System facilitates splitless injection on open tu- bular columns. Best suited to trace- ... lytical systems in such areas as indus- ... A recorder/int...
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Manufacturers' Literature

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Flame Photometers. Features Models 430 and 450 digital readout instruments. Both have built-in capability for Na, K, and Li determinations. Corning Scientific Instruments 422 Multipurpose GC Inlet System. System facilitates splitless injection on open t u bular columns. Best suited to tracecomponent analysis and complements conventional sample splitting t e c h niques. ANGC 4-76, 6 pp. HewlettPackard Co. 423 Gas Chromatograph. Specifications and description of the GC-mini 1 are given. This very compact GC features a flame ionization detector and temperature programmer. 6 pp. Shimadzu S c i entific Instruments, Inc. 424 Scanning Electron Microscope. Describes the simple and compact Stereoscan 600 system in detail, along with all of its optional capabilities. 15 pp. Cambridge Instrument Co., Inc. 425 Continuous Gas Monitors. Describes a series of new trace level analyzers with photoionization detection designed to meet requirements of continuous monitoring in process streams, stack gases, or ambient air. 6 pp. HNU Systems Inc.

426 Programmable Calculator. Model 31 data acquisition and control system is featured as an OEM component for analytical systems in such areas as industrial, laboratory, and medical applications. 6 pp. Tektronix, Inc. 427




95 Grand St Worcester. Mass 01610 Tel (617) 757-4435



Columns and Packings for HPLC. Describes Zorbax and Zipax packings, a new line of size exclusion columns, and a series of preparative columns. 12 pp. Du Pont Co. 421



trace level

Analytical Instrument Line. Features the complete line of products from the Instrument Group. Includes gas and liquid chromatographs; U V - V I S and AA spectrophotometers; NMR, EPR, and mass spectrometers; electromagnets; electrometers; and instrument data systems. 8 pp. Varian Instrument Group 428

by the numbers. T H E DOHRMANN® DIGITAL M I C R O C O U L O M E T E R will improve your low level sulfur, nitrogen or halogen analyses because: D I G I T A L R E A D O U T in concentration units speeds data intepretation. P U S H B U T T O N C O N T R O L simplifies operation. A U T O M A T I C BASE L I N E correction and bi-directional integration assure accurate data. A recorder/integrator combination is no longer needed, so the Model C-300 offers an overall 3 0 % savings in operator time and a 5 0 % savings in systems size. Based on techniques Dohrmann pioneered in the early 1960's,the C-300 microcoulometer features ppm sensitivity with a precision of ±0.05 ppm. The D o h r m a n n system is recognized throughout the petroleum and chemical industries as the preferred means of performing accurate trace analyses of S, N and halogen in gases, liquids and solids. Major applications are verifying specifications of incoming or pretreated materials, determining product quality and monitoring plant effluents. D O H R M A N N Division, Envirotech Corporation, 3240 Scott Boulevard, Santa Clara, CA 95050 (408) 249-6000 Telex 346 395


GC Valve Automation Accessories. Several new valve programmers and accessories for automating GC valves are presented. 6 pp. Carle Instruments, Inc. 429 CIRCLE 58 ON READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 4 8 , NO. 12, OCTOBER

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