EM Laboratories, Inc. | Analytical Chemistry

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When you choose EM Laboratories you get something extra... S/P

Finally, there's a line of ultrapure reagents which won't cost you a fortune. They're Suprapur® re­ agents. EM Laboratories' ideal combination of price and purity. Suprapur® reagents are manufactured by and are a trademark of E. Merck, Darmstadt, Germany. Each container carries a guaranteed minimum assay of impurities—often in the range of 10- 6 %...and less.

For a variety of analytical and research techniques. Atomic Absorption instrumental analysis. Emission Spectrography. X-Ray Fluorescence analysis of particulate matter. Materials Research. Think Suprapur® reagents.


EM Laboratories, Inc. associate of

E. Merck, Darmstadt, Germany

Something extra... S/P S/P carries a lot of laboratory items. But, then, S/P is a leading distributor for more than 550 top manufacturers. To handle this huge inventory smoothly, we have 25.4 million cubic feet of warehousing space, 1.9 million cubic feet of chemical vaults, and 25 strategically located stocking centers. You benefit with a wider choice in all grades and price ranges. And we're flexible enough to stock any laboratory supply items and chemicals used in research, quality control or production specifically for you. It's all part of the S/P Responsive System of service for professionals like you. Call your S/P Repre­ sentative and take stock of him.

scientific products distributor of chemicals, laboratory supplies and scientific instruments Division of American Hospital Supply Corporation 1430 Waukegan Road, McGaw Park, IL 60085 CIRCLE 188 O N READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 49, NO. 12, OCTOBER

1977 ·

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