Sep 3, 1973 - facebook · twitter · Email Alerts ... those under notice of unemployment should send their announcements to Mrs. Audra Rafter ... Situat...
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EMPLOYMENT ADS INFORMATION ACS members who are UNEMPLOYED or are under notice of involuntary unemployment within 60 days are allowed one free nondisplay situation-wanted classifiedadvertisement per issue. The advertiser must state circumstances with name of company where last employed and date of termination. Each ad may not exceed 50 words (45 words plus five-word box address or advertiser's name and address). Excess words charged at 25 cents a word. After six such ads have run, the member may restart the ad by rewriting and resubmitting it, restating the circumstances of his unemployment status. Ads from ACS Members unemployed or those under notice of unemployment should send their announcements to Mrs. Audra Rafter, Employment Aids Office, Department of Membership Activities, 1155 —16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. RETIRED ACS members are allowed three nondisplay ads in a calendar year if the conditions already stated are followed. Situations-wanted ads for part-time, freelance, or consulting work are excluded from this service to unemployed members. However, retired members

may advertise for full- or part-time positions or consulting work. Additional insertions after the free ones may be made at 25 cents per word. Nondisplay insertions by EMPLOYED ACS members seeking full- or part-time positions or consulting work and all nondisplay insertions by Student Affiliates of the Society will be accepted at 25 cents per word for each insertion, no minimum charge. Requests for placement of situation-wanted ads must state ACS membership status, or whether the advertiser is retired (and 55 years of age or older) to ensure publication of the ad in the proper classification. Nonmembers are charged $1.20 per word, minimum charge $18.70. Ads submitted by employed members, student affiliates, and all nonmembers should be sent to Chemical and Engineering News, 142 East Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 06851. In printing these ads, ACS assumes no obligation as to qualifications of prospective employees or responsibilities of employers, nor shall ACS obtain information concerning positions advertised nor of those seeking employment. Replies to announcements should carry

POSITIONS OPEN PLACEMENT BUREAUS Chemists and Chemical Engineers ONLY over 20 years Ethical, Professional Confidential placement of Chemists and Chemical Engineers ONLY. Excellent opportunities are listed with us at all levels of function. All fees and expenses paid by client companies. If you have a degree (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.,) in chemistry or chemical engineering send your resume to S. Goodman, Suite 1716, 744 Broad Street, c/o Selective Placement for Chemists and Chemical Engineers ONLY, Newark, N.J. 07102. Volunteer PEACE CORPS. Engineers, E.E.'s, M.E.'s, and C.E.'s. Volunteer in developing countries overseas. Two years. Free-travel, housing, medical care and vacation. U.S. Citizen, Single or Couples only. Information: Bruce Mazzie, ACTION, OCP Box 311, Washington, D.C. 20525 Resume Kit—For Chemists and Engineers. Free. Scientific Placement, Inc., Employment Service, 5051 Westheimer, Houston, Texas 77027 Chemical Jobs' List With Company Addresses: Weekly. 10 issues $107. Sridhar Clubs, Box 955. Hollywood, California 90028 Chemists—Chemical Engineers—Bioscientists New York's largest technical placement firm provides a nationwide service for chemical, plastic, food, drug, cosmetic, metallurgical and related professionals. We specialize in all areas of R&D, ENGINEERING, MFG., SALES, Q.C., MKT'ING. All fees are paid by client companies. Strictly confidential. Resumes invited. PATTON PERSONNEL, Dept. 20, 1472 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10036 Avoid Layoffs. Thousands practice privately. Book & kits. $4.95. THE TECHNICAL INDEPENDENT. Box 1672, Ashland, Ky. 41101

RATES Display advertisements $111 per column inch (space unlimited). Lower rates on contract basis. Minimum display space, one inch, with inch units thereafter. Agency commission and cash discount allowed on display ads only. Standard setting $1.20 a word, minimum charge $18.70 each. Include five words for box address. Advertisements from outside the U.S. should be accompanied by information stating the New York bank which will issue a bank draft in U.S. funds. The advertisement will be run on the nearest publication date following receipt of the bank draft. SEND advertisements with remittance to CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS, 142 East Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 06851, to reach there not later than the deadline of 9 A.M. on Friday, 17 days preceding the date of publication.


IMPORTANT NOTICE Various state laws against discrimination and the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, and sex (unless based on a bona fide occupational qualification). Help wanted and situations wanted advertisements on these pages are for readers' convenience and are not to be construed as instruments leading to unlawful discrimination.

copies of supporting documents, not original documents. Every reasonable effort will be made to prevent forwarding of advertising circulars. Employers who require applications on company forms should send duplicate copies. ACS expects each user of this section to consider himself morally obligated to acknowledge all replies to his advertisement.

NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS The following statement is printed at the request of the Council Committees on Membership Affairs and on Professional Relations, with the approval of the Council: "An employer has an ethical responsibility to reply to each candidate who answers his advertisement in CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS. Furthermore, employers who reply to prospective employees' advertisements should provide a reasonable statement of the nature of the position available."

SENIOR CHEMIST Must have at least BS Degree with background in catalysts to develop new products and processes.

PROJECT CHEMICAL ENGINEER BS Degree in Chemical Engineering. 4 years Industrial exp. in the field of Inorganic/Organic Reactions, and supported catalysis manufacturing with emphasis on equipment scale. Experience in precious metals is desirable for both positions. These positions offer good starting salaries, outstanding company benefits and excellent growth potential. For interview appointment, send resume to: MANAGER OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS

Matthey Bishop, Inc. M A L V E R N , PA., 19355 (SUBURBAN PHILA.) An E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r

CHEMICAL ENGINEER Process Development Project Management Multi-divisional manufacturer of industrial equipment seeks an engineer with a background of process development or project management in the air pollution field. Manufacturer is developing new customer applications for proprietary air pollution control systems with emphasis on business development rather than laboratory or pilot plant. Three to five years' experience and a good broad technical knowledge of chemistry, chemical engineering,air pollution control and cost estimating desired. Excellent benefits program. Location-Central N e w York State. Send resume with salary history in confidence to:

Box 34-A-9, ACS, 115516th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 A n Equal Opportunity Employer M/F

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY EMPLOYMENT CLEARING HOUSE The Employment Clearing House is a year-round contact medium for ACS members and student affiliates seeking employment in the profession of chemistry and for employers seeking qualified personnel. CANDIDATES FOR EMPLOYMENT. Any ACS member or student affiliate may use the service at no charge. Application forms are available on request, and the information supplied on training, experience, and education will be placed on file in a data storage and retrieval system. This information will then be immediately available, on a nonconfidential basis,

to potential employers in search of scientific personnel. Members or student affiliates who desire application forms or other information may telephone the ACS Employment Aids Office, toll-free, 800-4248539, or write to the address below. EMPLOYERS. Any employer seeking qualified scientific personnel may request a search of the file of candidates by telephone (202-872-4528) or by writing to the address below. After specification of position requirements, a search of the complete

file of candidate records will be conducted. Copies of resumes of those who meet the specifications will be supplied at a cost of 50 cents each. There is a basic fee Of $5.00 for each search conducted. (This fee will be waived if there are no suitable candidates on file.) Further contact with candidates of interest is the responsibility of the employer. The Society requires that users make no placement charge against applicants. Additional information on the service, including the data storage and retrieval system, is available on request.

American Chemical Society

For application forms, position description forms, and further details please write:


C&ENSept. 3, 1973

1 1 5 5 — 1 6 t h St., N.W. W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. 20036 Attn: Employment Aids Office





The following openings are immediately available for qualified individuals in our Stamford,

Conn, and Bound


N. J. Research


C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R S , B.S., M.S.—0 to 5 years experience for pilot plant operations and new process development.

Challenging opportunities are available at Monsanto Company's International Headquarters in St. Louis for BS/ MS/PhD Organic Chemists interested in the synthesis of biologically active compounds. These assignments represent an unusual opportunity for research professionals concerned with this area of science. The location is a suburban research facility in an excellent residential area. Outstanding personnel benefits. If interested, please send your resume in confidence to: Dr. R. G . Fordyce, Monsanto Company, Department CL280, 800 North Lindbergh Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri 63166. An Equal Opportunity




C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R S , Ph.D.—0 to 5 years experience for laboratory and pilot plant-scale process development, engineering analysis, and process improvement.

ORGANIC & POLYMER CHEMIST, Ph.D. or equivalent-Discover and develop new polymer systems for use in flocculants, coatings and additives. Synthesis and application studies; exploration of structure-property relationships. C O L L O I D & S O L U T I O N C H E M I S T , P h . D . or e q u i v a l e n t - S t u d y physical chemistry of polymers and salts in solution. Correlate structure with adsorption mechanisms on minerals, fibers and waste materials. P R O C E S S E N G I N E E R , M . S . , Ph.D.—Join laboratory development group and guide engineering effort through successful scale-up and pilot state. New products and new processes. Experience with polymer systems desired.

CERAMIC or CATALYST CHEMIST, M.S., Ph.D.-Study inorganic materials and structures for use as new catalyst supports in refinery processing and air pollution control. Preparation and high temperature processing and leading to control of physical properties. S Y N T H E T I C O R G A N I C C H E M I S T , P h . D . - O to 5 years experience with strong training in physical-organic principles, thermodynamics, .kinetics and reaction mechanisms; organometallic chemistry and coordination chemistry helpful. Applicant should demonstrate the background required for conceiving and conducting bench-scale studies of new processes. I N O R G A N I C C H E M I S T , Ph.D.—0 to 5 years experience, background in organometallic chemistry and coordination chemistry, particularly transition metal complexes. Thorough training in modern inorganic principles required; working knowledge of organic chemistry helpful. Work involves bench-scale conception and demonstration of new processes based on novel, homogeneous catalysts. B I O - O R G A N I C C H E M I S T , Ph.D.—0 to 10 years experience, thorough training in physical organic chemistry. Knowledge of enzyme kinetics, chemistry of physiological constituents desired, biopolymers helpful. Work on transformations of bioactive molecules for medical applications.



ORGANIC CHEMIST A challenging opportunity is available for a Ph.D. Organic Chemist with a minimum two years industrial experience. Your responsibilities will be: • To develop laboratory procedures for the synthesis of new dyestuffs. • To scale up procedures and provide technical assistance for trial batches of new products. • To provide technical assistance for the solution of plant problems arising from production of dyestuffs. • To develop modifications to existing procedures in order to improve quality, yield, etc.

Please send fully confidential resume including employment and salary histories to Dr. Peter Suchanek



169 West 52 St., Bayonne, N.J. 07002

perience needed for exploratory and applied research projects. Requirements include: sound theoretical background in the relationship of chemical and physical structure to polymer performance; training and experience in preparing polymers of all types. Biopolymer and monomer synthesis background helpful. Applicants for t h e above Stamford openings are invited to forward a resume i n c l u d i n g salary history t o : Mr. W. C. Wikstrand, Supervisor Technical E m p l o y m e n t American C y a n a m i d C o m p a n y . S t a m f o r d Research Laboratories 1937 W. M a i n Street, Stamford, Conn. 06904 S R . C H E M I S T , P h . D . in POLYMER or PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY— Investigation of chemical structure vs. physical properties relationships in polymers. Design of test procedures. Polymer rheology studies. Experience with elastomers useful, not essential. O R G A N I C C H E M I S T , Ph.D.—Preferably 2 years post doctoral or industrial experience to carry out process research and development work on fine chemicals and chemotherapeutic agents. A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T , B.S.—2 to 3 years experience preferred. Familiar with modern instrumental techniques. C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R , B . S . - M . S . - 3 to 5 years experience in computer control of chemical processes. Applicants for t h e above B o u n d Brook openings are invited to forward a resume including salary history t o : Mr. J. H. Ferguson, Supervisor Technical E m p l o y m e n t American Cyanamid C o m p a n y . B o u n d Brook Research Laboratories Chemical Research Division, B o u n d Brook, N. J. 08805

AMERICAN CYANAMID COMPANY An Equal Opportunity Employer M / F

Sept. 3, 1973 C&EN


Radio. . lsotope Chemist

Development chemist with a broad background in product development through polymer utilization required Ph.D. chemist preferred with several years experience in coatings polymer chemistry, adhesives, formulation and compounding.

This internationally known firm, "a leader" in its evergrowing industry, is currently seeking a " t o p f l i g h t " Radio Isotope Chemist to work in its Radiochemistry Department. A very challenging and a very rewarding opportunity to work on the various applications of Radioisotope methods in Pharmaceutical Research is currently available. The welj tion real

SENIOR ENGINEERTEXTILE DEVELOPMENT Experience in material compounding and chemical finishing of textiles is required in this textile development position. It will entail new cloth finished development achieved through fabric design modification, fill formulation compounding, and cloth finishing process development. A.B.S. degree in chemistry of textile chemistry is required.

"ideal candidate" must possess either a BS or MS degree as as some experience in the analytical and biochemical applicaof Radioisotopes; primarily Beta emitting. If you desire "a challenge" that offers exceptional rewards, then

We offer an excellent salary and compensation package. send a detailed resume including salary history to:


Please submit resume in confidence to Mr. G. L. Kreutz, Personnel Manager, The Carborundum Co., Coated Abrasives Division, P.O. Box 477, Niagara Falls, New York, 14802.

W. T. Jackson Employment Supervision

Merck & Co., Inc.

An equal opportunity employer, m/f

Rahway, New Jersey 07065 An Equal Opportunity


Employer M/F

PORTER PAINT CO. — is seeking a TECHNICAL DIRECTOR for it's INDUSTRIAL & MARINE CORROSION COATINGS DIVISION in Louisville. PORTER is a growing company committed to performing a better job in product quality in customer service. Position responsibilities include quality control functions.





Minimum requirements are bachelor of science and masters degree in chemistry and 10 to 15 years experience in high performance coatings laboratory work, including at least 2 years of laboratory administration experience. Send resume and salary requirements to:

H. A. Fetty, Director of Personnel PORTER PAINT CO. P.O. Box 1 4 3 9 , Louisville, Ky. 4 0 2 0 1 . an equal opportunity employer

TECHNICAL MANAGER STEP INTO NEW SPOT created by expansion of national leader in ink-industry. The person needed will initiate action for the technical efforts of several manufacturing locations while headquarters in west suburban Chicagoland. Minimal travel. Become involved in formulation, development as well as raw material evaluation and quality control of ink products. You will also provide technical services in both sales and manufacturing. At least 5 years technical experience in printing ink field preferred, but will consider a background in allied industry. Join a team of specialists in rapily expanding field as well as receiving outstanding compensation and benefits package. Kindly submit a resume with salary history to:



C&ENSept. 3, 1973

Mr. T. Witkowski

Sun Chemical Corporation Divn. General Printing Inks 135 W. Lake St., Northlake, III. 60164 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F

CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Positions available for Senior Process Engineers in SRI's Process Economics and Process Evaluation programs. Assignments include studies measuring impact of energy crisis and environmental regulations, project feasibility, technological forecasting and technical economic evaluation of processes. Candidate must be capable of carrying out preliminary process designs independently. Experience required in petrochemicals, petroleum refining, inorganics, plastics or waste treatment. Interested applicants are invited to submit resumes to J. McDonald. Applicants considering early retirement are encouraged to apply.


STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE 333 Ravenswood A v e . Menlo Park, C A 94025

(Ideally located on San Francisco Peninsula) an equal opportunity employer Position Vacant—Maintenance engineer-must have 2 years experience in the chemical or related industry. Will be responsible for supervision of new equipment installation and maintenance of existing equipment. Challenging opportunity with rapidly growing Eastern Pennsylvania company. Send resume and salary history in confidence to Box 22-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Training Specialists—AA and NMR: Positions located in Palo Alto, California. Will develop and present courses for sales representatives and customers. Requires M.S. plus 5 years experience with emphasis on AA and/or NMR/EPR. Must travel. Teaching experience desirable. Send resume including salary history to James Hennessy, Varian Associates, 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, California 94303. Equal Opportunity Employer. Applications Chemist—Minimum of Master's degree in Chemistry with experience in food and drug or toxicology laboratories. Familiarity with spectrophotometry methods of analysis and strong aptitude for instrumental techniques necessary. James O. Erickson, Varian, Instrument Division-D-298, 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, California 94303



MU •iHit

has current positions for ex­ perienced persons to work in beautiful rural Northern Virginia in the fields of:

• ιΓΠΐΗΓΠΙ 11

PROCESS ENGINEER To provide Engineering support to the manufacturing group in solid propellant mixing, casting, and grain finishing for develop­ ment and production programs. Requires BS in Chemical Engi­ neering, Engineering, or Chem­ istry with experience in propel­ lant manufacture or related industries. SOLID PROPELLANT CHEMIST To work on the development of solid propellants in exciting rocket growth environment. Must be capable of working in­ dependently and directing pro­ grams. Requires BS or MS in chemistry or Chemical Engi­ neering with several years ex­ perience in solid propellant rocket research & development. CHEMICAL ENGINEER Seasoned Chemical Engineer is needed to head diversified section in research and tech­ nology department. Advanced degree and experience with hazardous chemicals desirable. Also openings for Safety Engi­ neers and Interior Ballisticians. Excellent fringe benefits in­ clude a retirement plan which is fully vested after 10 years, plus liberal reloca­ tion expenses. Please send resume, including education, experience and sal­ ary history to: Mr. Clarence H. Weissenstein ATLANTIC ATLANTIC E a

Bill Our expansion in the instrument field has been rapid. There are opportunities to share in our growth within an industry that itself presents exceptional growth potential for many years ahead.

laetrMtri listruMUs TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVES to se|| instruments Openings who will require a advanced

are available in our field sales organization for Technical Representatives be responsible for the sales of laboratory 'instruments. These openings strong background in chemistry. A B.S. in Chemistry is required and an degree a n d / o r equivalent experience is desirable but not required.

Pffitss liaifsffs TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVES to sell analyzers

APPLICATIONS ENGINEER & PRODUCT SPECIALIST to provide sales support Technical Representatives require a B.S. in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or equiv­ alent. Plant experience desirable but not essential. Applications Engineers require a B.S./M.S. Chemical Engineer/Chemist with mini­ mum 2 years' experience in petroleum or petrochemical industry or equivalent. Experience with on-line process analytical or pollution monitoring instrumentation preferred. Position involves bench and field development of applications.

Product Specialist requires a B.S. Chemical Engineer/Chemist with up to 3 years' experience with on-line process analytical instrumentation or related area. Position includes preparation of bid proposals, estimates, customer correspondence and order acknowledgements. Ability to read blueprints and understanding of electronics desirable. These positions enjoy full DuPont benefits. Relocation expenses paid (taxes with­ held). Please send resume indicating salary requirements, in confidence to: C. H. Lonsdale, Jr., DuPont Company, Instrument Products Division,Wilmington.Del. 19898.


RESEARCH CORPORATION 5390 Cherokee Ave. Alexandria, Va. 22314

a jj p 0 NJ • Instruments An Equal Opportunity Employer M / F

An Equal Opportunity Employer

Requirements for Process Thermodynamicist in Re­ search and Development Department of Union Carbide. M.S. or Ph.D. chemical engineer with at least 3 years of practical experience or equivalent in the obtaining of thermodynamic data on typical organic chemical sys­ tems for application to process development and de­ sign. Experience and interest should be in the area of experimental data generation, computerized data analy­ sis and correlation and particularly in understanding how to apply such data to conventional and unconven­ tional separations processes now used or being devel­ oped by the petrochemical and petroleum industries. Outstanding opportunity for young person who wants to make impact on evolution of process technology in a major petrochemical company. Please send resume to Dr. W. C. Kuryla, Research and Development De­ partment, Union Carbide Corp., Technical Center (Bldg. 770-2), South Charleston, W.Va. 25303 European Chemical Company needs a consultant hav­ ing knowledge of the production of tri 2, 3, dibromopropyl-phosphate. Write to Box 14-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C 20036

- SENIOR CHEMIST Our thermoset molding compounds technical team, located in TOLEDO, OHIO, requires a skilled professional polymer chemist to perform significant polymer synthesis characterization and compositional analysis. Successful candidate will possess a B.S. degree in chemistry with a minimum of 5 years experience in resins with demonstrated ability to develop compositionproperties relations from theoretical and statistical models. Additionally a background in non-routine tests method development for process and/or product quality control is required. SALARY OPEN COMMENSURATE WITH PROVEN ABILITY. Send resume stating salary history and requirements in confidence to: Technical


BOX 32-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th ST. N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 | An equal opportunity

employer M/F

CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Process Development Pilot Plant Process Design Hooker's new Corporate Development Center at Niagara Falls, N. Y., continues to increase its staff to keep pace with our expanding technology. We have several openings for Chemical Engineers who would desire the prospect of growing professionally with us.


Develop new and improved chemical processes using laboratory, pilot-scale, and in-plant studies involving almost every unit process or operation.


Feasibility studies, progressing to coordination of start-ups with focus on economic evaluation, material and energy balances, operating conditions, and equipment flow sheets. We welcome responses from B.S., M.S., or PhD Chemical Engineers with 0-10 years related experience. If you wish to explore opportunities with Hooker, one of the 10 largest producers of chemicals and plastics, please send a resume with salary history to: Mr. George Colan HOOKER CHEMICAL CORPORATION P.O. Box 8, Niifin Falls, New York 14*12


An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F "Principals Only"

Subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corporation

Chemical Information Specialist The Key is Your Background This top internationally known firm, a leader in its industry, is currently seeking "a special individual" to fill an "exceptionally challenging position." Our "ideal candidate" must have a BS or AMS degree in Chemistry, a strong workng background in organic chemistry as well as having experience in computer based chemical structure information systems. If you have had some previous supervisory experience and possess the capability of writing chemical nomenclature for retrieval data banks, then you are "our special individual." We offer the "successful candidate" an excellent salary and compensation program. Please send a detailed resume including salary history to:

W. T. Jackson

Merck & Co., Inc. Rahway, New Jersey 07065 An Equal Opportunity

Symposium on

JOBS for Chemists and Chemical Engineers on TAPE from the Washington ACS meeting SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER Cassettes or open reels: Members $10. Nonmembero $15. Order from: American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. w ATTN: A. Poulos A


C&ENSept. 3, 1973

Employer M/F

Production Manager—Growing Manufacturer of immunologic media located in the northeast seeks an M.S. or Ph.D. chemical engineer with production management experience. Specifically we require one to three years' experience with a background in film, membrane, or hydrogel technology. We offer an attractive salary, stock option plan, non-participating group health and life insurance and opportunity for significant growth. Please send your resume to Box 23-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Polyester Resin Chemist for molding systems applications laboratory of leading resin manufacturer. Prefer 2-5 years polyester experience. SMC experience especially desirable. Send resume including salary requirements to T. J. Czarnomski, Marco Chemical Division, W. R. Grace & Company, 1711 W. Elizabeth Avenue, Linden, New Jersey 07036. An Equal Opportunity Employer.

ACADEMIC POSITIONS UNIVERSITE DE GRENOBLE Grenoble, France Has openings for fellowships, particulary postdoctoral for candidates with experience in the field of PROSTAGLANDINS Please send details to Prof. Pierre Crabbe, Organic Synthesis Div., C.E.R.M.O. Univ. of Grenoble, Grenoble (Isere)—-France

Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Department of Chemistry, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001, become open at irregular intervals. The department solicits applications from qualified persons, preferably from those interested in starting four months later. Submit curriculum vitae containing evidence of research interests. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Assistant Professor, Food Chemistry. Food Chemist to teach food chemistry, introductory experimental foods, scientific principles of food preparation. Development of research program possible. Required qualifications include Ph.D. in food science, food chemistry or home economics with food science emphasis. Salary commensurate with qualifications. 9 mo. appointment. Write to Dr. E. F. Caldwell, Head, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, St. Paul 55101. An equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Apply by September 30, 1973. Postdoctoral Positions: For biochemical studies of mitochondria and chloroplasts. Only recent Ph.D.'s in the biochemical area should apply. Send curriculum vitae with three references to Director, Bioenergetics Laboratory, Acheson Hall, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14214. An equal opportunity employer. Postdoctoral Position, Analytical Chemistry. Expertise in chromatography, electronics, mini/micro computers, instrumentation. Available September. Dr. R. S. Jevet, Dept. of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85281. Equal Opportunity Employer. Postdoctoral Position: for 170 NMR studies on aqueous metal ion complexes. Available now, $8000 annual salary. Send resume and have three referees write to Dr. J. P. Hunt, Department of Chemistry, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, 99163. Phone (509) 335-3330. An Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. Postdoctoral position starting Dec. 1, 1973. Syntheses and reactions of pyrrole derivatives. Minimum salary $7320. Write and forward curriculum vitae to Dr. Hugh J. Anderson, Dept. of Chemistry, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium. Applications are invited for a professorial appointment in Theoretical Physical Chemistry. The successful candidate is to be an experienced scholar of demonstrated productivity. He will initiate a research program and teach Quantum Chemistry. Knowledge or acquisition of Dutch is expected. Applicants should submit their curriculum vitae, reprints of major publications, and a description of their current and anticipated research interests with an indication of supplemental facilities and personel envisioned. Further particulars may be obtained from the Dean, Faculty of Sciences. Applications should be sent before 15 September 1973 to The Rector, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, A. Buyllaan, 105, B 1050 Brussels, Belgium. Polymer Engineer. An important position in the School of Engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, has been made available. Applications will be welcome from candidates who are sufficiently qualified for a teaching position at the assistant or associate professor level, and whose research interests lie in the areas of polymer fabrication or macroscopic solid state properties. The successful candidate would be expected to work closely with the Polymer Science and Engineering Program and to initiate joint research projects. Applicants must have relevant experience in polymers and preferably teaching experience in Engineering. Prospective applicants should submit their resumes to the Chairman of the Search Committee, Polymer Science and Engineering Program, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002.. We are an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.


SEEKING EMPLOYMENT The Council Committees on Membership Affairs and on Professional Relations with the approval of the Council have issued the following statement: "/4 member who advertises in the Situations Wanted Section of CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS has an ethical responsibility to reply to each employer who responds to the member's advertisement."

Analytical Chemist: Ph.D. 1971. Seeks industrial position in process control, QC, methods development, general analytical. Thesis in precipitation kinetics, eighteen months postdoctorate in trace analysis and methods development using pulse polarography. Interests include instrumentation, electroanalytical, wet methods, AA, trace analysis. Innovative, result-oriented. Publications. No agencies. David Myers, Microbiology Dept., Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Co. 80521

Pharmaceutical Q.C. Manager, Laboratory supervisor. Experienced in packaging, product and package stability, NDA's, and regulatory affairs seeks similar position in metro N.Y.-N.J. area. Stevens, Box 148, Homecrest P.O., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11229 Process Development Supervisor—Ph.D. with 8 years in petrochemical/acid/catalyst areas. Supervisory/ Tech Service experience in R&D lab. Lab/Pilot/Plant process test experience. Strong on R&D Engineering interface. Two processes now in commercial use. Want responsible position in process/product development areas. Foreign travel assignment ok. Box 302-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Chemist—M.S. in chemistry. Extensive experience in inorganic/organic analysis; utilizing instrumental techniques; Mass. Spec, G.C. and I.R. Box 303-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Inorganic Chemist, Ph.D.: Experienced in synthesis and characterization of compounds ranging from volatile halides, requiring vacuum manipulation, to simple and complex ceramic oxides by fine-particle high-purity methods. Box 304-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Biochemist, Ph.D. 1967. Pesticide/drug metabolism or clinical biochemical methodology development. Box 305-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Chemist: Unique background in carbon and graphite manufacturing, research and development for use in electrolytic cells including materials of construction. Strong background in Safety, OSHA, material specification, and economic evaluation. Seek employment in sales, production, safety and research. Box 400-A-9, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Analytical/Inorganic Chemist. (Some organic) Twenty years versatile experience in packaging and mineral related industries. Knowledgeable in both instrumental and wet methods. Supervisory experience. Desirable responsible position to demonstrate ability to "get the job done." Will relocate. Prefer near metropolitan area. Available immediately. Box 401-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical/Nuclear Instrumentalist: Ph.D., 1964. Diversified background. Extensive experience. Emission, A.A., U.V., and nuclear spectroscopy, trace elemental analysis. Optics, lasers, plasma research, nuclear reactions, activation analysis, radiochemical techniques. Very strong instrumental design, development, applications. Computer programming, interfacing. Self starting. Supervisory capability. Publications. West Coast preferred. Box 402-A-9, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Clinical Biochemist, Ph.D., AACC, ACS, National Registry, 5 years postdoctoral experience in R&D, methodology, instrumentation, hospital, teaching, management. 10 publications and 9 patents. Versatile and innovative. Result oriented. L. G. Morin, 9350 SW 77 Street, Miami, Florida 33143 Chemical Engineer, M.Sc, 25 years experience in process supervision, pilot plant, process problems solution, resource consultant, research & development, seeks responsible position in process operations or development. Will relocate anywhere, Salary open references available on request. John B. Harshman, 2906 Silvercliff Dr., Dayton, Ohio 45449, 513-434-3894. Environmental Chemical Engineer. B.S. MS ChE, PhD. EvE (expect Oct. 1973). Industrial experience in petrochemical industries (7 years) and research experience (3 years) with publications. Desire environmental or chemical engineering positions. Location open. Box 405-A-9, ACS 1155-16th Street N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Organic Chemist: Recent Ph.D. (Polymer Minor). Thesis in organo-sulfur synthesis, with some organomagnesium research. Knowledgeable in IR, NMR, GLC, TLC. Experienced in operation of Hitachi mass spec. Sigma Xi. Will consider any opportunity (industrial, government, academic) in any chemical discipline. Available immediately. A. Hess, i10-33 72nd Ave., Forest Hills, N.Y. 11375, (212) 268-6774 Unemployed Organic Chemist with family looking for any reasonable position. Wide general training. Long experience in teaching and research—synthesis, structure studies, carbohydrate chemistry, reaction mechanism, polymers etc. Experience in all kinds of chromatography, I.R., U.V., N.M.R. etc. Contact (212) 9280159; 106 Fort Washington Ave., N.Y.C. 10032 Physical Chemist: Ph.D. Industrial R&D and university research and teaching experience. Research experience in chemical kinetics, photochemistry, germanium surface chemistry, pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance, and nuclear chemistry. Seeking research or management position in industry. Location open. Box 408-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Polymer Research Scientist-M.S. Fifteen years diversified industrial polymer R/D including synthesis, characterization, structure-property correlations, applications. Emphasis on acrylics, polyester, polyethers, and polyurethanes. Experience includes projects on flammability reduction, monomer synthesis, polymer modification, hi-impacts, and polyelectrolyte adhesives. Seek responsible senior position. Available immediately. Box 410-A-9, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.20036

Physical/Inorganic Chemist: Ph.D. 1973. Three years experience cement industry. Familiar with x-ray fluorescence analysis, solvent extraction, high temperature chemistry coupled with cryogenic techniques, IR and UV-visible spectroscopy. Seeking industrial or government R&D position. Will relocate, (503) 752-8746, D. Van Leirsburg, Chemistry Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Ore. 97331 Catalysis—Experienced manager in mfg., R&D, foreign & domestic sales and tech. service. Seeks challenging management position. Box 411-A-9, ACS, 115516th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 College Teacher: M.S., Worked two years toward Ph.D. degree in Chemistry. Eight years of college teaching experience, taught organic, analytical, general chemistry, physical science. Want college teaching job. Have attended college teaching training program and workshops. 800 South Hawthorne, WinstonSalem, N.C. 27103 or call 919-725-7626. Food Technologist in Chocolate, confectionery offers services as consultant or more permanently. 31 years research, development, quality control experience in chocolate, cocoa, confectionery. Production experience. Oberlin, A.B. 1933; Ohio State University, M.Sc. 1934, Ph.D. 1937. Kenneth E. McCloskey, 307 N. Broad St., Lititz. Pa. 17543. (717) 626-7727. Geochemist, internationally well-known, 19 years professor (14 years chairman), 60 publications include chapters in books on Organic Geochemistry, Origin of Life, Apollo lunar project, petroleum, economic geology, carbonaceous meteorites, volcanology, crystal growth; seeks post in progress-minded University, College or Oil Company, Box 414-A-9, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Group Leader: Polymer Chemistry with R&D and plant experience in PVC, polyurethanes and fluoropolymers. Seeking position in product or process development. Also will consider technical service. No agencies. Box 415-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Immunochemist: Ph.D. 1958. Industrial, clinical and academic experience. Radioimmunoassay, radioactive iodine labeling, antibody production, protein purification. Seeks industrial or clinical chemistry R&D position. Box 416-A-9, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Materials Control Cataloger, Data Processing. Overseas refinery service recently. Refinery material and commercial nonmetallic materials. Also experienced electrical equipment manufacturing processes: Metal finishing, plating, encapsulation, safety, machine shop, etc. Early experience Nuclear, paper, photographic industries. BS Chemistry, some metallurgy, Ceramics. (713) 781-6859. F. J. Fitch, Camelot Apt. 25, 6419 Skyline, Houston, Texas 77027 Mission Impossible accepted by experienced salesman to the heavy chemical, rubber and plastic industries. If you want results, try a seasoned hand, excellent contacts from Mid-Atlantic areas to Quebec. Resins, plasticizers, dispersans, fattyacid esters, you name it, I've sold it. Technical service, degree, experience, all at nominal salary. Box 418-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Polymeric Coatings Formulator: B.S. Organic chemistry, M.E.S. rubber technology. Adhesives, paints, plastics, resins, latices, papers, films, metallization, foaams, textiles, pressure-sensitive and electrical tapes. Polymerization, compounding, extrusion, calendering, molding, laminating, printing, packaging. Product development, process engineering, plant management, laboratory direction, technical service, project work. Patents, publications. Box 419-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Results Oriented-Highly Motivated-Perseverance-Determination—Adhesi ves, resins, plastics, coatings chemist. Technical service, marketing, R&D. Work exceptionally well with people of all levels. Please state exactly your needs in first letter. Box 420-A-9, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 R/D Chemist, Ph.D., 1972, age 35. With M.S. degree in metallurgical engineering. Experience in x-ray crystallography, x-ray diffraction, x-ray spectroscopy, single crystal growing, ceramics, high aluminate cements, metallurgy, clinical chemistry. Particularly interested in interphase work between chemistry and metallurgy. Box 421-A-9, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 R&D Engineer: Infrared detectors, IV-VI and ternary by aqueous deposition and vapor phase epitaxy. Contact angle and interaction of B with BN etc. at 2000°. Synthesis involving halogen fluorides and hypofluorites. Coordination compounds as hydrolysis and redox catalysts. Desires New England area. C. A. Olson, 31 Bow St. Court, Stoneham, Mass 02180 Rubber Chemist: Chief Chemist for Raybestos-Manhattan, Inc., Passaic Plant for twenty-five years. Natural and Synthetic Rubber, Phenolic and Polyester Resin. Compounding, processing and quality control. Needs position where abilities can be utilized. Will relocate. Salary $15,000. (201) 778-1343. Arthur P. Stubbs, 43 Dalewood Rd., Clifton, N.J. 07013 Staff or Management Opportunity desired by seasoned, broadly based B.S., age 44—Experienced in process control, production, quality control, pollution control, process-development, R&D, sales, market research, market planning and forecasting, and administration. Robert G. Scharff, 768 Montford Drive, Charlotte, N.C. 28209. Ph. (704) 523-7148.

Sales/Marketing: Twenty years broad experience. Mid-West/Chicago preferred. Strong rubber, coatings, water, specialties. Excellent contacts, Patents, Management. Stanton, 5243 Larkspur, Lisle, III. 60532 (312)969-8270. Technically Oriented Person: Seeks responsible assignment in research and development, technical sales, industrial/environment/pollution control. My background includes, and I enjoy, the spectrum of work from research through teaching to management and sales. Education: Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry. Bernard Janco, 4075 Elmridge Rd., Dayton, Ohio 45429. (513-293-3673) Want Lower Cost Ways to Higher Profits Now? Capture new markets; bypass lengthy R&D. I'll consult on licensing opportunities to fit your company capabilities; product selection, market potential; cross licensing strategies through specific R&D. Excellent references. Box 427-A-9, ACS, 1155-16th Street, N.W., Washington D.C.20036 Soon Available! Inorganic/Coordination chemist (M.S.-1967) seeks challenging bench position in development, applications. Will consider all inorganic areas; prefer transition metal chemistry. Will relocate. Four years' industrial experience, several accomplishments. Box 301-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Instrumentation Specialist. Chemistry plus electronics. Four years experience in application, interpretation, operation, maintenance, and repair of NMR, IR, UV, AA, GC, LC. B.S. Chemist. Box 302-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Elastomers: 27 years of development, engineering, compounding, processing, plant design. Most recent project: construction of facility for manufacturing closed cell sponge. M.S. in Ch.E. Seeking part-time employment. Box 304-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Chemist: Ph.D. 1972. Research and extensive teaching experience. Seeking a challenging research or R& D position. Specialist in nonaqueous analytical chemistry. Extensive experience with UV, vis, IR, ion-exchange, DTA, polarographic, and conductometric analysis. Publications. D. Berne, 2330 E. 17 St., Brooklyn, New York 11229 Analytical Chemist. M.S. 1967. Thesis research in the furnace atomic absorption technique. Some background also in microbiology. Six years university teaching experience. Will relocate. Available immediately. Box 402-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Chemist/Manager: M.S. Problem solver. Extensive experience, ultratrace to matrix. Familiar classical, absorptiometry, A. A. (flame, flameless), emission spectrography, G.L.C., mass spectrometry, XRF, thermoanalysis, S.E.M., metallography. Methods development. Publications. Current A.I.C. accreditation. Effective communicator. Laboratory design, setup. O.S.H.A. safety management. Box 403-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 M.S. with extensive Analytical and Organic Chemistry experience, specialized in medium & high resolution Mass Spectrometry and with a Record of Invention. Write: 801 Henry Clay Ave., Apt. 200, New Orleans, La. 70118 Biochemist: Ph.D. 1970. Experience in all facets of protein chemistry. Recent work on role of trace metals in lymphocyte transformation. Teaching experience' (lecture and lab), plus publications. Desire academic position primarily but will consider industrial as well. Box 405-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Biophysical chemist/Biochemist: Ph.D. 1958. Experienced in nucleic acid and protein chemistry. Studies include effect of carcinogens on DNA. Extensive use of analytical ultracentrifugation. Some teaching experience. Desires academic, industrial, or government position with research in eastern metropolitan area. Box 406-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Chemist: Chemical Engineer with B.S. in Ch.E: M.S. Science. Seven years experience in Community College. Have taught General, Analytical, and Organic Chemistry. Two years experience of crude oil evaluation in petroleum industry. Will consider any industry for employment. Box 407-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 R&D Manager, Innovative Ph.D. ChE. Chemical Engineer. Successfully commercialized new processes and products. Eleven years supervisory experience: specialty chemicals, fuels, lubricants, catalyst development, refining processes, petrochemicals, polymers and pollution control. Over seventy patents/publications. Desires R&D management position with progressive company. Box 408-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1967. Industrial experience with synthesis of heterocyclic, organometallic, optically active and liquid crystalline materials. Broad knowledge of most analytical tools and techniques. Seeks industrial position. Available immediately, Box 409-D8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Synthetic Organic Chemist. Anxious to become a contributing member of an industrial research team. Postdoctoral experience in potential carcinostatic agents. Background in organometallic, heterocyclic, sulfur-nitrogen chemistry and modern instrumentation. Publi-

Sept. 3, 1973 C&EN


cations. Ph.D. 1971. Available immediately. Prefer Eastern U.S. R. A. Jourdenais, 215 E Court, University Village, Fargo, North Dakota 58102. (701) 237-8282. Synthetic Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1966. Highly motivated, commercially oriented individual with proven track record. Seven years experience in product and process development. Adept at basic and applied research, yield and cost optimization 'studies and pilot plant and plant supervision. Strong instrumentation background. Publications. Box 412-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Ambitious Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1971. Two years post-doctoral experience. Extensive work in sulfur and nitrogen heterocyclic synthesis. Good working knowledge of UV, MS, IR, NMR, GC. Seeks position in industrial R&D, pharmaceutics. Box 410-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Ph.D. Physical Chemist: Expert in catalysis, adsorption, air pollution abatement, kinetics, thermodynamics. 20 publications and chapters. Past Chairman of Gordon Conference on Catalysis. Desires research or teaching position. A. Wheeler, r5 Bella Vista Terrace, Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024

chemical specialties, and thermal analysis. Please state your needs in first letter. Available shortly. Salary negotiable. Will relocate. Box 424-D-8, ACS, 1155& 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organometallic Chemist: Ph.D. 1969. Three years postdoctoral work. Studies involving homogeneous catalytic organometallic processes. Extensive research experience in the fields of main group and transition metal organometallic chemistry. The hydride (transition metal as well as main group hydrides), fluorine and fluorocarbon chemistry. NMR studies involving inorganic stereochemistry. Publications. Seeks iindustrial or academic position. Box 425-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 ' IPharmaceutical Regulatory Scientist—Ph.D.: Formerly IFood & Drug Coordinator, pharmaceutical manufactur