EMPLOYMENT ADS INFORMATION - Chemical & Engineering News

Oct 14, 1974 - ACS members who are UNEMPLOYED or are under notice of involuntary unemployment within 60 days are allowed one free nondisplay ...
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EMPLOYMENT ADS INFORMATION ACS members who are UNEMPLOYED or are under notice of involuntary unemployment within 60 days are allowed one free nondisplay situation-wanted classification advertisement per issue for a period of six weeks; subsequent ads will be inserted every two weeks. The advertiser must state circumstances with name of company where last employed and date of termination. Each ad may not exceed 50 words (45 words plus fiveword box address or advertiser's name and address). Excess words charged at 25 cents per word per insertion. After six ads have run, the member may restart the ad by rewriting and resubmitting it restating the circumstances of his unemployment status. ACS members unemployed or those under notice of unemployment should send their announcement to Mrs. Audra Rafter, Employment Aids Office, Department of Membership Activities. 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D C . 20036. RETIRED ACS members are allowed three nondisplay ads in a calendar year if the conditions already stated are followed. Situations-wanted ads for part-time, freelance, or consulting work are excluded from this service to unemployed members. However, retired members

IMPORTANT NOTICE Various state laws against discrimination and the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, and sex (unless based on a bona fide occupational qualification). Help wanted and situations wanted advertisements on these pages are for readers' convenience and are not to be construed as instruments leading to unlawful discrimination.

POSITIONS OPEN NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS The following statement is printed at the request of the Council Committees on Membership Affairs and on Professional Relations, with the approval of the Council. An employer has an ethical responsibility to reply to each candidate who answers his advertisement in CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS. Furthermore, employers who reply to prospective employees advertisements should provide a reasonable statement of the nature of the position available.

PLACEMENT BUREAUS CHEMICAL INDUSTRY OPENINGS Section Head, Bio-Chem Plant Engr., Rubber & plastics Sales Tech Rep Project Mgr., Petro-chem

. . to .to .to

Polymer Chemist, Cosmetics Dev. Chemist, paper chem

to . .to

$25,000 $20,000 $90,000 $35,000 $17,000 $17,500 $15,000 $25,000 $16,000 $18,500

Many more positions availab le. Confidential—no cost to yo u. C O O K ASSOCIATES, I NC. 230 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, III., 60601 312/263-1119

may advertise for full- or part-time positions or consult- ing of advertising circulars. Employers who require appliing work. Additional insertions after the free ones may be cations on company forms should send duplicate copies. made at 25 cents per word. ACS expects each user of this section to consider Nondisplay insertions by EMPLOYED ACS members himself morally obligated to acknowledge all replies to seeking full- or part-time positions or consulting work and his advertisement. all nondisplay insertions by Student Affiliates of the Society will be accepted at 25 cents per word for each RATES insertion, no minimum charge. Requests for placement of situation-wanted ads must state ACS membership Display advertisements $118 per column inch status, or whether the advertiser is retired (and 55 years (space unlimited). Lower rates on contract basis. Minimum display space, one inch, with inch units of age or older) to ensure publication of the ad in the proper classification. Nonmembers are charged $1.25 thereafter. Agency commission and cash discount per word, minimum charge $18.75. Ads submitted by allowed on display ads only. Standard setting $1.25 a word, minimum charge $18.75 each. Inemployed members, student affiliates, and all non- clude five words for box address. Advertisements members should be sent to Chemical and Engineering from outside the U.S. should be accompanied by News, 50 West State St., Westport, Ct. 06880. information stating the New York bank which will In printing these ads, ACS assumes no obligation as to issue a bank draft in U.S. funds. The advertisequalifications of prospective employees or responsi- ment will be run on the nearest publication date following receipt of the bank draft. bilities of employers, nor shall ACS obtain information SEND advertisement^ with remittance to CHEMIconcerning positions advertised nor of those seeking CAL & ENGINEERING NEWS, 50 West State St., Westemployment. Replies to announcements should carry port, Ct. 06880, to reach there no later than the deadcopies of supporting documents, not original documents. line of 9 A.M. on Friday, 17 days preceding the date of Every reasonable effort will be made to prevent forward- publication. Engineers Career Kit. Expert tips on resume preparation, interview techniques, and salary negotiations from the Southeast's largest technical recruiter. For details, write CONTINENTAL CONSULTANTS, P.O. Box 5675, Columbia, S.C. 29250


Senior Chemist Graphic Arts Continued growth and expansion at our R&D laboratories creates a prime opportunity for a graphic arts chemist. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. with a thorough knowledge in the graphic arts industry specifically in printing plates and related chemistry. Equivalent of 10 years working knowledge of printing plate research is acceptable. Responsibilities include independent research and analysis of new printing technologies. Enjoy unlimited professional growth with this National manufacturer of graphic arts supplies and excellent salary and a comprehensive benefit program. Send detailed resume including salary requirements to: Director of Personnel Dept. 929A Box 56-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., Washington, D.C. 20036

PROCESS ENGINEERS Our 1500 TD ammonia plant at Kenai, Alaska will soon be doubled in capacity and we are adding to our technical staff. Employees at that west coast location enjoy a variety of summer and winter outdoor sports. If this sort of life would be attractive to you and your family get in touch with us. We have job openings for chemical engineers with chemical process experience. Such assignments would offer challenging technical work and an opportunity to advance into management for those qualified. For further details write in confidence to: Dan Stump Personnel Manager COLLIER CARBON CHEMICAL CORPORATION P.O. Box60455 Los Angeles, California 90060 A subsidiary of the Union Oil Company of California

An Equal Opportunity Employer

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY EMPLOYMENT CLEARING The Employment Clearing House operated at the national office is a contact medium for ACS members and student affiliates seeking employment and for employers seeking chemists and chemical engineers CANDIDATES FOR EMPLOYMENT: Only members and student affiliates may use the free service. Information supplied by candidates on training, experience, and education is placed in a data system and this information is available on a nonconfidential basis to potential employers. Write the Employment Aids Office at the address below to request Clearing House registration forms, to submit, renew, or change a Situations Wanted Advertisement, or to request a search of newspaper "positions open" advertisements. Unemployed

members who need initial counseling and advice on employment matters may telephone collect (202) 872-4528. EMPLOYERS. Any employer needing chemists and chemical engineers may request a search of the file of candidates by telephone (202) 872-4528 or by writing to the address below. After specification of position requirements, a search of the complete file of candidate records


will be conducted. Copies of resumes of those who meet the specifications will be supplied at a cost of 50 cents each and there is a basic fee of $10 for each search conducted. Further contact with candidates of interest is at the option of the employer. The Society requires that users make no placement charges against applicants. Additional information is available.

For application forms and further details write:

American Chemical Society 1 1 5 5 — 1 6 t h St., N.W. W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. 20036 Attn: Employment Aids Office

CHEMISTS and CHEMICAL/ MECHANICAL ENGINEERS for RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT and ENGINEERING Conwed Corporation is a diversified, multiplant manufacturer of interior construction products; insulation, padding and plastic netting for various industries; and environmental products. PROJECT MANAGER—for product and process development. Requires a chemical engineering or chemist with an advanced degree and 10 or more years experience in the process industry including supervisory experience. SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER—for managing design engineering and construction projects. Requires a chemical or mechanical engineer with 10 or more years experience in project management involving design and construction of process facilities and installation of capital equipment. Registration desirable. These positions are located in the Twin Cities. Conwed benefits include a liberal relocation policy. Send resume including salary history and requirements to: G. R. Erickson.

? Conwed CCMPOtATfON

CHEMISTS/ CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Challenging opportunities in Epoxy Resin, Pigments and Fine Chemical Manufacturing. CHEMICAL/MECHANICAL ENGINEER Position requires a degreed Chemical or Mechanical Engineer with proven experience in project management of plant construction and expansion. Individual must be a "go-getter". Accountabilities include directing and coordinating major capital expansion efforts.

332 MINNESOTA STREET ST PAUL, MN 55101 An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F



Quietly.' I C d i l l I d And at no cost to you.

We are a professional recruiting firm with a unique approach. We listen. Then we go to work. The job, salary, and location you want is the result. That's why we are the leader in our field. To start, we'll send you our Career Kit. It's all about resumes, interviews, and salaries.

Write. CONTINENTAL CONSULTANTS Box 5675 Columbia, S. C. 29250

CHEMIST: NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT The Clorox Company, Oakland, California, has immediate opening for an individual with degree in chemistry and at least 5 years experience in developing and testing non-food consumer products. The successful applicant should have management potential and knowledge of marketing and market research concepts. Must be mature and results oriented. Send detailed resume with salary requirements to: Recruiting Coordinator, The Clorox Company, P. O. Box 24305, Oakland, California 94623. An Equal Opportunity Employer

PRODUCTION CHEMIST OR CHEMICAL ENGINEER Position requires a degreed Chemical Engineer with production experience. Accountabilities include maximizing yield and quality for a group of products in manufacture. Staff position reporting to Production Manager.

PROCESS DEVELOPMENT CHEMISTS Two openings require degreed Chemists with experience in general synthetic organic chemistry. Process development or manufacturing experience desirable. Accountabilities include support of manufacturing, new product introduction and accomplishing process improvement projects. Reporting to Group Leaders, Process Development. The ideal location of our modern facilities provides suburban shore living with ready access to New York and Philadelphia. Salary commensurate with experience plus exceptional benefits program. More important, these openings offer high potential for personal growth and professional development. Send resume including salary requirements in confidence to: Mr. W. Grosseibl


Toms River, N. J. 08753

An Equal Opportunity Employer Oct. 14, 1974 C&EN




BIOCHEMIST (Product Safety


A supervisor is required for our Fermentation Pilot Plant to assist in the development and planning of fermentation development programs and semi-works production.

Monsanto Industrial Chemicals Company has opening in the Environmental/Human Safety Section for a PhD Biochemist interested and trained in toxicology and drug disposition. Prior related experience not required, qualified candidates will need in-depth training and/or exposure to physiology, pharmacokinetics, and the design/interpretation of toxicologic protocols. Working knowledge of radioisotopes required, and prior experience with a variety of laboratory animals. Specific duties include planning, conducting and reporting projects and decision making with internal and external laboratories Must be able to function efficiently as part of top-notch environmental research team capable of carrying a chemical compound from original concept thru marketed product. Publications encouraged. Position located in modern suburban Research Facility in St. Louis, Missouri. Salary commensurate with appropriate experience. Send resume with salary requirements to: Mr. John Cross, Monsanto Industrial Chemicals Company, Department CL-385, 800 North Lindbergh Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri 63166. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F





To assist Scientists, Patent Attorneys and Management in matters relating to detection of inventions, initiation of patent action on new developments, filing and prosecution of patent applications world-wide, and monitoring communications leaving the company. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, or Biochemistry with extensive training in organic chemistry. Industrial research experience and a good knowledge of pharmacy are desirable. Kalamazoo is a pleasant, moderate size, midwestern city with a large university and college segment, offering country, suburban or city living close to the office, and also with easy access to Detroit and Chicago. Send complete resume including salary requirements to: M . F. Murray, Technical Employment Representative

Upjohn THE UPJOHN COMPANY UPJOHN BEGINS WITH YOU 7 1 7 1 Portage Road Kalamazoo, Michigan 4 9 0 0 1 An equal opportunity employer, M/F

Regional Sales Manager. Responsible, for direction and coordination of a major part of company sales effort. Trains and otherwise assists sales representatives. Deals directly with Key Accounts. Responsible for development of new markets, and introduction of new products. Needs to know coatings business, marketing and sales. Chemical training necessary, and Business Administration training desirable. 25% Travel. Box 15-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036


C & E N O C t . 14, 1974

Precious metal refiners in outlying Metropolitan area seeks an energetic, thorough, responsible scientist with strong investigative ability to work as an R&D chemist. Requirements: B.S. or M.S. in chemistry, a strong background in analytical/inorganic chemistry, working knowledge in the instrumental techniques of GC, AA, IR, UV/VIS, 0-2 years experience in precious metals recovery. Immediate Opening. Send resume and salary requirements to Box 17-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

We are seeking an Individual with at least a BChE including formal biochemical engineering courses and a minimum of 2 years experience in a Fermentation Pilot Plant, preferably in a supervisory capacity. CALBIOCHEM is a leading producer of biochemicals and clinical reagents, situated in San Diego, California. This position offers a good starting salary, liberal fringe benefits and excellent working conditions. Send complete resume with salary history and requirements to: Personnel

CALBIOCHEM P.O. Box 12087 San Diego, Calif. 92112 An Equal Opportunity Employer

TRADE ASSOCIATION TECHNICAL STAFF Opportunity for experienced chemist or chemical engineer with strong organic chemistry background and some associated experience in toxicology or biology t o serve a major trade association on t h e Washington scene. Requisites, in addition to technical competence, are self initiative, maturity of judgment, and writing ability. Chemical industry background preferred. Send resume to Mr. Albert C. Clark, Vice President, Manufacturing Chemists Association, 1825 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009.

APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT CHEMISTS MICHIGAN CHEMICAL CORPORAT I O N , a l e a d e r in f l a m e r e t a r d a n t technology, has t h e following imm e d i a t e o p e n i n g s in t h e i r R & D D e partment: Polyurethane C h e m i s t B.S. or M . S . in C h e m i s t r y w i t h e x p e r i e n c e in f o r m u l a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f u r e t h a n e f o a m s t o c o n d u c t r e s e a r c h in t h e d e v e l o p m e n t of new f l a m e retardant urethane compositions. Research C h e m i s t B.S. in C h e m i s t r y . N o e x p e r i e n c e is required, b u t applicant should have a s t r o n g a c a d e m i c b a c k g r o u n d in p h y s i cal a n d / o r organic c h e m i s t r y . Res e a r c h will i n v o l v e s m o k e a b a t e m e n t o f polymeric systems. R & D will r e l o c a t e t o n e w f a c i l i t i e s in A n n A r b o r , M i c h i g a n in 1975. Interested applicants should submit a r e s u m e with salary r e q u i r e m e n t s a n d r e f e r e n c e s in c o n f i d e n c e t o : MICHIGAN CHEMICAL CORPORATION 500 N . B a n k s o n S t r e e t St. Louis, M i c h i g a n 48880 A T T N : Mr. Frank Curtiss Personnel Director

Formulation Chemist. Opportunity for a B.S. or M.S. with 2-5 years pesticide formulation experience. This position involves the development of new herbicide formulations in our southern California research laboratory. Please submit resume and salary requirements to: U.S. Borax Research Corporation, 412 Crescent Way, Box 4111, Anaheim, California 92801. Equal Opportunity Employer



New Product Marketing

We are a n a t i o n a l m a n u f a c t u r i n g f i r m s e e k i n g d e g r e e d i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h 2-4 y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e in c h e m i c a l e n g i ­ neering. We p r o v i d e a s t i m u l a t i n g e n v i r o n m e n t for g r o w t h a l o n g w i t h a n e x c e l l e n t s a l a r y a n d a f u l l r a n g e of c o m p a n y b e n e f i t s . Lower W e s t c h e s t e r l o c a t i o n . Please s e n d r e s u m e i n c l u d i n g salary requirements to:

Development of a new and unique mixer has created an urgent need for a major marketing program. W e need a capable aggressive man to head this effort. W e are interested in a producer who can market this product and assist in developing new allied products. A chemical or mechanical engineering degree and several years experi­ ence in the chemical processing industry are desirable.

P e r s o n n e l D e p t 929E BOX 57-B-10, ACS,

1155 16th St., N.W., W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. 20036 An Equal O p p o r t u n i t y Employer M/F

If qualified, call collect (703)354-3400, ext. 500 or send resume to:

INDUSTRIAL POSITIONS Plastics/Coatings Development Chemist experienced in pigments and polymers. Multi-project responsibilities require seasoned ability to plan project goal, conduct and direct experimental work and personally move from task to task with effectiveness. Claremont Polychemical Corporation, 39 Powerhouse Road, Roslyn Height, N.Y.11577 Pigment Chemist with thorough knowledge of Organic and Inorganic Pigments. Includes research, produc­ tion, sales. Excellent opportunity toward management. Central Pennsylvania Location. Full resume to Box 36-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORP. 5 3 9 0 Cherokee A v e n u e A l e x a n d r i a , Virginia 2 2 3 1 4 An Equal Opportunity Employer M / F


Urethane Development Chemist - \ ADHESIVES AND COATINGS Dynamic specialty chemicals company has immediate opening in its Stamford, Connecticut laboratory.

European Chemical Company is seeking for a consul­ tant knowing the production of Dairy Cleaning com­ pounds, Disinfectants, Sanitizers, Milkstone removers can cleaners, Bottle washing compounds, Box 41-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

The successful candidate will have a minimum of 5 years experience in urethane adhesives and coatings. Experience in polyester chemistry as applied to urethanes is also highly desirable. Will report to the M a n a g e r of Urethanes and will work with film laminating adhesives and coatings, with opportunity to expand this technology into other product areas.


This position offers a comprehensive benefits package, excellent salary commensurate with experience and unique opportunities for professional development. Please send complete resume including salary history in strict confidence to Personnel Manager.

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR—Chemical Engineering. Recent Ph.D., for Fall 1975. Publications and research interests in experimental interfacial chemistry; at least one ChE degree. Supervision of student research and undergraduate/graduate teaching duties. Send resume, 3 letters of recommendation and description of research plans, before October 31,1974, to: Dr. Daniel E. Rosner, Chairman ChE Search Committee, 319 Mason Lab., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 06520. Yale is an Equal Oppoitunity-Affirmative Action Employer.

Polymer ^^ Industries, Inc. A wholly owned subsidiary of Philip Morris, Inc.

Viaduct Road

Research fellowships, teaching fellowships for M.S. and/or Ph.D. programs. Long established, well equipped department, Washington, D.C. Physical, the­ oretical, inorganic, organic biochemistry, and structural crystallography. $3000-3600 plus free tuition. Chem­ istry Department, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.20057 Chairman of Chemical Engineering, Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam, N.Y. 13676. Applications and nominations for this position are invited and should be addressed to the Chairman, Search Committee. The department has a large undergraduate student body and active M.S. and Ph.D. programs. Applicants should have a strong record of research accomplish­ ment. Clarkson is an equal opportunity/affirmative ac­ tion employer. The Department of Chemistry, City College of the City University of New York invites applications for three faculty positions for September, 1975. These appoint­ ments will be in the areas of physical, organic, inorgan­ ic and analytical chemistry. The selected candidates will be expected to participate in the graduate and un­ dergraduate teaching programs as well as to develop strong research programs that will contribute to the ex­ isting doctoral program. Applicants should submit cur­ riculum vitae, statement of research interests, and three confidential letters of reference to Dr. Theodore Axenrod, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, City Col­ lege, New York, N.Y. 10031. Equal Opportunity Em­ ployer

Springdale, Connecticut 06907

^ H H B B M H H B I ^ H A n Affirmative Action Employer, M/F

Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001, now available throughout the year and as new grant awards are received. Particularly interested in abstract, energyoriented studies in thermodynamic and transport proper­ ties by modern methods. Theoretical understanding necessary for interpretation of observations and dis­ covery of unusual phenomena. In order to sustain our several research programs we are requesting a minimun one year commitment or substantive achievement. Rice University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. If interested, and applications from minori­ ties are particularly welcomed, submit 2 letters of recom­ mendation and Curriculum Vitae to: Dr. Riki Kobayashi, Department of Chemical Engineering, Rice University, Post Office Box 1892, Houston, Texas 77001

• • • • • ^ ^ ^ ^ • • • • • • • ^ ^


One of Fortune's top 100 companies is seeking an environmental ngineer for the Charleston, West Virginia area. \ n, Primary responsibility will be to division management for the develop ment and operation of an air sampling program at several of its local plants. Position requires a degree in engineering with 1-3 years experience in sampling gaseous emissions using EPA methods. Send resume and salary history in confidence to:

W. W. Lunz

Ρ M Ce

FMC CORPORATION 6 3 3 Third A v e n u e N e w York, N e w York 1 0 0 1 7

An equal opportunity

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University— Three year, nontenurable, 12-month position available beginning January 1, 1975. Position will involve aca­ demic administration, teaching and research. Appli­ cant must have experience in synthetic fluorine chem­ istry or Mossbauer spectroscopy and have an interest in administration. Send resume to: Dr. A. F. Clifford, Dept. of Chemistry, VPI & SU, Blacksburg, Va. 24061—An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Em­ ployer



Postdoctoral Position. Study photolytic effects in sulfur and phosphorous-doped crystals. Requires Ph.D. in Chemistry or Physics. Experience in ir, uv, and epr spectroscopy of single crystals desirable. One year appointment available immediately. Stipend of $8,400. App. deadline: 10/22/74. Send resume and three letters of recommendation to: Dr. C. W. Owens, Dept. of Chemistry, Parsons Hall, University of New Hamp­ shire, Durham, New Hampshire 03824. An Equal Op­ portunity Employer

Oct. 14, 1974 C&EN



BIOCHEMIST To assist in exploratory research designed to provide information on the biosynthesis and metabolism of prostaglandins. Candidates must have a B.S. or M.S. in Biochemistry with experience in lipid biochemistry and strong background in biochemical analysis; experience in enzyme purification and GC-MS desirable. Kalamazoo is a pleasant, moderate size, midwestern city with a large university and college segment, offering country, suburban or city living close to the office, and also with easy access to Detroit and Chicago. Send complete resume including salary requirements to: R. E. Williams, Technical Employment Representative

Upjohn THE UPJOHN COMPANY Upjohn begins wifh you

7 1 7 1 Portage Road, K a l a m a z o o , Michigan 4 9 0 0 1 An equal opportunity



CHEMICAL ENGINEER Rapidly growing Chemical Co. with sales approaching $ 2 0 million, seeks a Chemical Engineer. Plant is located in New Jersey 30 miles from N.Y.C. Applicants should have a minimum of 3 years experience in Chemical Process Development and Engineering. Background in Hydrometallurgy is a definite plus. Salary commensurate with experience. Opportunity for the future is extraordinary and will lead to Top Management for a hard working and creative individual. Send resume in confidence, stating salary history to:


ACADEMIC POSITIONS Postdoctoral Position. Organic-organometallic chemistry. Available immediately. $8000 per year. Terpene syntheses by isoprene dimerization. Background in organic synthesis, nmr and glc required. Send resume and two letters of recommendation to Dr. R. F. Heck, Department of Chemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19711 Postdoctoral Research Associate. Synthesis of natural products with biological activity. Available immediately, salary $8,000. Send curriculum vitae and references to Professor Kathlyn A. Parker, Department of Chemistry, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, 02912. Brown University is an Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Doctor of Arts in Chemistry. Teaching Assistantships are now available for a new D.A. non-research-oriented program which is designed to equip current and future college and junior college chemistry teachers with experience necessary for effective classroom and laboratory instruction at the undergraduate level. This program emphasizes the breadth of the candidate's knowledge and attainment of teaching skills. $3600 For eleven months. Chemistry Department, The University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi 38677. An equal opportunity employer. University of Colorado has openings for Fall 1975 in analytical chemistry and in inorganic chemistry-crystallography. To apply, send a brief biography, a list of publications, a statement of interests in research and teaching, and graduate and undergraduate transcripts. In addition, three letters of recommendation are required from people familiar with the candidate's work. The University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Apply to S. J. Strickler, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80302 Postdoctoral Associate: Research on isolation, structure, determination, and synthesis of pineal peptides. Experience in peptide sequencing or structure determination preferable. Send resume to Dr. Victor J. Hruby, Department of Chemistry, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721. An Equal Opportunity Employer Postdoctoral Position, alkaloid isolation and synthesis. M. Shamma, 152 Davey Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. 16802


C&ENOct. 14, 1974

Faculty Position—Assistant Professor. The Chemistry Department of the University of Notre Dame invites applications from ambitious individuals interested in establishing a strong research program in a department which is also proud of its strong teaching tradition. Area of interest is less important than the strengths of the applicant, but interdisciplinary areas, such as organometallic (transition metal) chemistry and bio-oranic chemistry, are of particular interest. Notre lame is interested in applicants of any sex, race or religion.


Graduate Teaching Assistantships: $4434-4890 for nine months. United States academic experience required. Equal opportunity employer. Dr. Robert Isensee, Graduate Advisor, Department of Chemistry, San Diego State, San Diego, California 92115 Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry. Position effective August 1975. Applicants should have Ph.D., and research interest and experience in Kinetics, especially as applied to systems of pharmacological/toxicological import. Post-doctoral experience preferred. Responsibilities are in research and teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels. Send applications by December 1, 1974 to Dr. A. James Diefenderfer, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA. 23508. Old Dominion University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Postdoctoral Position. Research in thermodynamics of solutions in water and ethylene carbonate. Write R. Wood, Department of Chemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19711. Affirmative action employer Radiochemist. The University of Missouri's Environmental Trace Substances Research Center has an opening for a B.S. or M.S. Radiochemist in its Activation Analysis Group. The position involves both instrumental and radiochemical analysis of biological and environmental samples. Contact: Dr. J. Steven Morris, University of Missouri, 223 Research Reactor, Columbia, Missouri 65201. Equal Opportunity Employer Research Assistant III. Synthesize organic molecules to provide information concerning in vivo antagonism of narcotics, hallucinogens and cocaine. Primarily independent work. Must have Ph.D. in organic or medicinal chemistry, and working knowledge of NMR mass spectometry as demonstrated by thesis or publication. Salary $9,000 to $10,000. Send resume to Dr. Karl

Nieforth, School of Pharmacy, Box U-92, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06268; no later than December 1, 1974. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Male/Female. Postdoctoral Position (electroanalytical) available October 1974 or January 1975 for research in trace metal analysis of r.f.—ashed tissue using pulse and a.c. anodic stripping. Send- C. Vitae and two references to: Dr. E. D. Moorhead, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky., 40506. Equal opportunity employer Postdoctoral Position. Photochemistry, physical-organic mechanism and synthesis. Send resume and two letters of recommendation to Prof. Saul G. Cohen, Dept. of Chemistry, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. 02154. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Postdoctoral Position—Chemistry of Diaziridines. Available immediately. Vita and two references. $7,500. H. W. Heine, Department of Chemistry, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 Postdoctoral Position available to begin any time between October 1, 1974 and May 1, 1975. Surface chemistry and heterogeneous catalysis. Send resume and two letters of reference to John B. Moffat, Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Printing Plate & Ink Technology—faculty opening to start January, 1975 for qualified person to teach courses in printing plate, ink and associated technologies. Graphic Arts industry experience required. Advanced degree in chemistry or chemical engineering preferred. Reply to Dr. Mark F. Guldin, School of Printing, Rochester Institute of Technology, 1 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, New York 14623. An equal Opportunity Employer. Postdoctoral position available immediately for Organic Chemist to study the biosynthesis of terpenoid metabolites. Strong background in synthetic organic chemistry preferred. Salary $8,000. Send curriculum vitae and references to Professor David E. Cane, Department of Chemistry, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912. Brown University is an Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Faculty Positions—Two: 1) Analytical Chemistry and 2) experimental molecular spectroscopy. Assistant professor. Postdoctoral experience preferred. Ability to develop quality research program expected. Graduate and undergraduate teaching. Submit resume, short description of research plans and names of references to F. M. Miller, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois 60115. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS: Two openings. FTS-IR and fluorescence analyses of pollutants produced in coal liquefaction and gasification. Send resume and three references to G. Mamantov or E. L. Wehry, Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.TN 37916 Chairperson to lead Ph.D.-granting department, beginning July 1, 1975, or later. Record of successful research funding and publications essential. Rank, salary negotiable. Send complete resume and list of references by December i5 to Chairman, Search Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04473 Postdoctoral position. Available immediately. Radiation chemistry and/or mass spectrometry. Sene resume to Russell H. Johnsen, Chemistry Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306 New Position—Analytical Chemist. The Department of Physical Sciences & Engineering of the College of Arts and Sciences of the University of Maine at Portland/ Gorham is seeking a full-time Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Chemistry and training in Analytical Chemistry. Candidates should also have background in and committment to undergraduate teaching, familiarity with the educational applications of modern technology and some experience in the application of modern analytical techniques to health-related and environmental areas of Chemistry. Candidates should desire involvement in helping to build a growing department. Salary range—$11,000$14,000. Application deadline—November 1. Position begins January 1, 1975. Applications sent to: Dr. Alan G. Smith, Department of Physical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Maine at Portland/Gorham, Portland, Maine 04103. The University of Maine at Portland-Gorham is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

SITUATIONS WANTED (ACS Members) Analytical Chemist. Ph.D. 1972. Seeking a staff position as a research chemist in a large company. Broad background and experience in analytical chemistry including instrumental and wet techniques, methods development, and pollution studies. Will relocate. Box 300-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Inorganic/Metallurgical/Analytical: Ph.D., 1970. Broad experience in chloride metallurgy, metal refining, salt purification, catalysis, and materials of construction. Strong analytical background in A.A., Mass

NOTICE TO MEMBERS SEEKING EMPLOYMENT The Council Committees on Membership Affairs and on Professional Relations with the approval of the Council have issued the following statement "A member who advertises in the Situations Wanted Section of CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS has an ethical responsibility to reply to each employer who responds to the member's advertisement." Spec, I.R., X-Ray, plus others. Box 301-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Mass Spectroscopist. Ph.D. Chemist having 20 years experience in analysis using mass spectrometry. Seeks employment using this experience. Box 302B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Department Head: Successful manager seeks more responsible position. Ph.D., broad background in research, quality control, methods development. Ten years experience in chemical, pharmaceutical, clinical areas. Box 303-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Inorganic and Mineral Chemist, Ph.D. Background: syntheses, silicates, ceramics, metals, high temperature. Seeks R&D position. Box 304-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Biochemist: Ph.D., FAIC, 8 years research experience in tobacco; 12 years in steroid hormones relative to human cancer. Strong background in analytical techniques. Extensive supervisory, as well as research experience. Desires work in challenging research project preferably in N.Y. area but will relocate if necessary. Box 400-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Chemical Engineer: Ph.D., (8/74)—Married, experimental thesis on sorption of multicomponent nonelectrolyte solutes in ion exchange resin bed. Research experience in agglomeration of solid particles in a steam jet and absorption of oxygen in various aqueous media. Strong experimental background and balanced chemical engineering education. Three and half years industrial experience. Interested in process R&D, process and project engineering. Location open. Box 401-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemical Engineer: Ph.D. (12/74) Seeking industrial R&D position. Experience in fluid flow, mass and heat transfer, rheology, computer simulations. Math & statistical modeling. No agencies please. Box 402-B-10 ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical Chemist: Ph.D. 1974. Research experience in stopped-flow technique, thermodynamics (experimental and theoretical), computer programming. Strong background in mathematics. Seek teaching, government, industrial, or postdoctoral position. Available immediately. Box 403-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical-Analytical Chemist: Ph.D. 1971. Interested in Quality Control, Methods Development, Gov't or Teaching Position. Ph.D. area-NMR; 2 postdocs in GLC and HPLC; over 20 publications in NMR, GLC, HPLC, Factor Analysis, drug SAR. Available immediately. Box 404-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Polymer/Coating Chemist: Ph.D. 35, five years industrial experience in synthesis, evaluation, characterization of emulsion, thermoplastic, thermosetting polymers (acrylics, polyesters, epoxies, urethanes); and in compounding technology of conventional, water-based, powder coatings. Knowledge in IR, UV, GPC, DTA, TLC, etc. Supervisory experience. Seeks industrial R&D position. Box 405-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Carbohydrate-Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1968. Six years experience in multistep synthesis and characterization of naturally occurring aminosugars and derivatives of biomedical interest. Industrial experience in process research and development. Knowledge of OSHA regulations. Numerous publications. Extensive training in instrumentation, supervision and technical writing. Salary, location open. Box 406-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Environmental/Chemical Engineer: Ph.D. Env. Sci. September 1974, MS/BS CHE. Experienced in emission control systems in fossil fuel burning power plants and in petrochemical industries. Extensive research work in water pollution control and pollution-free energy generation. Publications. Will consider R/D or process engineering. US permanent resident. Box 407B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Marketing Technical Service: Solid background in development and marketing of water treatment chemicals, equipment, petroleum additives, and marine products.

Also six years in refinery technical service and operations. Interested in export oriented company. 300 Central Avenue, B-6, Hartsdale, New York 10530. (914) 725-4328.

chemistry/physics. Seeking academic position. Box 407-A-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Pharmaceutical/Analytical Chemist: Ph.D. 1969. Ethical and OTC product development, analytical methods development, preparation of FDA submissions, supervisory responsibilities. Box 409-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Polymer Chemist: B.S., 2 years postgrad study, 12 years diversified industrial experience at bench and supervision. Background: surface coatings, polyester resins, resins for paper, plywood, and particleboard, urethane foams, production experience. Papers, patents, and excellent references. Seeking responsible position in research or production. Box 411-A-10, Acs, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Research Scientist/Administrator: Experienced in management of government contract and grant research and development programs in chemistry and physics. Directed research on water, saline water conversion processes, tall oil, tobacco, sulfur dioxide, synthetic organic chemistry. Advise, coordinate, plan, budget, negotiate research and development. Ph.D. (1941). Box 410-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Sales/Market Research expertise offered by ChE with advanced degree, teaching, and publications. Experience includes being Marketing Manager of International Corp. together with approximately 20 years of diverse experience in Chemical Process Industries. Also specialized in product/process development and waste treatment. Box 411-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Surface Chemist: M.S. Significant background in corrosion inhibition, additives, lubrication, protective coatings, surface treatments, colloids, application/product research, and chemical marketing research. Experience includes functional fluids, synthetic lubricants, waterborne coatings, zinc-rich coatings, chemical specialties, water treatment, and polymer surfaces. Box 412-B-10 ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Synthetic Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1969. Several years experience in organic synthesis Isolation & Characterization of biologically active compounds; Vast experience in IR, UV, NMR, MS, TLC, GC, GC-MS, HPLC. 10 publications. Available immediately. Seeks suitable position in industry, academic, or research institution. Call (714) 488-8089 or write Box 413-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Technical Manager: Extensive experience in product development and customer service in coatings, adhesives, encapsulants, laminates. Background in polymers, films foils and fibers. Supervisory and management experience. Good Communication skills, publications. No placement agencies. Box 414-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.w., Washington, D.C. 20036

Polymer/Physical Ph.D.: 1974. Seeking industrial or postdoctoral position. Experienced in solid state structure and properties of polymers; Also experienced in electron microscopy morphological studies. Publications. Teaching experience. Available immediately. Will relocate. U.S. Citizen. Box 412-A-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Catalytic-Organic/Biochemist: - One year natural products. Synthesis of silanes and optically active compounds. Extensive use of GLC, MS, NMR. Preparation and liquid phase kinetics of synthetic enzymes. Industrial experience of analysis and development of test procedure for highly toxic gases. Box 414-A-10 ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemist Ph.D.: Administrative or Supervisory position. Qualified to make contribution as a group leader in product development or Quality Assurance. Over ten years experienced. Full familiarity of F.D.A. regulatory requirements including current GMP. Subjects: Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, fine chemicals or foods. Immediately available. Box 415-A-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Geochemist/Environmental Chemist: Ph.D. 1974 (Chemistry). Experience and graduate research primarily analytical geochemistry and water quality analysis (electrochem., AA, spectrophotometry, etc.). Desire position in or related to mineral or energy production industry. Willing to relocate or travel. Resume upon request. Kent Knock, Box 155, Benson, Minn. 56215. Ph.(612)843-3179 Latex Formulation Expert, B.S.Ch.E. All types of resin and synthetic latex formulations for binders, primers, backsizes, adhesives, foams, functional coatings. Recent emphasis on fire retardant binders. Experienced in saturation, print bonding, foam bonding, wet end addition, all coating techniques. Box 420-A-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Ph.D. 10 years academic research experience and 3 1/2 years industrial experience. Specialized in organic photo-conductors, cellulosic polymers and dielectric Technology Utilization: Physical Chemist, Ph.D. 1972, seeks Corporate Staff position involving energy or pol- materials. Plastics applications. Project work cover electrophotography and papers for reprographic syslution control technology. Industrial experience in S0 2 detection, mass spectrometry, lonmolecule chemistry. • tems. Seeks suitable position. Call (203) 322-6206. Good communication skills, teaching experience, publiWorked 18 1/2 cations. Prefer Northeast location. Available immedi- Quality Control Manager—Ph.D.: ately. Box 415-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Wash- years (10 years in England) in chemical and pharmaceutical industries—Supervised staff of 58 in Analytical ington, D.C.20036 Laboratory—Specialized in Atomic Absorption Specin R&D—Developed Analytical Textile Specialties Chemist: M A . 1960. Extensive ex- troscopy—Worked perience in development and evaluation of textile auxil- Methods—Prepared reports for Standards Safety Comiary chemicals and dyestuffs, fiber spin finishes and mittee for Clinical Trials—Bhambhani, 38 Prospect fiber properties, textile wet processing, etc., 10+ years Street, Jersey City, N.J. 07307 supervisory experience. Seeks challenging position as product manager or lab supervisor with growth opportu- Versatile R&D Organic/Polymer Chemist: Ph.D. 1970. nities. Box 416-B-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Seven years diversified industrial experience, including Washington, D.C. 20036 project planning, synthesis, product evaluation, process development, pilot plant supervision and manufacturing of surfactants, organic intermediates and polymeric Applications Development/Technical Service Manager: Broad experience in R&D/Business Development with materials. Seeking industrial position. Prefer Midwest location. Box 425-A-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., NW, PVC, additives for plastics and coatings, and specialty chemicals. Developed commercially successful water- Washington, D.C. 20036 soluble resins, surfactants, UV absorbers for cosmetics, adhesives, detergents and lubricants. Patents and Analytical Chemist: B.A., 7 years experience in UVpublications. B.Ch.E/M.B.A. Prefer N.Y.-N.J. area Vis, IR, AAS, GLC methods development, process and but will relocate. Box r302-A-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., product troubleshooting. Drugs, rubber, plastics, metal N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 analysis. 12 years scientific experience. Creative and innovative. Prefer R&D environment. Will Relocate. Analytical Chemist: B.S. heavy experience wet and in- Sterling E. Browning, II, 664 Greenbrae Ct., St. Louis, strumental. Analytical R&D and Q.C. supervisor. Pro- MO 63026. Phone: (314)343-9287 ficient standard methods, IR, GLC, AA, Chromatography and Other instrumentation. Also physical testing, Biochemist: Seeking position in analytical section of bacteriology, and Heat penetration for canning. Broad pharmaceutical company. Desire group research rebackground. Prefer East, consider other. Available lated to Vitamin B12 protein interactions. Have interest immediately. Box 401-A-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., in areas of quality control. Send inquiries to 3945 BalWashington, D.C. 20036 timore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Chemical Engineer/Business Executive: B. of Ch.E. experienced in energy R&D, engineering and sales management, plant operations, computer systems; and Wall Street investment banking including corporate evaluation/development/finance and venture capital operations. Inventive and articulate with many top management contacts. Seeking technical/business opportunity. Box 402-A-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic/Polymer/Bioorganic Chemist: Ph.D., postdoctoral experience, result-oriented, flexible. Extensive synthetic background (heterocyclic and macrocyclic aromatics, stable radicals, chemotherapeutic agents, organometallics), polymer preparation and characterization, reaction mechanisms and analytical experience (MS, ESR, NMR, IR, UV, GC). Publications and languages. Seeks R&D. Available immediately. Box 406-A-10, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Physical/Inorganic: Ph.D. Concerned synthesis and NMR of boron compounds. Additional work with organometallics. Recently returned three year postdoc in England dealing with vibrational spectroscopy. Strong background and interest in teaching. Research interests include spectroscopy and theoretical

Biochemist/Analytical Chemist: Ph.D., 4 years postdoctoral research experience in U.S.A. biochemical laboratory on enzymology and other fields of biochemistry. Five years industrial experience in pharmaceutical R&D laboratory. Four years teaching experience in chemistry in colleges. Salary open. Available immediately. No geographical preference. Box 402-E-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Inorganic/Analytical Chemist: Ph.D., seeking industrial position. Experience includes supervision of inorganic and analytical groups, resulting in publications and patents. Recently developed semiconductor sensor, specific to H2S, widely accepted. Experience in preparation of high-surface inorganic compounds, including catalysts, semiconductors and acid gas absorbants. Box 404-E-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Inorganic/Biochemist: Ph.D., 1972. Experienced in transition metal chemistry and bioenergetics. Strong background and technique in NMR spectroscopy, Xray, computer systems, electrophoresis, protein and amino acid analysis. Seeking research position in industry or governmental laboratories. Publications. Box 405-E-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Oct. 14, 1974 C&EN


Bio-organic Chemist: Ph.D., organic, 1963. Four years research experience in nucleic acids and molecular biology. Eight years experience in drug research and development. Strong in instrumental and wet analysis. Seeks academic/medical/industrial research position. Box 403-E-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical Chemist: M.S., 1973, age 28, seeks R&D or teaching position. Background includes synthesis of organic polyvalent electrolytes, electrolytic conductivity, thermodynamics, kinetics, math, and physics. Twoyears experience in water treatment and development of analytical instrument for water analysis. 1-1/2 years teaching experience. Box 406-E-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical Chemist: Ph.D., 1970. Inorganic reaction mechanisms. Post-doc sixteen months Max Planck Institute in laser spectroscopy, photophysics. Presently res/teach associate. Time resolved kinetics. Taught general and physical chemistry for two years. Interested in teaching or research development in industry. Will relocate almost anywhere. M. L. Pinsky, 523 Fernwood Terrace, Linden, N.J. 07036 Physical Chemist: Ph.D. (Yale), 1970. Chemical dynamics, mass spectrometer development, high vacuum, computer simulation. Experience in teaching, pulp & paper industry, postdoc, pollution problems, programming and oceanography. Seeking teaching or administrative position. Western location only. James D. Kerstetter, Star Rt. 1, Box 102, Hansville, WA 98340, Phone: 206-638-2273 Physical/Coatings Chemist: M.S., 1972. Research in kinetics. Seeks R&D position. Two years experience in water-based coatings for beer and beverage can liners. Received honorable mention in "Ideas of Technical Importance" contest. LeRoy Deters, 2812 Blanchard, Waukegan, IL60085. Phone: 312-244-9465 Senior Polymer Chemist: Organic and Inorganic. Ph.D. Desire active laboratory position as "worKing group leader" or senior chemist. Polyurethanes (foams, coatings, etc.), polyesters, silicones, organophosphorus polymers, epoxy polymers, etc. Synthesis, characterization, and applications. Coatings, adhesives, fibers, plastics. Dr. Robert G. Linville. P.O. Box 04175, Milwaukee, Wis. 53204 B.A. Chemist desires a position doing research. Experienced in peptide chemistry and structural work. Box 411-E-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Chemical Process Production Management, Quality Control Management. Good record of production and process improvement, cost, quality and environmental control. Excellent employee relations. Ready to step in and start solving your problems. Willing to relocate. Box 412-E-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Combustion and Smoke Specialist: Ph.D., Chem. Eng. 1974 (Oct.). Five years experimental research experience with seven publications. Also strong background and interested in polymer flammability, energy development and environmental research, heat, mass, and fluid transfer, catalysis and kinetics, process development and design, computer. Seek R&D, process development position. Married, 29, immigrant visa. Box 413E-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Creative Chemist: New Products Application, Technical Service, Market Development, Purchasing, Production. Product experience: Speciality Chemicals, Plastics (thermoplastic & thermosetting), Coatings, Inks, Adhesives, Paper, Home Furnishings, Cosmetics. Graduate engineering courses, MBA equivalent, publications. Ability to deal with technical problems that involve basic ideas, people and business. Box 414-E-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Female Ph.D. Columbis, Age 35. Experienced in enzymes, lipid isolation and most recently in inorganic silicon chemistry. Familiar with most analytical techniques, especially heavy in GLC. Presently in San Francisco Bay area. Relocation considered. Box 415E-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Thermo/Math/Editorial/Field Botany: Seeking data patterns? Empiricist available. Some civil engineering, radiochemistry doctorate, molecular genetics theory. Five years mass transfer, gas electronics, fifteen teaching, including crystallography. Facile programmer; fair glass-blowing, sterile cultures. Largest cities: no outer suburbs. Prefer applications, applied research. William Rice, Beloit College, Beloit, Wl 53511 Synthetic Organic/Organometallic Chemist: Ph.D. (1967—Canada). Many publications, 3-1/2 years PDF and teaching experience (Canada & UK). Wide range of experience in organic synthesis, photochemistry, and instrumental methods (IR, UV, NMR, Mass, GC, TLC). Seeks academic or industrial position. Location open. Available immediately. Box 402-D-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical Organic/Organic: Ph.D., 1973. Experienced in kinetics, mechanisms, synthesis, structure-reactivity relationships, physical methods, isotopic labeling, and free radical solvent effects. Presently post doc ETH studying diffusion in cellulose and process optimization. Seeks R&D position. Box 404-D-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Polymer Chemist: Ph.D. Postdoctoral and industrial experience. Background in polymer structure-property


C&ENOct. 14, 1974

relationships, polymer characterization, polymer grafting, polymer synthesis, surface and colloid chemistry of silica. Some background in biochemistry and clinical chemistry. Publications and patent pending. Desires R&D position. Box 406-D-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 B.A. Chemist (1971): Seeks entry level position in industry. Has demonstrated excellent skills in organic synthesis and analysis and spectrometric identification of organic compounds. Has demonstrated excellent management potential. Ambitious and self-motivated. Will Relocate. James D. Specht, 2619 Concord, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Chemist/Materials and Processes Engineer: 18 years experience with protective coatings, corrosion, etchants, plating and anodizing. Research, development, or manufacturing. Enthusiastic and creative. Box 408-D-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Clinical Chemist: Ph.D., Nine years industrial and four years academic and contract research experience. Extensive background in R&D, production, quality control, customer service, and regulatory affairs for invitro diagnostics. Seeking high level management position in industry. Will consider lab management position with consulting opportunities. NRCC, AACC, ACS. Publications. Box 409-D-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Corporate Development/New Business Ventures: Seasoned in identifying, stimulating and creating growth by applying sound technology, planning skills and marketing strength against profitable marketing opportunities. Proven staff/line accomplishments in building new businesses via internal development, international technology exchange and corporate acquisitions. Write: ESI, Box 28309, Columbus, Ohio 43228 Electron Beam Microprober: MS, seeks microprobe, SEM, or other analytical instrumentation in Greater Boston or NE area. Five years microprobe metallurgical analysis. Eleven years inorganic chemistry, bench and pilot plants. R. F. Quirk, 286 Warren St., Needham, MA 02192 Analytical-Physical: Ph.D. Extensive experience in instrumental and physical methods, in-stream monitoring, pollution, radiochemistry, diffraction methods, material science and glass technology. Productive management to interface with functional divisions. Can innovate, organize, follow through programs and enhance profitability. Seek R/D or plant position. Publications. Box 400-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Biochemist/Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1958. Synthesis and biochemistry experience. Sixteen years in academic and medical research. Some teaching. Twenty-one publications. Seeking assistant professorship or responsible position in medical/pharmaceutical research. R. J. Dummel, 38 Aquavista, San Francisco, Ca. 94131 Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1970. Seeking R&D position. Experienced in isolation, structure determination, and synthesis of natural products; synthesis and electrooptical studies on nematic liquid crystals; purification of commercial dyes and synthesis of dyes for dye lasers; supervisory and managerial experience. Box 402-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic/Analytical Chemist: M A . 1974. Female. Thesis research in general organic synthesis. Some experience in natural products synthesis. Broad background in analytical techniques. Familiar with AA, chromatography-gas, column, thin and thick layer, spectroscopy—IR, NMR, MS, ion exchange, and others. Available immediately. Will relocate. Betty I. Dunbar, 4038 LaFayette Road, Jamesville, New York 13078 Forensic Chemist: M.S. Forensic Science, Sept. 1974, B.A. Chemistry; Experience in federal crime laboratory, summer 1973, mostly instrumental analysis (IR, GC, PGC, NAA, and X-ray fluorescence). Interests—analysis of non-biological evidence, analysis of drugs. Seeks position in crime laboratory. Box 410-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Hard-Working Analytical Chemist: B.A. wet and dry methods with modern instrumentation, I.R., U.V.—VIS. Seeks work in Q.A. or Q.C. Willing to relocate. David Robinson, 10540 N.E. 4 Ave., Miami, Florida 33138 Medicinal Chemist, Ph.D. 1971. 2 years postdoctoral experience. Background includes 13 years experience in the syntheses and drug design of anticancer drugs. Eighteen publications. Seeks position in industry or medical institution with advancement possibilities. New York metro area only. No agencies please. Box 412-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Product Development Manager: Fifteen years of increasingly responsible experience includes Product Development, Quality Control, Technical Service, Organization and Planning, Marketing, Sales, Supervision, Innovative Ideas, and Thermaset and Thermoplastic resins and adhesives. Prefer New England area. M. J. Darnowski, 70 Miscoe Road, Worcester, Mass. 01604 (617) 753-7683 Soviet trade: Chemical and Engineering Executive. Univ. Calif. (Berkeley) Ph.D. Fluent Russian. Fortune top 50 background in petroleum, chemicals, polymers, minerals, nuclear, graphic arts. Eleven years of Soviet expertise. High level contacts. Can help spark your communications link for technology and product

sales in U.S.S.R. Box 414-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Aerosol Food Chemist: Master Science physical chemistry 1950; Master Science Food 1973. As Chief Aerosol Chemist, organized, set-up, and directed aerosol laboratory. Seven year's experience toiletries, aerosols, chemical specialties. Cosmetic formulation experience, 3 years. Capable assuming full responsibility in aerosol laboratory. Available immediately. Box 405-C-9. ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Consumer Product Testing, Quality Control. Ph.D. 11 years. Department Head. Foods, Cosmetics, Drugs, Toiletries. Plant Inspections, Regulatory Liaison, Vendor Relations, USP, NF, AOAC, Wet/Instrumental Analysis. Toxicological, Microbiological, Physical Testing. Box 407-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Food Scientist in Chocolate, Confectionery, Fats and Oils offers services as either consultant or technical specialist. Ph.D. Basic and applied research. Product, process, and production machinery development. Quality control. Product analysis. Formulation. Packaging. Technical service. Close collaboration with management, sales, production, and engineering. Kenneth E. McCloskey, 318 Canyon Dr., N., Lehigh Acres, Florida 33936. (813) 369-5485 Food Technologist, Ph.D. with established record of leadership and technical expertise with numerous products and processes including meats, cereal, fruits, vegetables, canning, freezing and instantizing. Eighteen years industry and government experience. Desire position in management, production, or R&D. Box 409C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Versatile Chemist-Chemical Engineer: Strong business background—20 years experience in development of new products and application methods, technical service/sale, R&D, market appraisal and new technology. Epoxies, natural and synthetic rubber, polymers for sealants, potting and encapsulation, coatings, equipment, domestic and abroad. Box 415-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Chemist: B.S. plus, 1970, Highest Honors, G.P.A. 4.0. Seven successful years experience in commercial analytical lab. Versatile instrumentation and wet analysis background. Specialty in gas chromatographic detection of pesticides. Prefer S.F. Bay area. Available immediately. Mary Lukes, (415) 967-2041, 230 Arriba z2, Sunnyvale, California 94086 Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1974, U. of Illinois. Industrial R&D experience in high-pressure catalytic hydrogenation. Excellent academic record. Strong synthetic and spectroscopic background. Publications. Desire industrial or governmental research position emphasizing organic synthesis. Location open. Available immediately. Box 401-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Ph.D. Organic/Analytical. B.S. Pharmacy. Extensive experience in synthetic and analytical chemistry, drug assays, clinical assays, and method development. Experienced with high pressure liquid chromatography, G.C., UV, NMR, thin layer and column chromatography. Experienced in organization of quality control laboratories. Ten years teaching. Seeking laboratory supervisory position or a position in R&D with chemical or Pharmaceutical company. Box 403-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical Chemist: Ph.D., 1974. Graduate research experience in surface chemistry, dye chemistry, polarization spectroscopy, and single crystals (esp. silver halides). Also experience with circular dichroism measurements and optically active systems. Seeks R&D position. Publications. William D. Pandolfe, 902 Ridge Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 Analytical Radiochemist/Chemical Engineer. Ph.D. 1970; 32 years old, postdoctoral experience, have publications; experience; neutron AA, x-ray florescence, programming, radioactive tracers. Good knowledge in instrumentation. Work on pollution problems and NAA in medicine. Seek industrial R&D or academic position. Available immediately. Will relocate. No agencies. Box 407-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Business Planning-Market Research: Experience includes: Manager of business planning and marketing research departments. Commercial development of new products/expansion of existing lines. Financial and capital investment analysis. Acquisition and divestment planning and analysis. Technological forecasting and R&D commercial guidance. B.S., Ch.E., M.I.T.; M.B.A., N.Y.U., Box 410-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Information Systems Analysis/Design: Extensive government, commercial experience R&D design, installation of systems and techniques for chemical structure and property, toxicology, cancer, patent information. Text processing; user requirements studies; on-line/ batch, large/mini computers. Computer languages, foreign languages, chemical line notations. Ph.D. organic. Fifty publications. Box 413-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Personable, adaptable, well traveled organic chemistry prof seeks technical liaison position related to pharmaceuticals, health, petrochemicals or energy. Industrial experience in bio- and clinical chemistry. Academic experience in administration, workstudy, health science and international programs. Box 415-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Enthusiastic graduate: B.S. in Chemistry 1974. Interest in water and wastewater chemistry. Seeks employment in this or related field. Prefers non-urban environment. J. P. O'Brien, 455 West Cook, Springfield, Illinois 62704. Phone (217) 528-2788 Biochemist: Experienced in enzyme isolation methods; all types of chromatography and most instrumental analyses. Six publications. Two years experience in supervision of up to ten technicians. Both academic and industrial background. Broad range of research projects. Prior security clearance. Location open. Robert 0 . Quesenberry, Box 369, Hinton, W.Va. 25951 Chemist: B.S., China born and educated. Mandarin speaking. U.S. Citizen, twenty years food industry experience in U.S. Desires to be negotiator or representative in China trade of foods, drugs, herbs, seeds, saplings, fibers, fertilizers, chemicals, farm machinery including trucks, oil drilling equipment. Box 403-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20035 Perfumes/Cosmetics/Chemical Specialties: Broad experience in fragrance creation and evaluation; toiletries research and development, household product and detergent formulation. Chief perfumer, laboratory director and consultant to prominent companies. Seek responsible position. Box 409-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Process or Technical Service Engineer: M.S.Ch.E. 1968. Young aggressive and economy minded. Experience (Polymer/Adhesives) in production supervision, process engineering, product development, scaleup pilot plant, purchasing and technical service. Technical skill to excel at long range planning. Box 408-At N w , Washington, D.C. 20036 9, ACS, 1155 16th St.,

~ -— —


Want R&D career: Product development, formulation, cost reduction, effects of additives, coatings, or other results-oriented work. Prefer pioneering new or growing commercial areas, interacting with manufacturing and marketing. Four years industrial experience in the above; Ph.D.; B.S.: high honors and distinction in chemistry. Audrey Knauer, P.O.B. 174, Neenah, Wisconsin 4956 Chemical Engineer: Ph.D., August 1974. age 28, married, experimental thesis in high pressure vapor-liquid equilibrium of hydrocarbon mixtures. Interested in applied research and development work. Balanced chemical engineering background with a strong emphasis on mathematical modelling. Location open. Box 401-C-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Accomplished Manager. Inventive Scientist Engineer: B.A., B.Eng, Ph.D. (organic, polymer), postdoctoral (carbohydrates). Created new products, processes used on massive scale. Wood, grasses-pulping, bleaching; starch, alcohol, protein processing; papermaking, specialty papers, coatings; clays, talcs, bentonites. Materials science, fine particle technology. Box 410-C-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Organic R&D Chemist: M.S. Versatile with excellent experience in the production of thermoset resins seeks a position in the environmental, analytical or organic field. Available immediately. No agencies please. V. Zale, P.O. Box 524, Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14302 Polymer Chemist: Ph.D. Extensive experiences in polymerization, processing, characterization, rheological work, equipment design, Experiences with coatings, thermoplastics, and rubber. After an idea for highest efficiency in R/D. Deeply involved in an invented painting system which has many important advantages; detailed R/D plan ready for discussions. Box 406-A-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Administrator/Coordinator, twenty-five years accomplishments cosmetics, toiletries, specialties, aerosols. Product, process, packaging devt., manufacturing, systems, procedures, overall phases product introduction. Dedicated, cost minded innovator, service-oriented. Ph.D. credits, languages. Currently Lab Director, seeks challenge fully utilizing extensive experience. Available immediately for relocation. Morris Kenigsberg, 113 Country Club Ct., Danville, III. 61832 Chemist: Ph.D. 44, 25 years experience in analytical and synthetic organic chemistry, chromatography, spectroscopy, electroanalysis, clinical chemistry, 8 publications, languages, looking for interesting and responsible position. Box 409-A-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Food & Dairy Industry Consultant and Liaison Representative: New technology appraisal, literature, retrieval, licensing and patent development, and quality control and FDA-liaison. Specialty areas: milk, vegetable and microbial (single-cell) proteins, immobilized enzymes and enzyme engineering, texturization, ultrafiltration, and food fermentation processes. Box 413-A8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Process Research-Organic, Polymer, Organometallic: Diversified experience in specialty chemicals and polymers from bench-scale synthesis and modification through scale-up. Process improvement and in-plant trouble-shooting, Graft polymers, tin and silane intermediates, polyurethanes, epoxies, carboxylics, polysulfides and silicones. In NYC/NJ area but relocatable. Box 417-A-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036


MISCELLANEOUS Advertising of classifications not included in Directories on preceding pages

INDEX TO ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE American Can Company Lescarboura Advertising, Inc.

For sale: Complete set of Beilstein, up to and including Supplement 3, Volume 12, Part 3. Please contact J. Dickstein, Haven Chemical, 5000 Langdon Street, Phila., Pa. 19124. Telephone: 215-533-0901


* Arizona Chemical Company Wildrick & Miller, Inc., Adv.


Beckman Instruments N. W. Ayer/JorgensenIMacDonald

22 Inc.

Crown Zellerbach Chem. Prod. Div Bernadette TalbottAdv.

20 115

DuPont Instrument N. W. Ayer & Son Inc.


*Emery Industries, Inc Northlich, Stolley, Inc.


31 32-39 31 31

Thomas N. J. Koerwer, President; Clay S. Holden, Vice President; Benjamin W. Jones, Vice President; Robert L. Voepel, Vice President; C. Douglas Wallach, Vice President; 50 West State Street, Westport, Connecticut 06880 (Area Code 203) 2267131 ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER C. Douglas Wallach SALES REPRESENTATIVES

*Ethyl Corporation Gaynor & Ducas Adv.


*Exxon Chemical Co. U.S.A. Week ley & Penny Inc.


*GAF Corporation Michael Gather, Inc.


Gulf Oil Corporation Ketchum, MacLeod & Grove Inc. The Harshaw Chemical Company Industry Advertising Co.



*Hercules, Inc. Fuller & Smith & Ross Inc.


international Salt Co. Weightman Inc.


Matheson Gas Products Warner, Bicking & Fenwick Inc.


Mettler Instrument Corp. Harris & McKinney, Inc.


*Pennwalt Corp. Aitkin-Kynett


*Philadelphia Quartz Company The Michener Advertising


Phillips Petroleum Company Barickman Advertising, Inc. Reilly Tar-Chemicals Caldwell- Van Riper, Inc.

24 IFC

Schweiz, Springstoff-Fabrik AG Publicitas Service International


Sherwin Williams Chemicals Harris D. McKinney, Inc.


Velsicol Chemical Corp./ Div. Ill Sander Allen Advertising,

Chemical Exchange Classified Advertising Equipment Mart Technical Services CENTCOM, LTD.

*DuPont Instruments N. W. Ayer & Son, Inc.

*Sun Oil Company The Michener Company,


18-19 Adv.

Atlanta, GA . . . Robert M o r a n , C E N T C O M , Ltd. Telephone: WX 2586 Boston, MA . . . Robert Kelchner, CENTC O M , Ltd. Telephone: E N T 2 1 0 8 Chicago, IL . . . Douglas W a l l a c h & T o m Felgen, C E N T C O M , Ltd., 540 Frontage Rd., Northfield, II. 60093 Telephone: 3 1 2 - 4 4 1 6383 Cleveland, O H . . . Donald H a n s o n , CENTC O M , Ltd., Century Bldg., 17 East O r a n g e St., Chagrin Falls, O h . 4 4 0 2 2 Telephone: 216-247-7576 Dallas, TX . . . B e n j a m i n J o n e s , CENTC O M , Ltd. Telephone: 2 1 4 - 6 4 3 - 2 5 8 6 Denver, CO Clay H o l d e n , C E N T C O M , Ltd. Telephone: 2 1 3 - 7 7 6 - 0 5 5 2 Houston, TX . . . B e n j a m i n J o n e s , CENTC O M , Ltd. Telephone: ENT 70124 Los Angeles, CA . . . Clay Holden, CENTC O M , Ltd., 8820 South Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 215, Los Angeles, Ca. 90045. Telephone: 2 1 3 - 7 7 6 - 0 5 5 2 New

York, NY . . . Peter Chase, Robert Kelchner, C E N T C O M , Ltd., 60 East 4 2 n d St., N e w York, N.Y. 10017. Telephone: 212-972-9660 Philadelphia, PA . . . B e n j a m i n Jones, C E N T C O M , Ltd., 535 Pennsylvania A v e . , Fort W a s h i n g t o n , Pa. 19034. Telephone: 215-643-2586 San Francisco, CA . . . Clay Holden, CENTC O M , Ltd. Telephone: 2 1 3 - 7 7 6 - 0 5 5 2 Westport, CT Robert Kelchner, CENTC O M , Ltd., 50 West State St., Westport, Ct. 06880. Telephone: 203-226-7131 London, England . . . M a l c o l m Thiele, T e c h n o m e d i a Ltd., W a r w i c k House, 9 W a r w i c k St., L o n d o n , W I R 6LS. Telephone: 0 1 - 4 3 7 5461 Manchester, England . . . M a l c o l m Thiele, T e c h n o m e d i a Ltd., 8 Fernhill, Mellor, S t o c k p o r t , SK6 5 A N . Telephone: 061-4275 Reading, England . . . M a l c o l m Thiele, T e c h n o m e d i a Ltd., W o o d Cottage, Shurlock Row, Reading, R G 1 0 O Q E . Telephone: 073-581-302 Paris, France . . . J a c k A n d e r s e n , T e c h n o m e d i a Ltd., 18 Rue G o u n o d , 92 SaintCloud, Paris. Telephone: 602-24-79 Tokyo, Japan . . . Haruo Moribayashi, I n ternational Media Representatives Ltd., 1, S h i b e - K o t o h i r a c h o , M i n a t o - k u , T o k y o . Telephone: 502-0656


Westvaco IBC McCaffrey & McCall, Inc. Adv. *Companies so marked appear in the industrial demographic distribution.

Production Director Joseph P. Stenza Production Assistant Alice M. Hansen Classified Advertising Nancy Lally Brewster