) (a) R. D. Rataicaak, Ph.D. Thesis, St. Louis University, 1970; (b) R. D. Rataicaak and M. T. Jones, submitted for publioation in J . Chem. Phus. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, No. 18,1971



8 0 0 el



0 %






0 = 0 . 0 1 M Benzens 0-0.03M Benzene 8 = 0.1 M Benzene

0-0.01 M Benzene



0-0.03 M Benzene





0.1 M Benzene

0 0.3 M Benzene 0- 1.0 M Benzene 0-Raf.6

0 =0.3 M Benzene

9- 1.0 M Benzqne Q- Ref. 6


0 I



















Temperature ("c) Figure 7. Plot of the metal hfs us. temperature for a series of different benzene concentrations.

procedure consists of marking off the base line in units of '/z the peak-to-peak width. The height of the curve is marked off in percentage of the maximum height (which occurs at =t1/2 the peak-to peak width) from the base line. The distance (normalized with respect to l / i the peak-to-peak width) from the center of the resonance line to the decaying wing at a given percentage of the height is measured and plotted as shown in Figure 3 against the corresponding value for a pure Lorentzian line. A pure Lorentzian line shape yields points which fall along the dashed line. Whereas the data plotted in Figure 3 are "experimental," the data shown in Figures 4 and 5 are obtained from calculations of the expected line shape of the central line in the benzene anion radical excluding and including the effect of the hfs arising from the natural The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, N o . 18, 1971


Temperature ("c) Figure 8. Plot of component line width ( A H o ) us. temperature for a series of different benzene concentrations.

abundance of 18C, respectively.l 1 Wote that in Figure 4 there are n series of straight lines coming out of the origin. The larger the ratio metal hfs/AHc the lower the slope. The inclusion of the effect of the 13C hfs leaves a portion of the data in Figure 4 unchanged, namely that portion along the abscissa from 1 to approximately 3. For distances greater than 3 halfwidths, the individual curves are pulled down toward the abscissa as shown in Figure 5 . Note the good agree(11) J. R. Bolton, Mol. Phys., 6, 219 (1963), reports that the value of the 1aC hfs is 2.8 ( = t O . l ) G at -100'. Additional work in our laboratory shows that it is temperature dependent and that it increases with increasing temperature. This latter observation agrees with that of Danner and Makill for the hexakis(trifluor0-

methy1)benzene anion radical. Our values are 2.70 G at -looo, 2.79 G at -SOo, and 2.85 G at -62'. (12) J. C. Danner and A. H. Maki, J . A m e r . Chem. Soc., 88, 4297 (1966).

DETERMINATION OF UNRESOLVED METALHYPERFINE SPLITTINGS ment between the data shown in Figure 3 and those in Figure 5. I n Figure 6 is shown a plot of the data obtained from our calculations which allows a rather easy comparison of the calculations with experimental results. Line positions in units of half-widths are plotted vs. the ratio hfs/AHc for a series or family of curves taken at different relative heights. Our calculations show that the positions associated with points at 80,60, and 40% of the maximum height are not significantly perturbed by the presence of the 13C hfs.I3 Thus, we may safely compare “experimental” positions at 80,60, and 40y0 of the maximum height with the curves shown in Figure 6. One obtains in this way the “best” fit of the experimental data and the value of the ratio hfs/AHc at which it occurs. Using Figure 2, one can convert this ratio into a number which gives the ratio of the “observed” line width to the component line width. These two ratios plus the experimentally measured line width yield the information we are seeking, namely, the metal hfs and the component line width. Figure 7 shows the results of such an analysis for the metal hfs for a large range of benzene anion radical concentrations and temperatures. Of course, the analysis is not capable of determining the sign of the hfs, although we have plotted the data through the origin. There is no incontrovertible proof that the metal hfs does in fact change sign. However, one can argue in analogy with a number of other ion-paired radicals where the hfs values are known to go through zero.2aJc,2f It is significant that the metal hfs values are relatively independent of the benzene concentration and hence the benzene anion radical concentration.


This fact taken together with the fact that the method of analysis appears to work over such a large range of benzene and benzene anion concentrations suggests that the assumption, that the lifetime of the benzene anion radical-metal ion pair is long compared with the inverse of the metal hfs, is justified.14 Figure 8 shows a plot of the component line width vs. temperature for the same range of concentration as shown in Figure 7. The line widths are dependent upon concentration, although the scatter is larger than one might like to see. I n addition, the temperature dependence appears to level off at about -80”. This is to be contrasted with the inhomogeneously broadened line which displays a minimum at - 100°.lo

Acknowledgment. The partial support of this research by the National Science Foundation through Grant GP-15619 is acknowledged. The support of the University of Missouri-St. Louis Computer Center is also acknowledged as is the support of R. D. R. by NASA through Grant No. NsG(T)-74. hfs/AHc ratios greater than (13) Our calculations show that for 5 and metal hfs/AHc ratios less than approximately 0.30 (as the former becomes larger so does the latter ratio) the presence of the 1% hfs can be ignored in the analysis procedure. Very few spectra have been observed to date which do not fall into the above category. (14) This observation is consistent with the low electron transfer rate between the behzene and the benzene anion radical observed by Malinoski and Bruning (ref 5 ) and suggests that the electron transfer takes place with the simultaneous transfer of the metal ion (see ref 10b for an extended discussion of this point). We plan further computer simulations which will include the effects of metal ion exchange and electron transfer. However, we are, at present, quite impressed with the success we have had to date by neglecting such effects and the lack of evidence that they need to be included for adequate spectra simulation.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, No. 18, lQ7l