EMANATIONS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

A well-worn pathway to the dump Leads out from Research, Full many a drab and ... a gem amid the trash, A product new (and further cash) For Research...
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CHEMICAL KNCÎlNEKH. B S. 19.i7. M I T . «mployotl larqu I* C T l O N : Ph.D. University Hamburg 11*24. (ientile. nuturalixcd -itiien Extensive production ex­ perience with large German and American phar­ maceutical house» Desires to locate in Metro­ politan area. Immediately available. Excellent reference·. Box tM-T-7. Ind. A Eng. Chem . Easton. Pa. BIOCHEMIST and PHARMACIST with European experience in control and research de­ sires position ae assistant-chemist in chemical or pharmaceutical factory Starting *alary second­ ary to future Possibilities. Box rt.VT-7. Ind A Eng. Chem . haston. Pa.



So This Is Research

PHOSPHORESCENT PAINTS: Long l u t ­ ing glow in dark, weatherproof, contains no radium. Aquamarine. Yellow, Blue. Red. Fluorescent Paints: used with ultraviolet light. Blue. Green. Yellow. Red. Pink Fairmount Chemical Co.. Inc.. 600 Ferry St.. Newark. N . J CHEMICAL PATENT Attorney would like part time connection. Box 3 2 - N - l . Ind. A Eng Chem . Easton. Pa FOR SALE: A large deposit of high grade diatomaccou» earth, located in Nevada. Addri-a.» : C. A J.. Ρ Ο Box 123. Morgantown. W. Va. WANTED—Snail colloid null or homogeniter for 110 A C Dispermill or Manton dnulin pre­ ferred. Must be reasonable. Give full particu­ lars as to sue, capacity, etc Box 18-T-7. Ind. A Eng. Chem . Easton. Pa W A N T E D . Chemical Abstract*. Vol. 1. Nos. 1 and i:< Will pa ν $5 00 each. Write. Box 20-T-7. Ind A Eng Chem.. Easton. Pa. FOR SALE: Aiierican Chemical Journal (Remsen's); complete set: Chemisehea Centralblatt. 181»7-1U24. I92h--19&!; Chemical AIH ft»,ract*. bound t»'t. complete with "Decennial" Indexe»; Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 63-91·. W. Westertield. 149-09 Northern Blvd . Flushing, Ν. Υ. FOR SALE: Used Zeiss Refractometer Sugar and Oil; microscope* two and three objective; Euacope and Viewer; Demonstration Eyepiece; Dare Hemoglobinometer; Zeiss Wide Field Binocular Microscope; Spencer and Zeis* Microprojectors. Rotary and Sliding Microtomes; six Analytical Balances. A. .·. (inner Company. 417 E. L*th St.. Kansas City. Mo. WANTED: Transactions Institution Chemi­ cal Engineers. Ix>ndon. 1-15; Cl.ernical A Metal­ lurgical Engineering, 1 10. 12-ltiaiid 21; Journul Society Chemical Industry, London. 51-ΛΛ: Industrial A Engineering Chemistry (Industrial ed ). 1-5; Chimie et Industrie, I-311; Angcwandte Chenue, I- *7; Forschung auf dem Gebiete d. Ingénieurwesens. Ausgabe B, 1-7 Zeitschrift d. Vereines Deutscher lngenieure, 1-80. B o x 4 o - T - 7 . Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. FOR SALE—Chemical Abstracts. 1907-33. Journal Amer. Chem. S o - , 1905 33 Industrial A Engineering Chemistry, 1903-39. All unbound. Excellent condition. Box 47-T-7, Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. WANTED—1000 pounds Iron Carbotiyl—200 pounds Beryllium Chloride Anhvdrous—500 pounds Luminescent Calcium Sulphide—Anhy drous Chlorides of Chromium. Molybdenum Tungsten and Vanadium—100 pounds each Thallium. Acetate. Chloride*-500 pounds Sodium Aside. Box 49-T 7. ind A Eng. Chem . Easton. Pa.

W H E N man aspires to know it all lie turns to Research, He ma ν have little on the hall Yet still it's Research; He trio out messes in a still, Applit s the heat, and waits until It all turns out for good or ill. And calls it Research. They cast men in a different mold To follow Research, They won't believe what they are told, These men of Research; And so they sit with vacant looks, Or delve for days in dusty books To hang new atoms on the hooks Of Research. A well-worn pathway to the dump Leads out Ir'un Research, Full many a d. ,*b and useless lump Is charged to Research ; But now and then a sudden flash Discerns a gem amid the trash, A product new (and further cash) For Research. We pull no rabbits from the hat In Research, There's rather more to it than that— This Research; Long years of patient toil and sweat, A dash of brains—and don't forget We've hardly more than started yet With Research. - W A L T RUGEN

Taken from an Examination Paper I N DISCUSSING the nuclei of the atom, I will use the views of D. H. Lawrence, as they seem to be the most reliable (as if I knew). &*s Multiplication is vexation, Division is bad; Arithmetic perplexes me But NOMOGRAPH Y makes me glad! —D. S. DAVIB W A T N B UNIVERSITY

EQUIPMENT FGR SALE—Complete Hilger Spectrophotometer, Schmidt A H sense h Saccharimeter, Spencer Rotary Microtomes, Jung Sliding Microtome, Dubosq Colorimeter, International Centrifuges, Freaa Large Drying Oven. Horisontal Sterilising Autoclave·, C Becker and other Analytical Balances. Pulp Balances. Scott Tensile Tester. Incubators. New Small Ovens and Incubators at $27.50. etc. Your list of equipment needed will nceive our immediate attention. We also wish to purchase surplus laboratory equipment The Laboratory Exchange. 24 East 21st. St.. New York City

DrrnoiT. MICH. &*Q

I never saw a vitamin, I never hope to see one, But this 1 Know, And it is BO, I'd rather C than B,. DUDLEY BAKER


Vol. 18, No. 14

Lack of Machinery Hampers Manchukuo Industry F O R lack of special machinery ordered in Germany and not purchasable from the United States because Manchukuo lacks necessary foreign exchange, no progress was made toward completion of projected heavy industrial plants in the first quarter of 1940. However, some concessions to Japan were reported to have been made by England with regard to German deliveries to Manchukuo begun prior to the outbreak of the war, and some relief may be forth­ coming to the numerous half-finished plants. One big state enterprise in par­ ticular, the Manchuria Sulfate of Am­ monia Industry Co., formed in 1938 with 50 million yen capital supplied fifty-fifty by Manchukuo and village collectives in Japan to produce and sell at cost chemical fertilizers to Japanese farmers, was re­ ported to be planning to dissolve in view of the uncertainty of ever getting beyond the blueprint stage.

Soviet Produces Calcium Carbide without Electric Furnace OOVIET




that it has succeeded in producing calcium carbide in a large pilot plant without the use of the electric furnace. No details are available other than a statement indi­ cating that ordinary blast furnaces are suitable for the production of calcium car­ bide with a by-product of high-grade ferrosilicon and a fuel gas suitable for am­ monia synthesis, methanol, or synthetic motor fuels. It is alleged that the oper­ ating cost for the new carbide process is considerably lower than that of the con­ ventional method.

Lemongrau Grown Wild in Guatemala LEMONGRASS grows wild in many sec­ tions of Guatemala, and there is one plan­ tation devoted to the cultivation of citronella, according to a report from the Com­ mercial Attaché, Guatemala. Two firms art- engaged in the extraction of these oils. One firm extracts both lemongrass and citronella and is said to have commets covering its entire output. The other, relatively small, expresses lemongrass only, and likewise has contracts covering its production.

Soap Imports into India Limited ANNOUNCEMENT has been made by the trade control authorities in British India that licenses for the importation of soaps of all kinds, including toilet soaps, from nonsterling countries will not be granted, according to a cablegram from the American Consulate General at Calcutta. Exports of soaps from the United States to British India were valued at $203,708 during 1939.