Electronic LABORATORY EQUIPMENT - Industrial & Engineering

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1959, 51 (6), pp 116A–116A. DOI: 10.1021/i650594a784. Publication Date: June 1959. Copyright © 1959 American Chemical Society...
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Improved CorrosionResistant Mortar Synar, an inorganic acid-resistant mortar, is suggested as a lining ma­ terial for operations up to 1800° F . Synar hardens by chemical action and is not dependent on evapora­ tion or dehydration. Dept. IEC, Corrosion Engineering Products Department, Pennsalt Chemicals Corp., Natrona, Pa. 19

Silicon Carbide A new product, GRB silicon car­ bide, is a lightweight material with unusually high thermal shock and erosion resistance. Material shows great promise as refractory m a ­ terial. Dept. IEC, The Carborun­ dum Co., Niagara Falls, Ν. Υ. 20

Nylon Pressure Tubing Flexible polyamide tubing which can be used continuously in an oxi­ dizing atmosphere at temperatures up to 225° F. is available. Called

Grade tubing only. Corp. Pa.

T R , it supplements current recommended to 180° F. Dept. IEC, The Polymer of Pennsylvania, Reading, 21

resistance, and freeze-thaw sta­ bility. Dept. IEC, Shawinigan Resins Corp., Springfield 1, Mass. 23

Detergent for Metal Cleaning Protective Coating A new protective coating is based on the reaction of a specially blocked isocyanate and an aminebearing resin in aqueous solution. Preliminary tests indicate a strong potential for the new system as an easy-to-apply primer. Dept. IEC, Mobay Chemical Co., Pittsburgh 34, Pa. 22

Triton QS-15 is said to combine vigorous detergent action with solu­ bility in relatively high concentra­ tions of alkaline cleaners while ex­ hibiting chemical stability in strong caustic. T h e chemical is anionic under alkaline and cationic under acid conditions. Dept. IEC, Rohm & Haas Co., Washington Square, Philadelphia 5, Pa. 24

Copolymer for Water Systems Homopolymer Emulsion A fine particle poly (vinyl ace­ tate) homopolymer emulsion, GELVA TS-85, is available. Emul­ sion has average particle size of 0.2 to 0.3 micron, emulsion vis­ cosity of 1400 to 1700 c.p.s. at 5 5 % solids. I t is said to have excellent mechanical stability, good blocking

mixmagstir M i x m a g s t i r has been designed to assure optimum performance char­ acteristics, it is low in height and weight to increase ease of position­ ing the unit. Housing is of aluminum and can be easily clamped in any position by use of its associated support rod. Four Neoprene f e e t anchor the unit to the table.

Vinylpyrrolidone-vinyl acetate copolymer in solid form is suggested where it is necessary or desirable to avoid alcohol. Known as P V P / V A S-630, copolymer repre­ sents a monomer ratio of 6 0 % vinylpyrrolidone and 40% vinyl acetate. Dept. IEC, Anatara Chemicals, 435 Hudson St., New York 14, Ν. Y. 25

Do Scaling Troubles "get you down" HIGH-SPEED, AUTOMATIC, ACCURATE


a sure


An Ohmite Rheostat controls the speed from a nearly stopped posi­ tion to a very rapid rotation of 3000 RPM (without load). Genuine " D i a l c o " lamp assembly using a neon lamp and a multi-vue red cap, visible from many angles, provides a visible indication of whether the unit is ON or OFF. An integral part of the assembly is a built-in resistor that helps to prolong the life of the lamp which will give over 4000 hours of continuous serv­ ice while drawing a negligible amount of current. Heavy duty SPST toggle switch with an ON-OFF plate to start and stop the motor.

magnetic power stirrer! low-thin design! neon on-off light! continuous speed control! continuous duty! THE

Aluminum support rod 7 / 1 6 * diam­ eter 5" long can be threaded into fitting on rear of unit so that it may be clamped on support rods in almost any position. Spinbars — Teflon Molded Magnetic Stirring Bars—are supplied with the unit in three sizes: %'. 1" and 1Ά" lengths. Other sizes available at any Laboratory Supply House. AVAILABLE AT ANY LABORATORY SUPPLY HOUSE



Bulk material handlers are immune to "headaches" in the scaling department—after SCHAFFER Poidometers are installed. These units supply reliable weight data at any processing stage, whether the operation involves weighing, mixing, blending, feeding, recording or proportioning. Durable, easy-to-operate Poidometers are unequalled for continu­ ous, trouble-free, economical service. Available

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showing and changing feed rate.

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