Elongated Silicon–Carbon Bonds at Graphene ... - ACS Publications

Nov 30, 2015 - Angus I. Kirkland,. †. Gun-Do Lee,*,‡ and Jamie H. Warner*,†. †. Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxf...
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Elongated Silicon−Carbon Bonds at Graphene Edges Qu Chen,† Alex W. Robertson,† Kuang He,† Chuncheng Gong,† Euijoon Yoon,‡ Angus I. Kirkland,† Gun-Do Lee,*,‡ and Jamie H. Warner*,† †

Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PH, United Kingdom Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: We study the bond lengths of silicon (Si) atoms attached to both armchair and zigzag edges using aberration corrected transmission electron microscopy with monochromation of the electron beam. An in situ heating holder is used to perform imaging of samples at 800 °C in order to reduce chemical etching effects that cause rapid structure changes of graphene edges at room temperature under the electron beam. We provide detailed bond length measurements for Si atoms both attached to edges and also as near edge substitutional dopants. Edge reconstruction is also involved with the addition of Si dopants. Si atoms bonded to the edge of graphene are compared to substitutional dopants in the bulk lattice and reveal reduced out-of-plane distortion and bond elongation. An extended linear array of Si atoms at the edge is found to be energy-favorable due to inter-Si interactions. These results provide detailed structural information about the Si−C bonds in graphene, which may have importance in future catalytic and electronic applications. KEYWORDS: graphene, edge, TEM, dopants, Si, DFT


periodic graphene edge structures have been observed: armchair, zigzag, reconstructed zigzag, and extended Klein (EK) edges, by scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM), microRaman spectroscopy, and AC-TEM.16−19 With the different edge structures there will be a range of dopant bonding sites, and the interactions between the dopant atoms and graphene is diverse. Two different dopant−graphene edge configurations at the armchair edge have been found for single iron atoms. Under the electron beam at room temperature, graphene edges are rapidly degraded by chemical etching, which causes impurity atoms to exhibit irregular diffusion along the edge as well as assist in the sputtering of carbon atoms from the edge.20 The interaction between single gold atoms and the graphene edge has also been studied by AC-TEM, which involves reduplicative trapping and detrapping processes under electronbeam irradiation, indicating the possibility for manipulating the dopant−graphene edge structures.21 However, due to the unstable nature of graphene edges and the high mobility of edge dopant atoms during room temperature TEM imaging, it has been challenging to accurately measure bond lengths that

opants in graphene, including nitrogen, silicon, and iron, are able to significantly alter the electronic properties of the host material, even at extremely low doping levels.1−5 They can also play important roles in catalysis, especially N doped graphene. Foreign atoms in the graphene lattice have been widely studied, from single dopants and small atomic nanoclusters to embedded two-dimensional membranes with hundreds of metallic atoms.6−9 Single dopants of Si and Fe in bulk graphene possess two distinct configurations that have been directly imaged by aberration corrected transmission electron microscopy (AC-TEM); the impurity atom sits at either a monovacancy (bonded with three nearby carbon atoms, sp3 hybridization) as a direct substitution or a divacancy (bonded with four carbon atoms, sp2d hybridization), replacing two carbon atoms. The nature of the chemical bonding has been explored by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) in conjunction with scanning transmission electron microscopy with an angstrom sized electron probe.10 It has been confirmed that a single Si atom can induce localized plasmon enhancement in monolayer graphene at the atomic scale, which is a promising phenomenon for future plasmonic devices.11 The high edge/bulk ratio of a graphene edge has great influence on the nanoconstraint structures, for example, nanoribbons, nanojunctions, and quantum dots.12−15 Four © XXXX American Chemical Society

Received: September 25, 2015 Accepted: November 19, 2015


DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b06050 ACS Nano XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX




ACS Nano

Figure 1. (a) AC-TEM image of a hole in graphene with single Si atoms attached to the edge (white arrows). Si atoms are at either the armchair or zigzag edge with both substitutional and attached configurations. (b) Schematic atomic model showing Si atoms at various sites on a zigzag edge. (c) Schematic atomic model showing Si atoms at various sites on an armchair edge. T = 800 °C.

Figure 2. Two observed Si dopant configurations for the armchair edge. (a) AC-TEM image of a pentagonal configuration. (b, c) DFT calculated atomic model and multislice simulation of the pentagonal structure. (d) AC-TEM image of a substitutional hexagonal configuration. (e) AC-TEM image of an extended pentagonal structure with (f) bond lengths indicated. (g) Percentage of the occurrence of the two configurations (in 100 frames). Bond length values are in picometers. Scale bar: 500 pm. T = 800 °C.


DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b06050 ACS Nano XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


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Figure 3. (a) AC-TEM image of a tetragonal configuration along the zigzag edge. (b) DFT calculated model of part a. (c) Multislice simulation of part b. Bond length values are in picometers. Scale bar: 500 pm. T = 800 °C.

functional theory (DFT) calculations are used to provide accurate atomic models for multislice image simulations to compare to our experimental AC-TEM images.

define the dopant−edge interactions with sufficient resolution. Chemical etching of graphene edges under the electron beam has been shown to be rapidly reduced at elevated temperatures, as the absorbates are evaporated from the graphene surface.22 Therefore, in order to observe the detailed atomic structure of Si dopants at the graphene edge, we perform high-temperature in situ AC-TEM. Graphene was grown by chemical vapor deposition using established methods and transferred onto a specialized heating holder chip that has a window within a thin SiN membrane. The window was introduced using a focused ion beam, and after removing the PMMA transfer film, the graphene was suspended in free space to permit its atomic resolution imaging up to 800 °C in an AC-TEM at 80 kV.22 Monochromation of the electron beam was used to reduce chromatic aberration effects and increase spatial resolution in order to resolve the position of individual atoms, which is necessary for measuring bond lengths. A hole in graphene with suitable size was opened by a focused electron beam,23 and Si atoms that are decorated across the graphene surface will eventually migrate and attach to the newly created edges of the hole. The Si atoms are present from contamination during the CVD growth and transfer process, similar to other reports. We use ammonium persulfate to etch the Cu, which eliminates any contamination from Fe and leaves a majority of Si atoms as the major contamination source, similar to observations in previous reports.6,7 Figure 1a shows the three types of graphene edges, and Figure 1b,c shows different sites where the Si atoms can either attach to the edges or substitute C atoms at the edge. The Si atoms possess brighter contrast in the AC-TEM image, Figure 1a, due to their larger atomic number. In some cases (Figure S2), heavier elements are seen attached to the edges, most likely Au or Pt from the EDX analysis, but these are not incorporated into the analysis of this work; we only focus on the Si atoms. More than 500 AC-TEM images have been recorded for several different holes with multiple Si dopants attached to the edge. We measure the structures and timedependent behavior of the Si edge dopants, and density

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Three main edge configurations, armchair (highlighted by white), zigzag (highlighted by orange), and reconstructed zigzag (highlighted in yellow), are involved in the isolated graphene hole, providing the opportunity for the formation of several dopant(s)−graphene edge interaction types (attached or substitutional). The Si dopants at edges have sufficient stability within the 2 s acquisition time, and some configurations can even last much longer, appearing in a series of frames. The stability of the holes and Si dopants indicates that the chemical etching process is significantly weakened by elevated temperature. The armchair edge dominates for holes in graphene at 800 °C.22 Therefore, the most common observed Si−edge interaction is the formation of pentagons, as shown in Figure 2a, with the inset detailing the bond distances around the dopant. The bond length measurement is accomplished using a previously reported method based on intensity line profiles along a bond and fitting to double Gaussian curves to determine the position of each atom.24 The Si−C bond lengths measured from the TEM images (194 ± 10 pm) match well with that from a DFT calculated model (193 pm) and also measured from an image simulation (186 pm), Figure 2b,c, due to the planar nature of the dopant−edge interaction. The angle between the two Si−C bonds is 93 ± 4° measured from TEM images, corresponding to 92° in the simulation image. The binding energy of this pentagon structure is calculated to be 5.08 eV by DFT, indicating a reasonable stability of the configuration. This stability is also confirmed by experimental results, with a pentagonal configuration appearing in six continuous frames (about 1 min) without migration (see Figure S3 in Supporting Information). We also observed Si atoms occupying three neighbor pentagonal sites to form an extended pentagonal configuration, as in Figure 2e,f, which was C

DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b06050 ACS Nano XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


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Figure 4. (a) AC-TEM image of a Si atom at a substitutional position (3-fold coordinated) at the zigzag edge. (b) Atomic model showing bond distortion around the Si dopant, with the original zigzag edge highlighted by the gray dashed circle. (c) TEM image of the region in the yellow box in part a, with measured bond lengths in picometers. (d) AC-TEM image of a 3-fold-coordinated Si dopant in bulk graphene with bond length values. (e) DFT calculated model of part a. (f) Multislice simulation image of part e with Si−C bond distance values. (g) DFT model of part d. (h) Multislice simulation image of part g. (i) Lateral view of the DFT models of parts e (upper) and g (lower). Bond length values are in picometers. Scale bar: 500 pm. T = 800 °C.

which is higher than the pentagonal structure of the armchair edge. Figure S4 in Supporting Information shows a tetragonal structure lasting 11 frames (about 2 min). The average Si−C bond length in this case is 183 ± 10 pm based on 10 TEM frames with the tetragonal configuration. The larger Si−C bond distance in the DFT model (Figure 2b) is due to the slightly out-of-plane structure of the tetragonal configuration, as shown in the inset of Figure 2b. The included angle of the two Si−C bond is 80 ± 3° based on the TEM images, and a similar value is shown in the image simulation of DFT model, which is 77°. Two substitutional positions are available along the zigzag edge: Si atoms at both the 3-fold and 2-fold coordinated positions were observed. Figure 4a shows a Si dopant bonded with three nearest carbon neighbors. Measurements of the bond length reveal that the Si atom pushes the three nearest carbon neighbors away, inducing distortion within the local area, as shown in Figure 4b, where gray dashed lines and circles

stable for about 30 s under electron-beam irradiation. Figure 2d shows the other Si−edge configuration along the armchair edge, where the Si atom sits at the substitutional position by replacing one of the two carbon atoms of the armrest to form a hexagonal ring. This structure, however, is far rarer and less stable compared to the pentagon configuration. The frequencies of the two types of Si−C bonding at the armchair edge are shown in Figure 2g. We found that, within the examination of 100 TEM frames, the pentagonal structure of Si−C bonding at the armchair edge is by far the most dominant. All Si−C bonds showed significant elongation compared to C−C bonds. More variations in the Si−C bonding configurations were found for Si atoms at the zigzag edge compared to the armchair edge. Figure 3 shows a tetragonal structure at the zigzag edge formed by two Si−C bonds. DFT results further confirm the stability of the structure, the binding energy of which is 7.55 eV, D

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Figure 5. (a) AC-TEM image of a Si atom at a substitutional position (2-fold coordinated) at the zigzag edge. (b, c) AC-TEM images of 2-fold coordinated Si atom at a reconstructed zigzag edge. (d) DFT calculated atomic model of part a, with the side view in part e. (f) Multislice simulation image of part d. (g) DFT calculated atomic model of part b, with the side view in part h. (i) Multislice simulation image of part g. (j) Relative binding energies calculated by DFT of the Si atoms at substitutional positions. Scale bar: 500 pm. T = 800 °C.

whereas the Si atom at the graphene edge prefers sp 2 hybridization, as the three Si−C bonds are in the same plane. The 2-fold coordinated substitutional position is at the crest of the zigzag edge, as shown in Figure 5a, and the Si−C bond lengths show asymmetry. Interestingly, this Si-pristine zigzag edge configuration is rather rare, where in most cases the reconstructed 5−7 edge is involved, as shown in Figure 5b,c. The pentagon−heptagon structure is found to be symmetrical, where pentagons prefer to be next to the Si atom, followed by the heptagons. This edge reconstruction is accomplished by Stone−Wales (SW) bond rotation, as demonstrated in Figure 5d. It has been reported that the zigzag edge in the graphene nanoribbon is changed to the reconstructed 5−7 edge by SW bond rotation.25 The DFT calculated models show the two carbon bonds rotated 90° by the direction indicated by the red arrows. The final structure is shown in Figure 5g. The bond transformation not only alters the periodic structure along zigzag edge, but also provides more space for the Si atom to sit in the graphene plane. Figure 5e and 5h show the lateral views of the models in parts d and g, and the Si atom shifts from a slightly out-of-plane position to being completely in-plane when undergoing the SW rotation. The bond distances, however, are not really affected by the reconstruction, remaining approximately 190 pm. The intersection angle between the two Si−C bonds measured from the TEM images indicates a 10° dilation after the bond rotation, from 89° to 99°. The same phenomenon happens in the two simulation images (from 85° to 98°), due to the transformation of the

indicate the original position of carbon atoms at the zigzag edge. The angles between each of two Si−C bonds, labeled as α, β, and γ, are 114°, 110°, and 136°, matching well with the corresponding angles in the image simulation, where α = β = 112°, and γ = 136°. To further understand the 3-fold coordinated Si dopant, we compare it with its counterpart within the bulk graphene lattice, as shown in Figure 4d. The Si dopant in Figure 4d resides within a monovacancy position, which can be regarded as an equivalent position with that of the Si dopant in Figure 4a due to the same coordination number. Figure 4e,g shows the DFT calculated models for both structures (the whole DFT calculated model is in Figure S4 in Supporting Information), with their corresponding multislice simulation images in Figure 4f,h. The Si−C bond distances for the Si edge dopant are 180 ± 10 pm, while for the Si atom at monovacancy, the corresponding bond distances are shorter. The difference between the value from the DFT model (175 pm) and its image simulation (153 pm) is due to the 2D projection of the 3D structure and the resulting shortening of the bond length in projection. Figure 4i provides lateral views of both of the 3-fold coordinated structures. It can be seen that the Si atom is within the graphene plane when the Si atom is at the graphene edge, while for the Si atom in bulk graphene, it is 120 pm out of the graphene plane, which means that although they are both 3-fold coordinated, the hybridization is slightly different due to the bond angle. A Si dopant in graphene adopts sp3 hybridization, which is also confirmed by Zhou et al.,10 E

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Figure 6. Structure and dynamics of an extended Si Klein edge. (a) AC-TEM image of a Si EK edge with two Si atoms. (b) AC-TEM image after 10 s with one more nearby Si atom joining. (c) AC-TEM image from the yellow-box region in part b. (d, e) DFT calculated models showing a possible route for the generation of a prolonged Si Klein edge, with the inset of part e showing the lateral view. (f) Multislice image simulation of part e. (g) Percentage of the occurrence of all the Si−edge configurations along the zigzag edge (in 100 frames). Scale bar: 500 pm. T = 800 °C.

carbon atoms protruding from the zigzag edge.19,26,27 We found that Si atoms can form a similar configuration by bonding to the zigzag edge. Bonding between Si atoms along the zigzag edge helps immobilize them to increase the length of the Si Klein edge, shown in Figure 6a,b. The bond length values displayed in Figure 6c show some fluctuations, from 155 to 182 pm, which can be explained by our DFT calculations. Figure 6d,e provides a plausible route for the generation of a Si EK edge. Unlike the situation along armchair edges, where Si atoms adopt a series of continuous valley positions, if Si atoms sit in the concave sections along a zigzag edge, the binding energy of the configuration is very small, and it will evolve into the Si EK edge structure with higher stability, shown in Figure 6e. The left three Si atoms shift to the left by approximately 123 pm, the

configuration from 3D to 2D. The reconstructed edge also releases energy for the structure, resulting in a more stable configuration. Figure 5j compares the binding energy for the three substitutional Si−edge configurations, where higher binding energy indicates a more stable structure. The binding energies are relative values where the smallest energy (most unstable structure) is set to be 0 eV. It can be seen that the 2fold coordinated Si atoms are more stable than the 3-fold coordinated counterpart, and the binding energy with the reconstructed zigzag edge is 1.73 eV higher than the one before reconstruction. The extended Klein (EK) edge is the fourth periodic edge of graphene, which was recently confirmed by experimental results.19 An EK edge is generated by a group of isolated F

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minutes of baking at 180 °C was applied to the sample to reinforce the adhesion between graphene and the wafer. PMMA scaffold was removed by heating the sample at 350 °C for about 12 h. Transmission Electron Microscopy with an in Situ Heating Holder. HRTEM was performed using Oxford’s JEOL JEM2200MCO field-emission gun TEM at 80 kV accelerating voltage, as well as a CEOS imaging aberration corrector. A double Wein filter monochromator31 with a 5 μm slit was applied to reduce the energy spread of the electron beam to 217 meV. TEM data were recorded by a Gatan Ultrascan 4K × 4K CCD camera with 2 s acquisition times. To conduct elevated temperature experiments, we used Si3N4 TEM grid designed for in situ transmission electron microscopy in a heating holder (DENSsolutions single tilt 30° fitted with DENSsolutions high temperature EM heater chip with a maximum operating temperature up to 800 °C). Several windows were produced by Zeiss NVision SEM: FIB prior to graphene transfer within the thin Si3N4 membrane on the heating holder, in order to avoid the contrast from the Si3N4 membrane. Image Processing. ImageJ was applied to perform the AC-TEM images. A bandpass filter (between 100 and 1 pixels) and a Gaussian blur were carefully applied to minimize long-range uneven illumination without affecting the interpretation of the original image. A LUT of “fire” was used to improve visual inspection of TEM images and show the increased contrast from the Si atom. Multislice image simulations were accomplished using JEMS software with supercells created using Accelrys Discovery Studio Visualizer. Density Functional Theory Calculation. Density functional theory calculations are also carried out to calculate binding energies. Those are performed within the generalized gradient approximation of the Perdew−Burke−Ernzerhof functional32 using Vienna ab initio simulation pack VASP code.33 Vanderbilt pseudopotentials34 are also used in this calculation. The supercells in our simulations contain 192 atoms in an eight-row zigzag GNR, 196 atoms in a seven-row armchair GNR, and vacuum regions of 30 Å in the y and z directions. In the supercells, one Si atom substitutes one carbon or adsorbs at the edge. In the calculation, the basis set contains plane waves up to an energy cutoff of 400 eV, and the structure is relaxed until the force on each atom is smaller than 0.02 eV/Å.

lattice spacing of the {112̅0} planes.28 In our DFT structural relaxation, the three highlighted 4-fold coordinated carbon atoms are released to form 3-fold coordination without any energy barriers, which is much more energetically favored in the two-dimensional structure of graphene. The left three Si atoms can be regarded as a small section of a Si EK edge, corresponding to the AC-TEM image. The side view of the Si EK edge (inset in Figure 6e) indicates its three-dimensional nature, where Si atoms alternate above or beneath the graphene plane. The variability in the degree of out of plane distortion of the Si atoms will cause differences in the 2D projection observed during the AC-TEM imaging. Figure 6g lists the frequency of observation for all the Si−edge configurations along the zigzag edge. More than half of the Si−edge interactions have tetragonal structure, which is the most stable, followed by the 2-fold coordinated substitutional position with reconstructed edge, while the other three structures are not frequently observed.

CONCLUSION We show that Si dopants can interact with graphene edges by several bonding structures along both armchair and zigzag edges. Pentagonal structures at the armchair edge are most commonly observed, and this is confirmed by both the experimental and theoretical results. Both substitutional and edge bonded Si atoms were found along the zigzag edge with reasonable stability, where edge reconstruction may also be involved to release energy. A group of Si atoms along the zigzag edge can form an extended Si Klein edge, and this structure is supported by DFT calculation results. The use of an in situ heating holder slowed down chemical etching effects that cause rapid destruction of graphene edges and drive fast mobility of Si atoms around edge sites, which provide challenges to obtaining high contrast AC-TEM images of the intrinsic bonding structures. The detailed information provided here on the various Si−C bond lengths and structures will be important for future applications that involve the decoration of graphene edges with Si.

ASSOCIATED CONTENT S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b06050. EDX measurements of Si on graphene and room temperature measurements of Si−C bonds (PDF)

METHOD Synthesis and Transfer of Graphene. Monolayer graphene was synthesized by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method, with molten copper catalyst in atmosphere pressure, as previously reported.29 A piece of highly pure copper (1 × 1 cm2, 0.1 mm thick, Alfa Aesar, Puratonic 99.999% purity) was placed on top of a same sized piece of tungsten (0.05 mm thick, Alfa Aesar, 99.95% purity), and the stacked metallic sheet was then loaded into a furnace. The system was annealed at 1090 °C under a mixture gas flow of 200 sccm argon and 100 sccm 25% hydrogen/75% argon for 30 min, followed by graphene growth, when the H2/Ar mixture was reduced to 80 sccm, with an addition of 1% methane/99% Ar mixture to the system for 90 min. The temperature was reduced to 1060 °C for 30 min to allow copper to solidify slowly to avoid a crack. To stop the synthesis reaction, the system was then cooled down rapidly to room temperature under a H2/Ar atmosphere. A PMMA (8 wt % in anisole, 495 molecular weight) supporting scaffold was spin-coated on the graphene and then cured at 180 °C for 90 s to evaporate the solvent. The tungsten layer was etched by electrochemical method at 40 °C, where the tungsten acted as anode, a piece of copper foil acted as cathode, and the electrolyte is 1 M NaOH solution, as reported by Y. Fan et al.30 The copper layer was then etched by 1 M ammonium persulfate solution, resulting in a transparent PMMA/graphene film, which was then rinsed by DI water several times to remove contaminates on the graphene surface. The film was finally transferred onto a prefabricated heating holder and dried for about 3 h. Fifteen

AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Authors

*E-mail: [email protected]. *E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS J.H.W. thanks the Royal Society for support. G.-D.L. acknowledges support from the Supercomputing Center/Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information with supercomputing resources (KSC-2014-C3-047) and from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (RIAM No. 2010-0012670). A.W.R acknowledges support from KIER (B5-2466). REFERENCES (1) Carr, L. D.; Lusk, M. T. Defect Engineering: Graphene Gets Designer Defects. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2010, 5, 316−317. G

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DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b06050 ACS Nano XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX