Electron Transfer. 67. Reductions of Hydroxylamine Derivatives by

Vitamin BIh (cob(I)alamin), the Co(1) derivative of vitamin B12, reduces substituted hydroxylamines to the corresponding amines. Specific rates for th...
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Inorg. Chem. 1984, 23, 824-828


all of the second oxidations (one of which is metal centered) have an identical rate constant of 2.7 X lo-* cm/s. It is interesting to note from Table VI that a correlation appears to exist between the porphyrin ring basicity of the first six complexes and the magnitude of the rates of both the first oxidation and the first reduction. In the former case the rates monotonically increase with increasing basicity while, in the latter case, a decrease in rates is observed. However, the differences are very small, and if these are taken as a whole, one may say that all of the rate constants are virtually identical. Summary. In conclusion, we have shown that nickel tetraalkylporphyrins and chlorins may be oxidized by two oxidation steps or reduced in a single electron-transfer step similar to the case for (TPP)Ni. It was found that three different mechanisms can occur for oxidations of the different porphyrin complexes. In contrast, only one electrode mechanism governs the reductions. There is a dramatic shift in the first oxidation potential when one goes from (TPP)Ni, to (TRP)Ni, and then to (TMeC)Ni. A similar 200-210 mV negative shift in potentials is found on going from other metalloporphyrin to metallochlorin systems and can easily be rationalized by the differing energies of the HOMO'S and the LUMO's (which have a change in symmetry from D4hto C,,), as well as by a reduction in the total aromatic stabilization of the chlorin relative to the porphyrin complex. It is more difficult, however, to explain

the 200-mV negative shift in potential for the three (TRP)Ni" complexes with respect to (TPP)Ni". The fact that there is no intramolecular electron transfer producing nickel(II1) with the tetraalkylporphyrins may indicate that there is an additional stabilization mechanism that is operative. Aggregation has been found in solutions of (TMeC)Ni",' and the structure of the conducting (TMeP)Ni"I system indicates that these porphyrins can stack, thus enabling intermolecular interactions to take place. The fact that (TEtP)Ni", (TPrP)Ni", and (TMeC)Ni" do not form aggregates might be explained on the basis of steric factors.

Acknowledgment. The support of the National Science Foundation (Grant CHE 8215507) is gratefully acknowledged.


Registry No. ((p-CI)TPP)Ni , 57774-1 4-8; [ ((p-C1)TPP)Nil , 88669-53-8;[((p-Cl)TPP)Ni]+., 88669-49-2;[((p-C1)TPP)Nil2+, 88669-58-3;(TPP)Ni, 14172-92-0;[(TPP)Ni]-., 88669-50-5; [(TPP)Ni]+., 29484-62-6;[(TPP)NiI2+,57208-12-5;(TMeP)Ni, 67067-51-0; [(TMeP)Ni]-., 88669-54-9; [(TMeP)Ni]+.,78965-41-0 [(TMeP)NiI2+,88669-59-4; (TEtP)Ni, 75706-99-9;[(TEtP)Ni]-., 88669-55-0;[(TEtP)Ni]+.,88669-51-6;[(TEtP)NiI2+,88669-60-7; (TPrP)Ni, 15245-21-3;[(TPrP)Ni]-., 88669-56-1;[(TPrP)Ni]+., 88703-06-4;[(TPrP)Ni]2+, 88669-61-8;((p-Et,N)TPP)Ni, 8866948-1 ; [ ((p-Et2N)TPP)Ni]-., 88669-57-2;[ (@-Et,N)TPP)Ni]+., 88669-52-7;[((p-Et2N)TPP)Nil2+,88669-62-9;(TMeC)Ni, 75758-44-0;[(TMeC)Ni]-., 88685-58-9;[(TMeC)Ni]+.,88685-57-8; [(TMeC)Ni],+,88685-59-0; TBAP, 1923-70-2; TBA(PF6),3109-63-5.

Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242

Electron Transfer. 67. Reductions of Hydroxylamine Derivatives by Vitamin BIzs (Cob(1)alamin) P. N. BALASUBRAMANIAN and E. S . GOULD* Received July 5, 1983

Vitamin BIh (cob(I)alamin),the Co(1) derivative of vitamin B12,reduces substituted hydroxylamines to the corresponding amines. Specific rates for the reductions of nine alkylated hydroxylamines and hydroxylaminesulfonic acids have been measured and their acid dependencies, in the range 0.01-0.1 1 M H+, examined. Reactions of the alkylated hydroxylamines, and that of NH30H+itself, proceed at rates independent of [H'], indicating that partition of Blzsinto protonation levels is not significant in our systems. When rates proportional to [H'] are observed, as in the reductions of NO3-and HON(S03)$-, protonation of the oxidant appears to be occurring. Reduction of NH30H+to NH4+is considerably slower than that of NO3- to NH4+under corresponding conditions, indicating the NH30H+ is not an intermediate in the latter conversion. The 2:l stoichiometry of the reactions at hand is not altered by additions of alcohols (which have previously shown to divert NH2. radicals), implying that these reductions, unlike the Cr(II)-NH30H+ reaction, are heterolytic. It is proposed that these reactions proceed via nucleophilic substitution by Co(I), followed by rapid Co(II1)-Co(1) comproportionation. The observed kinetic patterns suggest that initial attack occurs predominantly at oxygen for N-alkylated hydroxylamines and N-sulfonic acids, but at nitrogen for 0-alkylated hydroxylamines and NH20S03H. The 4e reduction of acetophenone oxime by BIB yields both C6H5CH(CH3)NH2 and C6H5CH(CH3)OH.The amine almost certainly arises via initial attack at the C=N double bond of the protonated oxime, whereas the carbinol probably results from substitutionat oxygen. Because of competing hydrolysis of the oxime in the medium used, we cannot estimate the relative importance of the two reductive paths.

A sufficient number of redox studies2involving vitamin BI2, the cobalt(1) derivative of vitamin B12,have been carried out to demonstrate that this species is a powerful and versatile reductant. We have reported3 that cob(1)alamin reduces (1) Support of this work by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. 8022881) is gratefully acknowledged. (2) See,for example: (a) Lexa, D.; Saveant, J.-M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1976, 98,2652. (b) Itabashi, E.; Parekh, H. V.;Mark, H. B., Jr. Anal. Lett. 1978, B I I , 515. (c) Kaufmann, E. J.; Espenson, J. H. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1977, 99, 7051. (d) Ryan, D. A.; Espenson, J. H.; Meyerstein, D.; Mulac, W. A. Inorg. Chem. 1978, 17, 3725. (e) Espenson, J. H.; Gjerde, H. B. Ibid. 1980, 19, 3549. (0 Banks, R. G. S . ; Henderson, R. J.; Pratt, J. M. J . Chem. SOC.A 1968, 2886.

nitrate rapidly and cleanly to NH4+ at p H 1.5-2.5, that the overall rate of this net transfer of eight electrons is determined by the initial step, and that the reduction of HNOz under the same conditions is, as expected, more rapid than that of NO). The hydroxylammonium ion, NH30H+, in which the oxidation number of nitrogen is -1, may be considered a logical intermediate in the overall conversion to NH4+. If so, N H 3 0 H + should likewise be reduced more rapidly by Blzsthan is NO3-. We find, on the contrary, that it is reduced more slowly and, further, that its reduction is accelerated by N-methylation. (3) Balasubramanian, P. N.; Gould, E. S . Inorg. Chem. 1983, 22, 2635.

0020-1669/84/1323-0824$01.50/00 1984 American Chemical Society

Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 23, No. 7, 1984 825

Reductions of Hydroxylamines with Co(1) Table I. Stoichiometries of the Reactions of Cob(1)alamin with Hydroxylamine Derivativesa

lo5X oxidant (Ox)

(Co'l, M


(CH, ), NHOH' (C,H,),NHOH+

6.20 6.20 4.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 4.40 6.20 6.20 4.40 6.20 8.00 8.OOC

8.0OC 6.40d 8.60d




%loe 6.20 6.20 6.20 4.44 8.00 8.00 8.65 8.60 6.40

lo5 X 105A[Ox], M [ C O ' ] , ~M 1.58 1.40 1.26 0.91 1.34 2.14 1.44 2.40 1.11 1.46 2.33 3.40 2.40 3.30 2.44 3.80 3.30 3.80 1.24 0.65 0.89 1.29 1.29 2.03 1.48 0.99 0.80

3.21 3.07 2.48 1.93 2.88 4.5 3 2.90 4.48 2.28 2.85 4.6 1 6.20 4.40 6.2 1 4.5 5 6.95 6.39 6.96 2.44 1.54 1.70 2.80 3.00 4.04 5.56 4.08 3.37

A[Co']/ A[ox] 2.03 2.19 1.97 2.10 2.14

2.10 2.01 1.87 2.05 1.95 1.98 1.82 1.84 1.88 1.87 1.83 1.94 1.83 1.97 2.35 1.92 2.16 2.30 1.98 3.75 4.09 4.20

a Cob(1)alamin was generated by reduction of hydroxocobalamin hydrochloride with zinc amalgam. Reductions were carried out in 0.040 M HC10, (see Experimental Section and ref 3). Determined spectrophotometrically at 387 nm. Reaction in 10% (v/v) methanol. Reaction in 20% (v/v) ethanol. e Reaction in 20% (v/v) 2-propanol.

The present contribution describes experiments dealing with the reductions, by cob(I)alamin, of a variety of substituted hydroxylamines.

were determined by adding a measured deficiency of oxidant to the Co' solution, waiting 30-80 min for completion of the reaction! and then measuring the decrease in absorbance at 387 nm. This decrease, after a suitable "blank" correction for the slow loss of Co' in the absence of the coreagent, was compared to that observed when Blh was treated with excess oxidant. Representative results appear in Table I. Very nearly 2 mol of Cot reacts with each mole of the substituted hydroxylamines, whereas 1 mol of acetophenone oxime consumes nearly 4 mol of co'. Kinetic Studies. Rates were estimated from measurements of decreases in absorbance at 387 nm using a Cary 14 recording spectrophotometer. The difficulty in transferring dilute solutions of cob(1)alamin led us to employ the procedure of Loar? in which BIzs was generated directly in the optical cell.3 Since B12sreacts avidly with traces of oxygen in the hydroxylamine solution, it was advisable that the added volume of the latter reagent be minimal. Acidities were regulated by addition of known concentrations of HC10, while the total ionic strength was kept near 0.1 1 M by addition of LiC10410v11 Reactions were generally first order each in Co' and oxidant but were carried out under pseudo-first-order conditions with the oxidant in at least 10-fold excess. Conversions were followed for at least 5 half-lives. Rate constants from successive half-life values within a run agreed to within 5%, and average values did not differ significantly from those obtained from slopes of plots of absorbance differences against reaction times. Specific rates from replicate runs checked to better than 8%. Temperatures were kept at 25.0 & 0.2 OC during the entire series of experiments. The kinetic traces obtained from reaction of acetone oxime, (CH3)2C=NOH, with cob(1)alamin departed significantly from the usual exponential (pseudo-first-order) curves, for during the early stages the decrease in rate was much less marked than would result from depletion of the reductant. It appears here that hydrolysis of the oxime to acetone and NH30H+ is competing with the redox reaction of interestL2and that NH30H+is reduced somewhat more rapidly than the oxime. This reaction was not pursued. Reduction of Acetophenone Oxime. This reaction was carried out on a preparative scale in order to identify the products. Cob(1) alamin was present in catalytic quantities and was regenerated in situ by the action of zinc amalgam.13 The oxime (6.4 mmol) was dissolved in 5 mL of 40% methanol, and the solution was made 0.3 M in HC104 and 1.2 X lo4 M in Co(1). The preparation was stirred at room

Experimental Section Materials. Alkylated hydroxylamines (available as their hydrochlorides or hydrosulfates (Aldrich)), hydroxylamine-0-sulfonicacid (Aldrich), and hydroxocobalamin hydrochloride (Sigma) were used as received. Lithium perchlorate, for use in kinetic experiments, was prepared as described! The potassium salt of hydroxylamine-N,Ndisulfonic acid, HON(S03K)*, was prepared by the method of Rollefson5and was recrystallized from water three times to remove traces of nitrite. A portion of the disulfonate was converted to the tripotassium salt, [K+I3[ON(SO3),I3-,by recrystallization from aqueous KOH, and the tribasic salt was then hydrolyzed to the potassium salt of the monosulfonic acid, HONH(S03K), by a modification of the procedure of Degener and S e d 6 Acetophenone oxime was prepared by the action of hydroxylamine on the parent ketone in aqueous NaOH.' All redox reactions were carried out under N2 in distilled water that had been previously boiled and purged with 02-free nitrogen for at least 4 h. Cob(1)alamin was generated in solution by reduction, using zinc amalgam, of the cobalt(II1) complex, hydroxocobalamin hydrochloride, as de~cribed.~ Stoichiometric Studies. The stoichiometries of seven of the more rapid reactions in 0.040 M HC104, taking the Co' complex in excess, Dockal, E. R.; Everhart, E. T.;Gould, E. S . J. Am. Chem. SOC.1971, 93, 5661. Rollefson, G. K.; Oldershaw, C. F. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1932, 54, 977. (a) Degener, E.; Seel, F. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 1956, 285, 129. (b) Oblath, S. B.; Markowitz, S. S.;Novakov, T.; Chang, S.-G. Inorg. Chem. 1983,22, 579. Hydrolysis of the di- to the monosulfonate was carried out at pH 4 and 100 'C. The monosulfonate was recrystallized three times to remove traces of disulfonate. Shriner, R. L.; Fuson, R.C.; Curtin, D. Y. "The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds", 4th ed.; Wiley: New York, 1956; p 254. For evidence that the phenyl rather than the methyl group in this oxime lies trans to OH, see, for example: Donaruma, L. G.; Heldt, W. Z. Org. React. (N.Y.) 1960, 11, 17.

(8) Stoichiometric studies of the very slow reactions in this series could not

be carried out since loss of Co(I), by a combination of spontaneous decay and oxidation by t r a m of air slowly leaking in the vessel, became competitive with the primary reaction, thus complicating interpretation of the results. At the other extreme, reaction with the exceedingly active @sulfonic acid, NH,OSO,H, was complete in less than 2 min. (9) See ref 6 of: Loar, M. K.; Sens, M. A.; Loar, G.W.; Gould, E. S.Znorg. Chem. 1978, 17, 330. More specifically, solutions of the cobalt(II1) complex, hydroxocobalamin hydrochloride, were acidified and then reduced under nitrogen in the optical cell, using a small weighed quantity of zinc amalgam and a 7-mm Teflon-coated magnetic stirrer. For the subsequent kinetic runs, the spectrophotometer beam was positioned above the level of the amalgam. Stirring was discontinued just before addition of the oxidant. Acetophenone oxime, which is only slightly soluble in water, was added as its solution in methanol; the small methanol content of the resulting solution (CHNH,OH+


>CHNH3+ 2H30+

+ Co"'0H




(6) Since the rate law for this reaction exhibits a straightforward H + dependence (Table 111), it appears that the rate is determined by the initial step. If so, step 5 , involving the intervention of a second Co' molecule, may be taken to be considerably more rapid than (4). This would be the case if the (31) Since the pKA of hydroxylamine-O-sulfonic acid has been reported as 1.48 (Candlin, J. P.; Wilkins, R. G. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1%5,87,1490),

this oxidant is partitioned into protonated and nonprotonated forms in the pH range here considered. Reduction is immeasurably rapid throughout. (32) (a) Krueger, J. H.; Sudbury, B. A., Blanchet, P. F. J . Am. Chem. SOC. 1974,96,5733. (b) Krueger, J. H.; Blanchet, P. F.; Lee, A. P.; Sudbury, B. A. Inorg. Chem. 1973, 12, 2714. (c) Krueger, J. H.; Blanchet, P. F. Ibid. 1974, 13* 719. (d) Sudbury, B. A,; Krueger, J. H. Ibid. 1974, 13, 1736. (33) See, for example: Fischli, A. Helu. Chim. Acta 1978, 61, 2560.

Inorg. Chem. 1984, 23, 828-837


specific rate for reduction of the indicated branched hydroxylamine were comparable t o t h a t found here for (CH3)*NH0H+. Although a portion o f t h e second organic product, C6H5CH(CH3)OH, doubtless arises from hydrolysis of the oxime and Of the ketone, we the possibility that some of this alcohol results from an alternative reductive sequence beginning with attack at the N-0 bond (7). If this route is significant, the close adherence to moncoI:+ HO(H)N+=C< -,~ ~ 1 1 1 +0 NH=C< ~ (7)







omial kinetics again requires that the initial step (7) be slower than succeeding steps. In particular, the specific rate for reduction of acetophenone to the alcohol must exceed that for reduction of the oxime to the rapidly hydrolyzed imine. Although the latter condition appears to be in accord with ex-

~ e r i m e n tadditional ,~~ work is needed to evaluate the extent to which this path contributes. Acknowledgment. The authors are indebted to Professor Harry B. Mark, Jr., for helpful discussions. Registry NO. NH4+, 14798-03-9; C,jHjCH(CH3)NH2, 98-84-0; C6HSCH(CH3)OH,98-85-1; NO,-, 14797-55-8; (CH,),C=NOH, 12746-o; C6H5COCH3, 98-86-2; NH20H.HCI04, 5588-62-2; CH,NHOH.HCio4, 88905-37-7; CH30NH2.HC104,28219-79-6; (CH3)2NOH.HC104,88905-38-8;(C2H5),NOH.HC104,88905-39-9; NH20SO,H, 2950-43-8; C6HjC(=NOH)CH3, 613-91-2; HON(S03)?-.2K+, 21049-67-2; CH3NHOCH,.HClO.j, 88905-40-2; HONHS03-.K+, 13768-26-8; hydroxocobalamin hydrochloride, 15041-07-3; cob(I)alamin, 18534-66-2. (34) Preliminary experiments by P.N.B. indicate that acetophenone is reduced by cob(1)alamin at a specific rate near 12 M-' s-' in 0.088 M HC104at 25 "C. The observed rate constant for reduction of the oxime at this acidity is 6.2 M-l s-l, of which a maximum of 77%, or 4.8 M-' s-', pertains to the alcohol-generating path.

Contribution from the Energy Systems Group, Rockwell International Corporation, Canoga Park, California 9 1304

Electrochemical Studies of Graphite Oxidation in Sodium Carbonate Melt GARY B. DUNKS Received June 20, I983 The oxidation of spectroscopic grade graphite in sparged beds of sodium carbonate employing air, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide was investigated at 900 OC by using electrochemical techniques. Evidence for the formation of metallic sodium suggested that a first step in the oxidation process was the reduction of sodium ion by graphite. The positive centers thus generated in the graphite matrix apparently reacted with oxyanions in the melt to produce carbon monoxide. The oxidation rate of a graphite electrode using carbon dioxide containing sparge gas was increased by application of positive potentials and decreased by application of negative potentials, which supports such an ionic mechanism. The initial rates of graphite oxidation using nitrogen or carbon dioxide sparge were approximately equal and were 6.5 times slower than the rate using air. Sequences of reactions are proposed for the oxidation of graphite using air, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen sparge gases in sodium carbonate melt.

Introduction Alkali-metal carbonates are effective catalysts for the gasification of carbonaceous materials including coal. The mechanisms through which these gasification processes proceed however are not well understood.' In previous studies directed toward the elucidation of the mechanism of graphite oxidation in sparged beds of molten sodium carbonate, oxidation rates were determined as functions of oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations of the sparge gas, melt temperature, sulfate concentration, graphite loading, and graphite surface area.24 Subsequently, electrochemical measurements showed that oxide, peroxide, and superoxide ions and possibly the complex ions peroxycarbonate and peroxydicarbonate exist in molten sodium carbonate and how the concentrations of the melt species changed with perturbations of the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations of the sparge gas.5 The results of work in which the relative concentrations of melt species were monitored electrochemically during graphite oxidation in molten sodium carbonate using air, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen sparge gases are reported here.

Experimental Section Materials. Air ('breathing air": 20.9% oxygen, 0.03% carbon dioxide, and 78.1% nitrogen), oxygen (99.993%), carbon dioxide (1) (2)

KcKee, D. W. Chem. Phys. Carbon 1981, 16, 1. Stelman,D.; Darnell, A. J.; Christie, J. R.;Yosim, S. J. Proc. Int. Symp.

Molten Salts 1976, 299. ( 3 ) Dunks, G. B.; Stelman, D.; Yosim, S . J. Carbon 1980, 18, 365. (4) Dunks, G. B.;Stelman, D.; Yosim, S.J. Inorg. Chem. 1982, 21, 108. ( 5 ) Dunks, G. B.; Stelman, D. Inorg. Chem. 1983, 22, 2168.


(99.99%), nitrogen (99.999%), and calibration gas mixtures were obtained from and analyzed by Airco. Sodium carbonate (Baker anhydrous reagent grade, 99.5%) contained nitrogen compounds (N, 0.001%), phosphorus (PO4, 0.01%), silica (SO2, 0.005%), sulfur (SO,,, 0.003%), and iron (Fe, 5 ppm). The graphite was spectroscopicgrade SP2-Z powder (>80% graphitic) prepared from petroleum coke with use of a proprietary binder and heat treated at 3000 OC (Union Carbide Corp.). The total ash content was