Elemental anagrams - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

Elements Are Everywhere: A Crossword Puzzle. Susan G. Cady. Journal of Chemical Education 2012 89 (4), 524-525. Abstract | Full Text HTML | PDF | PDF ...
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Elemental Anagrams I was recently invited to attend the annual meeting of the Elemental Anagram Society where ten new members were to be inducted into this prestigious organization. The criteria for selection into this group is this: the prospective member's name must he a n anagram of an element! The following ten individuals were therefore invited to join the society:

1. A. Resnie 2. Tim U. Hall 3. Loui Fern 4. Tina Seat 5. T.N. Porky

6. C. R. Pope 7. Amos U. Pits

8. Ali Glum 9. Edy G. Horn 10. Agnes U. Mim

An eleventh person, Ronda Dale was "doubly inducted!" And, finally, a twelveth person, orphaned a t birth and having no legal name, was inducted when he gave his name as "None." - ---. ~

Can you determine the twelve elements? Answers are provided on page 1002.

Nicholas C. Thomas Auburn University at Montgomery Montgomery, Alabama 361 17


Journal of Chemical Education