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Reprinted from Christian Science Monitor. WE LEARN wisdom from failures more than from success. We discover what will do by finding out what will not ...
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June 25, 1940 During this period the foreign price lagged greatly behind the domestic one. The price differential in favor of selling in the United States was $6 to $11 a flank for the first 8 months of the year as against the tariff of $19, but in September it sky­ rocketed to $49, largely owing to decline in the exchange rate for the pound. Late in the year production in the United States began to respond to higher prices, and im­ ports increased. Conditions of obtaining supplies abroad became more acute, how­ ever, and the foreign price rose precipi­ tously, leaving the tariff-protected domes­ tic price far behind. In February 1940, the cartel price rose to $205 c. i. f. New York, duty unpaid, and that for domestic metal was quoted as $178 to $182 a flask. Domestic production was 18,633 flasks, the highest recorded since 1931 but only 10 per cent above the average for 1934 38. Imports of mercury for consumption in the United States rose from 2362 flasks in 1938 to 3499 flasks in 1939. Spain sup­ plied 2601 flasks; Mexico, 562; and Italy, 336. Of the total, 1111 flasks were en­ tered in November and 1776 in December. Exports of mercury totaled 1208 flasks in 1939 compared with 713 in 1938. In both years exports were made to more than two dozen scattered countries. Of the 1939 total, 304 flasks were consigned to Canada, 206 to the United Kingdom, and 177 each to Japan and South America.

Gasoline Taxes Exceed Total State Revenue 18 Years Ago MOTORISTS now are paying each year to the 48 states more money in gasoline taxes than the total revenue collected from all sources by the states in any year previ­ ous to 1923. In 1922 the states had a total tax revenue of $727,119,000; in 1939 motorists paid to the states $816,433,000 in gasoline taxes, the American Petroleum Industries Committee points out. "Since 1933 state gasoline tax revenue has expanded at the rate of approximately $50,000,000 a year, chiefly because of ex­ panding use and ownership of automo­ biles", says the committee. "In 1933 the states collected $518,195,000 in gaso­ line taxes. Last year revenue from this source netted the states $816,433,000, an increase of $298,238,000, or 57 per cent, above 1933." Besides the enormous state gasoline taxes, motorists contribute approximately $250,000,000 yearly in additional gasoline taxes to the Federal Government. Fed­ eral and state gasoline taxes now annually total over $1,000,000,000, an amount greater than was spent by the Federal Government in any peace-time year prior to the United States entry in the World War. THE office of toe Chemist Advisory Council, Inc., has been moved from 900 Madison Ave. to the Lincoln Building (Room 811), 60 East 42nd St., New York, Ν. Υ.



365 Formula PROFESSOR—"What's the formula for water, Jones?" "HIJKLMNO," spelled out the student. "What's that?'' barked the professor. The student slowly repeated the letters. "Whatever are you driving at," de­ manded the professor; "what gave you that idea?" "You. sir," said Jones. You said yesterday it was Η to O."


Rrprinted from Christian Science Monitor

A T A recent celebration marking achieve­ ments of a local manufacturer, the mayor, endeavoring to praise the latest product of the company, among other things, said: "This company is now producing a car equal to few and superior to none".


W E LEARN wisdom from failures more than from success. We discover what will do bv finding out what will not do; and be who never made a mistake never made a discovery. Samuel Smiles


A COMPLETE COMBUSTION CONTROL SYSTEM FOR Your OVER WITH THE New Wheelco THERM- 0TROL The Wheelco Therm-otrol records or indicates temperature; provides continuous temperature control, and, if desired, furnishes positive pro­ tection against combustion explosion hasards, with a built-in Flame-otrol. The Therm-otrol is adaptable to every application. It is available as: (1) an Indicating Thermometer; (2) an Indicating Controller; (3) an Indicating Controller, with Flame-otrol; (4) a Recording Thermometer; (5) a Recording Controller; (6) a Recording Controller, with Flame-otroL Any of the above types can also be furnished as both Indicating and Recording. Available lor temperature ranges between 0° F. and 1000' F. The control action, operating independently of the recorder or indicator, employ? the Wheeloo "Radio Principle" electronic control system· Complete data given in Bulletin G582-2 Write for your copy TODAY.

Wheelco Instruments Co. 1929-33.HALSTEDSTREET.·
