EMPLOYMENT - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Aug 29, 2005 - Advertising Rate Information. CLASSIFICATIONS. Positions open—placement bureaus, industrial positions, pharmaceutical positions, and ...
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Advertising Rate Information CLASSIFICATIONS Positions open—placement bureaus, industrial posi­ tions, pharmaceutical positions, and academic posi­ tions. Situations wanted—members, nonmembers, student and national affiliates, retired members. Issuance: Published weekly every Monday. Closing Date for Classified Ads: Standard Set A d s Thursday, 10 a.m. 18 days preceding publication date. Display Ads—Monday, 2 weeks preceding pub­ lication date. No extensions. Cancellations must be received U days in advance of publication date (except legal holidays.)

ACS MEMBER RATES "Situations Wanted"advertisements will be classified by the chemical field designated by the members. If not designated, placement will be determined by the first word of the text submitted.

EMPLOYED MEMBERS "Situations Wanted" advertisements placed by employed ACS members and affiliates are accepted at $6.60 a line per insertion, no minimum charge. State ACS membership status and email to m„[email protected].

UNEMPLOYED & RETIRED MEMBERS Unemployed members and affiliates, members and affiliates under notice of involuntary unemployment within 60 days, and student members and affiliates who have not found employment two months prior to graduation may place free advertisements (up to 35 words) in C&EN on a biweekly basis (maximum 18 insertions each calendar year). Retired mem­ bers who are looking for part-time employment, and who have applied for retired status with ACS may place free advertisements (up to 35 words) in C&EN on a monthly basis (maximum 6 insertions each cal­ endar year). The "Consultant Section" is reserved for retired members only. To place an ad: Advertisers must include their name, address, daytime telephone number, ACS mem­ bership number, and details of their unemployment upon submitting a request. A box number will be assigned; however, if confidentiality is not a factor, use a direct-mail address and/or phone or fax num­ ber for a quicker response. Send copy for free ads to American Chemical Society, Department of Career Services, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036; fax (202) 872-Λ529. Copy will not be accepted by phone. All requests will be confirmed via mail. For more information, call (800) 227-5558 ext. 6208.

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Quality Jobs, Quality Chemists



SR CONSULTING ENG; (DuPont, Wilmington DE); perform sustainability assessment in support of process dev & mktg; engage in eng evals for res guidance; prov consulting svcs to eng & other grps. Req: Ph.D. in Chem Eng or foreign equiv; 2 yrs exp in job offered or 2 yrs as consulting eng or tech con­ sult; bkgd, trng or exp in sustainability analysis (eval prods & processes in terms of tech feasibility, eco­ nomic merit, environmental issues), process syn­ thesis & modeling, economic evals, life cycle analy­ sis, ind biotechnology w/emphasis on sep processes; exp w/biochemistry & microbiology fundamentals as well as w/ind biotechnology w/emphasis on sep processes. 40 hrs/wk; salary commens w/exp. Resumes to Joyce Rinko, DuPont, 1007 Market St., Rm. D-7031, Wilmington, DE 19898. ANALYTICAL SERVICES RESEARCH SCIENTIST Saint-Gobain Crystals, a division of a Fortune 500 Company is a manufacturer of high performance optical crystals used for cutting edge applications in medical, semiconductor, scientific and military appli­ cations and has an immediate opening in our R&D Department. The position is responsible for devel­ oping and implementing appropriate analytical char­ acterization methods for sapphire, fused silica and halide crystal products. The candidate should pos­ sess an advanced degree (ideally a Ph.D.) in chem­ istry with an emphasis in physical, inorganic oranalytical. The candidate needs to know how to use analytical instruments such as ICP-OES, IC, LEC0 analyzers, BET, mechanical testing, optical spec­ troscopy (UV-Vis, FTIR) and optical microscopy for the purposes of evaluating material properties and relating this to both the customer needs and inter­ nally to process parameters. The candidate should also be familiar with the science concerning the opti­ cal properties of crystals and glassy materials. Knowledge in material science is a plus. The incum­ bent will interface with other R&D, manufacturing, marketing and sales personnel. Good technical writ­ ing and verbal communication skills are necessary. Competitive salary with excellent benefit package. EOEM/F/D/V. Saint-Gobain Crystals, 6801 Cochran Rd., Solon, OH 44139. Fax - 440-349-6951. Send or email resume to: [email protected]

ACADEMIC POSITIONS FACULTY POSITION CHEMISTRY CORNELL UNIVERSITY The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology is searching for a tenure-track faculty member. Out­ standing candidates with research interests in syn­ thesis (broadly defined and including chemical biol­ ogy), that complement rather than duplicate our existing strengths, are encouraged to apply. The Department's expansion in this area is part of a cam­ pus-wide initiative in the new life sciences. The suc­ cessful applicant will be expected to carry out an effective interdisciplinary research program and to teach at both the undergraduate and graduate lev­ els. A Ph.D. degree is required, and postdoctoral experience is preferred. Applicants should submit a graduate transcript (photocopy acceptable), cur­ riculum vitae, publication list, and separate sum­ maries of research experience and research plans. These materials and three letters of recommenda­ tion should be sent to: Chair, Synthesis Chem-Bio Faculty, Search Committee, Department of Chem­ istry and Chemical Biology, Baker Laboratory, Cor­ nell University, Ithaca, New York, 14853-1301, and be received no later than November 7, 2005. Cornell University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and Educator.

When responding to a position please mention you saw the ad in

Chemical & Engineering News

C & E N / A U G U S T 2 9 , 2005



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Chief Editor and Assistant Editors Nature Publishing Group, the publisher of Nature, is pleased to announce the launch of Nature Nanotechnology, an international monthly journal covering all aspects of cutting-edge research at the nano scale. Nature Nanotechnology aims to publish top-quality papers from all related disciplines, as well as outstanding editorial content, including reviews and commentaries. As part of this exciting new publishing venture, we are now seeking a Chief Editor and three Assistant Editors for Nature Nanotechnology. Two Assistant Editors are to be based in our London office and one in our Japan office. The Chief Editor must have a strong track record in either physics, chemistry or materials research (experience of nano scale research is desirable) as well as significant editorial experience. Candidates must demonstrate a good understanding of the challenges faced by researchers in both industry and academia. Knowledge of the Asian market would be an advantage but not essential. The Assistant Editors will have a Ph.D. in physics, chemistry or materials science, with demonstrable research achievements. Though postdoctoral experience is preferred (not required) emphasis will be placed on broadly trained applicants with knowledge of nano scale research. Key elements of the position include the selection of manuscripts for publication, commissioning, editing and writing other content for the journal. Candidates who wish to be considered for the role in our Japan office must demonstrate a good understanding of the East Asian research communities (in particular Japan, China and Korea) as well as being fluent in English and preferably an Asian language (Japanese, Chinese or Korean). These are demanding and extremely stimulating roles, which call for a keen interest in the practice and communication of science. The successful candidates will therefore be dynamic, motivated and outgoing and must possess excellent interpersonal skills. The salary and benefits, will be competitive, reflecting the critical importance and responsibilities of each position. Applicants for the Chief Editor position (Ref: NPG/LON/284) should send a CV, a brief cover letter explaining their interest in the post, and a statement (1000 words maximum) that encapsulates their vision for the journal's content, competitive position and longer term development. Applicants for the Assistant Editor positions (Ref: NPG/LON/300) should send a CV (including their class of degree and a brief account of their research and other relevant experience), a News & View style piece (600 words or less) on a recent paper from related literature, and a brief cover letter explaining their interest in the post and indicating whether they wish to be considered for a position in London or Japan. Please send applications, clearly stating the relevant reference numberto:Rebecca Innes, Personnel Assistant at: [email protected] Closing Date: 5th September 2 0 0 5

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29, 2005


ACADEMIC POSITIONS INORGANIC AND MATERIALS CHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry at Emory University announces a search for a tenure-track position in research areas broadly defined by bioinorganic chemistry, catalysis, inorganic materials or nanoscience. The position will strengthen our inorganic/materials chemistry program and/or complement recent growth at the interface of chemistry and biology. Candidates must have a PhD degree in chemistry or related fields. Successful candidates are expected to establish a creative multidisciplinary research program and commit to quality teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The appointment is expected to be at the rank of Assistant or Associate professor. For the Associate professor appointment, applications are welcome from individuals currently at the Assistant or Associate levels with unusually strong records. Candidates should submit a letter of intent, a curriculum vitae and research plans, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent. All materials and correspondence should be sent via email (preferred) with attached Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat files to: [email protected], or alternatively by regular mail to: Chair, Inorganic Faculty Search Committee, Department of Chemistry, 1515 Dickey Dr., Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322. For more information about the Department, please visit the website:

http://www.emory.edu/CHEMISTRY. Application review will begin October 1, 2005 and will continue until the position is filled.

EMORY UNIVERSITY Emory University is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer.

University at Buffalo The State University of New York

Assistant/Associate Professor of Chemistry Materials or Polymer Synthesis The Department of Chemistry, University at Buffalo (UB), The State University of New Yoric, invites applications for a new tenure track/tenured Assistant or Associate Professorship with research interests in the area of materials or polymer synthesis, as broadly conceived. The successful candidate must be committed to undergraduate and graduate education, is expected to develop or have a vigorous, funded research program, and shall conduct research in areas that complement, rather than duplicate, existing research efforts. A list of current faculty and sampling of research programs within the Department of Chemistry are available at: http://www.chem.buffalo.edu/ A cover letter, full curriculum vitae, brief statement of teaching philosophy and proposed research plans (< 10 pages), and three letters of recommendation should be sent via e-mail to: [email protected] or by mail to: Materials Chemistry Search Committee Chair Department of Chemistry Natural Sciences Complex University at Buffalo The State University of New York Buffalo, NY 14260-3000 Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged. Review of applications will begin on October 1,2005, and will continue until the position is filled. The UB Department of Chemistry is comfortably situated in a modern research facility, connnected to modern lecture halls and classroom space. We offer competitive set up packages and there are several on campus centers and facilities that provide additional opportunities for collaboration and shared resource facilities that support materials/polymer fabrication and characterization. The Department of Chemistry is particularly interested in considering applications from women, under-represented minorities or handicapped persons. University at Buffalo, The State University of New York is an AA/EOE/Recruiter and strongly encourages applications from women, minorities and disabled individuals.

FACULTY POSITION CHEMISTRY CORNELL UNIVERSITY The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology is searching for a tenure-track faculty member at the Assistant Professor level. Outstanding candidates with research interests in any area of chemistry, that complement rather than duplicate our existing strengths, are encouraged to apply. The successful applicant will be expected to carry out an effective research program and to teach introductory chemistry as well as advanced undergraduate and graduate courses. A Ph.D. degree is required, and postdoctoral experience is preferred. Applicants should submit a graduate transcript (photocopy acceptable), curriculum vitae, publication list, and separate summaries of research experience and research plans. These materials and three letters of recommendation should be sent to: Chair, Open-Field Faculty Search Committee, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Baker Laboratory, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 148531301, and be received no later than November 7,2005. Cornell University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and Educator.

IN RESPONSE TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA'S PRESIDENTIAL INITIATIVE ON BIOCATALYSIS, the Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics and the Biotechnology Institute seek to hire an outstanding faculty member studying fundamental biochemical aspects of biotechnology, biocatalysis or bioenergy. The position is expected to be at the tenuretrack assistant professor level, but outstanding candidates at any level will be considered. Review of applications will begin Nov 1st and continue until the position is filled. All candidates must have a Ph.D. degree and a strong publication record. Postdoctoral or equivalent experience is desired. To apply please send a curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching interests and arrange to have sent three letters of recommendation that consider both teaching and research potential to: BMBB Search Committee Chair, c/o Kristi Iskierka, Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics, 1479 Gortner Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 USA. An application sent by e-mail to bmbb-search@cbs. umn.edu should be followed by a hard copy sent to the address above. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry invites applications for full-time tenure-track positions at the Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor levels in all areas of chemistry including chemical education and the interdisciplinary areas of materials chemistry and chemical biology. Candidates will be expected to establish a high-quality, externally funded research program and have a commitment to outstanding graduate and undergraduate teaching. Salary is negotiable. Ph.D. required. Applications must be submitted online, and include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, detailed research statement and three letters of recommendation. Details can be found at: http://www.scs.uiuc. edu/chem/posannounce.html (Faculty Position). All applications submitted by September 30, 2005 will receive full consideration for appointments starting August 16,2006. If you have questions, please feel free to call (217) 333-5071. The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action-Equal Opportunity Employer.

CALVIN COLLEGE CHAIR IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at Calvin College invites applications for an endowed chair in organic chemistry that could be filled as early as January 2006, pending administrative approval. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in organic chemistry and a minimum of five years of experience in an academic or industrial setting. The holder of the chair will be expected to establish an externally-funded research program with undergraduates and to be committed to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level. Calvin College seeks faculty members who affirm the Christian faith as expressed by the Reformed confessions and energetically support the mission of the college. Calvin College does not discriminate in the employment of individuals on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, disability, sex, or age. Please send a curriculum vitae, transcripts, names of three references, and a brief statement of research plans before October 15, 2005 to: Dr. Ronald Blankespoor, Chair; Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry; Calvin College; 1726 Knollcrest Circle SE; Grand Rapids, Ml 49546-4403.


ANALYTICAL OR PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY FACULTY POSITION The Department of Chemistry is pleased to announce a continuing faculty expansion, following the appointment of seven new faculty in three years and a major research building renovation. The Department invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position effective August 2006 in analytical chemistry, broadly defined (e.g., bioanalytical, nanoscience, separations, environmental etc.) or experimental physical chemistry (e.g. environmental, nanoscience, biophysical, etc.) and will offer a highly competitive salary and start-up package. Applicants should demonstrate clear potential to develop and lead a nationally prominent, externally funded research program and commitment to excellence in teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Candidates must have a PhD and postdoctoral experience and demonstrated research scholarship and productivity. Please send letter of interest, CV, teaching interest statement, and detailed research proposal(s), and arrange for academic transcripts and three letters of recommendation to be sent to: Analytical/Physical Faculty Search Committee, University of Iowa, Department of Chemistry, Iowa City, IA 52242-1294. Application review will begin October 10th and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Iowa, an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer, strongly encourages women and minorities to apply. UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. The Department of Chemistry invites applications for a position at the Assistant Professor level in all areas of experimental chemistry, with special emphasis in biological, physical, and materials chemistry. Exceptional candidates at the senior level may also be considered. Candidates are expected to establish an outstanding program of original research and to be effective teachers at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae and statement of research plans (in PDF or MS Word format) to Ms. Karen Dean at [email protected]. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent. Review of applications will begin on October 14, 2005. The University of Rochester is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. C & E N / AUGUST 29, 2005


ACADEMIC POSITIONS FACULTY POSITIONS DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY BOSTON COLLEGE Applications are invited for two tenure-track faculty positions, effective September 2006. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: experimental physical, theoretical, materials, analytical, organic, inorganic, and biological chemistry, as well as related interdisciplinary areas. Successful applicants are expected to establish a prominent, externally-funded research program and will join a department of approximately 100 doctoral students, 25 postdoctoral fellows and an internationally recognized faculty. Boston College is located in a residential community bordering Boston and within 20 minutes of the other major universities in the Boston/Cambridge area. Applicants at the beginning Assistant Professor level should indicate their area or areas of research and their teaching interests by submitting both a detailed research plan and a brief statement of teaching interests, along with their curriculum vitae and a summary of previous research accomplishments. In addition, applicants should arrange to have three letters of reference transmitted. Established investigators should send a letter of application and appropriate supporting materials. All materials should be sent to Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Chemistry, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3860. The application deadline is October 15, 2005. Web site: http://chemserv. bc.edu. Fax: (617) 552-2705. Boston College, a university of 14 schools and colleges, is an equal opportunity employer and supports affirmative action.

ACADEMIC POSITIONS ECKERD COLLEGE, which offers ACS-certified chemistry and biochemistry degrees, is inviting applications for a new tenure-track Assistant Professor position, to start in September, 2006. The area of specialty is open, but the successful candidate must have a strong undergraduate background in chemistry, with a Ph.D. in chemistry. Teaching responsibilities will be heavily oriented toward our general chemistry lecture and laboratory sections, so enthusiasm for introductory chemistry classes is a necessity. The ability to contribute to other courses, particularly organic chemistry, will be an asset. Research with undergraduates is strongly encouraged. Available instrumentation includes AA, scanning and diode-array uv-vis, FTIR, 300-MHz NMR, HPLC, GC-FID, GC-MS, and electrochemical equipment. Participation in an interdisciplinary, values-oriented general education program is required, including a regular rotation in a two-semester freshman course. Eckerd College is a fully-accredited, private, coeducational liberal arts institution. Applicants should send CV, official undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to Professor Reggie L. Hudson, Department of Chemistry, Eckerd College, 4200 54th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711 by October 10, 2005. Brief statements of teaching philosophy and research interests will also be welcome. See: http://www.eckerd.edu/academics/chemistry/ for additional information about Eckerd College and its chemistry program. EOE/M/F/V/ADA

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY MERCER UNIVERSITY. The Department of Chemistry DARTMOUTH COLLEGE in the College of Liberal Arts announces its search for Applications are invited for a faculty position at the a Physical Chemist to fill a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level starting July, 2006. The rank of Assistant Professor. The primary instructional Chemistry Department seeks an individual who will responsibilities will be physical chemistry and general establish a nationally recognized research program in chemistry. An ability to contribute to our biochemistry Organic Chemistry at Dartmouth, and who will excel programs is a plus. Additional responsibilities will at teaching in our undergraduate and Ph.D. curricuinclude mentoring of undergraduate student research, lum. Candidates will be expected to be able to teach and support of the College's interdisciplinary curricuintroductory and advanced courses in organic chemlum. Faculty duties commence August 1, 2006. Meristry, as well as graduate courses in their area of cer University is a comprehensive institution of 7,300 research. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, students enrolled in ten colleges and schools. The hisa description of their research plans, and a brief statetoric core of the University, the College of Liberal Arts ment about their teaching interests. Applicants should is a selective institution serving 1,900 undergraduate also arrange to have three letters of recommendation students. The University and College associate with a sent on their behalf. All inquiries and applications will rich Baptist heritage with educational programs disbe treated confidentially. Application materials should tinguished by their rigor and academic freedom. Canbe sent to Chair, Organic Chemist Search Committee, didates who will complete all Ph.D. requirements by Department of Chemistry, 6128 Burke Laboratory, the commencement of faculty duties should apply Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755-3564. The through the Mercer University Human Resources webCommittee will begin to consider completed applicasite: www.mercerjobs.com. Review of applications will tions on October 15. With an even distribution of male begin immediately. An AA/EEO employer, Mercer Uniand female students and over a quarter of the under- versity strongly encourages applications from female and graduate student population members of minority groups, minority candidates. Dartmouth is committed to diversity and encourages applications from women and minorities. Dartmouth College is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY POSITION ROLLINS COLLEGE CHEM/BIO Rollins College, an ACS-accredited, highly selective, The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at The nationally recognized, comprehensive liberal arts colUniversity of Texas at Austin is seeking to expand its lege, invites applications for a tenure track assistant faculty with the addition of three tenure-track Assisprofessor in organic chemistry starting August 2006. tant Professor positions starting September 1, 2006. We seek an energetic colleague with a Ph.D. (postWe seek the best candidates with interests in teachdoctoral experience preferred) in synthetic organic ing and research in all areas, but applicants with chemistry and a strong background in instrumentation, expertise in the areas of bioanalytical, materials, particularly NMR; a commitment to excellence in nanoscience, experimental physical, synthetic, and undergraduate teaching and the establishment of an mechanistic chemistry are especially encouraged to active research program in an area of organic chemapply. Exceptional candidates at other ranks may also istry that encourages collaboration with undergradube considered. Visit www.cm.utexas.edu for more ates is expected. Teaching responsibilities include information on the department. Applications received organic chemistry courses with laboratory, instruafter October 1, 2005 may not receive full consideramental methods, and either advanced courses or suittion. Candidates should forward a curriculum vitae, a able courses for the non-science major. Start-up funds description of research plans, a statement of teaching are available and a summer research stipend is availphilosophy and three letters of reference to: Faculty able beginning May 2006. Teaching and research are Search Committee, Department of Chemistry and Bio- supported with new instrumentation (FT-NMR, GCchemistry, The University of Texas at Austin, 1 UniMS, FT-IR, spectrofluorimeter, UV-Vis, HPLC, and CE versity Station A5300, Austin, TX 78712-0165. EO/AAE systems). Send CV, transcripts, statement of teaching philosophy, and research summaries with a list of nonroutine equipment needs for research, and three letAPPLICATIONS ARE INVITED for future openings as ters of recommendation to: D. Larry Eng-Wilmot, they may occur for the non-tenure track positions of Chair, Department of Chemistry, Rollins College, 1000 Postdoctoral Research Associate or Research ScienHolt Ave-2743, Winter Park, FL 32789-4499. Screentist in the Department of Chemistry at the University ing will begin on October 1,2005, and continue until the of Nevada, Reno. Positions open as funds become position is filled. E-mail questions, or initial interest available. The areas of active research and available and recommendations, to [email protected]. positions are described at www.chem.unr.edu. For Further information can be obtained at complete position announcement, minimum qualifihttp://www.rollins.edu/chemistry. Through its miscations, and application instructions, seejobs.unr.edu. sion, Rollins College is firmly committed to creating a Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis beginning July 1, 2005. EEO/AA. Women and under-repre- just community that embraces multiculturalism; persons of color and women are, therefore, encouraged to apply. sented groups are encouraged to apply. 44

C&EN /AUGUST 29, 2005

ACADEMIC POSITIONS FACULTY POSITION - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Illinois College invites applications for a full-time tenure track faculty appointment in organic chemistry (rank commensurate with experience) beginning August 2006. The successful candidate will possess a Ph.D. or ABD in organic chemistry or related field and will be committed to teaching in the liberal arts setting and research involving undergraduates. Teaching responsibilities will include Organic Chemistry and advanced courses in areas of the applicant's expertise. The Department of Chemistry is housed in the newly constructed Parker Science Center. Major instrumentation includes: 300MHz NMR, GC-MS, FTIR, GC, HPLC, UV-Vis, and Fluorescence. Review of applications on Sept. 15 and continue until the position is filled. Apply with cover letter, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, research plan, and three letters of recommendation to: Chemistry Faculty Search Committee, Dean of Academic Affairs, Illinois College, 1101 West College Ave., Jacksonville, IL 62650. Illinois College is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. For additional information see www.ic.edu. WESTMONT COLLEGE department of chemistry invites applications for a tenure-track position in Biochemistry, although outstanding applicants from other areas of Chemistry will be considered. The candidate must have B.S./B.A. and Ph.D. degrees in chemistry or biochemistry, a genuine desire to teach chemistry at the undergraduate level, to do research with undergraduates and to pursue extramural funding. Postdoctoral experience preferred. Westmont is a national select liberal arts college in the Protestant evangelical tradition. Applications from underrepresented groups and women are especially encouraged. Submit a curriculum vitae, a description of research plans, 3 letters of recommendation, and the faculty appointment application as found at http://www.westmont.edu/ to: Dr. Allan Nishimura, Westmont College, 955 La Paz Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93108. Review of applications begins October 31 and continues until position is filled.

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FACULTY POSITION IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. The UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Department of Physical Sciences at Auburn University FACULTY POSITIONS IN CHEMISTRY DARTMOUTH COLLEGE Montgomery invites applications for a tenure-track The Department of Chemistry at the University of Applications are invited for a faculty position at the position at the Assistant Professor level beginning Florida announces a search for tenure-track faculty Assistant Professor level starting July, 2006. The Spring or Fall 2006. Candidates must have an earned members to begin in Fall 2006. Candidates with Chemistry Department seeks an individual who will Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry. Since the Department proresearch interests in the areas of macromolecular establish a nationally recognized research program in motes excellence in teaching and research, research chemistry or in physical biochemistry are invited to Experimental Biophysical Chemistry at Dartmouth, published in refereed journals will be required in order apply. For the macromolecular/polymer chemistry and who will excel at teaching in our undergraduate to obtain tenure and promotion. Please submit a letarea, candidates at the assistant or beginning associand Ph.D. curriculum. Preference will be given to inditer of application, curriculum vitae, a statement of ate professor levels will be considered. For the physviduals who investigate structure-function relationteaching philosophy, a brief research outline, 3 referical biochemistry area (experimental physical, strucships of biological macromolecules using physical ences, and transcripts to: Dr. Nick Thomas, Departtural, or analytical methods applied to biochemistry), techniques complementing existing strength in x-ray ment of Physical Sciences, Auburn University Montcandidates at the assistant professor level will be concrystallography. Candidates will be expected to congomery, PO Box 244023, Montgomery, AL sidered. In addition to contributing to the research, tribute to the teaching of courses in our biophysical 36124-4023. Review will begin immediately and conteaching and service missions of the Department of chemistry major, graduate courses in their area of tinue until the position is filled. Auburn University is an Chemistry, we anticipate campus-wide interactions in research, and introductory chemistry. Applicants interdisciplinary programs with departments in the should submit a curriculum vitae, a description of their Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Medicine and research plans, and a brief statement about their Engineering, along with other University-based Centeaching interests. Applicants should also arrange to PHYSICAL AND SYNTHETIC INORGANIC ters and Institutes. Applicants should submit a curhave three letters of recommendation sent on their CHEMISTRY, BOSTON UNIVERSITY riculum vitae, description of their research plans behalf. All inquiries and applications will be treated The Department of Chemistry invites applications for (specify either macromolecular or physical biochemconfidentially. Application materials should be sent to two tenure-track assistant professorships in the areas istry research area in the cover letter), graduate/ Chair, Biophysical Chemist Search Committee, of Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry, broadly defined, and undergraduate teaching interests, and arrange to have Department of Chemistry, 6128 Burke Laboratory, Experimental Physical Chemistry, to commence in three letters of recommendation sent on their behalf Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755-3564. The September 2006, pending approval. The successful to the Faculty Search Committee, Department of Committee will begin to consider completed applicaInorganic Chemistry candidate will be expected to Chemistry, Box 117200, University of Florida, tions on October 15. With an even distribution of maleestablish an innovative research program in any area Gainesville, FL 32611-7200 on or before October 7, and female students and over a quarter of the underof synthetic inorganic chemistry, including materials, 2005. The University of Florida is an equal opportunity graduate student population members of minority groups, organometallics, model compounds, and catalysis. The institution and welcomes nominations and applications Dartmouth is committed to diversity and encouragessuccessful Physical Chemistry candidate will be from women and minority group candidates. applications from women and minorities. Dartmouth expected Colto establish an innovative research program lege is an equal opportunity and affirmative action in any area of experimental physical chemistry, includemployer. ing surface or interface science, chemical dynamics, POSTDOCTORAL OPENINGS in the Division of Engi(bio)materials, nanotechnology, microfabrication, phoneering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. tonics, sensors, biophysical chemistry, and topics that Candidates having experience in scanning probe FACULTY POSITION, ORGANIC CHEMISTRY are complementary to a strong theoretical chemistry microscopy, especially atomic force microscopy, are THE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT program in the department. Candidates are expected sought. Applicants should send by email a curriculum The Department of Chemistry at the University of Verto participate in both undergraduate and graduate vitae (a single PDF file) to Scot Martin (smartin@ mont seeks outstanding applicants for a tenure-track teaching activities. Candidates should submit a curdeas.harvard.edu). Website: www.deas.harvard.edu/ appointment as Assistant Professor. Candidates are riculum vitae and a description of proposed research, environmental-chemistry. expected to develop a vigorous research program in and arrange for three letters of recommendation to the area of Synthetic Organic Chemistry. The Departbe sent to Inorganic Search Committee Chair or PhysORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Willamette University, a selecment has an active Ph.D. program, modern facilities, ical Chemistry Search Committee Chair, Department tive Liberal Arts college in the Pacific Northwest, equipment and ah active research faculty with a range of Chemistry, Boston University, 590 Commonwealth invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Proof interdisciplinary activities. Information about the Avenue, Boston, MA 02215-2521. The deadline for fessor position to begin August 2006. Organic Chemposition can be found at: http://www.uvm.edu/-chem. receipt of applications is October 15, 2005. Boston Uni- istry Ph.D. is required (synthetic preferred) as is To receive full consideration, applicants must apply versity is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity demonstrable potential for excellence in teaching. online at www.uvmjobs.com by October 1, 2005 and Employer. Teaching responsibilities include organic chemistry, must also attach to that application a curriculum vitae introductory chemistry, advanced topics courses, firstand proposed research plans. Three hard-copy letters BIOCHEMISTRY, TRINITY UNIVERSITY year seminar, and directing senior research. Research of recommendation should also be sent directly to Prof. Tenure track assistant professor in Biochemistry or activity appropriate to an undergraduate institution is Jose Madalengoitia, University of Vermont, Dept. of a closely related area beginning August, 2006. Ph.D. expected, and funding for student-faculty summer Chemistry, 82 University Place, Burlington, VT 05405. required in chemistry or biochemistry. Postdoctoral research is permanently endowed. The ACS-approved The University of Vermont is an AA/EO employer comexperience preferred. Candidates are expected to Chemistry Department (www.willamette.edu/cla/ mitted to increasing faculty diversity. Applications from teach biochemistry courses as well as other courses chem/) is welt-equipped with modern instrumentawomen and underrepresented ethnic, racial and cultural in chemistry. Candidates must be committed to exceltion. Mail letter of interest, CV, graduate and undergroups and from people with disabilities are encouraged. lence in teaching and to developing an active, funded graduate transcripts, statement of philosophy of teachresearch program that involves undergraduate stuing chemistry at a Liberal Arts institution, and a dents. Candidates should show an interest in interdetwo-page research program description to Dr. Chuck FACULTY POSITION, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY partmental initiatives. Information about the departWilliamson, Department of Chemistry, Willamette THE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT ment can be found at: http://www.trinity.edu/ University, 900 State Street, Salem, OR, 97301. The Department of Chemistry at the University of Verdepartments/chemistry/index.html. Applications Arrange three letters of recommendation to be sent to mont seeks outstanding applicants for two tenuremust include a letter of application, a detailed descripthe same address. Consideration of completed applitrack appointments as Assistant Professor. Candidates tion of research plans, teaching philosophy, curricucations will begin October 7, 2005. Willamette Univerare expected to develop a vigorous research program lum vitae, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, sity maintains a strong institutional commitment to diverin Inorganic Chemistry. The Department has an active and 3 letters of recommendation; send to Dr. Michelle sity and strives to recruit and retain candidates from Ph.D. program, modern facilities, equipment and an Bushey, Department of Chemistry, Trinity University, communities of color and ethnic groups. Women and active research faculty with a range of interdiscipliOne Trinity Place, San Antonio, Texas 78212-7200 by minorities are especially encouraged to apply. EOE nary activities. Information about the position can be Sept. 30, 2005. Women and minorities are encouraged found at: http://www.uvm.edu/~chem. To receive full to apply. Trinity is an EOE Institution. consideration, applicants must apply online at ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY www.uvmjobs.com by October 1, 2005 and must also The Department of Chemistry of the University of Wisattach to that application a curriculum vitae and proFACULTY POSITIONS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY consin-Madison anticipates an opening for a faculty posed research plans. Three hard-copy letters of recThe Department of Chemistry, Colorado State Univerposition to begin in August 2006. We seek outstanding ommendation should also be sent directly to Prof. sity seeks at least one tenure track Assistant Profescandidates at the Assistant Professor level (tenure Christopher Landry, University of Vermont, Dept. of sor in Organic Chemistry, broadly defined. Candidates track) in all areas of chemistry including Chemical Chemistry, 82 University Place, Burlington, VT 05405. should have research interests in Organic Chemistry Education. Candidates must have a PhD in Chemistry The University of Vermont is an AA/EO employer com(or at the interface of Organic and other disciplines), or a related field; postdoctoral experience is desirmitted to increasing faculty diversity. Applications from be comfortable teaching undergraduate Organic able. The position requires development of an interwomen and underrepresented ethnic, racial and cultural Chemistry, hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree and be nationally recognized program of scholarly research groups and from people with disabilities are encouraged. capable of truly outstanding teaching, scholarship, and as well as excellent teaching at both the undergraduresearch. Postdoctoral experience is desirable. Comate and graduate levels. Please submit a curriculum plete applications will contain a detailed CV, descripvitae and concise description of research plans onCHRISTOPHER NEWPORT UNIVERSITY-TWO POSItions of research plans and teaching interests, and the line at www.chem.wisc.edu. Three letters of recomTIONS IN CHEMISTRY: ANALYTICAL & FORENSICS names of at least three references. Applications should mendation will also be required through the on-line (OR RELATED AREA). CNU invites applications for two be submitted online at: http://www.chem.colostate. service directed to: Chair, Faculty Search Committee, tenure track positions- Assistant Professor of Analytedu/jobs.html. Applicants should have letters of refDepartment of Chemistry, University of Wisconsinical Chemistry (#8123) & Assistant Professor of Forenerence sent electronically to: Professor Alan J. KenMadison, 1101 University Ave., Madison, Wisconsin srcs Chemistry (or related field) (#8283) in the Departnan, Chair, Faculty Search Committee, search05@ 53706-1322. To guarantee full consideration, all matement of Biology, Chemistry & Environmental Science lamar.colostate.edu. Applications complete by Octorials must arrive before October 1, 2005. The Universtarting Aug. 2006. CNU, a young, selective state-supber 15, 2005 are guaranteed full consideration, but sity of Wisconsin is an equal opportunity affirmative action ported liberal arts & sciences university of 5,000 stuapplications will be evaluated until the positions are employer; applications from qualified women and minordents, is located in Virginia between Williamsburg & filled. Files of semifinalists will be available to all ity candidates are encouraged. Unless confidentiality is Virginia Beach. Job requirements/application details Chemistry Department faculty. Women and minorities requested in writing, information regarding the idenat 757-596-1090 or www.cnu.edu/admin/hr/vacan are strongly encouraged to apply. Colorado State Unitity of the applicant must be released on request. Finalcies. Applications review begins 10/10/05. EOE versity is an EEO/AA employer. ists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality. WWW.CEN-0NLINE.ORG









GREEN ENGINEERING AND PRODUCT DESIGN FOR ASSISTANT PROFESSOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY TWO FACULTY POSITIONS IN CHEMICAL ENGITHE ENVIRONMENT AT YALE The Simmons College Department of Chemistry invites NEERING AT YALE UNIVERSITY applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Yale University's School of Forestry & Environmental The Department of Chemical Engineering at Yale UniAssistant Professor beginning Fall 2006. Simmons is Studies (FES) and the Environmental Engineering Proversity invites applications for two faculty positions at a private, non-sectarian women's college. The Departgram seek to fill a joint junior-level faculty position in the Assistant Professor level. Preferred areas of ment has ACS-approved bachelor's degree programs green engineering and product design for the enviexpertise include, but are not limited to, soft nanoin chemistry and biochemistry and offers programs in ronment. We seek an individual with experience in materials such as polymers and colloids, biomolecupharmacy, environmental science, and materials scithese areas of specialty. Research topics of interest lar engineering, biocolloids and biointerfaces, and ence. Applicants should have research programs suitinclude but are not limited to: materials selection, atomic scale modeling of surface phenomena. The able for undergraduate participation. Interdisciplinary green design, design for recycling, energy efficiency, successful candidates will be expected to develop creresearch interests and strength in instrumentation clean production, and remanufacturing. The successative and dynamic externally-funded research proare especially desirable. Send resume, transcripts, a ful candidate will have an active research program that grams, teach undergraduate and graduate courses in description of research interests, and references to: complements those of existing faculty in FES's Chemical Engineering, and advise graduate students. Dr. Leonard Soltzberg, Chair, Chemistry Department, resource-related programs and the Environmental Nominations and applications with a detailed resume, Simmons College, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 Engineering Program, and will serve as a bridge a description of research and teaching interests, and or email [email protected]. Simmons between the two Yale organizations. She or he will names and addresses of four references should be College is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity demonstrate capacity for excellence in teaching, and sent to: Chair, Chemical Engineering Search ComEmployer. will be expected to advise undergraduate, Master's, mittee, Department of Chemical Engineering, Yale and Doctoral students, who may be following either University, P.O. Box 208286, New Haven, CT 06520professional or academic career paths. Candidates 8286. Review of applications will begin October 15 and UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA may have training in a range of disciplines including continue until the position is filled. Yale University is an DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY industrial ecology, environmental engineering, chemAffirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and welFACULTY POSITION ical engineering, or allied fields. Applicants should comes applications from women and members of undersend a c.v., a statement of research and teaching inter- The Department of Chemistry invites applications for represented minority groups. See www.eng.yale.edu/ a faculty position at any level from Assistant to Full ests, two reprints or other professional publications, chemical for further information on our department. Professor. The successful applicant must have a PhD and a list of three references to: Green Engineering in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, ora related field. Search Committee, Yale University, 205 Prospect St., Research interests should be directed toward the New Haven, CT 06511, USA. The deadline for applicaTHE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY tions is October 31, 2005. Yale University is an affirma- chemistry of complex carbohydrates. Although candiTENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITIONS tive action/equal opportunity employer. Men and womendates from all areas of glycoscience are encouraged to apply those with interests in enzymology or bioThe Department of Chemistry at The Ohio State Uniof diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds and cultures are versity seeks to fill Several Junior Faculty Positions in encouraged to apply. Women and minority candidates, asphysical aspects of carbohydrate-protein interactions are of special interest. The successful applicant will analytical, biological, inorganic, organic, and experwell as candidates from developing countries, are paralso be a member of the Alberta Ingenuity Centre for imental or theoretical physical chemistry. Candidates ticularly urged to apply. Carbohydrate Science and should be able to teach with interdisciplinary research interests such as chemundergraduate and graduate courses in physical, anaical biology, environmental/atmospheric science, or lytical or organic/bio-organic chemistry. The Departmaterials chemistry are encouraged to apply. DemonFOUR FACULTY POSITIONS. Iowa State University ment of Chemistry has 33 research faculty, and 180 strated excellence in innovative research and a strong invites applications for faculty positions at all ranks, graduate students, supported by excellent services, commitment to teaching are essential. Candidates except as specified, in 1) Inorganic/organic with an including X-ray crystallography, mass spectrometry should submit curriculum vitae, publication list, teachemphasis in materials (assistant professor), 2) Theoand high-field NMR laboratories. It also has excellent ing interests, and proposed research program, and retical chemistry with an emphasis on computational electronic, machine and glassblowing shops. The arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent methods and quantum chemistry, 3) Experimental Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Carbohydrate Science to: Faculty Search Committee, Department of Chemphysical chemistry, and 6) Bioanalytical/biophysical (www.aiccs.com) brings together 6 principal investiistry, The Ohio State University, 100 W. 18th Ave., chemistry. Review of applications will begin October 3, gators, who collaborate on interdisciplinary projects Columbus, OH 43210. Application review begins Octo2005. The appointments commence August 16, 2006. that seek to develop the basic chemical (synthetic, anaber 1, 2005. To build a diverse workforce Ohio State Successful candidates will be expected to establish an lytical and biophysical) foundation for future research encourages applications from individuals with disabiliinternationally recognized research program and to on carbohydrates and their role in life processes. One ties, minorities, veterans, and women. Flexible work contribute strongly in graduate and undergraduate aspect of the funding places emphasis on practical options available. EEO/AA Employer. education. Applicants should clearly specify one of outcomes of Centre science, which targets new bioacthese four areas as their area of expertise, in their tive carbohydrate derivatives as potential therapeucover letter. Application materials should include a tics and transfer of intellectual property. The Centre current curriculum vita, a list of publications, a brief is funded at approximately $7 million over five years, ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, MONTANA statement of research interests (three pages or less), STATE UNIVERSITY, BOZEMAN and a synopsis of teaching goals. Three confidential let- with the potential for competitive renewal in 2 successive 5-year segments. Salary (as per Collective The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry invites ters of reference should be sent to the Chair of the Agreement) and rank will be commensurate with qualapplications for a faculty appointment starting July, Search Committee, Department of Chemistry, Iowa 2006. Appointment at the level of Assistant Professor State University, Ames, Iowa 50011. Iowa State Uni- ifications and experience. Applications will be reviewed beginning October 1 and the position will remain open (tenure-track) is planned, however exceptional candiversity is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action ^ filled. A complete curriculum vitae, the names of dates at the Associate Professor level will be considEmployer. Women and members of minority groups are until * three references and a research proposal should be ered. Successful candidates will show outstanding encouraged to apply. sent to: Professor Martin Cowie, Chair, Department promise for establishing an innovative, highly visible of Chemistry, E3-38 Gunning/Lemieux Chemistry research program in organic chemistry. Doctoral Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada degree in chemistry or closely related discipline and POSTDOCTORAL POSITION in Bioinorganic Chemistry T6G 2G2. All qualified candidates are encouraged to promise of excellence in teaching at undergraduate is available to study nuclease activity and sequence apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents willand graduate levels are required. Postdoctoral expetargeting through protein design. Successful candibe given priority. If suitable Canadian citizens or permarience is desirable. Screening of applications will begin date must have experience in molecular biology; expenent residents cannot be found, other individuals will be October 1, 2005. Candidates should submit curricurience in inorganic spectroscopy a plus. Send CV and considered. The University of Alberta hires on the basis lum vitae, statement of research and teaching intertwo letters of reference to Prof. Sonya J. Franklin, of merit. We are committed to the principle of equity in ests, and have three letters of reference sent directly Department of Chemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa employment. We welcome diversity and encourage appli-to: Prof. Mary Cloninger, Organic Search Committee, City, IA 52242, USA or e-mail sonya-franklin@ cations from all qualified women and men, including per- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Montana uiowa.edu. The University of Iowa is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minori-sons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, and State University, Bozeman, MT 59717. ADA/EO/AA/Vets Aboriginal persons. Pref. ties are encouraged to apply.

Subscription & Member Record Service 2005: Send all new and renewal subscriptions with payment to: ACS, P.O. Box 182426, Columbus, OH 04318-2426. Changes of address, claims for missing issues, subscription orders, status of records and accounts should be directed to: Manager, Member & Subscriber Services, ACS, P.O. Box 3337, Columbus, OH 43201; (800) 333-9511 or (614) 447-3776. Subscription Rates 2005: Printed editions (1 year, ACS member): $33.98-included in the ACS membership dues of $127 for members living in North America; members living outside North America add $58 for shipping and handling. (1 year, nonmember individual): North America, $171; Outside North America, $229. (1 year, institutions): North America, $248; Outside North America, $306. Single copies: Current $22. Rates for back issues and volumes are available from Publication Support Services, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. Back and current issues available on microfilm






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