Emancipate your time - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 7, 2010 - Emancipate your time. Chem. Eng. News , 1970, 48 (37), pp 4A–5A ... First Page Image. Advertisements that appeared within the print is...
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Emancipate your time

Put the HP System 9100 On Your Bench For Instant Statistica Analysis of Experimental Data



Meet your new research assistant— the HP System 9100. It's ready to take over your statistical and data reduction tasks, so you can have more time for creative thinking or experimentation. With the System 9100 in your lab, you will no longer have to disrupt your thoughts to walk to a computer center— or break up an experiment to wait in line for a time-share terminal. A powerful memory, full program capabilities (looping, branching, and sub-routines), and easy program editing make the System 9100 your personal computer. It also plots complex mathematical and statistical problems,

almost instantaneously. We call the System 9100 the Emancipator because it frees your time from data reduction. Forever. The new HP Stat-Pac brings you over 100 practical programs for the applied statistical problems you use most in day-to-day scientific research. Areas covered are general statistics, distribution functions, test statistics, curve fitting, sampling theory, analysis of variance, operations research, and many more. They are formated and ready for instant entry into your 9100 Calculator.Since many of these programs include the 9125A X-Y Plotter, you will

be free from tedious (and inefficient) hand plotting of graphs and charts. Get computer capability for your lab for less than $1.11 per hour. Lease, rent, and purchase options available. For information and to arrange a "hands-on" demonstration in your lab, write: Hewlett-Packard, P.O. Box 301, Loveland, Colorado 80537. 090/33



