Emerging Technologies in Plastics Recycling - American Chemical

where a good oxygen barrier is required. This is the plastic bottle structure chosen for investigation. Recycled multilayer PP ketchup bottles in the ...
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Chapter 18

Composite Materials from Recycled Multilayer Polypropylene Bottles and Wood Fibers 1

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Rodney J. Simpson and Susan E. Selke School of Packaging, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1223

The feasibility of combining recycled multi-layer polypropylene (PP) bottles with untreated hardwood aspen fiber was tested by evaluating mechanical properties of reclaimed polymer and virgin PP composites. The bottles consisted of 3.75% ethylene vinyl alcohol, 1.75% adhesive, and 94.5% random copolymer ethylene and propylene. The wood fiber was obtained from thermomechanical pulp (TMP). U p to fifty weight-percent of wood fiber was incorporated into the matrix, utilizing twin-screw extrusion followed by compression molding. Orientation of the wood fiber improved mechanical properties. The PP-reclaim– wood fiber composite was superior to the virgin PP composite, possibly due to increased adhesion at the interface. The multi-layermaterial also exhibited better dimensional stability under extreme environmental conditions.

As solid waste disposal problems become more acute, there is increased interest in recycling as an alternative to disposal. Plastic packaging is highly visible as a waste management problem due to its overall volume percent and short life span. Increasingly, plastic packaging is being included in collection programs for recycling, resulting in a rapid increase in availability of recycled thermoplastics. Appropriate markets for utilization of recovered materials remains a major concern. Multilayer plastic bottles are seen as particularly problematic, since the combination of resins can lead to significant deterioration in properties in the recovered materials. 1

Current address: Colgate-Palmolive Company, Piscataway, NJ 08855

0097-6156/92/0513-0232$06.00/0 © 1992 American Chemical Society

In Emerging Technologies in Plastics Recycling; Andrews, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Polypropylene-Wood Fiber Composite Materials

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Plastic Matrix A multilayer structure for bottles which has grown rapidly in use over the few years since its introduction is the combination of polypropylene, ethylene vinyl alcohol, and adhesive. It is commonly used for squeezable ketchup and mayonnaise bottles, and is also used for fruit juices and other applications where a good oxygen barrier is required. This is the plastic bottle structure chosen for investigation. Recycled multilayer PP ketchup bottles in the form of regrind and the virgin polypropylene (Fortilene 4101, Solvay) were supplied by Continental Plastic Containers, Suisun City, California. The multi-layer bottles contain 94.50% PP, 3.75% ethylene vinyl alcohol ( E V A L Solarnol D C , E V A L C A ) , and 1.75% adhesive (Admer, Mitsui Monoply MT38). The PP is a random copolymer with ethylene. Wood Fiber Reinforcement In some applications, plastic materials are undesirable because they lack sufficient stiffness and are highly susceptible to creep, especially at elevated temperatures. One way to improve these properties is to combine the plastic with a filler or a reinforcing fiber. When used as a reinforcement in composite materials, wood pulp fibers possess strength and modulus properties which compare favorably with glass fibers when the density of the fibers is considered (i). Wood fibers also have distinct advantages such as lower cost, light weight, and resistance to damage during processing (2). Zadrecki and Michell (3) project cellulose fiber-thermoplastics will be introduced commercially to compete with mineral filled polymers. The advantages of thermoplastics over thermosetting resins, such as toughness enhancement of the composite and ease of processing, have spurred current research activities on thermoplastic composites (4). A problem frequently encountered in preparing composites from wood fibers and thermoplastics is achieving adequate fiber dispersion and fiber bonding between the polar fiber and a non-polar polymer matrix. One approach which has been investigated is the use of additives to improve either dispersion or bonding (1,2,5-8). The wood fiber chosen for the reinforcing material in this investigation was hardwood fiber (aspen), supplied by Lionite Hardboard, Phillips, Wisconsin. It was produced by a thermomechanical pulping process (TMP) and then air-dried to equilibrium at ambient conditions (23°C, 50% R H ) . Further information about the pulping process can be found in Simpson (9). Wood fiber produced from mechanical pulping still retains most of its lignin and natural waxes, materials which can aid fiber dispersion in nonpolar hydrocarbon polymers (2).

In Emerging Technologies in Plastics Recycling; Andrews, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




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Wood-Fiber Plastic Composite A combination of low cost wood fibers with recycled multi-layer plastic ketchup bottles may open up significant markets for recycling of these containers. Further, the incorporation of polar ethylene vinyl alcohol with nonpolar polypropylene may actually increase the adhesion with polar wood fibers, resulting in improved properties without any requirement for additives. In fact, recycled multi-layer PP juice and ketchup bottles have been reported to improve mechanical properties of PP homopolymers, primarily in the areas of tensile strength, elongation, flexural modulus, and impact strength (10). In this study, mechanical properties and dimensional stability of composites of wood fiber with virgin polypropylene (PP) were compared to those formed from regrind from multi-layer ketchup bottles (PP Reclaim). Preparation of Composite. A Baker-Perkins Model M P C / V - 3 0 D E , 38mm, 13:1 intermeshing self-wiping corotating twin-screw extruder was used to mix the polymer and wood fibers. Temperature of the feeder, transition, and metering zones of the extruder was 185°C. Compounder speed was 100 rpm. The polymer was added at the feeder zone while the wood fibers were added at an open port in the transition zone. The extruded material was allowed to cool to room temperature, then compression molded into plates approximately 0.125 inch thick using a Carver Model M 25 T o n laboratory press. Plates were made using three lengths of extrudate placed parallel to each other in the mold. The mold was heated at 185°C for 15 minutes under 30,000 psi of pressure, and then cooled to approximately 50°C by circulating cold water in the press for about 10 minutes. Specimens for tensile, impact, flexural modulus, creep, and water sorption were prepared according to A S T M standards (77). Sample Preparation. Molded plates were cut into tensile and creep specimens (Type I dumbbell shape) using a Tensilkut Model 10-13 specimen cutter. Flexural modulus samples were cut into 6.0 inch χ 0.5 inch bars using a band saw. Impact specimens were cut into 2.5 inch χ o.5 inch bars and notched using a T M I Notching Cutter Model T M I 2205. Specimens for tensile, impact, and flexural modulus were made in lengthwise and crosswise direction to the extrudate. Creep specimens were cut parallel to the direction of the extrudate. Water sorption specimens were cut with a circular drill bit. A l l specimens were conditioned at 23°C and 50% R H for 40 hours, using Procedure A of A S T M D618-61, prior to testing. Testing. Tensile modulus, tensile strength and elongation were measured on an Instron Tester Model 4201, following A S T M D638-87b, at ambient conditions (23°C, 50% R H ) . The rate of elongation was 2 inches/minute, gauge length 3.5 inches, and full scale load was 500 lbs. Sandpaper was lodged between specimens and grips to deter slippage.

In Emerging Technologies in Plastics Recycling; Andrews, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Polypropylene-Wood Fiber Composite Materials


Flexural modulus was tested using Method I, Procedure A of A S T M D790 on an electromechanical test frame fitted with a 20 pound load cell (United Testing System). Crosshead speed was 1.00 inch per minute, support span length was 4.0 inches, and a 16:1 span-to-depth ratio was used. Impact testing used a T M I 43-1 Izod Impact Tester with a 5 ft-lb pendulum load, following Method A of A S T M D256-87. Averages of five to eight measurements were used to report mechanical properties. Water sorption was determined using a 2 hour boiling water procedure ( A S T M D570-81). Moisture gain was reported as an average of three measurements. Creep extension ( A S T M D2990-77) was measured by grip separation. Weights (50 lb.) were attached to the bottom of the end grips. Measurements were made at set increments up to 500 hours. Creep extension was tested in ambient and extreme (37°C, 92% R H ) conditions. Extension was reported as an average of two samples and is suggestive rather than conclusive. Results Tensile Properties. Figure 1 shows the effect of fiber concentration on tensile strength of the composite. 30% wood fiber increased the tensile strength of the composite (compared to PP alone) in the direction of orientation, with the strength decreasing at 40 and 50% fiber. Tensile strength in the cross direction (perpendicular to orientation) was significantly lower than in the lengthwise (orientation) direction. At 30% fiber, the PP Reclaim composite was superior to the PP composite, while at higher fiber concentrations properties were much the same. For the unreinforced matrix material, the virgin PP exhibited a somewhat higher tensile strength than the PP Reclaim. Elongation at break decreased with increasing fiber concentration, with the PP Reclaim showing much greater elongation at 30% fiber than the PP composite (Figure 2). These differences also decreased as fiber concentration increased. Elongation was greater in the direction of orientation than in the cross direction. For the unreinforced material, PP showed 690% elongation at break, compared to 215% elongation at break for PP Reclaim. Young's modulus as a function of fiber concentration appears in Figure 3. Tensile modulus increased with an increase in fiber concentration. Tensile modulus was also highest in the direction of orientation, as was tensile strength. Tensile modulus for the PP Reclaim composite was lower than for the PP composite, at all fiber concentrations. The unreinforced materials did not differ significantly in tensile modulus. Flexural Modulus. The flexural modulus for the PP Reclaim composite increased with increasing fiber content (Figure 4). The PP composite showed somewhat varying results, but still with a trend towards increase with increasing fiber content. A t 40 and 50% wood fiber, in the direction of orientation, the PP Reclaim composite had a higher flexural modulus than the PP composite. Values in the cross direction were nearly the same for the PP

In Emerging Technologies in Plastics Recycling; Andrews, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



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Tensile Strength. (ttPa)


20 Weight

30 of F i b e r





Figure 1. Tensile strength as a function of wood fiber content and orientation.

E l o n g a t i o n {%)

Matrix Material — H —



p p (Cross) P P R e c l a i m (Length)


P P Reclaim. ( C r o s s )


20 Weight Note:

30 of F i b e r




P P and P P R e c l a i m are > 100%

Figure 2. Elongation as a function of wood fiber content and orientation.

In Emerging Technologies in Plastics Recycling; Andrews, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Polypropylene-Wood Fiber Composite Materials





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0.8 h

20 Weight

3 0 of

4 0




Figure 3. Tensile modulus as a function of wood fiber content and orientation. Flexural Modulus




Matrix M a t e r i a l ——


PP (Length)


P P (Cross)

PP Reclaim (Length)


PP Reclaim (Cross)

0 10

20 Weight

30 of






Figure 4. Flexural modulus as a function of wood fiber content and orientation.

In Emerging Technologies in Plastics Recycling; Andrews, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on December 4, 2015 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: November 13, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0513.ch018

and the PP Reclaim. For the unreinforced materials, the PP had a significantly higher flexural modulus than the PP Reclaim. Izod Impact. As fiber concentration increased, the notched Izod impact strength also generally increased (Figure 5). This behavior is in contrast with other studies which indicate a decrease in Izod fracture energies in proportion to the added fiber (2, 72). For the unreinforced material, the impact strength of the PP Reclaim was somewhat higher than that of the virgin PP. For the composites, the PP Reclaim appeared superior at 40 and 50% fiber, but not at 30% fiber. Dimensional Stability. Extreme environmental conditions severely affected creep extension in both composite structures in comparison to ambient conditions (Table I). The PP composite exhibited poor dimensional stability at 50% fiber content and broke after 20 hours in extreme conditions. A t 40% wood fiber content in extreme conditions, the elongation of the PP composite was 140% greater than that of the PP Reclaim composite. These results suggest that the structural materials in the PP Reclaim provide longer retention of strength under wet conditions. For the unreinforced material, the PP Reclaim also exhibited lower creep than the virgin PP. Water sorption increased with increasing fiber concentration, as shown in Table II. Differences between the PP and the PP Reclaim were not clear.

Table I. Effect of Fiber Content on Creep Extension (500 h)

Matrix and Condition PP PP PP PP

- Ambient Reclaim - Ambient - Extreme Reclaim - Extreme

No Fiber 1.41 1.03 3.20 3.06

Increase in Length (mm) 30% 40% 0.67 0.34 4.60 1.92

0.60 0.44 2.39 2.69

50% 0.66 0.44 1.93

Note: 50% PP-wood fiber composite failed after 20 h.

Table II. Effect of Fiber Content on Water Absorption

No Fiber

Matrix PP PP Reclaim

0.10 0.24

Increase in Weight (%) 30% 40% 1.65 1.41

2.79 2.36

In Emerging Technologies in Plastics Recycling; Andrews, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

50% 3.76 3.88


Polypropylene-Wood Fiber Composite Materials


(zod I m p a c t S t r e n g t h (Ν)

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Matrix M a t e r i a l - —






Ρ Ρ (Length)

Η —

PP ( C r o s s )


Ρ Ρ R e c l a i m (Length)


Ρ Ρ Reclaim (Cross)


of F i b e r





Figure 5. Impact strength as a function of wood fiber content and orientation.

Conclusions The PP Reclaim-wood fiber composite exhibited improved mechanical properties compared to the PP composite. Increase in wood fiber content and orientation of the fibers improved the mechanical properties for both composites, except for tensile strength and elongation at break, both of which decreased at fiber contents above 30%. The PP Reclaim composite also exhibited significantly less creep, especially under severe environmental conditions. A n increase in interfacial adhesion due to the polar groups contained in the ethylene vinyl alcohol and in the adhesive is a likely explanation for the improved properties. The results demonstrate that this multilayer bottle structure can provide a matrix for wood fiber composites which is actually more desirable than that of the major resin alone. Therefore recycling of these bottles into wood fiber composites may be both a viable and a valuable option. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the State of Michigan Research Excellence Fund, the Composite Materials and Structures Center at Michigan State University, and the U S D A for their financial support. We would also like to thank Continental Plastic Containers and Lionite Hardboard for the materials used for this study.

In Emerging Technologies in Plastics Recycling; Andrews, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



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RECEIVED March 9, 1992

In Emerging Technologies in Plastics Recycling; Andrews, G., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.