Electronic Transport in Polysilylenes - Advances in Chemistry (ACS

May 5, 1989 - Recent analysis of electronic-transport data in poly(methylphenylsilylene) (PMPS) obtained by the time-of-flight technique is compared i...
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26 Electronic Transport in Polysilylenes

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Martin A. Abkowitz, Milan Stolka, Ronald J. Weagley, Kathleen M. McGrane, and Frederick E. Knier Xerox Corporation, 0114-39D, Webster, NY 14580

Recent analysis of electronic-transport data in poly(methylphenylsilylene) (PMPS) obtained by the time-of-flight technique is com­ pared in detail with similar experimental data on carbon-backbone polymeric glasses. The extensive literature on poly(N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) and molecularly doped polymers (MDPs) is presented in this chapter in the form of an abbreviated historical review. Field- and temperature-dependent characteristics of transport in PMPS are strikingly similar to those of the previously studied PVK and MDPs. In PVK, holes migrate by thermally assisted hopping among carbazole side groups in a process not involving the carbon main chain. How­ ever, comparative studies of aromatic- and aliphatic-side-group-sub­ stituted polysilylenes indicate that transport in Si polymers is not significantly sensitive to side-group substituents. That transport per­ sists even in the total absence of π electrons on the pendant groups indicates the involvement of states primarily derived from the Si main chain. Recent optical experiments suggest that carriers hop among domainlike islands of 10-15 Si repeat units.


and in random organic media in particular has been the subject of vigorous scientific activity for more than 2 decades. The approach taken in this chapter is to integrate recent studies of electronic transport in polysilanes with the extensive earlier work on poly(N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) and molecularly doped polymers (MDPs) (i.e., systems in which transport-active molecular species are dis­ persed in an inert binder) and thereby allow the distinctive features of transport in the Si-based systems to emerge. Interest in electronic transport in amorphous films is clearly both sci-

0065-2393/90/0224-0467$10.25/0 © 1990 American Chemical Society

In Silicon-Based Polymer Science; Zeigler, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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entific and technological. Technological interest stems principally from the need to fabricate large-area photoreceptors (drums or belts) for page-sized electrophotographic images (I). Large-area devices can be coated by thermal evaporation (e.g., chalcogenides), plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition (e.g., amorphous Si [a-Si:H]), or, perhaps most conveniently, solution tech­ niques. In this chapter, a selective overview of technological and historical back­ ground is followed by a general discussion of the microscopic details of the transport phenomenon and experimental techniques. Key results of earlier studies on carbon-based systems are presented and then compared with corresponding data on poly(methylphenylsilylene) (PMPS), which has been taken as the prototype for studies of transport system in polymers with silicon backbones. Key points are then summarized. Those wishing to omit the extensive background section may proceed directly to the section on elec­ tronic transport in polysilylenes (page 492).

Perspective Interest in organic polymeric electrophotographic receptors arose from a simultaneous need forflexibilityand mechanical toughness. In contemporary machine architecture, the photoreceptor belt is often required to bend around small-diameter rollers. Materials commonly used in the past that are capable of both efficient generation and transport of free carriers after the absorption of light, such as amorphous Se (a-Se) and its alloys with Te and As or a-Si:H, are not flexible enough to achieve these newer design goals. On the other hand, organic polymers with goodfilm-formingproperties (at dielectric thicknesses dictated by the developer system) that are also capable of supporting surface potentials in the order of 1000 V across 20 μπι are usually not efficient charge carrier generators in the visible range (400700 nm), although in certain instances, they can transport injected charge with the required efficiency. The two distinct requirements have led to the concept of a layered photoreceptor (2) (Figure 1). A very thin substrate charge generator layer (GL) absorbs the incident radiation to which the thick transport layer (TL) overcoat is transparent. The transport layer embodies the desired mechanical and adhesive properties, charge retention, and resistance to the corrosive action of corona effluents and can transport carriers of at least one sign, which are injected from the generation layer. The technological figure of merit for the transport polymer is the transit time, the time required by the photoinjected carrier pulse to complete its traversal with negligible loss of car­ riers to deep traps. The electrophotographic process is initiated by deposition of a uniform surface charge from the corona on the xerographic photoreceptor belt in the

In Silicon-Based Polymer Science; Zeigler, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



Electronic Transport in Polysilylenes




Θ t Θ


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Figure 1. Scheme of layered electrophotographic


dark. The charge must be retained on the photoreceptor for the duration of the xerographic cycle, which means that the polymer must, in fact, be a good insulator. An electrostatic latent image is then generated on the pho­ toreceptor either by full (light-lens) imagewise exposure or by laser writing. The areas exposed to light become conductive and their surface charge is neutralized, whereas charge is retained in the nonexposed areas. The latent image is developed by depositing appropriately charged toner particles on the photoreceptor. If the toner particles, for instance, carry charge of the opposite sign, they adhere to the unexposed dark areas. The toned image is transferred to oppositely charged plain paper and fused. The photoreceptor itself is then erased by light and cleaned to complete the cycle. For our present purposes, a key requirement is that the photoinjectedcarrier transit time (time to traverse 20-30-μπι layer) must be short compared with the interval between exposure and development of the latent image by toner.

Technological Requirements The drift mobility (μ) of a photoinjected carrier is its mean velocity per unit field (£) and may itself be field dependent. The transit time (itr) and mobility are related to specimen thickness (L) according to equation 1:

The importance of μ in the electrophotographic process can be understood as follows: For an increase in the light exposure intensity (AF), the final decrease in surface potential (AV) is proportional to the number of injected carriers (supply) and the distance they travel within the T L (if the G L is

In Silicon-Based Polymer Science; Zeigler, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



negligibly thin and earners leave it instantly). Carrier displacement or range (R) in a given field (£) is controlled by μτ, the product of mobility (μ) and deep-trapping lifetime (τ). Thus, the following relation exists: R = μτ£


During xerographic discharge, a charge of CV (in which C is the film capacitance and V is the charge voltage) traverses the bulk and induces time-dependent variation in the electric field behind the leading edge of the injected carrier front. Thus, as the fastest carriers transit the TL, the electric field behind them is reduced, and the slower carriers transit at lower field, which in turn makes their velocities lower. Xerographic discharge, which is a highly space-charge-perturbed proc­ ess, is therefore characterized by significant dispersion in the arrival times of photoinjected carriers. In some cases, the transit times of the slowest carriers are 10 times or more than the transit times of the fast carriers. However, the slowest carriers, too, must exit the T L before the photore­ ceptor reaches the development zone, typically 0.3-1.0 s after exposure. In practice, carrier mobilities that significantly exceed 10~6 cm2/V-s are desir­ able. For example, a 25^m-thick T L (in which there is no deep trapping) with μ = 10 6 cm2/V-s at Ε = 104 V/cm in a photoreceptor charged initially to 1000 V still retains a residual voltage of 20 V after 0.3 s, or 7 V after 1 s, even when enough incident light is used to photogenerate all carriers needed (i.e., CV 0 ) to discharge the device. A device with μ = 10~7 cm2/V-s at the same field will retain as much as —60 V at 1 s after exposure, which is probably unacceptable. A finite carrier range (3) reflects the influence of deep traps and is controlled by the mobility-lifetime product (μτ). By using the numbers just given, μτ in practical polymeric T L should exceed 10"6 cm 2 /V substantially. Practical T L materials must also satisfy the requirements of chemical integrity (resistance to corona effluents, etc.), photochemical stability, me­ chanical integrity, and abrasion resistance. The T L polymer must also match the selected generation material, that is, it should accept charges photogenerated in the G L . Modern G L materials are either one-component vapor- or solvent-deposited thin layers of a-Se, a-As2Se3, or various azo dyes or solvent-coated dispersions of photogenerating pigments, such as trigonal (crystalline) Se, squarylium, or perylene derivatives, in a polymer binder. The overall effective thickness of the G L is 0.3-0.5 μπι. In laser printers in which the latent image is generated by a solid-state laser emitting in the 780-830-nm range (near IR), the photogenerating pigment must be sensitive to near-IR radiation (4), The transporting polymers must be electronically compatible with the photogenerator of choice. Q

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In Silicon-Based Polymer Science; Zeigler, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



Electronic Transport in Polysilylenes


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Historical Background Many charge-transporting polymers have already been identified (5). The most thoroughly studied charge-transporting insulating polymer is poly(Nvinylcarbazole) (PVK; 6). (See Figure 5 for the structure of PVK.) A layered photoconductor with a PVK T L was reported by Regensburger (2). Many other charge-transporting polymers were then synthesized, but none was studied as extensively as PVK. Structurally, all charge-transporting polymers are derived from monomers containing an ionizable (mainly oxidizable) group with a stable oxidized form in which charge is delocalized in an aromatic unit (5). The most predominant structural moiety in these poly­ mers is an aromatic amine group with all imaginable substitutions. PVK is an example of a substituted aromatic amine polymer. Polymers with complex aromatic groups such as anthracene or pyrene have also been studied as potential transport materials, but they are generally oxidatively or photolytically unstable (5). Initially, the ability of PVK to transport charges was assumed to be related to the spatially crowded structure of PVK (7), in which the carbazole groups, because of their covalent-bonding backbone, are forced to interact with each other to the point that significant orbital overlap creates a band structure. However, the observed mobilities were low (10~7-10~6 cm2/V-s), with field and temperature dependences that were not characteristic of band transport alone. Moreover, it was discovered later that the same chargetransport phenomena could be achieved simply t>y dissolving in inert poly­ meric binders the functional groups in the polymers just mentioned (8, 9). This observation led in turn to the concept of MDPs. Obviously, the carbon backbone in PVK played only the secondary role of holding carbazole groups together (9,10). Charge transport in amorphous σ-bonded carbon-backbone polymers is widely recognized now as a hopping process that involves elec­ tric-field-driven charge exchanges among discrete sites that are dissolved molecules or covalently bonded pendant groups. Most practical polymer-based electrophotographic photoreceptor sys­ tems now in use are in fact solid solutions of an active species in a binder host polymer (II). This system concept embodies the notion of full chemical control of the transport process. Thus, the concentration of dopant molecules directly controls the drift mobility, which is in turn controlled by the overlap of wave functions between active sites. The host polymer binder is then specialized for its mechanical and adhesive properties. Understanding the key features of small-molecule transport provides guidelines for the opti­ mization of injected-carrier range. The key point is to understand how chem­ ically induced traps arise in such systems and how molecularly doped ma­ terials containing various contaminants in substantial quantities can still efficiently transport charge. (Even part-per-million concentrations of con-

In Silicon-Based Polymer Science; Zeigler, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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taminants are extraordinarily high by conventional semiconductor stand­ ards.) Many practical small-molecule-doped polymeric systems have been studied. Two notable examples are Ν,Ν'-diphenyl-N,IV'-bis(3-methylpheny^-lj'-diphenyl^^'-diamine (TPD) (12) and p-diethylaminobenzaldehyde diphenylhydrazone (DEH) (13), both dispersed in polycarbonate. Most small-molecule systems that have been investigated have been complex substituted aromatic amines. The design of single-component polymer transport materials continues to interest researchers in this field. The use of such materials will completely eliminate solvent extraction, diffusional instability, and crystallization of the small molecules. One obvious route that has not been successful to date is the design of yet another aromatic-amine-containing carbon-backbone poly­ mer. An alternative may be to explore the large class of glassy siliconbackbone polymers, such as polysilylenes (14) and polyphosphazenes (15). Polysilylenes have been known for many years but were not considered interesting until the mid-1970s, when Yajima (16) and West (17) used them as precursors for Si-C ceramics. In 1980, the first soluble high-molecularweight polymers were synthesized (18). Photoconductivity in poly(methylphenylsilylene)-TNF (2,4,7-trinitrofluorenone) was reported by Kepler et al. (14). Preliminary charge-transport studies showed that at 295 Κ hole mobility in poly(methylphenylsilylene) (PMPS) is ~10~4 cm2/V-s at about 105 V/cm, quite high for a polymer (14, 19, 20).

Transport Measurements Xerographic discharge involves photogeneration and injection of the mobile carrier type (transport is typically unipolar) into transport states, transport of the photoinjected carrier, and fractional loss to and immobilization in deep traps. Transport measurement techniques fall into two subclasses: steady state or transient. Transient measurements themselves are further classified according to whether they are carried out with small or large signals. For example, under conditions of intense-light-pulse-induced exposure (in which the pulse width is much less than the transit time), xerographic discharge becomes a large-signal process. In this case, the charge in transit, a full CV 0 's worth, will significantly disturb the field distribution in the transport layer and cause it to become time dependent. Thus, the transiting charge is forced to become spatially dispersed even when the mobility is itself uniform and time independent for each transiting carrier. Under small-signal conditions, on the other hand, the transiting carrier packet is constrained to contain much less than a CV of charge and, con­ sequently, moves in a uniform field. Any complicated time dependence of mobility (21) that becomes experimentally visible under these conditions must, we believe, reflect microscopic and fundamental features of transport Q

In Silicon-Based Polymer Science; Zeigler, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



Electronic Transport in Polysilylenes


in the disordered medium and should be distinguished from the macroscopic dispersion induced by carrier motion under highly space-charge-perturbed conditions (22). Steady-State Measurements. conductivity (σ) is well known:

The operational definition of ohmic

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σ = ne μ


In equation 3, η is the carrier density at thermal equilibrium, e is the electronic charge, and μ is the conductivity mobility, which is the mean velocity of a carrier per unit applied field under steady-state conditions. In relatively good glassy polymeric insulators, despite arguments to the con­ trary, unambiguous determination of the mobility directly from curves of current density (j) versus electric field (E) is very difficult. The problem is always the uncertain role of contacts, which must be neutral, in the sense that during measurement the bulk carrier density that exists under zerofield conditions is not perturbed (23). The latter is rarely the case. In fact, the observation of linear curves of j versus Ε guarantees nothing, and this behavior is often observed when currents are limited by contact emission and not bulk controlled (24) (i.e., controlled by the injection rate from the contact rather than by the bulk of the glassy film). Even if ohmic contact can be made, the respective contributions of η and μ must be deconvoluted from the curves of j versus E. Independent determination of η in insulating systems is difficult. Thermopower measurements (Seebeck coefficients com­ monly carried out to determine η in doped crystalline semiconductors) are not practical in good insulators. Unambiguous steady-state measurements are carried out only in the trap-free space-charge-limited-current (SCLC) regime (23), when the av­ erage transit time (t ) of any excess injected carrier across the sample bulk is shorter than the time required for the bulk to locally neutralize the carrier (22). The transit time (t ) has been defined in equation 1. The time to neutralize any excess injected carrier is the bulk dielectric relaxation time, r ( r = [pe]1/2 in which ρ is the bulk resistivity and e is the bulk dielectric constant). The condition for SCLC is given by the following expression: tr




(4) The trap-free space-charge-limited current (TFSCLC) (22) is proportional to mobility, as shown by equation 5: (5)

In Silicon-Based Polymer Science; Zeigler, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



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SCLCs require that the contacts on the polymer be able to act as an infinite carrier reservoir with respect to bulk demands; this requirement is just an alternative operational description of an ohmic contact. To reiterate, unambiguous determination of mobility directly from steady-state electrical measurements requires ohmic contacts and space-charge-limited conditions. The observation of linear curves of j versus Ε is usually of no significance. Transient Measurements. Time-resolved injection photocurrents have the particular virtue, in the present context, of stimulating the con­ ditions under which carriers transit a polymer film during xerographic dis­ charge. However, this discussion is limited to the case in which the integrated number of charges q in the transit pulse is small enough (q « CV ) so that transit occurs in a uniform field. This condition, which signif­ icantly simplifies the interpretation of data, describes the canonical smallsignal time-of-flight (TOF) experiment (25). The field is such that equation 4 applies. For T O F experiments, the electrical contacts must block dark injection. This condition is relatively easy to satisfy. With the field applied, the photoreceptor is excited with a weakflashof visible light that penetrates to the generation layer. Theflash,typically supplied from a nitrogen-pumped dye laser, is of short duration compared with the transit time. A schematic of the apparatus is shown in Figure 2. The series resistor senses current. When the overall circuit RC (R and C are circuit resistance and capacitance, respectively) time constant is short compared with t , the voltage developed on the sensing resistor is proportional to the instantaneous 0



\ TL

i GL



Figure 2. Schematic of a TOF apparatus. R is the current-sensing resistor. C is the total shunt capacitance.

In Silicon-Based Polymer Science; Zeigler, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Electronic Transport in Polysilylenes

current in the specimen. Ideally, the current drops to zero when the trans­ iting carriers reach the collecting electrode as a coherent sheet. In practice, rounding of the transit pulse is observed, because some dispersion in the transit times of arriving carriers is always induced by thermal diffusion and mutual electrostatic repulsion. Superimposed on these pervasive minimal effects are dispersion phe­ nomena that are more fundamentally related to the degree of disorder in any given system. For example, for a disordered molecular solid, the sep­ aration of the overall effects of steric disorder into (1) a self-consistent sitevariable random potential and (2) randomly varying inter- and intramolecular transition matrix elements that directly encompass the system's geometric (i.e., positional) disorder, is useful. These effects contribute to the diagonal and off-diagonal terms in the system's effective Hamiltonian and so are re­ ferred to as diagonal (energetic) and off-diagonal (positional or site) disorder, respectively. Transport in many disordered systems can be thought of as a chain of discrete events (e.g., hopping or detrapping), in which each event is asso­ ciated with a waiting time on a given site. When the waiting-time distribution function is Gaussian, the mean position of a transiting carrier packet initially injected as a thin sheet is proportional to time, whereas the width of the spread increases only as the square root of time. In a current-mode T O F experiment, the time-resolved current is constant until the leading edge of the transiting packet reaches the absorbing boundary. In effect, the subse­ quent decay of current maps the distribution of arriving-carrier transit times. In units of time normalized to the transit time (t/t ) the width of this decaying tail scales as (i t r ) 1 / 2 and is thus actually smaller at lower fields. However, when the waiting-time distribution, ψ(ί), is very much broader, it is more appropriately represented by an algebraic function (21) of a form encountered in phenomenological descriptions of pair-recombination lumi­ nescence in crystalline semiconductors [ψ(ί)αί~ ( 1 + a ) ], in which the dispersion parameter α varies between 0 and 1. Under these circumstances, the max­ imum of the carrier distribution can remain (depending on a) close to the plane of origin, even when the leading edge of the distribution has penetrated to the absorbing boundary (21). In a T O F experiment, the time-resolved current will acquire two algebraic branches that intersect at a statistically defined ttr. For t < t , tr


i(t) ~



whereas for t > t. i(t) ~ r< m) Figure 11. Thickness dependence of hole mobility in 50:50 TPD-PC film. (Re­ produced from reference 12. Copyright 1984 American Chemical Society.)

In Silicon-Based Polymer Science; Zeigler, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Electronic Transport in Polysilylenes


Figure 12. Dark-current response to step field excitation in 44 wt % TPD-PC film with Au (ohmic) contacts. Τ = 333 Κ, and L = 26 μm. A 500-Vfield was applied. The cusp occurs at approximately 0.8 t f r , as determined independently with the TOF technique. The current equilibrium achieved in several transit times indicates the absence of deep trapping. (Reproduced with permission from reference 43. Copyright 1986 Taylor and Francis.)

Temperature-parametric plots of log μ versus Ε for a 60:40 T P D - P C film clearly demonstrate a linear field dependence. This behavior contrasts with the square-root behavior of drift mobility on field strength, which was observed in PVK (38), PVK-TNF (35), and N-isopropylcarbazole (44) dis­ persed in PC and which has also been reported for other substituted aromatic amines (40). Although field dependence of drift mobility in organic glasses below their respective T g s appears to be pervasive, for reasons not yet understood, the dependence of log μ on field ranges in behavior from Ε 1 / 2 to Ε in otherwise closely related systems.

Trap-Controlled Hopping.

Physical defects that intermolecular conformations that deviate in some specific way from the normal statistical distribution of molecular arrangements and extrinsic chem­ ical species can generate additional localized states that lie outside of the distribution of bulk states. The bulk states control the primary transport channel, the "microscopic" mobility, whereas the additional extrinsic states

In Silicon-Based Polymer Science; Zeigler, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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can superimpose the effects of multiple trapping much as band tails do in inorganic amorphous semiconductors. According to Bàssler (30), the distribution of primary transport states in organic glasses controlled by diagonal and off-diagonal disorders (geometric and electrostaticfluctuationsfrom site to site) are typically insufficient to induce anomalous dispersion. Therefore, anomalous dispersion must be symptomatic of additional multiple trapping in the system and thus can vary in degree according to sample purity. However, relative energetics are key in determining whether an impurity or structural defect can act as a trap or will be electrically inert and act as an "antitrap". For example, because the ionization potential of TPD is lower than that of PVK, TPD can introduce hole traps (45) into PVK. As the concentration of TPD is increased beyond a threshold level, it can proceed to provide the dominant transport channel. This situation is demonstrated clearly in Figure 13, which is a plot of log μ in a PVK host as a function of the concentration of TPD dopant molecules. At TPD concentra­ tions below 5 X 1019 molecules per cubic centimeter, TPD traps progres­ sively limit the transport that proceeds by hole hopping among carbazole pendant groups. At higher TPD concentrations, the TPD molecules provide first a parallel then the dominant transport channel. When TPD molecules are the dominant transport channel, PVK in effect acts as an inert binder.

Experimental Procedures Polysilylene Synthesis. Polysilylenes are synthesized by the Wurtz coupling reaction of dichlorodialkyl- or dichloroarylalkylsilanes with molten sodium in an aromatic solvent according to the following reaction: η Cl-SiRiRa-Cl + 2n Na

2n NaCl + -(-SiRiR 2 -) n -

The PMPS used in this study was synthesized in refluxing toluene. Typically, the PMPS synthesis results in a mixture of three products; a cyclic oligomer (n — 5), a low-molecular-weight linear polymer (number-averaged molecular weight [Mn] — 4-20,000), and a high-molecular-weight polymer (M n — 300,000 or more). The molecular weight distribution factor of the high-molecular-weight fraction is typically 1.5-3.0. When the reaction is carried out by the method of Zeigler (46) (sodium dispersion steadily added to the solution of monomer in a mixture of aliphatic and aromatic solvents), the narrow-distribution low-molecular-weight fraction is so well separated from the narrow-distribution high-molecular-weight fraction that ace­ tone or hexane precipitation easily isolates the monomodal high-molecular-weight fraction. Two different polymerization mechanisms proceeding in parallel are prob­ ably responsible for the unusual molecular weight distribution of the product. High-molecular-weight PMPS is soluble in common solvents and is a good film former. Qualitatively, the overall handling characteristics resemble those of poly­ styrene. Films of PMPS were cast from toluene solution by a solvent evaporation technique. Other polysilylenes, poly(methylcyclohexylsilylene), poly(methyl-n-propylsilylene), poly(methyl-n-octylsilylene), and a copolymer of dimethyl- and methylphenylsilylene (1:1 ratio) were also prepared by Wurtz coupling by the method of Zhang and West (47). Films of these polymers were also cast from toluene. All polymers form clear transparent colorless films.

In Silicon-Based Polymer Science; Zeigler, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.




Electronic Transport in Polysilylenes


I I I llllll A I I I un



^TPD z


E=5xl0 V/cm


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PVK * I0"



E o






ι ι 10 •10 18 10


mil 10'19

ι ι


nul ι ι ι t nml Δ


ι ι uni 1022

10',21 3

TPD CONCENTRATION (MOLECULES/CM ) Figure 13. μ versus concentration of TPD dopant molecules at Τ = 295 Κ. The solid curve is for TPD-PVK, and the dashed curve is for TPD-PC. (Re­ produced from reference 45. Copyright 1984 American Chemical Society.)

Measurement of Drift Mobilities. Injected carrier drift mobilities were meas­ ured directly over a wide range of electric fields and temperature by the TOF technique with thin layers (0.5 μπι) of a-Se or As 2 Se 3 as photogenerators. The top electrodes consisted of evaporated semitransparent aluminum layers. Small-signal current-mode TOF transients were produced by hole injection from a-Se or As 2 Se 3 excited at 450 or 550 nm by attenuated pulses from a nitrogen-pumped dye laser. The current transients were also generated intrinsically by using highly attenuated

In Silicon-Based Polymer Science; Zeigler, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



337-nm pulses from the nitrogen laser. The absorption coefficient of PMPS at 337 nm is high (~-105); consequently, most carriers were produced at the top of the film. The samples were examined for evidence of photodegradation, particularly during the UV photoexcitation experiments. No photodegradation was observed.

Electronic Transport in Polysilylenes

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Certain features characteristic of the broader class of polysilylenes are revealed by the behavior of PMPS, which has been the most extensively studied material. The following sections focus on PMPS, but the findings can be regarded as representative for polysilylenes in most respects. Conductivity in PMPS. Dark conductivity in PMPS and other investigated polysilylenes is negligible. Nonohmic (i.e., contact-controlled) direct-current (dc) steady-state dark injection currents were also infinitesimal. Correspondingly, during xerographic experiments in which the top surface is corona charged instead of being charged with the semitransparent electrode, the dark decay of the potential was extremely small, typically