Eliminate skinning problems in hot melt adhesives with Emery 3795-D Polyamide Resin T h e bar chart (right) shows E m e r y 3795-D has six times more resistance to skinning t h a n the nearest competi tive resin. So now t h e problems of thermal degradation, one of which is shown above, can be largely overcome, t h a n k s to t h e superior oxidative and thermal stability of this High Performance Polyamide Resin. In addition, viscosity stability is outstanding. E m e r y 3795-D shows less t h a n 5% viscosity change after 60 hours molten a t 190°C, whereas s t a n d a r d high perform ance resins show over 100% increase in viscosity after only 10 hours under the same conditions. Field tests confirm the benefits this greatly improved stability provides adhesive manufacturers and users: cleaner machine operation with lower service and main tenance costs, plus more uniform adhesive bonds. All of Emery's high performance polyamides—in cluding 3792-D, 3794-D, and 3796-D—show superior oxidative and thermal stability. T h e y also offer excel lent adhesion to a variety of substrates, fast set, high impact strength, low water absorption, good electrical properties, dimensional stability, sharp melting point, solvent and product resistance, low odor (especially when held molten), and retention of physical properties on aging. E m e r y will endeavor to develop special resins, where volume warrants, to meet your own special end use requirements, such as heat resistance, adhesion to spe cific substrates, and F D A approval. Use coupon to r e quest samples and information. 12
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Standard High Performance Polyamide Resin
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Unique tribasic acid, at 20C/lb., offers economical source for new or improved products
Polyester flexibility made to order with Empol® Dimer Acids If you are seeking greater control over polyester flexi bility, the unsaturated polyester strips above will be of special interest to you. T h e varying degrees of flexibility they exhibit have been achieved by varying the weight ratio of the Empol 1018 Dimer Acid/phthalic anhydride combination. Two characteristics of Empol Dimer Acid account for t h e flexibility, as well as toughness, t h a t it produces in polyesters and other polymers, such as nylons and polyurethanes. F i r s t , t h e long c h a i n l e n g t h b e t w e e n c a r b o x y l i c groups—approximately 16 carbons—makes dimer acid almost twice the length of the next longest dicarboxylic acid now commercially available. Second, the molecular weight of the dimer molecule is approximately 565, almost three times t h a t of other common dicarboxylic acids—yet dimer is a liquid. There are now six Empol Dimer Acids developed specifically for building flexibility and toughness into polymers. For more extensive cross-linking, E m e r y offers two products with high trimer acid content. See table. Check on the interesting possibilities inherent in this unusual chemical. Send the coupon for complete tech nical information.
TYPICAL COMPOSITION Dimer Acid (CM Dibasic Acid) M. W. Approx. 565 Empol ' ' ' ' ' ' "
1010 Dimer Acid 1014 1016 1018 1022 1024 1040 Trimer Acid 1043
98 95 87 83 75 75 5 20
Monobasic Trimer Acid Acids (C54 Tribasic (Cis Fatty Acids) M.W. Acids) M.W. Approx. 845 Approx. 282 2 4 13 17 22 25 91 80
Tr 1 Tr Tr 3 Tr 4 Tr
Empol® 1040 Trimer Acid presents an unusually attrac tive combination of advantages: • Highest molecular weight (approx. 845) of any com mercially available organic acid. • Tribasic n a t u r e . . . one of the few commercial sources of tri-functional acid. • Liquid form. I t ' s t h e only tribasic acid offered in t h e liquid state. • Now selling at 20c/lb in tankcar quantities . . . t h e lowest price since trimer acid was introduced by E m e r y in 1950. E m p o l 1040 has found use as flexibilizer for epoxy resins and in the preparation of esters, polyamides, urethanes, alkyds, and corrosion inhibitors. T o discover how Empol 1040 might help you in t h e development of new or improved products, send today for an evaluation sample and further information. Check and mail coupon.
INDUSTRIES, INC. Organic Chemicals Division Dept. 800, Carew Tower Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Western Operations, Santa Fe Springs, California Emery Industries (Canada) Ltd., London, Ontario Unilever-Emery N. V., Gouda, The Netherlands Export Division, Cincinnati Please send: Π Emery High Performance Polyamide Resin Data Sheet also samples: 3792-D Q, 3794-D • , 3795-D Q, 3796-D Q Π Emerez Polyamide Resins Brochure Π Empol Dimer Acid Brochure Π and Technical Bulletin 425A, "Azelaic and Dimer Acids in Flexible Unsaturated Polyesters" Π Technical Bulletin 438B, "Empol 1040 Trimer and Dimer Acids for Flexibilizing Epoxy Resins; G and evaluation sample. Name
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