Electron Spin Resonance Studies of the Diazine Negative Ions

David J. Singel , W. A. J. A. van der Poel , J. Schmidt , J. H. van der Waals , R. de Beer. The Journal of Chemical Physics 1984 81 (12), 5453 ...
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Electron Spin Resonance Studies of the Diazine Negative Ions' BY RAYMOND L. WARD RECEIVED AUGUST21, 1961 Pyrazine and pyridazine negative ions have been prepared and their hyperfine structure observed. The theory of McLachlan, et UZ.,' has been adapted t o relate t h e coupling constants and spin densities of the nitrogen atoms. Molecular orbital theory has been used to calculate t h e spin densities, and reasonable agreement is found with the experimental results. T h e concept of spin density on the nitrogen nucleus is discussed. T h e reaction between pyrimidine and a n alkali metal has also been carried out, but t h e product appears t o be t h e result of a coupling reaction.

Introduction I n recent years the study of isotropic hyperfine interactions in polyatomic free radicals has led to a wealth of information about electron distribution in these radicals. The proposal by McConnell that proton hyperfine interactions could be used to determine spin densities on adjacent carbon atoms has indeed turned out to be correct.2.8 Theoretical estimates of carbon spin densities are usually correlated with the observed proton hyperfine splitting by means of the relation a H = Q ~ c .The ~ spin density PC can be either negative or positive. For aromatic negative ions the value of Q has been determined from the total splitting of benzene negative ion, -22.5 gauss. The negative sign of Q indicates that the unpaired spin density a t the proton in question tends to be antiparallel to the average spin density of the nelectron. Recent investigationss-* of hyperfine interactions of nuclei which lie in the plane of the aromatic ring, e.g. CI3,show that the hyperfine interaction depends not only on the spin density of the nucleus in question, but also on the spin density of other carbons which are attached to it. A study of heterocyclic free radicals will lead to information about this in-plane hyperfine interaction without recourse to difficult isotopic synthesis. I n this article we will investigate the hyperfine interactions in the three diazine isomers: pyrazine, pyridazine and pyrimidine negative ions. Spin densities will be estimated in the framework of the Hiickel theory and compared with experiment. The concept of spin density on the nitrogen atoms will also be discussed. Estimates of coupling constants of a few other heterocyclic negative ions will be made and compared with experimental results.

possible 25 lines. The total splitting, measured from first idexion to the last inflexion, is 39.3 gauss. An assignment of 7.1 gauss for the nitrogen coupling constant and 2.76 gauss for the proton coupling constant reproduces the spectrum in good detail. Pyridazine.-Pyridazine (a-diazine) negative ion was prepared in the same manner as pyrazine negative ion. The spectrum consists of seven very well resolved lines with the intensity ratios very nearly 1:4:8:10:8:4:1. The total splitting is 38 1 gauss. An assignment of a coupling constant of 6.3 gauss to the two nitrogens and a coupling constant of 6.3 gauss to two protons reproduces the observed spectrum. There was no splitting observed from two of the protons in the molecule. Pyrimidine.-Pyrimidine (m-diazine) reacted with potassium metal in the same manner as did the other two diazines. The reaction, however, was quite slow in comparison and resembled somewhat the reaction of pyridine with an alkali metal.s The observed spectrum consists of a t least 100 lines spread over 25.6 gauss. If pyrimidine negative ion had been formed, the spectrum would have exhibited the same total spread as the other two diazines, namely, 39 gauss, and the number of lines would not have exceeded 60. The total splitting, however, is consistent with that of bipyridyl negative ion,g which was formed when pyridine was treated with potassium metal. We therefore suggest that pyrimidine has undergone a coupling reaction similar to that of pyridine, and the negative ion of the product was formed. No assignment of coupling constants or identification of the reaction product has been made. Analysis of Results.-McLachlan, et al.,? have extended the theory of isotropic hyperfine interResults actions to include spin polarization of C-C bonds, Pyrazine.-Pyrazine ($-diazine) negative ion while Karplus and Fraenke18have shown that spin was prepared at --TO", in the usual manner, by re- polarization of the Is electrons can also be imduction with potassium metal in 1,2-dimethoxy- portant. Das and Mukherjee'O have pointed out ethane, and its spin resonance spectrum recorded. that the hyperfine interaction in the nitrogen atom The observed spectrum is consistent with the can be accounted for by the difference in the spin symmetry of the molecule and consists of 23 of the polarization of the 1s and 2s electrons. We will attempt to correlate spin densities anu (1) This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S.Atomic coupling constants of heterocyclic negative ions Energy Commission. (2) H. M. McConnell, J . Chem. P h y s . , 24, 764 (1956). within the framework of the Hiickel theory with(3) H.M.McConneI1, ibid., 24,632 (1956). out a specific assignment of values to each type of (4) H.hf. McConnell and D. B. Chesnut, ibid., 28, 107 (1958). interaction which contributes to the hyperfine (5) F. C. Adam and S. I. a'eissman, J . A m . Chem. Soc., 80, 2057 splitting. The observed nitrogen coupling con(1958). (6) T.R. Tuttle, Jr., J C h e m P h y s . , 32, 1579 (1960). stant ax is therefore given by equation 1 (7) A. D. McLachlan, H. H. Dearman and R. Lefebvre, ibid., 33, 65 (1960). ( 8 ) M. Karplus and G. Fraenkel, ibid., 36, 1312 (1961).


(9) R L. Ward, J . A m . Chem. SOC.,83, 3623 (1961). (10) T.P.Das and A. Mukherjee, J . Chem. P h y s . , 33, 1808 (19601


Feb. 5, 1962 aN = Q ~ P N



Q,CPi i

where p~ is the nitrogen spin density, pi the spin densities of the nuclei attached to the nitrogen and Q1 and QZare constants chosen to fit the data. We will use McConnell's relation, a H = Qpc, with Q = -22.5 gauss to estimate carbon spin densities from known proton hyperfine coupling constants. It will be necessary to estimate Q1 and Qz from coupling constants and spin densities of similar compounds as data are lacking on the magnitude and signs of the different contributions t o the Q's. These different contributions are discussed more thoroughly in the section on nitrogen spin density. We will use the results from pyrazine and 4,4bipyridyl negative ions. The proton coupling constant of 2.76 gauss for pyrazine negative ion yields a carbon spin density of p c = 0.12. The nitrogen spin density may be obtained from conservation of spin and the reasonable assumption that the spin density is everywhere positive. This value is PN = 0.26. The spin densities and coupling constants of interest for 4,4'-bipyridy19 negative ion are U N = 3.6 gauss, PN = 0.159, uo = 0.45 gauss, po = 0.02, where uo is the ortho proton coupling constant and PO the ortho carbon spin density. It should be noted that in the case of 4,4'-bipyridyl negative ion the nitrogen spin density was estimated by molecular orbital calculations with CYN= CYCas this value for the nitrogen coulomb integral gave the experimentally observed proton coupling constants. A value of LYN= LYC 0.5 ,8 for this integral, however, changes the nitrogen spin density only slightly, h.,PN = 0.147. Substitution of these values of spin densities and coupling constants for 4,4'-bipyridyl and pyrazine negative ions into equation 1 yields two equations in Q1 and Qz from which we obtain the values Q1 = 20.9 gauss and Qz = 7.0 gauss. Equation 1 can now be used to estimate coupling constants in nitrogen heterocyclics once spin densities are known. de Boer and Weissmanll have been able to estimate spin densities in aromatic hydrocarbon negative ions, with reasonable success, by use of the Hiickel theory. Hiickel type calculations may be extended to heterocyclic negative ions by the use of the following approximations: (1) the nitrogen coulomb integral is given by CYN = CYC ph and h = 0.5, (2) all exchange integrals of nearest neighbors are assumed equal, ;.e., p = ON and all other exchange integrals are set equal to zero. The spin densities are then the squares of the coefficients of the wave function for the lowest non-bonding orbital. Coupling constants then may be estimated by use of equation 1 and McConnell's relation. The Hiickel theory applied to pyrazine negative ion yields the values pc = 0.10 and p~ = 0.29. These values compare quite well with the experimental values; pc = 0.12 and PN = 0.26. Self consistent fields calculationslZ yield essentially identical results for the spin densities. Hiickel theory, therefore, appears to be a reasonable approximation for heterocyclic negative ions.



(11) E. de Boer and S. I. Weissman, J . Am. Chem. SOL, 80, 4549 (1958). (12) N. Mataga and K . Nishimoto. 2. Phys. Chcm., 13, 140 (1957).




We have used equation 1 with Q1 = 20.9 and Qz = 7.0 and the Hiickel theory to estimate coupling constants for a few heterocyclic negative ions. We obtain these results Obsd.



a N UH,

a=, Phenazine




5.4 = 2.4 = 1.2 = 4.8 = 1.6 = 1.1 =

ax = 5 . 7 aH = 2.3 aH

1.5 5.0 = 2.0 = 1.6

aN =



We also have compared the calculated and observed spectra of 1,10-phenanthroline and quinoline negative ions and found reasonable agreement. The complexity of the spectra however limits the validity of observed coupling constants without isotopic substitution. Equation 1 and molecular orbital calculations appear to yield reasonable results for nitrogen splittings in heterocyclic negative ions. Spin densities for pyrimidine (0-diazine) may be obtained from the observed proton coupling constants and conversion of spin. These values are p~ = 0.22, p c = 0.28 and pc' 0. It is possible to decide, from molecular orbital theory, which protons give rise to the observed hyperfine interaction. The calculated spin densities are p~ = 0.27 and p c = 0.23, and for the carbons attached to the nitrogens p c ' = 0.004. This indicates that the ortho proton is the one which does not exhibit a hyperfine interaction. The value of PNN used in this calculation was 1.25. This value gives the best agreement with experimental results. The nitrogen spin density, however, was rather insensitive to /3" and therefore not too much significance should be given to this value. It will be necessary to determine new values for Q1 and Q 2 for a molecule like pyrimidine as these values should be different from those for pyrazine. These values could be obtained from a comparison of the spectra of pyrimidine and s-tetrazine negative ions. Unfortunately, the spectrum of stetrazine negative ion has not yet been reported. Nitrogen Spin Density.-In the theory of isotropic hyperfine interactions of aromatic free radicals presented by McConnell and C h e s n ~ t , ~ the proton hyperfine interaction arises from a u-7r configuration interaction. McLachlan, et al.,' have extended this work to include hyperfine interactions from nuclei which are in the plane of the ring such as C13 and N1*. I n their theory, the Q's which appear in equation 1 depend on the ratio J ( m ) / A E , where J(a7r) is the exchange integral for the carbon sp2orbital with the n-orbital and AE is the singlet-triplet separation of a C-C bond. I n the case of nitrogen containing heterocyclic free radicals, it is necessary to consider what contribution the non-bonding pair of electrons will make to the hyperfine interaction. At first, i t might seem that the interaction could depend on a term of the form J ( ~ T ) / A E ~ where - , ~ ~ ,J ( n n ) is the exchange integral between the non-bonding pair of electrons and the n-orbital, and AE,,,* is the energy separation between the energy level of the non-bonding pair and the first #-antibonding state. This type of promotion, however,



leads to a vanishing of the exchange integral. Another possible promotion is from the non-bonding level to a u*-antibonding state. This promotion should lead to a non-vanishing of the exchange integral. ,4 comparison of the nitrogen splittlng in NH2 with that of NH3+, recently observed by Cole, l 3 however, indicates that this contribution is small. Karplus and Fraenkel have pointed out that the spin polarization of the 1s electrons will (13) T. Cole, J . Chem. P h y s . , 35, 1169 ( l Y C 1 )


VOl. 84

also contribute to Q1of equation 1. No value for this contribution is available a t the present time for nitrogen atoms in heterocyclic molecules. Conclusion.-The use of equation 1 in relating spin densities and coupling constants of nitrogen atoms in heterocyclic negative ions appears to be substantiated. The Hiickel theory is a reasonable approximation for these ions. Acknowledgment.-I wish to thank Professor A. Streitwieser for helpful discussions.



The Microwave Spectrum and Structure of


BY WILLIAMH. KIRCHEIOFF'~ AND E. BRIGHTWILSON, JR. RECEIVED AUGUST25, 1961 The action of AgF2 on S4Na in CClr produces a gaseous compound, KSF3, the structure of which has been in some doubt. Fragments in t h e mass spectrum show t h a t the molecular structure is probably S--SF/F as

.i pure sample was prepared.

\F most recently claimed by Glemser. T h e microwave spectrum was studied in the region 8000 t o 60,000 mc. with a conventional Stark modulated spectrograph. The spectrum has t h e simplicity and first order Stark effects characteristic of a symmetric top. From lines assigned t o t h e normal and also t o t h e 34San$ 15h7species occurring in natural abundance, the following set of structural parameters was obtained: d ( S K ) = 1.416 A , , d(S-F) = 1.552 A. and