Emission and Electrode Erosion Properties of a ... - DATAPDF.COM

Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allled Topics, New York, May. 25-30, 1980, paper ... of the properties of a positionally stable spark discharge tr...
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Anal. Chem. 1981, 53, 1644-1655

presented at 28th Annual Conferenceon Mass Spectrometry and Allled Topics, New York, May

(7) Glffln, C. E.; Britten, R. A.; Johansen, R. A.,

25-30, 1980, paper MPMOA7.

RECEIVED for review December

2, 1980. Accepted May 11,

1981. This work was supported by grants from G u t and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and The Swedish Board for hid Developmnet and by the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project 03x-171).

Emission and Electrode Erosion Properties of a Positionally Stable Spark Discharge Train David Eklmoff‘ and John P. Waiters” Department of Chemistty, University of Wlsconsin, Madison, Wisconsln 53706

The emission characteristics of a positionally stable spark dlscharge traln are reported. The emlsslon peaks as a functlon of time for ferrous alloy samples. The shape of this peak and the tlme at whlch It occurs are related to the amplltude and duty cycle of the current dellvered to the electrode and to the sample matrlx. Scannlng electron mlcroscope studies of the eroded electrode surface suggest that the peaking effect Is related to a phase change In the sample. The Integral of the emission peak Is hlghly reproducible (