Emergency exhaust ventilation - ACS Publications

Emergency exhaust ventilation - ACS Publicationshttps://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1021/ed042pA464by NV Steere - ‎1965sequent corrosion, fire, or e...
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in the Chemical laboratory Edited by N O R M A N V. STEERE, School of Public Health, University o f Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn., 55455




XVII. Emergency Exhaust Ventilation As long as volatile chemicals are handled in unprotected glass containers, there will be possibilities of breakage and subsequent corrosion, fire, or excessive noxious vapors. The only methods generally available to clear the air ranidlv , . have been opmlng a . i n h w .tnd call in^< f w ..~nol\nslP I C I ~ Ar *j t,v r < r* : t w I ~ W I vifective methods for capturing and removing chemicals released in the Inborntory; improved methods have been needed. The impetus to design an emergeney safety grant exhaust unit came from of $2500 which the Univemity of Minnesota Chemistry Department received in 1964 from the Ilow Chemical Company through Dr. Clarence L. Illoyle. Ilr. Stuart, W. Fenton, Chairman, made t,he decision to use the grant to acquire sperial safet,y equipment to meet emergencies which might arise in the litborittury building. The funds were adequate to purchase three self-contained air masks, two heat-reflective fire approach suits, two large fire extinguishers, and a. portable emergency e x h h u ~ unit,. l


ible duct makes it pussihle la lack all the the duct on a cart designed to fit elevator and go through lahoratory doom. Since the flexible duet is 10 inches in diameter to redure friction losses, (he handling problems are cansidcmble. The rack on the cart was designed to allow the duet to he released in 25 fool, lengths. The emergency ventililtion unit has just been completed, so we have no experience in its use. However, the Chemistry 1)epnrhent will organize a rescue team that will prart,ire rppnmehcs t,o handling rhemir:al emergenries wil h the

~ i ~ u 3. r e The inlet flange of the portable e l hourt unit con be positioned horizonfolly and extended out in front of the vnit to pick up low-lying vapors or the vnit is moved forward.

I t might also be useful in case