detects picogramquantities of ele- ments, it is particularly useful in solving problems of surface contamination,. New 1 and 5. µ I micro syringes el...
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Analyzer/Computer System

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The Quanta System consists of a GEOS single or dual parameter 4096 channel analyzer interfaced to the new DEC PDP-11/20 4K-16 bit computer plus application-oriented program soft­ ware. The instrument offers several advantages in nuclear research and an­ alytical applications : the analyzer and the computer may be functionally iso­ lated from one another and used inde­ pendently, thus the computer can be used for data reduction while the ana­ lyzer is used for data acquisition; new programs can be debugged without de­ stroying experimental data; and data may be accumulated through either computer software control or direct op­ erator control of the analyzer. Basic system prices begin at below $30,000. For further information and a copy of the article "On-Line Small Computer Data Handling in Pulse Height Analy­ sis and Two Parameter Multichannel Coincidence Data Storage" by E. DerMateosian of Brookhaven National Laboratory, write to GEOS Systems Technology Division of Geoscience In­ struments Corp., 2335 Whitney Ave., Hamden, Conn. 06518. 203-288-5651 412

Standard type Auto Analysis MANIFOLD PUMP TUBING. Eighteen months of research and development has led to the finalization of our specially processed standard vinyl tubing to ElKay specifications. This tubing is cut to 15 inch lengths with color coded wishbone bridges affixed to yield a 6 inch center pumping section. Carefully controlled tubing I.D., O.D., and wall Thickness.

IMMEDIATE DELIVERY When ordering, please specify Catalog No., Size and Color Code.


(617) 757-4435

Temperature programmer Model TPC2000 provides control for programming of high temperature furnaces, oven baths, gas chromatography, and thermal analyses furnaces. It is available in a variety of ranges up to 2000 °C and is designed for operation with any stan­ dard thermocouple. Program rates are adjustable from 0 to 100° per minute to 0 to 100° per hour. The complete system is solid-state and uses inte­ grated circuits. Prices start at $725. Τ & Τ Controls Co., Inc., 310 Station Rd., Media, Pa. 19063. 215-566-8270

413 Auger Spectrometer

Instantaneous oscilloscope display of Auger peaks is now possible with a cy­ lindrical mirror spectrometer. The in­ strument reduces the typical 10-min scan time for analyzing Auger electron spectra to msec. As the instrument detects picogram quantities of ele­ ments, it is particularly useful in solving problems of surface contamination.

Circle No. 43 on Readers' Service Card

118 A ·


New 1 and 5 μ I micro syringes eliminate the readability gap. Tired of squinting and guessing with conventional syringes? With Unimetrics' patented Micro Syringes, you read the scale like a ruler not a thermometer. Parallax and glare are completely eliminated. One-point readability is better than ¥2% of full scale. As a result, Unimrtrics' syringes reduce the chance of sampling error and assure the highest lev t:l of reproducibility. Other exclusive Unimetrics features include: Integral Guide Prevents plunger bending. Simplifies sample injection. Lengthens syringe life. No Repair Problems Modular designReplaceable needles, barrels, plungers, scales, and fittings. Micropolished Needles Smooth, low-friction. Wide Choice of Sizes 1, 5.10, 23, 50,100/xl No Dead Volume Total discharge of sample in plunger comes exactly to tip of needle. Send for a detailed brochure.


Unimetrics Universal Corporation 1853 Raymond Avenue Anaheim, California 92801 (714) 879-3777 Circle No. 153 on Readers' Service Card