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mmmm duality Jobs, Quality Chemists



RESEARCH SCIENTIST — NATURAL PRODUCTS You will propose, participate in and report on a variety of research projects related to botanicals, foods and flavors. Chemical analysis, database maintenance, and discovery of applications for flavor molecules/natural extracts are other functions. Must have a Ph.D. in chemistry and natural products experience; additional training or two years in industry research a plus. Position requires excellent research, isolation and identification skills; expertise in flash chromatography, HPLC, LC/MS; knowledge of MS, IR, N M R, GC. We off er an attractive compensation package, including generous benefits plus the opportunity for growth with a stable global leader. Please send your resume to: Givaudan, Human Resources, 1199 Edison Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45216. Email: [email protected] or visit our website, www.givaudan.com. EOE M/F/D/V SUPERVISORY ELECTRONICS ENGINEER/SUPERVISORY PHYSICIST/SUPERVISORY PHYSICAL SCIENTIST POSITION - DB-IV (GS-U/15 Equivalent). Salary range $78,265 - $119,682 per annum (includes locality payment), two full-time positions (Division Chief and Branch Chief) are available for a Supervisory Electronics Engineer, Supervisory Physicist, Supervisory Physical Scientist, at the Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD. The Division Chief is responsible for managing the professional and technical work of two or more branches. The work involves internal and external basic and applied research on directed energy weapons (DEW) technology, combined electromagnetic environment (EME) effects, power electronics technology, and nonlethal technology (NLT) programs. Expertise, knowledge, and skills include directed energy systems, advances power generation, technology insertion and transition, and ability to coordinate research and development efforts within the Army Research Laboratory, Department of Defense elements, and other government, international, university, and industrial laboratories. The mission of the organization involves directed energy and power generation and has substantial affect on national defense issues and new technology areas. Programs directed involve substantial fiscal responsibility (e.g., management of multimillion dollar efforts). The division typically has 50 or more employees. The Branch Chief is responsible for managing the professional and technical work of the Power Components Branch. The work involves research and development of wide band gap semiconductor electronic devices for high temperature and high power Army applications. Expertise, knowledge, and skills include materials science, semiconductor device physics, as well as related areas in semiconductor processing and circuit design. Programs directed generally involve substantial fiscal responsibility (e.g., management of multimillion dollar efforts). These positions close on 29 March, 2002. For more information about these positions, go to the following web site and type in Announcement #ACU200504 (Branch Chief) or ACU200505 (Division Chief), http:// www.cpol.army.mil/va/scripts/public.html. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SCIENTIST responsible for developing CMP slurries for nickel-phosphorus disk substrates of computer hard disk drives, utilizing expertise in wet chemistry, corrosion, and surface chemistry. Req. Ph.D. in Materials Sciences or related field. Ph.D. studies or research experience must include hydrometallurgy, surfactants, chelating agents, aqueous metal ion systems, thermodynamic modeling for chem. process, electrochemical techniques, corrosion science, and surface chemistry. Send resume to: M. Sheila Mattucci, HR Manager, Rodel, Inc., 451 Bellevue Road, Newark, Delaware 19713. CHEMISTRY RESEARCH ASSOCIATES: Design & multistep organic synthesis of novel therapeutic molecules and analysis for Structure-Activity Relationship studies. Req. MS Org. or Med. Chem. & background in synthetic organic chemistry, SAR studies; HPLC, LC, NMR and MS. Multiple openings. Send resume to: PTC Therapeutics, Inc., ATTN: Hum. Res., Job Code C-5,100 Corporate Court, South Plainfield, NJ 07080 or by e-mail to [email protected].



18, 2002



is For Life

Mallinckrodt, a division of Tyco Healthcare, is seeking a Solid-State Pharmaceutical Characterization Specialist for our R&D department
