EMPLOYMENT - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Cancellations must be received 14 days in advance of publication date (except legal holidays.) ACS MEMBER RATES. Situations Wanted"advertisements will...
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Advertising Rate Information CLASSIFICATIONS Positions open—placement bureaus, industrial positions, pharmaceutical positions, and academic positions. Situations wanted—members, nonmembers, student and national affiliates, retired members. Issuance: Published weekly, issued every Monday. Mailed Friday preceding date of issue. Closing Date for Classified Ads: Standard Set A d s Thursday, 10 a.m. 18 days preceding publication date. Display Ads—Monday, 2 weeks preceding publication date. No extensions. Cancellations must be received 14 days in advance of publication date (except legal holidays.)

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Quality Jobs, Quality Chemists



METABOLIX www.metabolix.com Metabolix Inc. is an exciting biotech company located in Cambridge, MA. We are applying leading life science and biochemical process technologies to commercialize biodegradable bio-polyesters that respond to society's call for renewable, sustainable plastics and chemicals. Metabolix is seeking a Senior Process Development Engineer (III) and a Process Development Engineer (II) for its Manufacturing and Development Team with specific responsibility for development and implementation of novel processes to recover biopolymers produced in highly optimized fermentation processes. Responsibilities include design, implementation and overall management of experimental and pilot programs and associated engineering design leading to scaleable processes for the recovery of bio-polyesters from fermentation broth. Additional responsibilities include management of toll production relationships and technology transfer for aqueous and solvent-based recovery processes. The senior engineer will also be expected to fulfill a leadership role and provide mentorship of junior staff. Minimum job requirements are an M.S. or B.S. in chemical or biochemical engineering (M.S. strongly preferred for the Senior Engineer) with heavy emphasis on technology development and transfer to an industrial setting in support of commercialization. Experience in solvent processing as it applies to biochemical processes and polymer processing is highly desirable. Metabolix offers a competitive salary and benefits package. Send cover letter and resume, including two references with names and telephone numbers, to: Mona Carbonneau, Human Resources, Metabolix Inc. 303 Third Street, Cambridge, MA 02K2 or e-mail to [email protected] RESEARCH ASSOCIATE. Resp. involve downstream dev. & commercial supp. of Enbrel (Etanercept) FDA approved drug for Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA). Req. knowledge in Column Chromatography & scale up, Process Validation, Tangential Flow Filtration, QPCR & Threshold DNA analysis, GMP & GLP tech., & Process Transfer to Pilot scale. Req. B.S.in Biochem. & 2 months of exp in job or 2 months of exp as a Research Tech./Lab Teaching Asst. Jobsite: Seattle, WA. Send ad & resume: Yen C. Chong, Amgen Inc., One Amgen Center Dr., Thousand Oaks, CA 913201799. Include Ad#02-447FV.

ACADEMIC POSITIONS RESEARCH ASSOCIATE II POSITIONS: Synthetic or Bioorganic Chemist: Bioconjugations and chemical modifications of dendrimers. Instrumental Analytical Chemist: Analysis of water-soluble macromolecules: Chromotography, NMR, HPLC, TLC, GPC/SEC, PAGE, CE, UV-Vis/IR spectroscopy. www.nano.med.umich.edu/ Ctr for Biologic Nanotechnology, Univ. of Michigan, 9220E MSRB III, 1150 W. Medical Ctr Dr, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-0648 A nondiscriminatory affirmative action employer. FACULTY POSITIONS - TENURE TRACK. The Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University solicits applications for tenure track faculty appointments in bioinformatics, interpreted broadly. With the establishment of The Seaver Foundation Program in Bioinformatics at The College of Medicine, we seek to appoint new faculty who will establish vigorous research programs at the cutting edge of theoretical chemistry and physics as it applies to biology and also in the development of new methodologies in computational genomics and proteomics. We expect to make a number of appointments at the Assistant Professor rank, but more senior appointments will be considered commensurate with experience. For junior appointments, please arrange for a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, and three letters of reference (for senior appointments a vitae and description of research) to be sent by Nov 15th to: Prof. Steven Schwartz, Director, Seaver Foundation Program in Bioinformatics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus, 1300 Morris Park Ave, Bronx, NY 10461. EOE

C & E N / S E P T E M B E R 1 . 2003




U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration




Division of New Drug Chemistry III

Office of New Drug Chemistry (ONDC, CDER)

The Food and Drug Administration is recruiting a Deputy Director for the Division of New Drug Chemistry III in Office of New Drug Chemistry, Office of Pharmaceutical Science, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. The mission of the Division is to review the chemistry, manufacturing, and controls sections (CMC) of New Drug Applications (NDA), supplements to NDAs, and Investigational New Drug Applications (IND). The ideal candidate should have an advanced degree in chemistry and/or related disciplines (e.g., industrial pharmacy, chemical engineering), combined with a strong scientific background and experience in pharmaceutical development, manufacturing, and regulations. In addition, the candidate must be a creative problem-solver and decision-maker, and have good communication skills. Strong organizational and excellent project management skills are very desirable. The Deputy Director, along with the director, is responsible for planning, managing, organizing, and directing the regulatory review operations in the Division. The deputy director initiates decision-making processes and participates fully îngif strategic planning and in the actual determination, allocation and administration of Division program segments, functtpns, and activities. Additional responsibilities include: m A •

Develops and implements Division policies and^lansJP and provides expert advice in relation to D i v i s A goaK and objectives. Ρ Μ

Represents the Division and Office in dealing A d nejBtiating with individuals representing such omnizatifts as regulated industry, professional and mdustrForganftations, and public interest groups. m m Manages the workload and evaluates the M r o r m a j t of the reviewing anJ^P^^PfBBWWilPBWsion. m

BASIC QUALIFICATIONS: A degree in phvj|g^sciences, pharmaceutical ^0^Γ^Ει^ΕΕΕΚΕβββΛ^^οζήη^> is À required, w h i e h n ^ t include 30 semester hours of chemistry, suj^ementea^WlMfccie work in mathematics through ^ diffcrqitj^jndintegral caiWfca^nd at least 6 semester hours of p l i y M B N I ^ L ^^^Ifc»^ DESIRED III101 II II lifïïÎWliltHh.D. degfcHl^hcmistry and/or other related disdplmes^^^ndustrial pB^macy, chemical engineering), with appropriatcpttt^ctoral a n c P t a ^ industrial experience in pharmaceutical dcvelofl^nt, manu-il factoring, and regulations, is desired. ^ ^ Candidates for Civil Service or U.S. Public Health Servj^ Commissioned Corps must be U.S. citizens. Permanent UJFIk residents may apply for staff fellowship appointments. Graduates of foreign colleges/universities must provide proof of J U.S. education equivalency. J} SALARY RANGE: Civil Service GS-14 at $8l,60gflbJ $106,086 per annum, with an excellent benefits p « a g e , y training opportunities, and flexible work schedule^por an» exceptionally qualified and experienced candidate, ajfiiitional M compensation may be provided. M 1 HOW TO APPLY: Submit resume with a cover letter e l a t ing that you are applying under source code: 103088 t o r ^ g m

SEVERAL POSITIONS—The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) is recruiting experienced scientists (Chemists-Process Chemists and Engineers, Industrial Pharmacists, Formulation Scientists, and Pharmaceutical Product Specialists) to serve as diuylipplication reviewers. Reviewers evaluate the chemistry and manufaçjiringControl (CMC) portion of investigational new drugs and new djaprapplidltions (IND/NDAs) including assessing manufacturing procejÉR, mechanistic pathways, the adequacy of analytical methods and mjÉjRcturir^AcilitatM ^and controls used to manufacture drug substance£fpa drug pjpoucts. B A C W S work as members of highly technical anjffiofessicyj|jflnidtidi^phna*fr scientific teams to make recommend^flns for anginal or n^Fappro^JJ of these drug applications. CMCjnewers influence the aM^tydecisk» in setting policy and guidancesifiwFug subjg^e and ckg^productjpProvals.



Chemist—ThpBasic requJjKent forjjmf positioniiradegree in the physical sdenod^ife scienaePor e n g i n j ^ i g whicty^fudes 30 semester hours in chejHtry, suppkpented byjJÊmtsc worjyjffiathein||ics through differendJRnd inte^pcalculusjpnat least^plmester hMrs|pf physics. Or, a é0mb'mâû&a0rcducaugf0Kd experj^ee-dynaniics, kharmaBrherapettc, mollb^^pWlrmSfology, anW^j^|imilar subjects fcurses flUing m^H^HMnpharmacoii^^orientated subja^f may be J J I G H ^ D E S I M D : A P h 5 . degree in chemistry (physical, organic, ana^Jlral, medicinal^vocess aiilytical chemistry or pharmaceutical chemistry), inaerial pharmw, phaj^Rccutics, physical pharmacy, chemical engineering w m postdopbi^lfruidustiial experience in pharmaceutical manufac^0fwftcs fm Civil Service or Commissioned Corps appointments must be f/mS^ÊtizensËPcrmanent U.S. residents may apply to the Staff Fellowship appMitmentsÊGraduates of foreign colleges/universities must provide U.S. eduWtion equn^ncycertification. S A l A y R A N G E y p r t l Service salary range: GS-13, $69,054 to $89,774. Salary, wfcifi^trîcnevel of responsibility are commensurate with education ana experience. For exceptionally qualified and experienced candidates, Wljttideration may be set at a higher level, up to $106,080. pHflttf TO APPLY: Submit resume with cover letter indicating that you are applying under source code 103092 to:

FOOD A N D DRUG ADMINISTRATION Center for Drug Evaluation and Research 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 13B-31, HFD-800 ATTENTION: Angela Poe Rockville, Maryland 20857 THE FDA IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND HAS A SMOKE FREE ENVIRONMENT



1. 2003


I want a challenge. Director - Process R&D Bangalore, India Process R&D in Astra, 3e of taking candidate c o m p o u n d s from Discovery and designing synthetic routes and processes appropriate for larger scale synthesis, and ultimately commercial manufacture. Our process research activities, from early route design, through method development and optimisation are complemented by the work to supply the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API's) for toxicological and clinical trials, whether at a gramme or tonne scale. By taking an active part in the large scale manufacture of methods developed in-house, our scientists ensure that this experience is directly fed back into the design of new processes. An exciting and challenging opportunity has become available within AstraZeneca R&D at Bangalore. Process R&D is developing a new group in India that will focus on synthetic route, chemical process development and early material supply. We are now looking for a leader for this group, who can support its growth and develop its contribution to Global Process R&D. As part of the expansion of the group, to around 30 people, provision of new laboratory and kilo scale facilities is planned.

Reporting into the Global PR&D Management Team, you would be contributing to the delivery of projects in the three European Process R&D centres. We are looking for someone with a PhD or equivalent, with considerable (10-15+ years) experience of process R&D, who has worked in an international environment and who wants to be located in India. You will have an in-depth knowledge of scale-up issues gained from working in the pharmaceutical or fine chemical industry. A proven ability to lead teams, develop and motivate people is essential. This is a rare opportunity to lead, build and develop a group. If you are interested please send an application to [email protected] to be received no later than 30th September 2003. Initial interviews are planned for late October.

AstraZeneca www.astrazeneca.co.uk

life inspiring ideas





Chemical Biologist

The international weekly journal of science seeks an outstanding Chemical Biologist to join a team of editors dedicated to publishing the worlds best original research in Nature. You will play a key role in determining how chemical biology is represented in the journal. This is a demanding and intellectually stimulating position, and calls for a keen interest in the practice and communication of science. As our represen­ tative based in the US you will act as Natures interface with the relevant research communities. You will be pro-active in building relationships with leading scientists in the field, including visits to key laboratories and attending conferences. As a member of an international team of editors you will oversee the peer review process and assist in the selec­ tion of manuscripts for publication.

SENIOR LEVEL CRYSTALLIZATION POSITIONS Theravance, located in South San Francisco, California, an established pharmaceutical company focused on the research and development of novel human medicines, seeks dynamic professionals responsible for managing and heading up both physical and solid state technology group in the Process R&D Department.

You will be able to demonstrate a strong track record of research in chemistry directly relevant to biology, for example in synthesis, the chemistry of peptides and proteins, or chemical physiology. Highly qualified candidates from other areas of the chemical or biological sciences should not be deterred from applying. Applicants should hold or expect shortly to receive a PhD in chemistry or equivalent degree. Post-doctoral experience would also be welcome.

Requires Ph.D. in Physical Organic Chemistry, or in related fields; and proven track record of 5 - 1 0 years' in a drug development department in biotech or pharmaceutical industry. • Gnat potential in pre-iPO company

The US Nature offices are based both on the West and East Coast. Applicants should send a CV (including their class of degree and a brief account of their research and other relevant experience), a concise dis­ cussion of which recent scientific developments they have found partic­ ularly exciting (stating why) and a brief covering letter. Mark the appli­ cation "Chemical Biologist", and send it to the Editor, Nature, Porters South, 4-6 Crinan Street, London, NI 9XW (fax +44 171 843 4596; email [email protected]) as soon as possible and no later than September 22, 2003.

• Competitve compensation and benefits • Entrepreneurial workplace • Hands-on relocation package • High risk/high reward environment For immediate consideration, please email your resume to: [email protected], referencing job code 03009.

nature publishing group

For more information, please visit us at:


www.theravance.com September 2 9 , 2003



>v: ...J

Graduate Education and Beyond

More than 150,000 chemical professionals, including approximately 25,000 top undergraduate chemistry majors and graduate students, will read this blockbuster issue. C&EN reporters will discuss the job market for 2004 and the following topics: • Salaries · Choosing a mentor · And much more • Resources on planning a career · Setting up a laboratory • How to select a graduate program · Writing a successful tenure-track application When you advertise your faculty and postdoctoral position openings in this issue, you'll know that the highest quality applicants will be reading your ad. Moreover, your ad will also be placed instantly online for one month on C&EWs CHEMJOBS website, www.cen-chemjobs.org.

BONUS DISTRIBUTION Extra copies of this issue will be printed and distributed to Chiral USA, and to ACS Student Affiliate chapters and to major conferences in 2003 and 2004 where undergraduates and graduate students are present.

To reserve your space or for more information, contact: Matt McCloskey, Recruitment Advertising Manager Phone: 610-964-8061, Fax: 610-964-8071 · E-mail: [email protected]





1. 2003



Assistant Professor of chemistry beginning Septem­ ber 2004. Terms and conditions of appointment depend on the candidate's qualifications and experience. The successful candidate will typically instruct 12 semes­ ter credit hours in chemistry per term. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry, a strong commitment to undergraduate education, and demon­ strated teaching abilities. Responsibilities include teaching advanced inorganic chemistry, general chem­ istry, and sharing the teaching of analytical chemistry. The Western New England College chemistry faculty is currently engaged in developing novel non-majors' general chemistry courses as well as undergraduate research opportunities; applications from candidates who encouraged, and supported through released time from teaching, summer research and faculty devel­ opment grants, and professional travel funds. Salary is competitive and commensurate with credentials and experience. Excellent fringe benefits including tuition remission for employee, spouse, and dependent chil­ dren. Western New England College is a private, inde­ pendent, coeducational institution founded in 1919. Located on an attractive 215-acre suburban campus in Springfield, Massachusetts within easy access of the Boston, Hartford, Albany, and New York City met­ ropolitan areas, the College serves its 5,100 students on its main campus and at 20 sites throughout the Commonwealth. Undergraduate and graduate pro­ grams are offered through the College's Schools of Arts and Sciences, Business, Engineering, and Law. For more information about the College, visit our web­ site at www.wnec.edu. Send letter of application, cur­ riculum vitae, a statement on teaching, official or unof­ ficial copies of transcripts, and three letters of recommendation (including comments on the appli­ cant's experience and promise as a teacher and scholar) to: Dr. Lorraine Sartori, c/o Ann Guyotte, School off Arts and Sciences, Western New England College, 1215 Wilbraham Road, Springfield, MA 01119. Application deadline is December 15, 2003.


Summer Faculty Fellowships — 2004 at Air Force Research Laboratories • 50 to 100 Fellowships in 2004 • generous stipend • • daily expense allowance where applicable • φ 8-14 continuous weeks between May 1 and September 30 • Locations include: Wright-Patterson AFB, OH; Kirtland AFB, NM; Brooks AFB, TX; Rome, NY; Tyndall AFB, FL; Eglin AFB, FL; Edwards AFB, CA; Hanscom AFB, MA; Mesa, AZ; USAF Academy, CO; Air Force Institute of Technology, OH Eligibility:

US citizens or legal permanent US residents Full-time faculty with Ph.D. in science or engineering working at accredited baccalaureate granting US institutions

Detailed program information, including information on how to apply, is available on the NRC

web site at:


Questions should be directed to the NRC at: Tel: E-mail:

202-334-2760 [email protected]

Application deadline — November 1, 2003

Western New England College is an Equal Opportunity Employer encouraging applications from women and minority candidates.

THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES Advisers to the Nation on Science, Engineering, and Medicine

Faculty Positions in

Assistant Professor off

Macromolecular Assemblies

The State University of New York

The City University of New York "Οκηνχ** Building upon current research strengths, the City University of New York is continuing a hiring initiative in Molecular Biosciences and is seeking individuals for tenure-track junior faculty positions to join an Institute focused on Macromolecular Assemblies, (http://www. chem.csi.ciiny.edii/Dima). The College of Staten Island, home campus of the Macromolecular Assemblies Institute, seeks two faculty members to join the Chemistry Department. City College, the host site of the New York Structural Biology Center, seeks one faculty member to join an appropriate depart­ ment in the Science or Engineering Division. The successful candidates will also join Ph.D.-granting faculties at the CUNY Graduate Center and will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses. Candidates are sought with research specializations in biomolecular struc­ ture and dynamics of assemblies that include membrane proteins/recep­ tors, nucleic acid binding proteins, protein-ligand or protein-protein com­ plexes, and biomaterials with tailored architectures, using techniques such as X-ray crystallography, cryoEM, NMR, mass spectroscopy, AFM, or computational methods. Successful applicants are expected to pursue their own extramuraUy funded research programs as well as engage in University-wide collaborative efforts. Candidates must also demonstrate a commitment to teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Applications, including a curriculum vitae, list of publications, a de­ scription of research accomplishments and goals, a description of teach­ ing philosophy, representative journal articles, and three letters of ref­ erence, should specify the college to which the application is directed and should be mailed to: Associate Dean Gillian Small, c/o Ms. Mabel Chee, City University of New York, Office of Academic Affairs, 535 East 80th St, New York, NY10021. Processing of applications will begin on October 15,2003. CUNY is an EEO/AMRCA/ADA Employer



The Department of Chemistry, University at Buffalo (UB), The State University of New York, invites applications for a new tenure track Assistant Professorship with research interests in the area of synthetic materials chemistry, as broadly conceived. The suc­ cessful candidate must be committed to undergraduate and graduate education, is expected to develop or have a vigorous, funded research program, and shall conduct research in areas that complement rather than duplicate, existing research efforts. A list of current faculty and sampling of research programs within the Department of Chemistry are available a t http://www.chem.bijffalo.edu/ A cover letter, full curriculum vitae, brief statement of teaching phi­ losophy and proposed research plans (