Eli Lilly and Company Takes No Chances with MOISTURE... - C&EN

Eli Lilly and Company Takes No Chances with MOISTURE... Chem. Eng. News , 1954, 32 (2), p 167 ... First Page Image. Advertisements that appeared withi...
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This machine (one of a dozen) washes, sterilizes and DRIES glass ampoules at Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis. Ampoules placed over needle jets receive a bath of steam, distilled water and DRY air in two complete cycles.

Eli Lilly a n d C o m p a n y Takes N o Chancer

with To preserve t h e therapeutic potency of m a n y vital drugs, Eli Lilly and Company keeps t h e m D R Y a n d hermetically seals them in D R I E D ampoules. After steam and distilled water sterilize each ampoule, warm D R Y air flushes out every trace of moisture. T h e n t h e ampoules are filled in an extremely D R Y atmosphere. Lectrodryers are strategically placed throughout Eli Lilly and Company plants. T h e y D R Y air to prevent moisture interference in drug quality and to help keep production flowing smoothly. Perhaps D R Y air, gas or organic liquid will solve a moisture problem for you. If y o u h a v e the slightest doubt, write for Because Moisture Isn't Pink. This booklet describes Lectrodryers, the amount of D R Y n e s s t h e y can supply and how t h e y are working in m a n y industries. P i t t s b u r g h Lectrodryer Corporation, 305 32nd Street, Pittsburgh 30, Pennsylvania.

A BWC3-500 Lectrodryer* stands behind four compressors which supply air to the ampoule washing machim-es. Air from the compressors at 15 to 2 0 psi passes through the Lectrodryer, for thorough DRYing, and on» to the ampoule washers.

In England: Birlec, Limited, Tyburna Road, Erdington, Birmingham. In France: Stein et Roubaix, 24Ru«e Erlanger, Paris XVI. In Belgium: S. A. Beige Stein et Roubaix, 320 Rue du Moulin, Bressoux-Liege.





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