Elementary Wave Mechanics with Applications to Quantum Chemistry

Elementary Wave Mechanics with Applications to Quantum Chemistry. G. W. Wheland. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1957, 79 (9), pp 2346–2346. DOI: 10.1021/ ...
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VOl. 79

Perkin, footnote 54 on page 277 as well as the author index refer to the son as ‘CV.H. Perkins, Jr. Eheufugaces. . . . College libraries are advised t o chain down this volume or t o see to it that they have a sufficient supply t o meet the anticipated demand. DEPARTMENT O F CHEMISTRY BROOKLYN COLLEGE BROOKLYN 10, NEW YORK

instructed by the necessarily brief and sketchy way in which the complex and rather abstruse principles are presented, and he would almost certainly be left with an incorrect idea of the methods currently eniployed in the approaches to many important problems. DEPARTMEXT OF CHEXISTRY Lours SATTLERUSIVERSITYOF CHICAGO CHICAGO 37, ILLINOIS

Elementary Wave Mechanics with Applications to Quantum Chemistry. Second Edition. BY W. HEITLER,Professor of Theoretical Physics in the University of Zurich. Oxford University Press, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York 193 pp. 12.5 X 19 cm. 11, K. Y. 1956. viii Price, $2.90.


A‘hen a book that is as small as this one is deals with the entire field of “elementary quantum mechanics,” and when it also considers the “applications to quantum chemistry,” i ~ i u n yimportant topics must unavoidably be slighted or eritirely ignored. Consequently, the reader cannot expect here t o find more than a general introduction t o the basic concepts, and he cannot expect to be brought t o the point \\here lie is able t o make original contributions t o the field. Even within these limitations, however, there is reason t t ) question whether the author has been successful in presenting the material in such a form that it will be helpful to the “chemists and other non-mathematical readers” for ~.110111,according t o the Preface, it is designed. The earliest (le\ elopments of the theory are expounded clearly and well, hut almost nothing that has been added since about 1930 is discussed. Valence, for example, is treated entirely xvith the aid of first-order perturbation theory, and the \-;xiation principle is not mentioned a t all. The states of the individual atoms in molecules are described in terms of the spectroscopic symbols that are strictly applicable only t o isolated atoms. The concepts of resonance and of molecular orbitals are not explicitly mentioned, although some c i f the basic principles of these concepts are briefly suggested. The Preface gives the impression that the book should be intelligible to the “non-mathematical reader,” but this impression is hardly borne out by the fact that a firm understanding of calculus and a t least a bowingacquaintance with the theory of determinants are presupposed. I t is difficult to see for what group of readers this book ivould he valuable. The chemist or physicist who is already familiar with quantum mechanics might find the discussion o f the historical background interesting and informative, I)ut he would probably be disappointed by the inadequate \v:iy i i i which the more recent developments are treated. 0 1 1 the othci lintid, the reader \{ ho is encountering the subject for the first time might be more bewildered than

BOOKS RECEIVED March 10, 1957-April 10, 1957 I?. H. DESTY,edited by. Assisted by C. L. A. HARBOURU. “Vapour Phase Chromatography.” Proceedings of the Symposium sponsored by the Hydrocarbon Researcli Group of the Institute of Petroleum held a t the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, on 30th May-1 st June, 1956. Academic Press Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, S e w York 3, N. Y. 1957. 436 pp. $12.00. ROBERTC. ELDERFIELD,ediLed by. “Heterocyclic Compounds.” Volume 6. Six-Membered Heterocycles Containing Two Hetero Atoms and Their Benzo Derivatives.” John iViley and Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth .4vetiuc, Xew York 16, N. Y. 1957. 753 pp, $25.00. T . J. GRAY,D. P. DETWILER,D. E. RASZ,W. G. L A W RENCE,R. R. WEST AND T. J. JESNINGS. “The Defect Solid State.” Interscience Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, S.Y . 1967. 511 pp. $11.00. KEN20 IIIRAYAMA, DOROTHY u. MIZOGWCHIA S D Y U I C I I I UAMAMOTO, Editors-in-Charge. “Somenclature of Cheinical Compounds.” Nank6d6 Publishing Co., I-Iarukicho, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan. 19j7. 368 pp. $4.00. G. W. C. MILSER. “The Principles and Applications of Polarographp and Other Electroanalytical Processes.” Longmans, Green and-Co., Inc., 55 Fifth Avenue, Yew York 3, N. Y. 1967. 129 pp. $17.50. “Relasatinn Spectr 01net r y .” I 1itrrE. G. RICHARDSON, science Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Avenue, Xew York 1, hT. Y. 1957. 140 pp. 85.75. I). R . STULL ASD G . C. SISKE. “Therrnodynamic Properties of the Elements.” Number 18 of the Advances i l l Chemistry Series Edited by the Staff of Industrid ond Engineerieg CIwwistry. American Chemical S o c i c t ~ , 1156 Sixteenth Street, S . it:., N’ashington 6, 11. e. 193i. 234 pp. $5.00. A. €1. R’ILSON.“ ‘ ~ h e r n i o ~ y n a n ~aiiti i ~ sStatistical Mec1l;ili ics.” Cambridge University Press, 32 East 57th Street, New York 22, N. Y. 1956. 495 pp. $9.50.