Jan 20, 1975 - ACS members unemployed or those under notice of unemployment should send their announcement to Mrs. Audra Rafter, Employment Aids ...
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EMPLOYMENT ADS INFORMATION ACS members who are UNEMPLOYED or are under notice of involuntary unemployment within 60 days are allowed one free nondisplay situation-wanted classification advertisement per issue for a period of six weeks; subsequent ads will be inserted every two weeks. The advertiser must state circumstances with name of company where last employed and date of termination. Each ad may not exceed 50 words (45 words plus fiveword box address or advertiser's name and address). Excess words charged at 25 cents per word per insertion. After six ads have run, the member may restart the ad by rewriting and resubmitting it restating the circumstances of his unemployment status. ACS members unemployed or those under notice of unemployment should send their announcement to Mrs. Audra Rafter, Employment Aids Office, Department of Membership Activities, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. RETIRED ACS members are allowed three nondisplay ads in a calendar year if the conditions already stated are followed. Situations-wanted ads for part-time, freelance, or consulting work are excluded from this service to unemployed members. However, retired members may advertise for full- or part-time positions or consult-

ing work. Additional insertions after the free ones may be made at 25 cents per word. Nondisplay insertions by EMPLOYED ACS members seeking full- or part-time positions or consulting work and all nondisplay insertions by Student Affiliates of the Society will be accepted at 25 cents per word for each insertion, no minimum charge. Requests for placement of situation-wanted ads must state ACS membership status, or whether the advertiser is retired (and 55 years of age or older) to ensure publication of the ad in the proper classification. Nonmembers are charged $1.30 per word, minimum charge $19.50. Ads submitted by employed members, student affiliates, and all nonmembers should be sent to Chemical and Engineering News, 50 West State St., Westport, Ct. 06880. In printing these ads, ACS assumes no obligation as to qualifications of prospective employees or responsibilities of employers, nor shall ACS obtain information concerning positions advertised nor of those seeking employment. Replies to announcements should carry copies of supporting documents, not original documents. Every reasonable effort will be made to prevent forwarding of advertising circulars. Employers who require applications on company forms should send duplicate copies. Engineering Opportunities NORTH EAST—MID ATLANTIC Specialists in placing ENGR's, CHEMISTS & MGRS since 1949. Our clients are in Chem -f Petroleum Mfg, Engr'g -f Const, Electronics, etc in the Boston to Wash. D.C. area. We handle positions up to $30Κ on a continuous basis. All are FEE PAID. Call (201) 3358700, or write : BRENTWOOD-ENG Div 1280 Rt 46, Parsippany, Ν J 07054 Affil Offices: Mass, Conn, NY, Pa, Del, Md

IMPORTANT NOTICE Various state laws against discrimination and the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, and séx (unless based on a bona fide occupational qualification). Help wanted and situations wanted advertisements on these pages are for readers' convenience and are not to be construed as instruments leading to unlawful discrimination.


Professional, Scientific, technical, executive place­ ments. Elizabeth T. Lyons, Placement Service, 10-J, 1050 George St., New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901, (201) 249-6307.

The following statement is printed at the request of the Council Committees on Membership Affairs and on Professional Relations, with the approval of the Council.

Chemists and Chemical Engineers ONLY—our 25th year of Ethical, Professional, Confidential placement of Chemists and Chemical Engineers ONLY at all levels (BS, MS, Ph.D.) and function. All fees and expenses paid by our client companies. Send your resume to S. Goodman, M.S., Suite 1716, care of Selective Place­ ment for Chemists and Chemical Engineers ONLY, 744 Broad Street, Newark, N.J. 07102

An employer has an ethical responsibility to reply to each candidate who answers his advertisement in CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS. Furthermore, employers who reply to prospective employees advertisements should provide a reasonable statement of the nature of the position available.




We have been placing graduate



in FEE-PAID positions THROUGHOUT THE U.S. sine· | 1959. Ovtr 1,000 client companiw. Wt art irttfMt» . MgiiiMrs working fall-tin»· for yotj. Smu rattm· ant | Miary historytodayor rtqutst confidential «Wticatttii



Suitt F. 1518 Walnut St., Phils., Pa. 19102 I AN EKH-OYHKNT ACCNCY FOR ALL TECHNICAL FIELDS " Engineers Career Kit. Expert tips on resume preparation, interview, techniques, and salary negotiations from the Southeast's largest technical recruiter. For details, write CONTINENTAL CONSULTANTS, P.O. Box 5675, Columbia, S.C. 29250

Growth opportunity for highly moti­ vated, degreed Chemist or Chemical Engineer in R & D group of multi-divi­ sional corporation in Scranton, Penn­ sylvania area. Minimum 5 years' exper­ ience in rubber compounding or quality control are required. Potential for fu­ ture technical management is highly desirable. Please send resume and salary requirements to: Don C. Oblazney, Industrial Relations Manager. R. M. Roll Products Co. a division of Raybestos-Manhattan, P.O. Box 157CEN Clarks Summit, Pa. 18411

ACS expects each user of this section to consider himself morally obligated to acknowledge all replies to his advertisement. RATES Display advertisements $122 per column inch (space unlimited). Lower rates on contract basis. Minimum display space, one inch, with inch units thereafter. Agency commission and cash discount allowed on display ads only. Standard setting $1.30 a word, minimum charge $19.50 each. Include five words for box address. Advertisements from outside the U.S. should be accompanied by information stating the New York bank which will issue a bank draft in U.S. funds. The advertisement will be run on the nearest publication date following receipt of the bank draft. SEND advertisements with remittance to CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS, 50 West State St., Westport, Ct. 06880, to reach there no later than the deadline of 9 A.M. on Friday, 17 days preceding the date of publication.

SR. CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Positions available for Senior Process Engineers in SRI s Process Economics and Process Evaluation programs. Assign­ ments include studies measuring impact of energy crisis and environmental regula­ tions, project feasibility, technological forecasting and technical economic evalua­ tion of processes. Candidates must be capable of carrying out preliminary process designs independently, Experience required in petrochemicals, petro­ leum refining, inorganics, plastics or waste treatment. Ideally located on the San Francisco Peninsula, SRI is a worldwide organiza­ tion that performs research under contract to business, industry and government. We offer exceptional opportunities for professional growth, excellent working conditions, and a comprehensive benefits program including competitive salaries. Interested applicants are invited to submit resumes to Ms. H. N. Wherry, SRI, 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park, C A 94025. A n equal opportunity employer.

An equal opportunity employer

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY EMPLOYMENT CLEARING HOUSE The Employment Clearing House is a year-round con­ tact medium for ACS members and student affiliates seeking employment in the profession of chemistry and for employers seeking qualified personnel. CANDIDATES FOR EMPLOYMENT. Any ACS mem­ ber or student affiliate may use the service at no charge. Application forms are available on request, and the information supplied on training, experience, and education will be placed on file in a data storage and retrieval system. This information will then be

immediately available, on a nonconfidential basis, to potential employers in search of scientific per­ sonnel. Members or student affiliates who desire applica­ tion forms should write to the address below. EMPLOYERS. Any employer seeking qualified sci­ entific personnel may request a search of the file of candidates by telephone (202-872-4528) or by writing to the address below. After specification of position requirements, a search of the complete

file of candidate records will be conducted. Copies of resumes of those who meet the specifications will be supplied at a cost of 50 cents each. There is a basic fee of $10 as of Jan. 7, 1974, for each search conducted. (This fee will be waived if there are no suitable candidates on file.) Further contact with candidates of interest is the responsibility of the em­ ployer. The Society requires that users make no placement charge against applicants. Additional information on the service, including the data stor­ age and retrieval system, is available on request.

American Chemical Society

For application forms, position description forms, and further details please write:


C&EN Jan. 20, 1975

1155 — 1 6 t h St.. N.W. W a s h i n g t o n . D.C. 20036 Attn: Employment Aids Office

engineers & scientists

looking for professional and personal growth? BASF Wyandotte Corporation offers you both. We are an American member of the BASF Group, a worldwide leader in chemicals with 300 subsidiaries and affiliates. BASF Wyandotte has doubled its sales in the past five years to nearly $500 million annually. Our scope is wide: we develop, produce, and market industrial chemicals, organic intermediates, dyestuffs, crop p r o t e c t i o n chemicals, foam chemicals, and chemical specialties for a multitude of industries. To sustain our growth and meet the challenges of the future, we are seeking engineers and scientists with the capacity to grow and develop with us. We now have selected openings at our Michigan and Louisiana locations for engineers and scientists with background and experience in the chemical or petrochemical industries as follows: SR. CHEMICAL PROJECT ENGINEERS (Michigan) — B.S.Ch.E. or M.E. with minimum of six years experience in chemical or petrochemical industry. CHEMICAL CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR (Louisiana) — B.S. degree and minimum of three years estimating experience in chemical or petrochemical industry.

SR. PROCESS ENGINEERS (Michigan & Louisiana) — B.S.Ch.E. with five years process design background in petrochemical industry. SENIOR MAINTENANCE ENGINEER/ELECTRICAL (Louisiana) — B.S.E.E. and five or more years petrochemical experience. Responsibilities will include plant troubleshooting of electrical problems, preventive maintenance, design and power distribution. SR. I N S T R U M E N T ENGINEER (Michigan & Louisiana) — B.S.Ch.E., M.E. or E.E. with five to ten years experience in pneumatic-electronic control. SR. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (Michigan) — B.S.E.E. with six to ten years experience in power, project design or maintenance engineering. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER (Michigan) — B.S.I.E. or Ch.E. with MBA preferred. Should have from one to five years of project experience including work in methods and standards, analytical problem solving and/or business systems development. SR. RESEARCH STAFF MEMBERS (Michigan) — Ph.D. or M.S. in chemistry or chemical engineering with minimum of five years experience. Positions are in Corporate Research & Development group with specific

requirements in the following areas: • Urethane Applications — will emphasize development of new raw materials, urethane foams, and new elastomer formulations to meet market requirements. Previous experience in direct customer contact preferred. • Organic R & D — Supervisory and applications assignments in areas of surfactants such as agricultural chemicals, cosmetics, petroleum and detergents. We have an excellent salary program, liberal benefits and a variety of development programs for your professional advancement. Relocation expenses will be paid. For prompt and confidential consideration, please forward resume, including salary history and requirements. Responses should specify position of interest and be directed to our regional representative at location of position opening. In Michigan: T. G. Davenport BASF Wyandotte Corporation Wyandotte, Michigan 48192 In Louisiana: G. R. Zollmann BASF Wyandotte Corporation P.O. Box 14731 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 An Affirmative Action Employer M/F

Jan. 20, 1975 C&EN




PhD, M S or BS Analytical Chemist oriented toward problem solving in chemical analysis. Some instrumental background desirable.

A n o u t s t a n d i n g g r o w t h has c r e a t e d an i m m e d i a t e need for a n u m b e r of e x p e r i e n c e d c h e m i s t s . These posit i o n s offer excellent a d v a n c e m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s for a m b i t i o u s people. We n e e d : Ph.D. Organic C h e m i s t swith s t r o n g polymer b a c k g r o u n d a n d t w o to five years experience. C h e m i s t s w i t h experience in corrosion i n h i b i t o r s , m e t a l w o r k i n g c o m p o u n d s a n d roll oils. C h e m i s t s w i t h experience in paper m a n u f a c t u r e a n d paper c o a t i n g technology. T h e people we seek m u s t be creative a n d c a p a b l e of carrying projects t h r o u g h all phases of develo p m e n t , i n c l u d i n g close c o n t a c t with the market. Administrative ability r e q u i r e d . Our excellent b e n e f i t program i n c l u d e s profit sharing. Send r e s u m e t o :

Please submit resume of academic training and professional experience to: A. J. ROBICHAUX

Box No. 54-C-l, ACS. 1155 16th St. NW., W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. 20036. A n Equal O p p o r t u n i t y Employer

The A n a l y t i c a l and instrumentation Services section of Ethyl's Research and Development laboratories at Baton Rouge has stimulating & rewarding opportunities for professionals w i t h the f o l l o w i n g qualifications:

PhD or equivalent with 3 to 10 years active experience in X-ray Flourescence Spectroscopic analysis of ores, minerals, and metals.

PhD Analytical Chemist with sound organic background. Must have working knowledge of absorption spectroscopy—IR, U V , N M R — and/or chromatography, particularly GLC. Should be oriented toward problem solving yet willing to handle routine workload.



P.O. Box 341, Baton Rouge, La. 70821

B.S. or M.S. degree with major in chemistry and minor in geology. Experience in the phosphate minerals industry highly desirable. The individual hired will be involved in laboratory and smallscale field studies relating to phosphate minerals characterization, mining and beneficiation, plus other fertilizer-related development projects. The opening exists at the Atlanta Technical Center of USS Agri-Chemicals, a division of United States Steel Corporation. Send resume, including salary history, in confidence to:

An Equal Opportunity



SPECIALTY ORGANIC PRODUCTS Ferro Corporation, a Fortune 500 company, provides an excellent opportunity for a chemical engineer with five or more years of industrial experience and background in the following: •Organic chemical process development • Plant design and start up •Organic halogination processes •Economic evaluations The initial position is in the Organic Research function of our Corporate Research Division. The long-range possibilities include involvement with the Chemical Division operations, pilot plant operations, or continued responsibility within the Research Division. A successful candidate will have at least a BSCHE and be capable of accepting and effectively discharging responsibility and supervise others. Send complete resume and salary requirements to:


James L. Dever Manager Organic Research 7050 Krick Road Bedford, Ohio 44146

An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F

Technical Director, Veteran technical director to plan, organize, and direct the R&D work of 9 lab personnel in adhesive resin production and application. Need mature individual with experience in urethanes, silicates, epoxys, phenolics, furanes, etc. Person sought should have an advanced degree in chemistry with polymeric specialization, preferably Ph.D. and functioning as a lab director. Salary open. Reply to: Box 14-C-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D C . 20036


C&EN Jan. 20, 1975

Postdoctoral position available in a clinical research and development laboratory. This is an industrial product development position, but some emphasis will be placed on basic research. Recent experience in enzymology and protein chemistry is essential. Send inquiries to Carol S. Wilson, Department of Biochemical Development, Smith Kline Instruments, Inc., 880 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, California, 94086. We are an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer.

Mr. R. C. Cannon Manager, Chemical Development USS A G R I - C H E M I C A L S Atlanta Technical Center 685 DeKalb Industrial Way Decatur, Georgia 30033 An Equal Opportunity Employer m/f

Product Manager for Fluorescence & Raman Spectrophotometers. Involving applications of Fluorescence and Raman technology, this position will stimulate and challenge a wide range of talents in analytical, organic, and bio-chemistry. A hands-on ability with minicomputer assembly language is essential. A working knowledge of electronic, mechanical, and optical design will be helpful with long-term responsibilities for systems improvement and updating. Our company is small (75 employees total) but renowned worldwide for quality instrumentation. Our salaries and benefits are competitive. We offer here not a rut to fall into but steppingstones requiring creativity to negotiate. Constructive achievement should be your natural inclination if your goals and ours are to "Jit." SPEX INDUSTRIES, INC., Attn: Harriet Mitteldorf, Box 798, Metuchen, N.J. 08840; (201) 549-7144. Xidex Corporation is a young dynamic company manufacturing diazo and vesicular MICROFILM. Current sales are at the $12MM per annum level with a growth rate of about 80% anticipated over the next year. We are looking for a POLYMER CHEMIST with about five years experience in vinyl polymerization techniques and in scale-up from bench to semi-works to join our R&D effort in developing new products. Experience with photopolymerization is desirable but not essential. Degree level and salary are open. Xidex is located less then one hour from San Francisco and from the Monterey Bay. Please send resume and salary requirements to Dr. James Cope, Director of Research, Xidex Corporation, 305 Soquel Way, Sunnyvale, California 94086

Environmental Chemist: Ph.D. with experience related to water quality testing and standards pertaining to water pollution control. Immediate opening. Send resume, graduate transcript, and two letters of recommendation to: Dr. Richard Brown, Chairman, Department of Water Sciences, Jack McCormick & Associates, Inc., 860 Waterloo Road, Devon, Pa. 19333 (215-687-9130).

Graduate Teaching Assistantships of $4200 Plus Tuition for M.S. and Ph.D. candidates in analytical, inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, and interdisciplinary work on medicinal and environmental problems. Excellent instrumentation, library, and other research facilities. For information contact: Dr. D. J. Wilson, Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37235. An Equal Opportunity Employer.

Coal Conversion. $20-30,000. Gasification, Liquification. New well financed department, major company. Northeast and Southwest. Engineers Log (recruiters), Box 252 Latham NY 12110

Assistantships for M.S. and Ph.D. candidates in Biochemistry are available for June or August. Up to $5,200 yearly. Apply to: Director of Admissions, Dept. of Biochemistry, 105 Schweitzer Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. 65201

Pigment Chemist with thorough knowledge of Organic and Inorganic Pigments. Includes research, production, sales. Excellent opportunity toward management. Central Pennsylvania Location. Full resume to Box 38-B-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036


Postdoctoral Position. Synthesis of heteromacrocycles, related antibiotics, and specifically-labelled drugs. Send resume and two letters of reference to Professor George R. Newkome, Department of Chemistry, Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Columbia University—Faculty Position in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Department. Applications appropriate to full professorship preferred, but applications for assistant or associate professor levels considered. -Full graduate, undergraduate teaching program and strong program of research in chemical engineering and related interdisciplinary areas. Begin not later than September 1, 1975. For more information, reply with resume and 3 references before February 14, 1975, to Chairman, Search Committee, 360 Engineering Terrace, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027. Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Postdoctoral position in peptide synthesis and conformation studies available now. Send resume to Prof. Kenneth Kopple, Department of Chemistry, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois 60616 Assistant Professor of Clinical Chemistry/Biochemistry. Applications are invited for a faculty position in Clinical Chemistry/Biochemistry, the appointment to be effective July 1, 1975. Duties will include teaching clinical biochemistry. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. with some post-doctoral or equivalent experience and should have a strong interest in research. Send resume and references to Dr. W.D. Chandler, Head, Department of Chemistry, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4S 0A2, Canada.

Each year thousands of our readers list their professional qualifications in C&EN's classified pages. Through these listings job applicants reach companies that need their abilities. Many companies, though, tell us they never receive an acknowledgment of their inquiries Answer all inquiries. Ignoring replies to your ads is a discourtesy to the company and to other applicants. Help C&EN uphold its obligation to readers and advertisers

Faculty Positions (3). Two fulltime instructorships are available to teach general and organic chemistry in the Fall 1975. Also available is an assistant professorship in organic chemistry. This is a three year appointment with primary responsibilities in the teaching of undergraduate organic courses. Applicants should send resumes to Professor R. R. Sauers, Chairman of the Faculty Recruitment Committee, School of Chemistry, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. 08903. Rutgers University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Graduate Research Assistantship for Ph.D. candidate to study the effects of interatomic forces on molecular packing in crystals. Competitive stipend covers two successive twelve month periods; additional support contingent on satisfactory progress. Preference will be given to applications received before 1 March 1975. Write: Dr. C. P. Brock, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 40506. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Mass Spectroscopist/Technician: permanent position, available immediately. Responsibilities include operation and maintenance of P-E/Hitachi RMU-6E low resolution and MAT 311 high resolution GC/MS spectrometers, and supervising the interfacing of latter to PDP11/45 computer for on-line operation. Qualifications: Ph.D. in chemistry or M.S. and work experience equivalent to Ph.D. level research in mass spectroscopy. Minimum two years operational experience beyond Ph.D. level with computerized instruments, with previous experience in interfacing required. Starting salary depends on qualifications. Apply before Feb. 5 to Prof. Ray L. McDonald, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, University of Hawaii, 2545 The Mall, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Postdoctoral Position available in purification and chemical study of dinoflagellate toxins. Send resume and references to Dr. Yuzuru Shimizu, Department of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island 02881. An equal opportnity/affirmative action employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.

ACADEMIC POSITIONS Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Massachusetts—Research fellowships up to $4,500 are available for September, 1975, for students interested in obtaining an advanced degree in synthesis and characterization of polymers, physical chemistry of synthetic and biopolymers, as well as morphology and solid state properties of high polymers and polymer processing. Applications for qualified students should be addressed to: Dr. Otto Vogl, Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. 01002. An equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.

Assistant Professor, Inorganic Chemistry. Fall 1975. Applications are invited from Ph.D. Chemists having research interests in one or more of the following areas: modern coordination chemistry, synthetic organo-metallic chemistry, x-ray crystallography, electron spectroscopy. Teaching duties will include participation in general chemistry and undergraduate and graduate inorganic chemistry. Development of a vigorous research program able to obtain external support and potential for teaching excellence are required. Postdoctoral experience strongly preferred. Submit resume, curriculum vitae, outline of re$earch proposed and three letters of rrecommendation by February 15, 1975 to Dr. Thomas B. Brill, Department of Chemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19711. The University of Delaware is an equal opportunity and an affirmative action employer. Teaching and Research Assistantships available for work toward Ph.D. or M.S. degree in all areas of Chemistry including Biochemistry. Initial stipends $3,0003,200 with advancement to $3,800 possible. Write:

Admissions Committee, Department of Chemistry, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Illinois Institute of Technology. The Chemistry Department is seeking applications for three faculty positions beginning September, 1975, in the areas of analytical, experimental physical, and biophysical (or bioorganic) chemistry. Appts at Asst. Prof, level is anticipated; however, applicants with outstanding records of accomplishment and promise for continued growth may be considered for higher rank. Candidates must be committed to both creative research and stimulating teaching. Applicants should send a resume with publication list, a brief outline of research plans, and the names of three references to R. Filler, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois 60616. I.I.T. is an equal opportunity employer, actively seeking applications from women and members of minority groups. M.S., Ph.D. Candidates. Modern, active department seeks qualified applicants for Teaching Assistantships ($3,760./9 months). All areas of Chemistry. Apply: Chemistry Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Duke University will add an Assistant Professor Fall 1975 for undergraduate biochemistry instruction and research with undergraduates and graduates in a biochemical area. Ph.D. in Biochemistry or Chemistry; field of specialization open. Postdoctoral experience required. Contact Dr. L. D. Quin, Department of Chemistry, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706. Chemical Oceanographer—The University of Michigan announces a faculty opening for a Chemical Oceanographer at the Assistant Professor Level. A Ph.D. in oceanography or an allied field is required, and a specialization in the physical or inorganic chemistry of sea water is desired. Responsibilities include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses and developing a research program in area of specialty. Interested persons should submit resumes and the names of three references to Dr. Philip A. Meyers, Chairman, Chemical Oceanography Search Committee, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic, Science, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. The University of Michigan is a Nondiscriminatory Affirmative Action Employer Teaching assistantships available starting September, 1975, for M.S. and Ph.D. students in Chemistry. Write Dr. J.E. Cahill, Department of Chemistry, Drexel University, Phila., PA. 19104 University of Wisconsin-Madison. Scientific Glassblower—Applications are invited from scientific glassblowers who have experience in the fabrication of research glass apparatus for chemical applications. The University of Wisconsin is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and welcomes applications from women and minority candidates. Applications, including resume and three references, should be sent to Dr. D. F. Gaines, Department of Chemistry, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1101 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Postdoctoral Position. 1) Bioorganic, Enzyme kinetics and active sites, 2) Physical Organic, Photochemistry. Send resume and two letters of recommendation to S.G. Cohen, Chemistry Dept., Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. 02154. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Postdoctoral Position: available immediately, a radiochemist or chemical engineer with nuclear background and interested in diffusion of transuranium elements in soil. Salary negotiable. Send resume to Dr. J. C. Sheppard, Department of Chemical Engineering, Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA 99163. An Equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Postdoctoral Position: To carry out research in protein modification reactions, protein-polymer conjugates and magnetic resonance studies of proteins. Experience in physical methods for characterizing polymeric molecules and/or magnetic resonance spectroscopy an asset. Send resume and two letters of recommendation to: J. T. Gerig, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Postdoctoral position available immediately for synthesis of novel heterocycles. Experience in high vacuum techniques and handling of reactive intermediates desirable. Salary $8,000-8,500. Send resume and references to Professor M. M. Joullie, Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 19174 Teaching Assistantships for M.S., CHEMISTRY, September, 1975, Competitive Stipends, 9 months. Excellent facilities and many opportunities for individual attention. Contact: Dr. A. Silveira, Chairman, State University of New York, College at Oswego, Oswego, New York 13126 Faculty Position: Applications are invited for an Assistant Professor position in either the Inorganic or the Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Divisions beginning September 1, 1975. Demonstrated research potential and a strong interest in teaching are essential. A detailed curriculum vitae, list of publications, a statement of research interests and at least two letters of recommendation should be sent to Dr. L. E. St-Pierre, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, McGill University, P.O. Box 6070, Station A, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 3G1 by February 15, 1975.

Jan. 20, 1975 C&EN


Faculty Positions (3)—September 1975. Ph.D. Organic Chemist to teach undergraduate organic and introductory chemistry. Additional Organic Chemist—1 year appointment—to teach same. Ph.D. Biochemist to teach introductory and upper level biochemistry. All salaries competitive. Send resume to Dr. J.B. McKay, Chairman Department of Chemistry, Edinboro State College, Edinboro, PA 16444. ESC is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Polymer Scientist or Engineer. A non-tenured faculty position at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, has been made available. Applications are welcome from candidates who are qualified for teaching at the assistant professor level or higher and whose research interests lie in the area of polymer chemistry, physics, or engineering. Applicants must have a documentable record of research accomplishment. Prospective applicants should submit their resumes to Professor Roger S. Porter, Head, Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, 01002. We are an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Faculty Positions: Openings in the Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering in the area of EnvironmentalWater Resources Engineering effective September, 1975. Ph.D. or equivalent required; duties include teaching/research. Position 1: Training or experience in engineering or applied mathematics. Academic and/or research experience in one or more of the following areas: Aquatic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Geochemistry, Limnology or Ocean Chemistry. Position 2: Academic and/or research experience in Environmental-Water Resources Engineering with strength in either Microbiology or Aquatic Biology. Positions may be filled at the senior or junior level. Preliminary inquiries should be addressed to: Dr. Chaires Fairhurst, Head, Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 and include resume of academic preparation and professional experience. Final deadline date is may 1, 1975. The University of'Minnesota is an equal opportunity and an afirmative action employer. Faculty Openings—Fall 1975—Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology The following openings exist at the Assistant Professor level: 1) Materials Processing: Specializing in technical and economic aspects of producing, compounding, refining and shaping of materials, leading to properties and functions that make materials useful to society. Specialization in some aspect or aspects of field expected, and breadth of interest within field required. 2) Materials Systems Engineering: Position comprises research and teaching in the field of complex systems as applied to materials processing, materials utilization, and/or materials conservation. Specialization in some aspect, or aspects, of engineering systems expected (not necessarily in materials), and a breadth of interest to include field of materials required. 3) Ceramics: To teach and conduct research related to electrical ceramics, especially the application of dielectric, optical, and magnetic properties to energy-related materials problems. Require candidates who not only understand theoretical modeling of electronic structure and properties of solids, but who are primarily interested in actively pursuing development and engineering of improved ceramics. 4) High Temperature Chemistry: Candidates should have background in applied high-temperature physical chemistry. Position requires undergraduate and graduate teaching and research in the physical chemistry of materials processing and related process analysis. To apply, send a curriculum vitae, including names of three references, a list of publications and a description of future research plans to Professor Walter S. Owen, Head, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Room 8307, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139. MIT is an equal opportunity and an affirmative action employer. Applications from women and minorities are encouraged. Postdoctoral position, available immediately. Physical or organic chemist for natural-abundance N-15 and related FT-nmr studies. Experience with nmr desirable, not essential. Salary $9600 plus fringe benefits. Resume and 2-3 references to Dr. Robert Lichter, Department of Chemistry, Hunter College, New York, N.Y. 10021. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Graduate Assistantships for study in the beautiful Hawaiian Islands, America's 50th State. Full complement of latest research instrumentation. Doctoral research in analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry with specialization in geochemistry, marine natural products, molecular spectroscopy, crystallography, electrochemistry and photochemistry. Apply before March 1, Graduate Selection Committee, Department of Chemistry, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Inorganic Postdoctoral Position available immediately to study photochemistry of metal complexes. D. D. Davis, Department of Chemistry, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003. An Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. Progressive Chemistry Department in metropolitan State University offers Graduate Assistantships leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in all areas of Chemistry. Stipends to $4000/9 months, summer support available. For information contact: Chairman, Graduate Admissions Committee, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 43606 Graduate Teaching and Research Assistantships for 1975-76—Excellent facilities with vigorous M.S. degree program in environmental, polymer, analytical, inorganic, organic, physical chemistry and interdisciplinary


C&EN Jan. 20, 1975

areas. Stipends begin at $330/mo. plus most fees. Write Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio 45431. An equal opportunity employer. Postdoctoral Position: Nucleoside and heterocyclic chemistry. Salary range $9,000-10,000 per year. Send resume and two letters of reference to Dr. M. Bobek, Departmento of Experimental Therapeutics, Roswell Park Memorial Institute, 666 Elm Street, Buffalo, N.Y.14203 Teaching and research assistantships available to qualified candidates for the M.S. and Ph.D. in all areas of Chemistry. Excellent research facilities in wellequipped department. Fellowships also available. Stipends range from $3500-4200 plus tuition scholarships. Write: Chairman, Graduate Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Alabama, University, Alabama 35486. USA. The University of Alabama is an equal opportunity employer. Assistant Professorship beginning Fall, 1975. Applicant must have sound theoretical background and experience in high resolution NMR and its application to organic or biochemical problems. Teaching duties may include graduate and undergraduate courses in organic or biochemistry, and general chemistry. Send resume, three letters of recommendation, and description of proposed research to: Dr. Therald Moeller, Chairman, Chemistry Department, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281. Application deadline March 1, 1975. Affirmative Action Employer. Postdoctoral position. Individual with expertise in preparative organometallic chemistry needed as member of a group conducting crystallographic studies on covalent metal hydrides. No prior crystallographic experience is necessary, but familiarity with air-sensitive systems is expected. Starting date is flexible but preference will be given to persons able to start as soon as possible. Send resume and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Robert Bau, Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. 90007 Postdoctoral Position. Synthesis and testing of new adrenergic agents. Position available immediately for 12 mo. at approximately $10,500, depending on background. Send resume including research experience to Dr. James W. Ayres, School of Pharmacy, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331. An equal opportunity employer.

SITUATIONS WANTED (ACS Members) NOTICE TO MEMBERS SEEKING EMPLOYMENT The Council Committees on Membership Affairs and on Professional Relations with the approval of the Council have issued the following statement: "A member who advertises in the Situations Wanted Section of CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS has an ethical responsibility to reply to each employer who responds to the member's advertisement

Analytical Chemist: M.S., October 1974. Experienced in quantitative and qualitative gas chromatographic analysis. Seeks Analytical R&D or quality control work. Resume available. Location open. Box 401D-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Chemist—former teacher seeking entry level position as Analytical Chemist B.S. in chemistry 1972—strong math background. One year experience in rheology. Familiar with most analytical techniques. Salary $11,000. Will relocate. Phone (201) 224-8777, Walter Levy, 528 Undercliff Ave., Edgewater, N.J. 07020 Biochemist, Ph.D. (Canada) 6 years research experience in steroid hormones quantitation, identification and metabolism. Strong background in instrumentation, tracer techniques, botany, zoology, food and agriculture. Seeking any research/teaching position. Will relocate. Box 403-D-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington,'D.C. 20036 Chemical Engineer: B.S., Chem. & B.S., Ch.E. 9 Yrs. project/process and production exp. supervisory and management exp. Good at quality control and plant start up. Box 405-D-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemical Engineer, M.Sc, 26 years experience in process supervision and problem solution, pilot plant operation, process and product research and development and chemical process design and engineering, seeks responsible position in process design, operation or development. Will relocate anywhere in U.S. and Canada. Salary open. References available upon request. John B. Harshman, 1525 Devon St., Ypsilanti, Mi. 48197, (313) 484-0413.

Organic Chemist: M.S. 1972. Research experience in organic synthesis and studies of charge-transfer complexes. 1+years experience in laboratory testing service for industrial discharge. Knowledgeable in AA, IR, UV, NMR, MS, GC and TLC. Interested in analytical, organic, pharmaceutical research or quality control work. Excellent Chinese. Available immediately. Will relocate. Sam Huang, 2310 40th Place, N.W., Washington, D.C.20007 Organic Chemist: Ph.D., 1974, seeking R&D position. General organic synthetic experience in the terpene and alkaloid area employing varied techniques. Also, background in natural product isolation and identification with extensive use of chromatography, IR, NMR, UV, MS, and ORD/CD. Will relocate. Available immediately. Box 409-D-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical Chemist: Ph.D. 1967. Experienced in product development, emulsion chemistry, encapsulation, analytical instrumentation, vapor analysis, with the methods for correlating physical and analytical data with sensory responses. Publications, Available, in good health, will relocate. Interested in technical sales, product development and acceptability and regulatory work. Box 410-D-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical Chemist: Ph.D. 1972. Postdoctoral in inorganic solid state ion exchange at high temp. Experience includes electroanalytical methods, DTA, TGA, UV & IR, electronics, X-ray diffraction, GC, vacuum technique, Fortran programing and glass blowing. Available immediately. Phone (614) 594-6097 or 593-6966. Sung P. Pack, J-10 Mill St. Apt., Athens, Ohio 45701 Academic Administration, Teaching, Research. Ph.D. with 4 years college teaching plus 30 years Anal. res. and admin, wishes to return to académie. Considered an expert in drug anal., control, regulatory affairs and instrumental methods. Many ideas for needed anal, res. Good administrator and understands young people. Box 414-D-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Wash:ngton, D.C. 20036 General/Administrative Management in smaller organization: Assistant-To-Senior Officer/New Venture Manager in larger organization. 15 years experience includes 8-Corporate Development; 4-Management Consulting; 3-Organizing new companies. Titles include Executive V.P., Treasurer & Director; and AssistantTo-The President. MBA Wharton, BA Williams. Box 417-D-11, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Phenolic Resin/Analytical Chemist: B.S. 1956 plus recent graduate studies. Experienced in phenolic resin chemistry, formulation thru production, analysis and characterization of polymer systems. Classical and instrumental analysis. Also, experienced in textile treatments and development of double-base and composite propellants. William F. Freese, 25 Clinton St., Clinton Hgts., Rensselaer, N.Y. 12144 Plastic Coatings Development Chemist: Ten years experience plastisols, solution, emulsion and hot melt coatings. Extensive experience coated fabrics—direct and transfer coated urethanes and vinyls. Laminated films. Embossing and finishing. Hot melt coatings and adhesives for packaging. R&D Laboratory Manager. George Hanneken, 133 Edge Lane, Willingboro, N.J. 08046 Technical Management. Ph.D. chemical engineer. Formerly Corporate Technical Director for major paper and film convertor with P/L responsibilities. Eighteen years experience in graphic arts, paper and film conversion, inks, adhesives, plastics, additives, pigment dispersion. Patents. Seeks responsible management position in NYC/NJ area. Box 420-D-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Biochemist/Protein Chemist, PhD Experienced. Instrumentation, all chromatography (including affinity), peptide mapping, radioisotopes, gradient ultracentrifugation, amino acid analyzer. Special aptitude for methods of separation. Designed elution device for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. 10 publications. Seeks position—Clinical/analytical/protein chemistry research—clinical lab services. Box 401-C-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Biochemist, Ph.D., graduating 1975. Available Jan. 1975. Research interest: metabolism of cells in tissue culture. Taught college level. Research experience: tissue culture, metabolism, protein isolation-purification, radioisotope methodology. Industrial or academic position. T. Leonard Swanson, 4305 Poppleton, Omaha, Neb. 68105 Organic Chemist: M.S. September 1974, thesis involved research and synthesis of heterocyclic organic chemicals of which some had medicinal value. Strong synthesis and spectroscopic background. Desire industrial position emphasizing organic synthesis. Prefer Northeastern states. Available immediately. Box 403-C-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1971. Two years postdoctoral. Research experience in carbohydrate and wood chemistry. Good polymer and analytical background. Seeking R&D or technical position in industries or medical institutes. Will relocate. Box 404-C-12, ACS. 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1971. Scholarships, Fellowships, Publications. Postdoctoral in NI H Artificial Heart Programme." Strong in synthesis and process

development of organic intermediates, polymeric mate­ rials, natural products isolation, structure determination, instrumentation, chromatography, wet analysis. Seeks industrial or academic position. Available immediately. Salary, location open. Bhaskar Samant, 721 Grove Avenue, Apt. Ε Raleigh, North Carolina 27606. (919) 828-1140. Organic Analytical Ph.D. 1964. Thoroughly cognizant concerning G.L.C., T.L.C., I.R., U.V., Emission Spec, A.A. and wet chemistry. Supervisory experience as Chief Toxicologist large metropolitan area, and aca­ demic research and public relations endeavors. Box 406-C-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Bio/Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1972. Experienced in or­ ganic synthesis, isolation and characterization. Two years postdoctoral research in natural product bio­ chemistry. Tissue culture, bioassay and teaching ex­ perience. Instrumentation IR, UV, NMR, CC, TLC, GLC, MS. Publications. Seeking active management or research position. Excellent references. Box 407C-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemical Sales, Northeastern states—Rubber and plastic chemicals, surfactants, dental chemicals, plasticizers. Degreed, experienced, excellent contacts, ma­ ture with a can-do attitude. Box 408-C-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 R&D/Marketing/Education: Ph.D. 1960. Biophysical chemistry, proteins. Applications Research, polymers, nonwovens, emulsions & dispersions. Product, Pro­ cess Development, biomedical products, sterilization. Marketing Analyst, new products. College and Sec­ ondary teaching. Market Development, educational programs. Prefer Northeastern U.S.A. (914) 6236806. Box 409-C-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Wash­ ington, D.C.20036 Stack Gas Chemist. Familiar with pitot tubes, particu­ lates, oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, hydrocarbon analy­ sis, and isokinetic sampling. Calif. APCD Source test­ ing experience and member of AS. B.S. plus eight years field experience in refineries and power plants. Ready, willing and able to climb. John Raleigh, 37 Washington St., Newburyport, Ma. 01950 Technical Manager—Proven ability in developing com­ mercially successful plastic and chemical products, in plant trouble-shooting and in devising and implementing cost reduction programs. Experience and skill in at­ tracting and directing qualified, creative people. Box 411-C-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Chemist: M.S. 1973. Greatest knowledge in areas of chromatography and spectroscopy with graduate research in gas chromatography. Work ex­ perience in pollutant analysis. Desire to work in instru­ mental analysis, R&D or routine analysis. Location open. No agencies. Box 400-B-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Chemist, Ph.D., experienced in trace analy­ ses, inorganic and organic instrumental and wet meth­ ods development. Broad industrial and academic background. Seeking position in industry or teaching. Will relocate, available immediately. Box 401-B-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Biochemist-Microbiologist: Ph.D. Woman. Fourteen years experience research institute, own grants-project management. Successfully tackled many diverse re­ search projects. Numberous publications. Broad background, demonstrated ability to adapt, learn and apply knowledge to new areas. Desires scientific/ administrative/editorial/teaching position in West. Principals only. Box 402-B-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Nutritional Biochemist, Food Technologist, Ph.D. 1956. Clinical nutrition and metabolic ward direction. Re­ search: lipids, antioxidants, hepatotoxins, aging, neurochemistry. Teaching and administrative experience, grants, numerous publications, symposia and book chapters, assoc. editor, Location open, no agencies please. Box 411-B-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Pharmaceutical Quality Control Director, Manufactur­ ing, Regulatory: B.S. Chemistry 26 years diversified experience all phases of pharmaceutical industry. Sci­ entific and Commercial expertise as consultant. Can contribute a broad perspective to a wide variety of tasks. Desire upper management staff position. Pre­ fer N.J. but relocatable. Salary open. Box 413-B-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Energy-Environmental-Radiation-Scientist: M.S. physi­ cal-chemistry. Ten years Director of Applied Research + Development. Patents-publications. Interdisciplin­ ary. Physical-chemical-analytical instrumentation. Photometric, nuclear-luminescence detection devices. Electroluminescence, phosphors, health physics, vacu­ um, catalysis, gas analysis and detection. Licensing, liaison and corrdination. Bio-physics. Abstractor. Box 409-A-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Enthusiastic Graduate: B.S. in Chemistry 1974. Inter­ est in water and wastewater chemistry. Seeks em­ ployment in this of related field. Prefers non-urban en­ vironment. J. P. O'Brien, 455 West Cook, Springfield, Illinois 62704. Telephone 217/528-2788 Epoxide Chemist: Ph.D. Organic 1972. Extensive re­ search experience in mono to tri-epoxy, di to tetrahydroxy stearic acids and esters. Epoxidized vegetable oils. Aliphatic, benzylic, vinylic apoxides and diepoxides. Epoxy resins, polyethers and polyacrylic acids. Two years of product development experience. Box 411-A-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Business Planning-Market Research: Experience in­ cludes: Manager of business planning •+• marketing research departments. Commercial development of new products/expansion of existing lines. Financial and capital investment analysis. Acquisition and di­ vestment planning and analysis. Technological fore­ casting and R + D commercial guidance. B.S., Ch.E., M.I.T.; M.B.A., N.Y.U. Box 420-A-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemist: B.S., China born and educated. Mandarin speaking. U.S. citizen, twenty years food industry ex­ perience in U.S. Desires to be negotiator or represen­ tative in China trade of foods, drugs, herbs, seeds, sap­ lings, fibers, fertilizers, chemicals, farm machinery in­ cluding trucks, oil drilling equipment. Box 421-A-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemical Engineer: Ph.D. 1971. Seeking senior level process evaluation, feasibility studies, technical ser­ vice. Eight years, diversified experience in process design feasibility studies, trouble shooting of refinery, petrochemical and coal gasification and processing with major oil co. E&C. Recent exposure to coal lique­ faction process design, development and data correla­ tion. Box 401-C-11, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Wash­ ington, D.C.20036 Ph.D.—Department Manager, 11 years-Exp. in Con­ sumer Product Testing and Quality Control. Foods, Drugs, Cosmetics, Toiletries. GMP audits, regulatory liaison, vendor relations, wet/instrumental analyses, USP, NF, AOAC, APHA. Toxicological, microbiologi­ cal, physical testing. Ad copy editing, claim substan­ tiation. Will relocate. Ligt Travel. Box 410-C-11, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Physical—Analytical Chemist: Ph.D. 1974. Seeks R&D position in industry or government. Research background in spectroscopy. Some polymer analysis experience. Publications. Available immediately. Location: open. Box 403-B-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington,nD.C. 20036

Technical Manager: Experience marketing and prod­ uct development innovator is searching for a company or division that needs a manager with creativity, logic, persistance and a successful history of sales and de­ velopment. Special competence in flexible packaging, protective coatings, adhesives, textiles and floor polish markets. Effective communicator. Box 412-C-11, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Physical Chemist Spectroscopist: Ph.D., high resolu­ tion infrared and visible spectroscopy, extensive spec­ troscopic computer calculations, energy conversion batteries. Teaching experience. Publications. Seek teaching, chemistry-computer programming "interface," or spectroscopy position. Available immediately. KAD, 2729 South Grove Street, Arlington, Va. 22202

Analytical Chemist, Ph.D. Graduate minors in inorganic chemistry and geology. Experience in handling of ra­ dioisotopes, trace metal analysis, high vacuum technol­ ogy, undergraduate teaching, and administrative work as Head of Chemistry Department. Seeks R&D or quality control position. Will relocate. Richard Fullerton, 717 N. Cedar Ave.. Hastings, Ne. 68901

Academic Position Wanted: 1970 Ph.D. Chemistry, seeks college teaching position for 1975. Two years, postdoc; 3 yrs college teaching experience, also re­ search/industrial. Publications. Box 405-B-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Graduate Chemist-Organic. Ph.D. 1970. Research in the synthesis of natural products, fine organics, anabolites. Versed in the use of various instrumental, chro­ matography, and analytical techniques. Seeks position of challenge in industry or government. Box 408-A-11, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Chemical Physicist: Ph.D. Post-doctoral and indus­ trial experience. Molecular beam studies of chemical reactions. Ion Surface interactions, spattering. Thin Film studies. Publications. Opportunity for research desired. Junior College OK. Prefer Northeast, in or near large city. Box 407-B-12, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemist: Broad industrial experience in analytical, process development and quality control. Recent ex­ perience in polycrystalline silicon manufacture. Previ­ ous employment in contract R&D in gels and emul­ sions, electrochemistry and water treatment. Patents. Seeking position in process development or control. Ken Posey, Jr., 208 Watson Drive, Allen, Texas 75002. Phone 214-727-3376.

Technical Administrator: An enthusiastic and effective leader in technical marketing, research, planning, ad­ ministration and personnel develpment seeks new op­ portunities as research manager or V.P. assistant. Ten years experience in several chemical fields available to solve your technical problems. 40; Ph.D. 1965 Stan­ ford, M.S. 1960 MIT. Box 410-A-11, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Chemist, M.S. 1968, plus three years of graduate school. Three years industrial experience. Good background in most areas of analytical chemis­ try, especially spectrophotometry (Vis, UV, IR), spectroflourometry, chromotography, (GC, TLC), NMR. Available immediately, will relocate. A. T. Weibel,

4622 15 Mile, Apt. 216, Sterling Heights, Mich. 48077. Phone: (313) 269-9628. Analytical Organic Chemist: Female. M.S. 2 years experience in studying chelation and chromogenic properties of new organic compounds for possible use as colorimetric reagents. Extensive use of spectropho­ tometry. Experience in organic synthesis. Position in research or quality control laboratory. Box 401-C-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Ph.D. Analytical Chemist: Wharton School certificate, credits toward M.S. in Env. Sci. Varied industrial and teaching experience. Familiar with wet and instrumen­ tal methods. Seeks analytical R&D or pollution control work at supervisory or bench level, or academic posi­ tion. Prefer Philadelphia area. Available immediately. Box 402-C-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Organic/Polymer Chemist: Ph.D., 10 years experience in industry. Extensive knowledge of polyurethane chemistry, formulating, processing, testing and applica­ tion. Knowledge of preparation and property effects of polyols used in polyurethane manufacture. Desire a position in research and development. Box 403-C-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic Synthesis and/or Analytical Chemist: B.S. 1962. Experienced in process development, synthesis of fine organics and biochemicals; dyes and intermedi­ ates. Experience in Q.C. and analysis of fine organics and biochemicals using GC, HPLC, TLC, UV tech­ niques. Box 404-C-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Innovative Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1974. Dissertation involved exploratory research resulting in the synthesis of new and potentially useful silicon heterocycles-silaoxetanes, silathietanes, and silapyrazolidines. Strong spectroscopic background. Desire industrial position with or without bench work. Jack Perman, 2026 Long Road Grand Island, New York 14072. Phone: (716) 773-7734. Physical/Inorganic Ph.D.: Extensive industrial R&D background, profitable process-product developments, varied responsibilities, publications, about 50 patents, awards. Catalyst, absorbents, active carbon, colloid/ surface chemistry, varied heavy metals, nuclear, rare earths, phosphates, fluorides. Will relocate. 3283 Chadbourne Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120. Phone (216) 751-1193. Polymer Chemist: M.S. Excellent diversified experi­ ence. Emulsion, suspension, mass polymerization. Vinyls; styrene; acrylates; polyolefins; copolymers. Compounding thermoplastics; latices; additives. Physical testing. Strong organic. Process develop­ ment, laboratory, pilot plant, plant. Patents. Produc­ tion Problems. Quality Control. Customer Service. Supervisory experience. Languages. Immediately available. Will relocate. No agencies please. Box 407-C-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemist (M.S.): Seeks position as Technical Liaison, Writer, Program Coordinator, or related position; experi­ ence in Physical, Analytical and Water Chemistry and related Instrumentation; Thorough, Efficient, Strong Written/Verbal Skills; Desire New England area; Salary no problem. No Agencies, please. Box 408-C-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Development Chemist-Manager. Enthusiastic, practi­ cal, problem solver and organizer. Product, profit ori­ ented. Inventive, innovative. Ph.D. Physical/Polymer Chemistry. Seven years managing broadly based tech­ nical development groups in paper, nonwovens. En­ trepreneurial experience. Patents, publications. Seeking challenging technical position, with or without management responsibility. Box 409-C-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washingtbn, D.C. 20036 Food Scientist—Ph.D. 1969. Eight years industrial ex­ perience with major food companies: R&D manage­ ment/planning, feasibility studies, product and process development, nutrition analysis, and quality assurance involving a variety of food products. Demonstrated ability as department head. Age 32. Seeking man­ agement, teaching, or consulting assignment in a pro­ gressive environment. Box 410-C-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Immunochemist: Ph.D. 1958. Radioimmunoassay, immunodiagnostic product development. Desires aca­ demic, clinical or industrial R&D position. Box 411-C1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Masters Plus with Honors: Chemistry-Radiation Biol­ ogy-Medical Science, 76 graduate hours with honors. Radioimmunoassays, radioisotopes, liquid scint., 250 kev GE Maxitron, autoradiography, dosimetry, tumor cell research, antimetabolites, thyroid, cataracts, For­ tran, French. GS 11, V..A. research. Desire manage­ ment or research with young group clinical, gov't, in­ dustry. North-South-Upper Mid West. 1613-74th Street. Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140. Phone (414) 657-3702. R&D Manager: Organic synthesis, Ph.D. Specialist in versatility. Sixteen years experience encompassing fine chemicals, medicinals, catalysis, monomers, pesti­ cides, isotopes, phenolics, natural products. Consis­ tently innovative, conception through pilot plant. Eco­ nomic evaluation, laboratory planning, supervision of R&D. Publications, patents, commercialized process. Box 413-C-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Jan. 20, 1975 C&EN


R&D Manager Toiletries/Cosmetics—19 years in do­ mestic and international product development. Crea­ tive, results oriented, good communicator, motivator of technical people. Liaison with marketing. Seeks re­ sponsible management position in NYC/NJ area. Phone (201) 384-1176. Box 414-C-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Techical Administrator: An enthusiastic and effective leader in technical marketing, research, planning, ad­ ministration and personnel development seeks new opportunitiesas research manager or technical executive. Ten years experience in several chemical fields avail­ able to solve your technical problems. 40; Ph.D. 1965 Stanford, M.S. 1960 M.I.T. Box 415-C-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Textile Finish Manager. Profit-minded approach to product development of specialties. Coordinate Devel­ opment/Marketing activities. Heavy in product formu­ lation, application and Technical Service. 24 years ex­ perience with all types of finishes and coatings for knit, woven and nonwoven fabrics. Box 416-C-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Chemist: Ph.D. 1975. Available Jan. 1975. Will relocate. Seeking industrial/governmental re­ search position. Graduate research in ion-exchange methods, radiochemistry, biochemistry. Broad back­ ground in analytical chemistry. Flexible and adaptable. Experienced in teaching, writing, directing research. Box 400-B-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Physical/Analytical Chemist, Ph.D. Seeks research or teaching position. Fifteen years diverse experience, electrochemistry, polymer solutions, membranes and dialysis, polymer pyrolysis, encapsulation, product sup­ port, FORTRAN. Publications. Donald D. Bump, 7020 Nocturne Rd., N., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068 Polymer Chemist, Ph.D. Polymer synthesis, formula­ tion, analysis, evaluation, -and processing. Plastics, silicones, and rubber. Packaging, coatings, and bio­ medical equipment. Teaching and supervisory experi­ ence, patents and publications. Seeking industrial, ac­ ademic, government or consulting position. Box 408B-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Polymers, Coatings, Adhesives: B.S., M.S.; Organicbased materials. Results and profit oriented. 20 years in R/D, formulating, material/process specifications and improvements, testing, property characterization; fundamentals applied to the practical; cost-cutting pro­ cesses; excellent communications with marketing, management, other tech groups. Immediate reloca­ tion. Dan Steiniger, 4108 Ashgrove, Wichita Falls, Texas 76309. (817) 692-5764. Chemical/Environmental Engineer: 12 years in plant production, research, and industrial waste control. 18 years water quality management and resource plan­ ning. 8 months international consulting in industrial waste and water quality management. Multistate PE registration. Acquainted with EPA, permits and ΝΕΡΑ. Available immediately. Box 332, Lakeside, Oregon 97449 Development Chemist: Coatings, ink, plastics, and lu­ bricants. Diversified experience in product' develop­ ment, quality control, and technical service. Location open. Will travel. Resume upon request. Box 414B-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Medicinal Chemist: Ph.D. 1974. Pharmacy graduate. Strong biochemistry background. Successful trouble­ shooting heterocyclic chemist. One year of industrial postdoctoral experience. Publications. Patents pend­ ing. Seeking industrial position. Will relocate. Avail­ able immediately. Box 415-B-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Plating Chemist: Strong B.A., 1973. 1 + years of di­ versified experience in plating analysis, wastewater and trace metal analysis. Extensive troubleshooting of plat­ ing-on-plastic cycle. Interested in returning to gradu­ ate school on a part time basis. Will relocate. John G. Dorsey, 1313 Lakeview Drive, Brownstown, Indiana 47220, (812) 358-4859. Plating Chemist: B.A. 1973. 8 months of diversified plating bath analysis, electroless Nickel, Copper, acid Nickel and Chrome. Experience in A.B.S. and polysulfone plastic. Interested in plating laboratory or plating foreman position. David K. McClary, 403 State Road 67, Vincennes, Indiana 47591. (812)882-9482. Production Manager: B.S. Chemistry. 16 years expe­ rience in fine organic chemicals, plastics, electro­ chemistry, explosives, sulfonated products, fatty acid derivatives, biphenyl and phenolic compounds and tex­ tile specialty chemicals. Responsibilities included pilot plant scale-up, process improvement, product develop­ ment, quality control engineering, technical sales and service, inventory control, production control, purchas­ ing, safety, plant maintenance and production manage­ ment. Robert O'Dell, Route 2, Box 463, Fort Mill, S.C. 29715, (803-547-6406). Pulp/Paper Engineer: Ch.E. with broad experience in instrumentation, process design, mill construction and operating supervision. Interest not limted to pulp/ paper project engineering. R. E. Dana, 2421 Blarney Stone Drive, Beloit, Wis. 53511 Technical service/bench: B.S. Chemistry 1971. Over two and one half years in pharmaceuticals and nutritionals, primarily as technical writer. Not concerned about specific area of chemical industry; only in finding stimulating and challenging employment. Ambitiously hard working. Immediately available. A.R. Wolf, 68


C&EN Jan. 20, 1975

Sheffield Court Mobile Manor RR 1, Chandler, Indiana 47610 Analytical Chemist: Graduate studies and advanced training in instrumental and wet techniques. Supervi­ sory experience. Liaison with R&D development, qual­ ity control and suppliers. Diversified experience in an­ alytical service. Specifications and methods develop­ ment in cosmetics, pharmaceutical, electrochemical and polymer industries. Seek position in NJ/NY area. Box 400-A-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036

erated mass spectrometers. Also routine nutrient anal­ yses, moderate electronics troubleshooter and glassblower. Vacuum techniques. M.S. 1970. Will relo­ cate. Edward W. Pough, 4315 N.E. 42nd St., Seattle, Wash. 98105. (206) 525-2606 Materials & Process Development Engineer, B.S.Ch.E., 30 years experience, last 20 with 3 firms. Knowledge of organic coatings, conductive coatings, self-lubricat­ ing bearing materials, dispersion processes. Cradleto-grave project responsibility. Available due to RIF; relocate. Salary requirement: high teens. Box 416A-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Analytical Chemist: M.S., over 25 years industrial ex­ perience. Group supervisor. Problem solving, meth­ ods development, for analysis of surfactants, emulsifiers, detergents, polyester resins and foods, employing IR, GC, TLC and other instrumental and wet methods. Desires research with emphasis on instrumental tech­ niques. Industrial/academic. Chicago area only. Box 401-A-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036

Product and Process Development—Chemical Engineer with 10 years diversified urethane experience with coatings, adhesives, foams, elastomers in both product and process areas. Performed technical service, cus­ tomer trial, process engineering work. Have experi­ ence in alkyd, acrylic, epoxy and vinyl systems, also. Box 417-A-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.w., Washington, D.C. 20036

Biochemist: Ph.D. Cancer biochemistry, nucleic acids, proteins, enzymes, drug mechanism research back­ ground. Publications. Supervisory and teaching expe­ rience. Techniques used include use of tissue culture, mammals, microbes, radioisotopes, and chromatogra­ phy. Seeking industrial, institute, or academic position. Box 402-A-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

R&D Manager: Organic/Polymer—Ph.D. plus twenty years diversified technical and managerial experience in exploratory and new product research. Rubber, antiozonants, antioxidants, latex, chemicals, surfactants, polyurethanes, tire adhesives, fibers, monomers, poly­ mers. Polymer modification, degradation mechanisms, flame retardancy. Creative, practical approaches to problem solving a specialty. Box 418-A-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Biochemist/Nutritional, Drug metabolism research/ Teaching. M.Sc. Biochemistry, August 1972. Five years research experience, two years teaching experi­ ence in foreign university. Seeks long term position. Prefer Academic-Research Institute, Industry. H. Zeidan, 7004 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, La. 70118 Chem. Engr M.S. 74. Fuel, Petroleum and Envir. back­ ground, little experience. SeeKs entry level position in Process Devel/Design or plant operation. Available immediately. Relocation open. Box 404-A-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemical Engineer: Ph.D., 1970. Research experi­ ence in reaction kinetics, coal liquefaction and cataly­ sis, cryogenics, mass spectrometry, fluid mechanics. Also specialized in combustion engineering and fuel economy, physical chemistry. Publications. Perma­ nent visa. Seeks industrial position. Box 405-A-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic/lmmuno Chemist: Ph.D., 1962. Seeks R&D position. Extensive research experience in industrial chemicals, process development, homogeneous & het­ erogeneous catalysis. Organic synthesis. Immunochemistry. Steroid, peptide, and protein antigens. Ra­ dioimmunoassay. Modern instrumental methods. Su­ pervision. Patents and publications. Box 407-A-1, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical-Polymer Chemist, Ph.D. 1970, postdoctoral and industrial experience in polymer, gas phase, and photochemical kinetics, synthesis of novel high temper­ ature thermoplastics. Wants a position in product and process development, leading eventually to a technical management position. Box 408-A-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Bio-Organic Chemist, Ph.D. Organic, 1969. Postdoc­ toral experience in immobilized enzyme studies includ­ ing cancer research and chemical engineering. Or­ ganic and inorganic supports including stainless steel used. Inventions include "soluble-insoluble" enzymes using alginic and polygalacturonic acids. Bad refer­ ences due to "whistle blowing." Available immediately. Francis X. Hasselberger, 2820 N.W. 3rd St., Lincoln, NebrasKa 68521

Plastics Manager: Unusually extensive film, blow molding experience, extrusion, coatings, polyolefins to polyimides, production, technical service, development, lab supervisor, product manager, plant manager, for­ eign experience, capable writer, publications, patents, B.S. in Ch.E., Reg. Prof. Engr. No agencies please. Robert Doyle, 4824 Sweetbrier Drive, Harrisburg, Pa. 17111. Tel: (717)561-0170 Production and/or Planning Supervision. Chemical En­ gineer, years of experience in supervision of opera­ tions, including maintenance, in small, medium, and large, inorganic and organic plants; large volume pack­ aging; scheduling; planning. Two years as scheduling consultant. FORTRAN IV and COBOL computer lan­ guages. Mature, innovative. Request resume. Box 420-A-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Experienced Chemistry (all branches) Teacher. Six years Ohio State Branch. Ph.D. 1965 India. 17 Col­ lege Teacher Summer Institutes. Publications Re­ search Physical Colloids Neutron Activation Analysis. ACS Local Section Officer. Tel. (419) 522-0126, Dr. (Miss) Dasara, 298 W. 5th St., Mansfield, Ohio 44903


Experienced: high temperature inorganic rubbers, in­ organic fluorine and dioxygenyl compounds, low level radioisotopes, chemistry of phosphinic nitrides and borohydrides, electric dipole moments of gases, uv gas la­ sers, high and ultra-high vacuum systems, autoclave, electric, and mercury arc discharge syntheses, lan­ guages, honors and awards; Ph.D., Box 410-A-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Group.Ldr. Coatings, PVC plastics appl., Polyester, Plasticizer syn. Pilot Plant supv. 37 years success. Exp. Major R&D Labs. 3 Pat. Ex LT (sr. gr.) Subma­ rines. BA chem. Will relocate. Pfd. 50 mi. of New York City. H. Hatton, 11 Searington Dr., Syosset, N.Y. 11791. (516)921-1988 Manager—Equally strong technical and administrative: Desire return to industry after year as small university vice president. Experience in applied R&D, instrument and method development, QC, contract research, pro­ cess studies, pollution control, product improvement, general analytical. Also interested in corporate staff work. Available immediately. Box 412-A-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Manufacturer's Agent—wants chemical or related prod­ uct lines to sell in Colorado, southern Wyoming, Utah, and northern New Mexico. Reply with full particulars to Box 413-A-1, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Manufacturing Operations or Engineering Management in a food, pharmaceutical, or fine chemical concern, preferably consumer oriented. Degreed, age 38. L. Tannen, 31 Stratford Road, Needham, Mass. 02192. (617) 449-4770 Marine Chemist/Physical Chemist/Mass Spectroscopist. Seek Research Position. Gas analyses in oxy­ gen deficient marine environments. Extensive ship­ board experience. Built, modified, maintained and op­

To ensure a high return on your ad, we recommend: 1. Be specific—describe the job qual­ ifications as completely as you can. 2. Sign your company name. 3. Answer all inquiries from appli­ cants.

George C. Brooks, 50, Sept. 21, 1974, Munster, Ind. Joined ACS in 1948. James T. Cusick, 91, Nov. 1, 1974, Hammondsport, N.Y. Joined ACS in 1913; emeritus member. Frank Cuttitta, 62, U.S. Geological Survey, died of a stroke, Nov. 4, 1974, Wheaton, Md. Joined ACS in 1951. Cuttitta was an international authority in cosmochemistry and planetology. Raymond Davis Sr., 86, retired from National Bureau of Standards, Sept. 5, 1974, Washington, D.C. Joined ACS in 1945. Robert T. Ellis, 46, Sept. 12, 1974, Williamsville, N.Y. Joined ACS in 1956. Henry Erickson, 62, Oct. 8, 1974, Park Forest, 111. Joined ACS in 1936. John E. Haggenmacher, 81, Nov. 2, 1974, Zurich, Switzerland. Joined ACS in 1921; emeritus member. Mary Hawrylyshyn, 40, associate chemist at Hoffmann-La Roche, Nutley, N.J., October 1974. Joined ACS in 1952. Harold M. Hoogsteen, 58, Sept. 22, 1974, Kalamazoo, Mich. Joined ACS in 1944. Neal J. Johnson, 65, retired from carbon products division of Union Carbide, Oct. 14, 1974, Parma, Ohio. Joined ACS in 1930. Paul L. Johnstone, 56, retired from Hercules, died following a heart attack on Nov. 3, 1974, Philadelphia. Joined ACS in 1941. William B. Kent, 84, retired from Olin Corp., Nov. 5, 1974, Saltville, Va. Joined ACS in 1912; emeritus member. Robert C. Kintner, 74, professor emeritus of chemical engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Oct. 15, 1974, South Holland, 111. Joined ACS in 1938. Stanley Levine, 52, E. R. Squibb & Sons, Oct. 30, 1974. Joined ACS in 1952. Irving G. Mayer, 71, Arizona Refining, November 1974. Joined ACS in 1954. I. Arthur Mirsky, 67, Veterans Administration Hospital, Los Angeles, Sept. 16, 1974. Joined ACS in 1953. J. Paul Morris, 74, retired chairman of chemistry department, Central Missouri State University, July 11, 1974. Joined ACS in 1929; emeritus member. J. H. Norris, 89, retired, Sept. 8, 1974, West Chicago, 111. Joined ACS in 1917; emeritus member. Clarence F. Peterman, Sept. 21, 1974, Elgin, 111. Joined ACS in 1952. Chairman Milwaukee Section in 1965. George E. Philbrook, 58, professor of chemistry, Dec. 16, 1974, Athens, Ga. Joined ACS in 1938. Hill M. Priestley, 72, research chemist, Lever Research Center, Edge water, N.J., Dec. 5, 1974. Joined ACS in 1939. W. W. Rinne, 65, Aug. 22, 1974, from a heart attack. McLean, Va. Joined ACS in 1937. Frederic C. Schmidt, 70, retired from University of Indiana, Nov. 17, 1974. Joined ACS in 1926. Chairman Southern Indiana Section 1949-50. Herbert A. Sober, 56, chief of the nutrition and endocrinology lab at National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Digestive Diseases, Nov. 26, 1974, following surgery for cataracts, Bethesda, Md. Joined ACS in 1943. In 1971, Sober received the ACS Hillebrand Award for his work in the discovery and development of modified cellulose ion exchangers. Otto C. Stanger, 92, Nov. 18, 1974, Deerfield Beach, Fla. Joined ACS in 1919; emeritus member. John M. Tinker, 77, retired Du Pont Co. chemist and executive, Wilmington, Del., Nov. 8, 1974. Joined ACS in 1920. James M. VanLanen, 60, director of research, Hiram Walker & Sons, of a heart attack on Oct. 26, 1974, Peoria, 111. Joined ACS in 1946. Chairman Peoria Section, 1966; chairman of Fermentation Subdivision (now Division of Microbial Chemistry and Technology), Agriculture and Food Division, 1953-54.

INDEX TO ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE American Can Company Lescarboura Advertising,

18 Inc.

Arapahoe Chemical Company Tallant/Yates Advertising, Inc. Arco Chemical Co Conahay & Lyon, Inc. Adv.



Cambridge Industries Co Bernard F. Ostreicher, Adv.


Chattem Chemicals 33 Charles Tombras & Associates, Inc. Cole-Parmer Instrument Co Holtzman-Kain Adv., Inc.


Dohrmann Fred Schott and Associates

17 1 34

Emery Industries, Inc Northlich, Stolley, Inc.

23 28-29


Evans Chemetics, Inc. Daniel H. Price, Inc.


B. F. Goodrich Chemical Company . . IBC The Griswold-Eshleman Co., Adv. Hodag Chemical Corporation Harshe-Trotman & Druck, Inc.


IBM Data Processing Division Geer DuBois, Inc.


Labindustries Fred Schott and Associates


Matheson Gas Products Kenyon Hoag Associates


Microelectrodes, Inc Microelectrodes, Inc.


Orion Research Inc OBC Advertising


Oxirane N.

30 W.Ayer&Sonlnc.

Pathfinder Laboratories, Inc


P-L Biochemicals, Inc The Brady Company The Quaker Oats Co., Chemical Div. Waldie & Briggs, Inc. Adv.


Sherwin Williams Chemicals Harris D. McKinney, Inc.


Union Carbide Corporation J. M. Ferrazza Associates


Varian Ahem Advertising


9-13 Agency

Waters Associates Edward W. Fischer & Associates

Thomas N. J. Koerwer, President; Clay S. Holden, Vice President; Benjamin W. Jones, Vice President; Robert L. Voepel, Vice President; C. Douglas Wallach, Vice President; 50 West State Street, Westport, Connecticut 06880 (Area Code 203) 2267131 ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER C. Douglas Wallach SALES REPRESENTATIVES

EM Laboratories, Inc. Kenyon Hoag Associates

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47 48-54 47 47


Brinkmann Instruments, Inc Blatt Advertising, Inc.

Eastman Kodak Company Rumrill-Hoyt, Inc.

DIRECTORIES Chemical Exchange Classified Advertising Equipment Mart Technical Services


Atlanta, GA Donald Hanson, CENTCOM, Ltd. Telephone: WX 2586 Boston, MA . . . Robert Kelchner, CENTCOM, Ltd. Telephone: ENT2108 Chicago, IL . . Douglas Wallach, Tom Felgen, CENTCOM, Ltd., 540 Frontage Rd., Northfield, II. 60093 Telephone: 312-4416383 Cleveland, OH . . . Donald Hanson, CENTCOM, Ltd., Century Bldg., 17 East Orange St., Chagrin Falls, Oh. 44022 Telephone: 216-247-7576 Dallas, TX . . . Benjamin Jones, CENTCOM, Ltd. Telephone: 214-643-2586 Denver, CO Clay Holden, CENTCOM, Ltd. Telephone: 213-776-0552 Houston, TX . . . Benjamin Jones, CENTCOM, Ltd. Telephone: ENT 70124 Los Angeles, CA . . . Clay Holden, CENTCOM, Ltd., 8820 South Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 215, Los Angeles, Ca. 90045. Telephone: 213-776-0552 New York, NY . . . Alfred L. Gregory, Robert Kelchner, CENTCOM, Ltd., 60 East 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10017. Telephone: 212-972-9660 Philadelphia, PA . . . Benjamin Jones, CENTCOM, Ltd., 535 Pennsylvania Ave., Fort Washington, Pa. 19034. Telephone: 215-643-2586 San Francisco, CA . . . Clay Holden, CENTCOM, Ltd. Telephone: 213-776-0552 Westport, CT . Robert Kelchner, CENTCOM. Ltd., 50 West State St., Westport, Ct. 06880. Telephone: 203-226-7131 London, England . . . Malcolm Thiele, Technomedia Ltd., Warwick House, 9 Warwick St., London, WIR 6LS. Telephone: 01-4375461 Manchester, England . . . Malcolm Thiele, Technomedia Ltd., 8 Fernhill, Mellor, Stockport, SK6 5AN. Telephone: 061-4275 Reading, England . . Malcolm Thiele, Technomedia Ltd., Wood Cottage, Shurlock Row, Reading, RG10 OQE. Telephone: 073-581-302 Paris, France . . . Jack Anderson, Technomedia Ltd., 18 Rue Gounod, 92 SaintCloud, Paris. Telephone: 602-24-79 Tokyo, Japan . . . Haruo Moribayashi, International Media Representatives Ltd., 1, Shiba-Kotohiracho, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Telephone: 502-0656

PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Production Director Joseph P. Stenza Production Assistant Alice M. Hansen Classified Advertising Nancy Lally Brewster Jan. 20, 1975 C&EN