electrospray ionization ... - ACS Publications

Jonathan W. Cooper,, Jinzhi Chen,, Yan Li, and, Cheng S. Lee. ... Alaa-Eldin F. Nassar and, Samuel V. Lucas, , Lynn D. Hoffland. ..... Tas Dienes, Sal...
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Anal. Chem. 1993, 65, 900-906


Capillary Electrophoresis/Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Improvement of Protein Detection Limits Using On-Column Transient Isotachophoretic Sample Preconcentration Toni J. Thompson, Frantisek ForetJ Paul Vouros, and Barry L. Karger* Barnett Institute, Department of Chemistry, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115

Oncolumntrandent Iwtachophoretksample preconcentratlon has been utlllzed for decreashg concentrattondetectlon Ilmlts In caplllary electrophoreds(CE)/dectrospray lonkatkn mass spectrometry analyds (ESI/MS) of protdnsampler. Mlxtures of model protelns have been separated In the catlonlc mode urlng a coated caplllary and have been analyzed by mass spuctrometrycoupled on-llne to an electrorpray Interfacewlth a coaxlal sheath flow arrangement. Complex formatlon, between &lactoglobullns A and B and the BGE, was found to occur under certaln condltlons. The detectlon level was evaluated urlng caplllary zone dectrophoreds (CZE)/MS, caplllary kotachophoreds (CITP)/MS and the on-column comblnatlon of translent CITP/CZE/MS. I n CZE/MS, the sample concentratlonnecemary to obtaln a rellable full scan spectrum was In the range of lo4 M (-500 fmol Injected in a 75-pm-1.d. caplllary). I n the CITP/MS mode, a sample could In prlnclple be preconcentrated by several orders of magnltude. The Irotachophoretlcally stacked zones overlapped one another, and the mlnor components, focused to very narrow zones of less than 1 8, could not be reliably Identlfled. However, kotachophoreds represents an Ideal preconcentratlontechnlqw for CZE whereby the beneflts of both CITP and CZE are malntalned. By proper ulectlon of runnlng buffers, tho oncolumn comblnatlon of both CITP and CZE (tradent CITPKZE) was used to decrease the concentratlondetectlon Hmlts for a full scan CZE/MS analysls by a factor of 100 to -lo-' M. Such an approach can be employed wlth currently avallable commerclal CE equlpment.

INTRODUCTION There is currently agreat deal of interest in the development of capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometry (CE/MS) for the separation and identification of charged species ranging from small ions to The importance of this combination stems from the advantageous features of both CE and MS. Capillary electrophoresis provides significant separation efficiency and analytical speed for a broad range of substances in solution, while mass spectrometry provides peak identification. Furthermore, the flow rates from the capillary column are compatible with on-line coupling to MS.

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

+ On leave from Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Veveri 97,611 42 Brno, Czechoslovakia. (1)Olivares, J. A.; Nguyen, N. T.; Yonker, C. R.; Smith, R. D. Anal. Chem. 1987,59, 1232-1236. (2)Lee, E.D.;Muck, W.; Henion, J. D.; Covey, T. R. J. Chromatogr. 1988,458, 313-321. (3)Thibault, P.; Paris, C.; Pleasance, S. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 1991,5, 484-490. (4)Moseley, M. A.; Deterding, L. J.; Tomer, K. B.; Jorgenson, J. W. A w l . Chem. 1991,63, 109-114. (5)Garcia, F.; Henion, J. D. Anal. Chem. 1992, 64, 985-990.

In an early report on coupling capillary electrophoresis to a mass spectrometer,6 an on-line valve was used to transfer CITP-separated zones into a mass spectrometer equipped with an electron ionization source. Although this technique should properly be referred to as an off-line technique, the potential of mass spectrometry for identification of analytes separated by capillary electrophoresis was clearly demonstrated. The first reports of the on-line coupling of CZE to MS used an electrospray source for the ionization and transfer of analyte ions into a quadrupole mass spectrorneter.lp2 Later, fast atom bombardment (FAB) was also employed for the ionization and sample transfer into the mass spectrometer.*J-9 Recently, other types of mass spectrometers such as time of flightlo and ion trap" have been tested for coupling to CE. For the determination of high molecular weight ions, electrospray ionization has an advantage in the formation of multiply-charged ions that can be conveniently analyzed by a mass spectrometer in the m / z range up to 4000. Exact molar masses can then be easily calculated from the observed distribution of charge states of the molecule.12 With respect to coupling of CE to MS, electrospray has the further advantage of operating at atmospheric pressure so that hydrodynamic flow in the separation capillary (with ita attendant parabolic flow profile) does not result or can be simply overcome. Mass detection levels for proteins determined by CZEIMS are typically in the high femtomole range,3 but when the concentration of the sample injected is considered, the detection level is frequently insufficient (- 103 M). One solution to this detection level problem is the use of selected ion recording,l3which is known to significantly decrease the detection limits as compared to full scan analyses; however, this method requires prior knowledge of ions that will be present in the sample. In cases where detection limits of a CEIMS analysis are an issue, sample preconcentration, preferably in an on-line arrangement, should be considered as a possible method to improve detection without the loss of accuracy. Several approaches for decreasing the concentration detection limits for CE analyses by on-column preconcentration have been described. Principally, they can (6)Kenndler, E.;Kaniansky, D. J. Chromatogr. 1981,209, 306-309. (7)Moseley, M. A.; Deterding, L. J.; Tomer, K. B.; Jorgenson, J. W. J. Chromatogr. 1989,480, 233-245. (8)Moseley, M. A.; Deterding, L. J.; Tomer, K. B.; Jorgenson, J. W. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 1989, 3, 87-96. (9)Wolf, S.; Norwood, C.; Jackim, E.; Vouros, P. J. Am. SOC.Mass Spectrom. 1992, 3, 757-761. (10)Hallen, R.W.; Shumate, C. B.; Siems, W. F.; Tsuda, T.; Hill. H. H., Jr.; J. Chromatogr. 1989, 480, 233-245. (11)Schwartz, J. C.; Jardine, I. Poster presented a t The 40th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Washington, DC, (TP67) May 31-June 5,1992. (12)Fenn, J. B.; Mann, M.; Meng, C. K.; Wong, S. F.; Whitehouse, C. M. Science 1989, 246, 64-71. (13)Moseley, M. A.; Jorgenson, J. W.; Shabanowitz, J.; Hunt, D. F.; Tomer, K. B. J. Am. SOC.Mass Spectrom. 1992, 3, 289-300.

0003-2700/93/0365-0900$04.00/00 1993 American Chemical Society


be divided into two ~lasses-sorption~~J5 and electrophoretic techniques.16-20 While the sorption techniques require a precolumn and somewhat complex instrumentation, the use of electrophoretic techniques is simpler and more general. This study has as its goal the development of a simple preconcentration technique for CZE/MS where higher sample volumes could be injected. The use of sample stacking via low conductivity sample matrices as a means of increasing injection volume16 was first tested. Nest, CITP was investigated, followed by a combination of CITP and CZE. The on-line coupling of CITP to ESI/MS has been previously demonstrated.21 While the concentrating capability of CITP is excellent, the optimization of separation conditions, particularly in the case of protein analysis, is not straightforward. On the other hand, when ITP is used solely as a preconcentration technique, the selection of leading and terminating electrolytes can be easily accomplished. The coupling of CITP as a preconcentration step to CZE was already explored with UV1”20,22 and fluorescence23detectors and recently with a mass s p e c t r ~ m e t e r .So ~ ~ far, coupled column systems were solelyexplored where preconcentration was carried out in a CITP wide bore preseparation tube connected to a CZE capillary of smaller internal diameter. This technique permits sample preconcentration by at least 3 orders of magnitude; however, it requires somewhat complicated instrumentation. Recently we have demonstrated the possibility of on-column transient CITP preconcentration of protein samples where both CITP preconcentration and CZE separation proceed in one capillary on a commercial instrument equipped with a UV detector.22 The present work reports results on the use of on-column transient CITP sample preconcentration for decreasing the detection limits of protein determination by CE/ESI/MS. This method is compared to sample stacking via low conductivity sample matrices and CITP alone. It will be shown that transient CITP provides a simple means of decreasing detection limits by 2 orders of magnitude over normal CZE.

EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Mass Spectrometer and Interface. The mass spectrometer was a Finnigan MAT TSQ700 (Finnigan, San Jose, CA) triple quadrupole equipped with an electrospray ionization source. Several modifications to the electrospray interface (Figure 1) were necessary to couple CE with ESI/MS. The stainless steel needle supplied with the instrument was replaced with a polyimide coated fused silica capillary used in CE. This change was made to eliminate any junctions that could be detrimental to the separation and to enable the end of the capillary to be located at the electrospray needle tip. The interface utilized a coaxial liquid sheath, as shown previ~usly?~ as well as a coaxial gas sheath.2 The liquid sheath tube supplied by the manufacturer was replaced by stainless steel tubing (Small Parta, Inc., Miami Lakes,FL) of -0.4-mm i.d. and -0.7-mm-o.d., and the gas sheath (14) Guzman, N. A.; Trebilock,M. A.; Advis, J. P. J.Liquid Chromotogr. 1991,14 (5) 997-1015. (15) Cm, J.; El Rassi, Z , J. Liquid Chromatogr. 1992,15 (6&7), 11791192. (16) Aebersold, R.; Morrison, H. D. J . Chromatogr. 1990,516,79-88. (17) Chien, R. L.; Burgi, D. S. J. Chromatogr. 1991,559, 141-152. (18) Kaniansky, D.; Marak, J. J. Chromatogr. 1990, 498, 191-204. (19) Foret, F.; Sustacek, V.; Bocek, P. J . Microcol. Sep. 1990,2,299303. (20) Steaehuis, D. S.; Irth, H.; Tjaden, U. R.; van der Greef, J. J . Chromatogr. 1991,538, 393-402. (21) Smith, R. D.; Fields, S. M.; Loo,J. A.; Barinaga, C. J.; Udseth, H. R.; Edmonds, C. G. Electrophoresis 1990, 11, 709-717. (22) Foret, F.; Szoko,E.; Karger, B. L. J. Chromatogr. 1992,608,3-12. (23) Steaehuis, D. S.;Tiaden, U.R.; van der Greef, J. J . Chromatogr. 1992,591, 841-349. (24) Tinke. A. P.: Reinhoud. N. J.: Niessen, W. M. A.: Tiaden, U. R., van der Greef, J. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 1992,6,560-563. (25) Smith, R. D.; Barinaga. C. J.: Udseth. H. R. Anal. Chem. 1988. 60, 1948-1952.




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tip was also replaced with a tip having an orifice of 1.0-mm i.d. The liquid sheath tip was narrowed to -0.5 mm to improve the electrospray stability.26 The fused silica separation capillary terminated 0.5 mm inside the liquid sheath tip. A siliconeseptum was also added to prevent back flow of sheath liquid along the capillary. Figure 1 further shows that the difference in height (ah) between the anode reservoir and the tip of the eledrospray needle (thecathode end of CZE column)was 10cm. A partial vacuum was created due to the flow of the gas sheath at the capillary tip, and with the ends of the capillary at equal height, a significant bulk liquid flow toward the cathode took place. In order to compensatefor this pressure drop, the levelof the anode reservoir was lowered. Capillary isotachophoresis was employed to determine the level at which no bulk flow occurred. The capillary was first filled with the leading electrolyte (0.01 M ammonium acetate, pH 5), and then 150 nL of M methyl green dye was siphon injected. The injection end of the capillary was then placed in the terminating electrolyte reservoir (0.001 M acetic acid), and the current was applied. The current was turned off when the dye had focused into a narrow 2-mm-long band. Movement of the zone could easily be observed through the polyimide coating of the capillary, due to the high concentration of this focused dye. The height of the reservoir was adjusted until no movement of the dye was observed in either the forward or the reverse direction. The electrospray needle, as shown in Figure 1,was maintained at ground potential while the sampling orifice was at about -4000 V when operating in the positive ion mode. The drying gas (nitrogen curtain) for the electrospray was maintained at about 100 “C at a flow rate of 6 L/min, while the sheath gas flow was set at approximately 2 L/min. The liquid sheath consisted of 1% acetic acid in 50% 2-propanol/water,flowing at a rate of 4.0 pL/min. Tuning and calibrationof the mass spectrometer were performed using a 5 pmol/pL myoglobin solution. The third quadrupole of the mass spectrometer was scanned from m/z600 to 2000 at 1 scan/s for all analyses while the first and second quadrupoles were operated in the rf only mode. The quadrupole manifold was heated to 70 “C, and the electron multiplier was set at 1.5 kV with the conversion dynode at -15 kV. Capillary Electrophoresis. The electrophoresis apparatus was made in-houseusing a CZEl000R (Spellman,Plainview, NY) high-voltage power supply. The CE columns were fused silica capillaries (Polymicro Technologies, Phoenix, AZ) 75-pm i.d., 360-pm o.d., and 50-cm length, coated in-house with linear polya~rylamide.~~ The polyacrylamide coating minimized adsorption by proteins to the capillary walls and eliminated electroosmotic flow within the capillary. The voltage for the CZE and transient CITP analyses was 18 kV with a resultant current of 6 pA. The constant current applied during the CITP analyses was 6 pA with voltage increasing from 7 to 17 kV. Solutions. The standard proteins were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO) and were used without further



(26) Chowdhury, S. K.; Chait, B. T. Anal. Chem. 1991,63,1660-1664. (27) Hjerten, S. J . Chromatogr. 1985,347, 191-197.





Flguro 2. CZElMS full scan (mlr 600-2000) reconstructed ion electropherogram of 9.0 pM cytochrome c (1) and 5.4 pM myoglobin (2) in the B E . Injection volume: 50 nL (injectedquantity of 450 and 270 fmol, respectively). B E : 0.02 M 6-aminohexanolc acM acetic acld, pH 4.4. CE conditions: constant voltage 18 kV, current 6 PA.



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purification. The sampleswere dissolved in either the background electrolyte or distilled/deionized water for CZE separations.The CZE background electrolyte (BGE)was 0.02 M 6-aminohexanoic acid in water, adjusted to pH 4.4 with glacial acetic acid. The CITP leading electrolyte wasO.O1 M ammonium acetate adjusted to pH 4.4 with glacial acetic acid, and the terminating electrolyte was 0.001 M acetic acid. For the transient CITP experiments, the samples were diluted in the CITP leading electrolyte buffer and the background electrolyte was the same as that used in the CZE experiments. All buffer chemicals were purchased from Sigma. Sample Injection. The CE column was first washed with the backgroundelectrolyte or, in the case of CITP, with the leading electrolyte. The sample was then siphon injected by inserting the column into the sample vial and elevating the vial by 20 cm for 10-150 s, producing an injection volume of 50-750 nL.









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RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In order to provide a baseline from which to judge the preconcentration methods, initial studies were performed with CZE/MS, with the sample dissolved in the background electrolyte. Figure 2 shows the full scan reconstructed ion electropherogram (RIE) of 50 nL of a sample containing cytochrome c and myoglobin in which the proteins were diluted in the background electrolyte (6-aminohexanoic acid) to a concentration of 10-5M. This injection volume of 50 nL is larger than typically used in CZE and was choaen so that reliable mass spectra could be obtained. In this figure, the signal to noise ratio (S/N) for cytochrome c is 12:l. An improved S/Nmay be obtained by dissolving the sample in water or low concentration buffer" with subsequent focusing of the larger volume injected. Figure 3a shows the full scan RIE of 150nL of a sample containing lysozyme (l), cytochrome c (2), ribonuclease A (3), myoglobin (4), @-lactoglobulinA (5),B-lactoglobulinB (6),and carbonic anhydrase (7)dissolved in water. An example of the spectra obtained by averaging the scans under the peaks is shown in Figure 3b, and the deconvolution of that spectrum is shown in Figure 3c. Initial preconcentration across the sample/BGE boundary was responsible for improved detection signal of 3.5 times that of the sample dissolved in the BGE. Few of the proteins in Figure 3a were still detectable in the RIE of a 1:lO dilution (10-6 M) of this sample with water as shown in Figure 4a. While mass spectra of separated proteins could still be obtained, clearly the zone identification of an unknown component a t these concentrations would be difficult. The analysis time was significantly longer with, for


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Flguro 3. (a) CZElMS full scan (mlr 600-2000) reconstructed lon electropherogramof a 150-nL injection of 12 pM each of lysozyme (1). cytochrome c(2), ribonuclease A (3), myoglobin (4), fi-iactoglobulln A (5), B-lactoglobulin B (6), and carbonic anhydrase (7) dissolved In 0.02M 6-amlnohexanolc acM acetic acM, to pH 4.4; water. (b) spectrum of lysozyme taken from averaging the scans under the peak: (c) deconvoluted spectrum of lysozyme. for lysozyme Is 14 306.34 CE conditions as In Figure 2.



example, cytochrome c eluting 12 min later in Figure 3a and 23 min later in Figure 4a than in Figure 2 where the sample was dissolved in the BGE. The increased migration time is due to the voltage drop across the initial sample zone caused by the low electrical conductivity of the zone compared with the BGE. The electric field strength is not uniform through-



the 8-1actoglobulinlBGE complex was significantly more abundant than the uncomplexed species. Thisresult indicates 2.287 that one needs to be cautious in interpreting data obtained in CZE with buffered electrolytes. As has been reportedtg it may be possible to eliminate complex formation by increasing the nozzle to skimmervoltage to break up a complex 3 4 in the source; however, this was not pursued here since the intent of this study was not to explore complexation;moreover, in this process, the sample may be fragmented leading potentially to interpretation errors. As noted, one drawback of CZE is the limited volume of the sample that can be injected into the column without deterioration of the separation. In this study, the maximum volume that could be injected when the sample was dissolved in the BGE was 50 nL, and when the sample was dissolved in water themaximuminjectionvolumewas15OnL. Although the injection volume could in principle be further increased with water as the sample matrix, the injection volume was still limited by the fact that the analysis time would increase I significantly with the water matrix. The analysis time could 01 18401.9+/-3.1 1.35 be decreased by using uncoated capillaries with attendant electroosmotic flow, but in this case some proteins could adsorb to the capillary wall. This would be especially true for the basic proteins in this study. Capillary isotachophoresis was next tested in an attempt to increase further the volume injected. Figure 5a shows the CITP/MS reconstructed ion electropherogram of a sample 60 containing lysozyme (l), ribonuclease A (21, and @-lactoglobulin A (3) with 6-aminohexanoic acid added as a low molecular weight spacer to separate ribonuclease A from @-lactoglobulinA. In this case, large amounts of sample (250 nL, 50 pmol) were injected. A region of increased signal is visible prior to the elution of the @-lactoglobulinA zone. The increased signal is likely due to detection of a mixed zone of 6-aminohexanoic acid and @-lactoglobulinA. The deconvoluted spectrum of this region is shown in Figure 5b. As in the 1 l7dOO 175100 le000 18500 19000 19500 20000 CZEIMS electropherogram, the analysis of this region sugMASS gested that a complex was formed between the spacer and Flgurr 4. (a) CZE/MS full scan (mlz 800-2000) reconstructed ion @-lactoglobulinA. electropherogram of a 15O-nL 1n)ectlon of 1.2 pM each of lysozyme The analytes in CITP elute in a stack of narrow bands. In (l), cytochrome c(2), ribonuclease A (3),myoglobin(4), @-lactoglobulin the analysis of samples of trace concentration, these bands A (5), @-lactoglobulinB (8), and carbonk anhydrase (not detected) could become extremely narrow such that the mass spec(iboiwd In water. BGE: 0.02 M 6emlnohexandc acid i-acetk add, trometer could not scan over the necessarily wide mlz range pH 4.4; (b) deconvoluted spectrm of ~-lactoglobuHnB. for at the speed required to prevent overlap of the eluting peaks. @-lectogbbuHnB is 18 277.34 Note the complex fonnatbn at 4 = 18 401.9. The molecular wdght of 6ernlnohexanoicacid Is 130. CE A typical example of the narrow zones possible in CITP with conditions as in Fbwe 2. UV detection is in Figure 6, which shows the separation of the same proteins as in Figure 5a, but the amount injected out the capillary but is lower in the BGE than in the original was 5 times less. Narrow ITP zones could easily be detected sample zone, resulting in slower migration of the sample ions. since the time constant of the UV detector was 0.1 8. This This could be overcome by working with constant current; sample amount injected (5pmol of each) could not be reliably however, excessive sample Joule heating would result. Thus, detected by the mass spectrometer under the conditions when a sample is dissolved in water or dilute electrolyte, specified because the time-based length of all three protein sample deterioration may occur due to low ionic atrength and zones was only 12 s and the shortest zone was only 2 s wide. increased Joule heat generation across the sample zone.28 With the requirementof at least 1slscan for full scan analysis, The deconvolution of the spectra of both the &ladoglobulin reliable mass spectra of individual trace components could A and &lactoglobulin B in Figures 3a and 4a led to the not be obtained. In principle, the rate of elution of ITP zones interesting observationof two values of mass, one at the correct could be slowed by decreasing the electric field so that wider mass for the protein and one a t 130 maas units greater. The bands in terms of time could allow MS scanning. However, charge states corresponding to these peaks are identical, lower fields would lead to poorer resolution and longer indicating that some form of complexation with the protein migration times in CITP. Furthermore, separation at high waa occurring. Since6-aminohexanoicacid (BGEconstituent) fields, with a subsequent reduction in the field strength after has a molecular weight of 130, and the standard deviation of W detection, would be difficult to precisely control. Finally, mass for both the complexed and uncomplexed protein was optimization of protein separations by CITP is not straightC3.0, the resulting increaw of 130in mass suggeststhe protein forward. is complexing with the BGE, Figure 4b shows the deconAn advantage of CITP, however, is the possibility of voluted spectrum of &lactoglobulin B. At low concentrations injecting and focusing relatively large sample volumes. On 2



(28) Vinther, A.; Soeberg, L.; Nielsen, J.; Pederaen, J.; Biederman, K. Anal. Chem. 1992,64,1878-191.

(29) Loo,J. A.; Udseth, H. R.; Smith, R. D. Rapid Comrnun. Mass Spectrorn. 1988,2, 207-210.


ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 65,NO. 7,APRIL 1, 1993 1 Et08 ,674














I 1 8 4 8 0 . 5 +I- 2 . 4

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Figure8. CITP analysis with UV detection of 25 nL of 200pM lysozyme (11,ribonuclease A (21, Bgminohexanolc acid (3), mixed zone of (3) and (5),and @-lactogiobullnA (5). Aneo= UV absorbance at 260 nm. Leading electrolyte: 0.01 M ammonium acetate acetic acld, pH 4.4. Terminating electrolyte: 0.001 M acetic acid, pH 4.4. CE conditions: constant current 6 PA, voltage Increased from 7 to 17 kV.


LIP7 1.642


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Figure 5. (a) CITP/MS full scan (mlz 600-2000) reconstructed Ion electropherogram of a 250-nL injection of 200 CIM of lysozyme, ribonuclease A, @-lactogiobullnA with Bgmlnohexanoic acid added as a spacer. Leading electrolyte: 0.01 M ammonium acetate + acetlc acld to pH 4.4. Terminatlng electrolyte: 0.001 M acetic acid. The fi-iactoglobuilnA peak is spit in twodue to Instability In the electrospray process. (b) Deconvoluted spectrum of &lactoglobulin A complexed with Bgminohexanolc acid. CE conditions: constant current 6 PA, voltage Increased from 7 to 17 kV. M, = 18 362 for @-lactoglobulin A.

the other hand, CZE offers the advantage of better peak separation, generally with peak widths of sufficient time for full scan MS of proteins. We, therefore, combined the advantages of CITP and CZE by employing transient CITP prior to CZE analysis.22 Using a simple mixture of two standard proteins, the utility of transient CITP was tested. The sample was diluted in 5 X le3M ammonium acetate with ammonium serving as the leading ion with the 6-aminohexanoate cation of the BGE acting as the terminating ion during the transient CITP migration. Initially, the column was filled with the BGE, followed by siphon injection of 750 nL of the sample dissolved in ammonium acetate buffer. The end of the column was then returned to the BGE reservoir. The ammonium ions (which have high mobility) moved ahead of the sample ions when the field was applied. At this point the sample ions stacked behind the ammonium zone in a narrow band and began moving at constant velocity (as in CITP). The ammonium ions, however, continued to move through the slower BGE. Consequently, the concentration of ammonium ions in the ammonium zone rapidly decreased below the concentration

Figure 7. Transient CITP/MS full scan (m/z600-2000) reconstructed bnelectropherogramof450nmcytochromec(l)and270nMmyogkMn

(2)In 0.005M ammonium acetate buffer. The peak marked ( e ) is from the rear boundary of the ammonium zone. 1n)ectknvolume = 750 nL (injected quantity of 337 and 202 fmoi, respectively). BOE: 0.02 M Bgmlnohexanoic acid acetic acid, pH 4.4. CE conditions as In Figure 2.


necessary for ITP migration.30 At this point, the zones separated as in CZE. Using transient CITP, we were able to inject and detect sample concentrations that were significantly lower in magnitude thanin CZE without preconcentration. Figure 7 shows the full scan reconstructed ion electropherogramof the protein sample containingcytochromec (1)and myoglobin (2) diluted in 5 X 103 M ammonium acetate to a concentration of lo-' M, which is roughly 100times lower than in Figure 2 (sample dissolved in BGE) and is 30 times lower than Figure 3a (sample dissolved in water). Furthermore, under this condition, the peaks in Figure 7 are narrower and more intense than those in Figures 2 and 3a, resulting in higher signals, however, the comparison of separation efficiency is not possible since due to the focusing step, a shorter migration length is available for the consecutive CZE separation. Next, transient CITP/MS of the protein mixture containing lysozyme (l), cytochrome c (2), ribonuclease A (3),myoglobin (30)Gebauer, P.;Bocek, P.;Thormann,W.J. Chromatogr. 1992,608, 41-51.




14305.5 + f - 3.0

El 0 1 1.88

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I . . , 8:20










MASS I 18279.0 +I- 2.2



' (b)

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Figure 8. (a) Translent CITPlMS full scan (mlz 600-1850) reconstructed lon electropherogramof -500 nM each of lysozyme (1)' cytochrome c (21, ribonuclease A (31, myoglobin (4), @-lactoglobulinA (51, @-lactoglobulinB (6), and carbonic anhydrase (not detected) In 0.005 M ammonium acetate buffer. The peak marked (*) Is from the rear boundaryof the ammonlumzone. Injectionvolume = 750 nL. BGE: 0.02 M 6-amlnohexanolc acid acetlc acid, pH 4.5. CE conditions as In Figure 2. (b) The spectrum of lysozyme obtained by averaging the scans under the peak In the electropherogram. (c) The deconvoluted spectrum of lysozyme. (d) The deconvoluted spectrum of @-lactoglobulinB.


(41, @-lactoglobulinA (5), @-lactoglobulinB (61, and carbonic anhydrase (not labeled) was performed. The sample concentration was -5 X lo-' M for each protein. Figure 8a shows the full scan reconstructed ion electropherogram of the analysis of this mixture. When compared to Figure 3a, the increased sensitivity is apparent from the fact that the total ion currents for the peaks of greatest intensity are equivalent while the sample concentration is 24 times less in Figure 8a. In addition, the spectra, obtained from averaging the scans under the peaks shown in Figure 8b-d, indicate increased signal to noise ratios over what was obtained in Figures 3 and 4, and the biomasses calculated for these spectra are more accurate as a result of this greater signal to noise ratio. Further examination of Figure 8a shows that there is an additional peak (*) eluting ahead of lysozyme (also in Figure 7). Thispeak is caused by the rear boundary of the ammonium zone, resulting in transient increase in the ion current of the electrospray at that point. In addition, in Figure 8d, the intensity of the complex of 6-aminohexanoic acid with @-lactoglobulinA is much lower when compared to Figure 4b since the protein concentration is significantlyhigher, due to sample focusing, in Figure 8d. At the same time, the concentration of 6-aminohexanoic acid in the protein zone is significantly lower due to the electroneutrality principle. B-lactoglobulins A and B in Figure 8 as in Figures 3a and 4a

reveal broad bands probably due to the known multimer formation of these proteins in the pH range of 4-5.31 Finally, carbonic anhydrase is missing in Figure 8 as a result of the fact that this protein does not preconcentrate under the specific conditions, because ita effective mobility at this pH (7 X 10-5 cm2/V.s as calculated from Figure 3a) is less than that of the BGE (15 X 1V cm2/V.s). For preconcentrating proteins of low mobilities, the BGE would need to contain a co-ion with an effective electrophoretic mobility less than 6-aminohexanoic acid such as @-alanine(5 X 10-5 cm2/V.s at pH 4.4). The selection of BGE co-ion can be made by comparing the electrophoretic mobilities of the sample components obtained by preliminary CZE experiments with those found in published tables.32

CONCLUSIONS As found with UV detection,22p33 on-column transient isotachophoreticsample preconcentration can be successfully used for improvement of the concentration detection limits (31) Grinberg, N.; Blanco, R.; Yarmush, D. M.; Karger, B. L. Anal.

Chem. 1989,61, 514-520.

(32) Pospichal, J.; Gebauer, P.; Bocek, P. Chem. Rev. 1989,89,419-



(33) Foret, F.; Szoko,E.; Karger, B. L. Electrophoresis, submitted. (34) Smith, R. D.; Loo, J. A.; Edmonds, C. G.; Barinaga, C. J.; Udseth, H.R Anal. Chem. 1990,62,882-899.



in CZE/ESI/MS. This enhancement is a result of the preconcentration of a large sample volume injected into the capillary. In the most simple case described here, two conditions must be fulfilled. First, the injected sample must be supplemented by co-ionswith high electrophoreticmobility that can act as leading ions for the ITP migration in the early stages of the separation. In the case of cationic separation demonstrated here, ammonium can be selected as a universal leading ion since its electrophoretic mobility is among the highest of all cations. Furthermore, ammonium ion, unlike other highly mobile inorganic ions such as sodium or potassium, does not interfere with the electrospray process. Depending on the original salt concentration of the sample, the addition of an ammonium salt in a 0.001-0.01 M concentration will be generally satisfactory in practice. If necessary, a desalting pretreatment step can be performed prior to CE analysis. The second condition requires that the background electrolyte used for CZE separation contain a co-ion with low electrophoretic mobility that can serve as a terminating ion during the transient ITP migration. Suitable

substances can be found among organic amines, amino acids, and Good's buffers, and the respective electrophoretic mobilities are listed in tables.32 When the proper BGE is selected and a well-coated capillary is used to prevent adsorption, transient on-column ITP preconcentration provides reproducible and quantitative results. In a separate study,33 quantitation of protein samples with concentrationsless than 10-8 M was achieved using UV detection.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank Beckman Instruments for support of this work. The authors also acknowledge Finnigan MAT Corporation for their instrument support and helpful discussions. Contribution no. 542 from the Barnett Institute, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115.

RECEIVEDfor review August 11, 1992. Accepted December 30,1992.