February 20, 1934
Situations Wanted (Continued) C H E M I S T , M.A. (June). Year of work in colloidal chemistry, vitamin A problem. B.S. a t cooperative college including experience a t Bureau of Standards, paper control laboratory and a research institute. Read German well, some French. Age 23, single. Available June. Address "Box 2 5 - Τ 02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . C H E M I S T , Ph.D., training in analytical, physical, organic and industrial chemistry. Desires position with industrial, consulting or research labora tory. Age 31. Heading knowledge scientific French and German. U n i versity teaching experience. Location immaterial. Address " B o x 2 6 - T - 0 2 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . C H E M I S T with an A.M. degree in organic chemistry wants work i n U. S. A. American. Single. Age 33. Does not use liquor or tobacco. Industrial position with future or teaching preferred. References. Address "Box 1 2 - T - 0 2 , " care Ind. & E n g . Chem., Easton, P a . C O L L E G E O R U N I V E R S I T Y P R O F E S S O R S H I P , preferably with research opportunity, desired b y Physical Chemist, Ph.D., University of Chicago. Thoroughly grounded, all chemical branches, physics, mathe matics. Experienced teacher, good organizer, critical thinker. Industrial and academic research. Publications. Age 34. Married. Available September. Address "Box 27—T-02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . F A C T O R Y S U P E R I N T E N D E N T — C h e m i c a l engineer '28, vast practical and technical experience in the manufacture of automotive specialties such a s polishes, waxes and cleaners. Prefer small company on eastern seaboard. Address "Box 2 1 - T - 0 2 , " care I n d . & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . F O O D LABORATORY D I R E C T O R , 8 years* experience soap, cosmetics, flavors, foods, desired change t o east or south. Present work new product and raw material development also manufacturing control. Age 3 5 . Married. Salary $300 month. Available March. Address " B o x 2 8 - Τ - 0 2 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . GOOD A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T . A.B. Age 21. Desires position in vicinity of New Jersey. Willing t o work for good practical experience obtainable. Address "Box 29—T-02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . H I G H CLASS production a n d sales executive, research director, d e velopment engineer, chief chemist, research chemist. 15 years' experience all phases petroleum refining, chemical technology. Expert writer p a t e n t applications, investigations for patent infringement. Many special qualifica tions. Detailed record gladly sent agencies, employers. Address " B o x 12—N-02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . L A C Q U E R FORMULATOR—Available April. Last four years with a n old line paint varnish a n d lacquer house. Desires a similar position with a reputable firm. Bachelor's degree from Columbia Univ. 1927. Address "Box 1 9 - N - 0 2 , " care Ind. & E n g . Chem., Easton, P a . O R G A N I C C H E M I S T P h . D . 1932—Five years' varied synthetical r e search while holding assistantships and fellowship. Background: Bio chemistry, Pharmacology. P h i Beta Kappa, Sigma X i . Age 26. Publica tion. Interested in research or teaching; will consider anything. Available immediately. Address "Box 2 6 - N - 0 1 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. O R G A N I C R E S E A R C H C H E M I S T and O R G A N I Z E R of laboratories; 12 years' experience in research, development, production and consulting; gases, chlorine, rubber, cordage synthetics, heavy and fine chemicals; p a t e n t development. Married. *Age 38. M.S. Mass. Inst, of Tech. Go a n y where; available immediately. Address "Box 18—N-01/' care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . O R G A N I C R E S E A R C H C H E M I S T , Ph.D., 1922. Two years as National Research Fellow, one year of research abroad, followed b y two years of research in university. Three years of industrial library research. Publications. Age 36, married. Interested in research position in labora tory or library. Address "Box 15-N-02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa, PHARMACEUTICAL—BIOLOGICAL—Chemist. Desires position. Long experience in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Pills, tablets, liquids, toilet goods, specialties. Expert drug and vitamin analyst. Specialist in formulating—production, process control, a n d varied executive experience; references. Address "Box 11—T-02," care I n d . & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . P H Y S I C A L C H E M I S T . M.A. Trained particularly i n electrochem istry, potentiometric titrations, hydrogen ion control, electroplating. D e sire position with progressive company. Two years' experience industrial electrochemical research on refractory a n d abrasive products. Three years' college teaching experience. Now employed. Age 31. Married. Address "Box 2 3 - T - 0 1 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . P L A S T I C S SPECIALIST desires new connection; chemical engineer, with research, plant, and executive experience in modern molding resins and chemical development work. Unusual training a n d references; age 3 6 ; married. Address "Box 15— N - 0 1 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . P R I N T I N G A N D P R I N T I N G I N K C H E M I S T , B.S. and M.S. Now employed with satisfaction t o all concerned b u t willing t o go elsewhere in anticipation of changing conditions. 7 years' printing ink, 2. years' printing establishment, paper experience. Age 31. Honor student. Address " B o x 2 3 - T - 0 2 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . P R O D U C T I O N MAN—Graduate chemical engineer. Age 36. Three years' oil refinery experience. Ten years' assistant manager—superintendent abrasiveindustry.. Employed. Desire work in which knowledge business, economics and engineering will be assets a n d prefer duties leading to s t u d y of methods of ways and means of economical production. Request per mission to submit application for possible future use. Address " B o x 4 4 - N - 0 2 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . R E S E A R C H D I R E C T I O N . M.S. Age 35. Experienced in direction of research a n d process development. Successful solution of problems on emulsions, bituminous products, ceramic glazes, cellulose products. Patents. Address "Box 1 3 - T - 0 2 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . T E A C H I N G OR R E S E A R C H . P h . D . Prefer to teach physical or electrochemistry with opportunity for research. Publications. 30. Mar ried. : Good record a n d references. Available in June. Address "Box 21—Ν- -02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . W E L L K N O W N BIOLOGICAL AND O R G A N I C C H E M I S T , P h . D . Wide experience in teaching and in institutional a n d industrial research. H a s made important fundamental a n d technological contributions. Seeks appointment in eastern college. Salary of secondary interest. Address "Box 5 5 - N - 1 2 . " care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, P a . Y OU NG N O R W E G I A N , D r . Ing,, seeks position in industrial research. Specialist in physical chemistry (gas reactions) also colloid chemistry. D.S.c. from Kaiser Wilhelm Institutt, Berlin. Practice in U. S. A. a n d Norway. Highest references. Reentry permit a n d first papers. Reply Dr. Ing., Box 16399, Gumaelius and Reklame Advertising, Inc., 15 Kongens Gate, Oslo, Norway.
Financial News ABBOTT LABOHATORIES i n the report for the year ended Decem ber 31, 1933, stiow n e t profit of $549,578, after depreciation, in terest, federal taxes, etc., equivalent to $3.79 a share on 145,000 no-par shares o f capital stock. This compares with $298,384, or $2.05 a share in 1932. CHAMPION C O A T E D PAPER Co. has declared a dividend of 50 cents on the c o m m o n stock, payable February 15 to stock of record February 10. In t h e last four quarters dividends of 25 cents each were paid. Regular quarterly dividends of S 1.75 each on the first and special preferred stocks were also declared, pay able April 2 to stock of record March 20. COLUMBIAN C A R B O N C O . has declared an extra dividend of 25 cents and th.e regular quarterly dividend of 50 cents, payable March 1 to holders of voting trust certificates of record February 16.
COMMERCIAL· SOLVENTS CORP. Report of the company and subsidiaries for the year ended December 31, 1933, shows a con solidated net profit of $2,327,846, after charges, federal taxes, etc., equal to 8 8 cents a share on 2,635,811 no-par shares of stock, compared with 31,282,343 i n 1932. E. I. DU P O N T DE NEMOTJRS & Co., INC. An Argentine joint stock company has been formed by du Pont and the Imperial Chemical Industries to deal in imports or engage in local manu facturing. T h e company is to have a capital of approximately $4,500,000, a n d will include the existing subsidiaries of the two companies in Argentina, Β. F. GOODRICH C O . Preliminary statement for the year ended December 31, 1933, shows a net profit of $2,272,514 after deprecia tion, interest, federal taxes, etc., equivalent to $7.49 a share on 7 per cent preferred stock, based on 303,440 shares outstanding at the close of 1 9 3 2 a n d on -which there are accumulated unpaid dividends. T h i s compares with a net loss of $6,582,140 in 1932. Consolidated n e t sales in 1933 aggregated $79,293,495, against $74,501,803 in 1932. fr LIQUID CARBONIC CORP. reports for the quarter ended Decem ber 31,1933, n e t loss of $130,932 after depreciation, federal taxes, etc., compared with a net loss of $384,198 in the corresponding period of 1932. PARKE, D A V I S & Co. Œteport for the year ended December 31, 1933, s h o w s a n e t profit of $6,902,683, after depreciation, federal taxes, a n d reserves for foreign exchanges, equivalent to $1.41 a share o n 4,875,085 no-par shares of capital stock. This compares with 355,927,923, or $1.21 a share in 1932.
Emanations CHEMICAL A S P E C T S O F I M M U N I T Y (Inspired b y reading Wells' A. C. S. Monograph) The subject of immunity i s one of great complexity, And many different factors seem to enter in its scope. Antigens and amboceptors, precipitin and the receptors. To ferret out tlieir action i s the biochemist's hope. The nature of xeaetions is sometimes problematical, Both chemistry and physics play a most important part. The importance of the colloids i s certainly emphatical, And pH enters into our story at the start. The action of t h e antigens is often quite specific, And the various antitoxins are the medico's delight. They exert a lethal action on bacteria prolific, Though the method~of their action is most often out of sight. The immunizing bodies are in one way like the vitamins, But here the similarity is i n only one respect. (Of antigenic a c t i o n quite devoid we find the protamines) We only know the two exist because of their effect. E . C. HOUSTON CHEMICAL K I L L S
Whitehall, W i s . Twenty-five head of cattle owned by Aimer Johnson were accidentally fed sodium chloride which had been mistaken for sa.lt. Two o f them died.—Minneapolis paper. The lAterary Digest reprinted this note under the heading "Maybe It W a s the Latin."