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Advertising Section CLASSIFICATIONS Positions open—placement bureaus, industrial positions, and academic positions. Situations wanted—members, nonmembers, student and national affiliates, retired members. Issuance: Published weekly, issued every Monday. Mailed Friday preceding date of issue. Closing Date for Classified Ads: Standard Set Ads—Thursday, 10 a.m. 18 days preceding publication date. Display—Ads—Friday, 10 a.m. 17 days preceding publication date. No extensions. Cancellations must be received 14 days in advance of publication date (except legal holidays.) ACS MEMBER RATES "Situations wanted" advertisements will be classified by the chemical field designated by the member. If not designated, placement will be determined by the first word of the text submitted. Situations wanted advertisements placed by EMPLOYED ACS members and affiliates are accepted at $6.60 a line per insertion, no minimum charge. State ACS membership status and mail advertisements to Chemical & Engineering News, Classified Advertising, 1599 Post Road East, P.O. Box 231, Westport, CT 06881-0231. Phone 203-256-8211; fax 203-256-8175. Unemployed members and affiliates, members and affiliates under notice of involuntary unemployment within 60 days, and student members and affiliates who have not found employment two months prior to graduation, may place FREE advertisements (up to 35 words) in C&EN, on a biweekly basis unless otherwise requested (maximum 18 insertions each calendar year). Retired members who are looking for part-time employment may place FREE advertisements (up to 35 words) in C&EN, on a monthly basis unless otherwise requested (maximum 6 insertions each calendar year). (Note: The "Consultant Section" is reserved for unemployed retired members only.) To place an ad, advertisers must state details of unemployment and ACS membership number upon submitting request. A box number will be assigned; however, if confidentiality is not a factor, use a direct-mail address and/or phone or fax number for quicker response. Mail copy for free ads to American Chemical Society, Employment Services, Othmer 440, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Copy will not be accepted by phone. For more information, call 1-800227-5558, Employment Services. EMPLOYER AND NONMEMBER RATES Display advertisements $470 per inch (space unlimited). Lower rates on contract basis. Minimum display space 1 inch with inch units thereafter. Agency commission and cash discounts allowed on display ads only. Non-display (standard-set) ads: Rates: $45 net per line, one line equals approximately 52 characters and spaces, centered headlines equal approximately 32 characters and spaces, all in 7 pt type. For example, you may run

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Agricultural Research Servie·

United SUrtM Department of Agriculture

RESEARCH CHEMIST/PHYSICIST (Interdisciplinary), GS-12/13/14, USDA, ARS, National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, Peoria, Illinois. An interdisciplinary position emphasizing polymer physics/rheology is available in a research unit carrying out a broad fundamental and applied research program on the utilization of biopolymeric materials for both food and industrial applications. Within the unit, the candidate will be responsible as a team member for applying current rheological models, constitutive equations and polymer physics concepts to the development and analysis of rheological and other physical data on a variety of food-related suspensions, dispersions, gels and viscoelastic doughs. The candidate will also be responsible for developing cooperative interactions with other unit scientists involved in research into chemical modification and extrusion processing of biopolymers, such as proteins and starch, for industrial applications. These biopolymer systems include synthetic petrochemical based polymers in blends, as complexes or as grafts. Ph.D. in directly related field, or equivalent in professional research experience required. Knowledge of polymer physics and polymer physical chemistry, and knowledge of theoretical and experimental rheology required. Salary commensurate with experience ($41,543 - $75,894). U.S. citizenship required. For application forms, call (309) 6816633, between 9am and 3pm CT; identify ad #4N020. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVE CONSIDERATION. Complete applications must be postmarked by May 16, 1994. USDA/ARS is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

FACULTY POSITIONS INSTITUTE OF PAPER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY The Institute of Paper Science and Technology (IPST) is a fully accredited graduate school and research institute allied with the Georgia Institute of Technology and is uniquely aligned with the pulp and paper industry. IPST is seeking to fill a faculty position in the area of paper making. This position involves teaching at the graduate level, research project leadership, graduate student advising, publication in technical journals, and development and administration of contracts with both public and private organizations. The qualifications for the position are a Ph.D in Mechanical or Chemical Engineering and a record of scientific publication and teaching experience. Prior experience in the following research areas - papermaking, coating, recycled fiber utilization are preferred. Knowledge in multiphase flow and flow through porous materials will be beneficial. Applicants should submit a complete application which includes a letter of interest, resume, transcripts, statement of research interest, and three professional references. Application should be submitted to IPST Personnel Manager, 500 10th Street, N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30318. Rank and salary commensurate with education and experience. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer M/F/V/D

ACS Professional Data Bank The ACS Year-Round Professional Data Bank is a computerized databank which includes a cross-section of scientific professionals who are seeking employment. This important service makes available information on these individuals to interested employers who seek assistance of Employment Services for their recruiting needs. The data bank is not confidential, operates on a year-round basis, and is free to ACS members and student and national affiliates. With about 1000 chemical professionals already in the bank, the ACS is able to offer recruiters top-flight chemists in a wide variety of fields;


APRIL 11,1994 C&EN

about 6000 referrals are made to scientific employers each year. ACS Year-Round Confidential Employment Listing Service offers the same service as the ACS Professional Data Bank. However, for $40 a year, ACS members can have confidentiality assured. For more information on the Professional Data Bank and Confidential Employment Listing Service, call 1 (800) 227-5558 (Employment Services). Employers may request a search of the file of candidates by mail or by phone; there is a fee for this service to employers. For more information, call 202-872-6213.

ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT CHEMIST: Immediate opening for MS or Ph.D. synthesis chemist developing additives for the petroleum, rubber, and plastics industry. Send resume to R.T. Vanderbilt Co., Inc., P.O. Box 5150, Norwalk, CT 06856, Attn: J. McDonald. An equal opportunity employer. RESEARCH ASSOCIATE POSITION Immediate opening available for a postdoctoral position in Polymer Chemistry using sucrose-derived monomers. Candidates with Masters Degree and experience will also be considered. Send resume and three letters of reference to: Judy Larin, HSPA P.O. Box 1057, Aiea, HI 96701: Salary $30,000+. One year position, renewable.



Plant & Animal Metabolism Battelle, an internationally recognized leader in radiolabeled metabolism research,has an immediate opportunity available for a Study Director to lead major research projects in plant and animal metabolism. This exciting opportunity requires a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and 3+ years' experience with plant and animal metabolism, GLP, chromatography, mass spectrometry, separations, and structural identification of organic molecules and natural products. Excellent leadership and communication skills are strongly desired. Battelle's agrochemical research efforts are supported by state-of-the-art laboratories, animal facilities, greenhouses, and field facilities. This position is located at Battelle's Columbus, Ohio, research center and world headquarters. Columbus is at the heart of a dynamic and growino region noted for diverse, convenient, and affordable housing, complemented by quality schools, a wide range of recreational opportunities, and an active arts community offering a variety of cultural events throughout the year. Interested candidates should send cover letter and resume to: Christopher Dunford, Department 032, BATTELLE, 505 King Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693, or FAX them to (614) 424-5768. Battelle is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V.

©Bafteiie . . . Putting Technology To Work

SENIOR SCIENTIST DALLAS, TX ^ / Mary Kay Cosmetics takes pride in - ^ ^ - providing outstanding career opportunities for those w h o share our beliefs in integrity, enthusiasm, teamwork and quality. The ideal c a n d i d a t e will d e v e l o p nonstandard m e t h o d o l o g i e s for the chemical and physical analysis of raw materials and finished products. This position will involve installing, operating and maintaining instrumentation as required w i t h extensive problem-solving interaction across all departments in the R&D and Manufacturing divisions. The selected individual must possess a Ph.D. in C h e m i s t r y a n d several years of r e l a t e d w o r k e x p e r i e n c e , or a M a s t e r ' s degree w i t h 7+ years w o r k experience. A b a c k g r o u n d in i n d e p e n d e n t research and presentation of results, and hands-on use of highly technical analytical instrumentation are required. Excellent communication/interpersonal skills are a necessity. W e offer c o m p e t i t i v e c o m p e n s a t i o n a n d excellent benefits in a smoke-free environment. Please forward/fax resume to: Mary Kay C o s m e t i c s , Inc., H u m a n ResourcesManufacturing, 1330 Regal Row, Dallas, TX 7 5 2 4 7 ; fax ( 2 1 4 ) 9 0 5 - 6 9 9 7 . E q u a l O p portunity Employer. Principals only, please.


CHEMICAL SCIENCES MASS SPECTROSCOPY B.S. CHEMIST/ MASS SPECTROSCOPIST The DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company is seeking a Mass Spectrometrist to be a member of a team supplying mass spectral support to all areas of our research based pharmaceutical company. Will be responsible for providing a variety of low resolution techniques to Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Process R&D groups. The position requires a B.S. degree in Chemistry and substantial experience with analytical instrumentation, preferably in organic mass spectroscopy. The DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company is a partnership between its parent companies, E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. and Merck & Co., Inc. We are creating a multinational, multibillion dollar, research-based pharmaceutical company of the 21st century. DuPont Merck is driven by creative and innovative science and technologies to meet society's healthcare needs through the discovery and development of novel pharmaceuticals. Our location, near Wilmington, DE, offers an attractive lifestyle with easy access to all the cultural, academic and recreational activities of the Eastern Seaboard. The DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company can offer you an excellent compensation and benefits package. To be considered, please forward your resume to: Dr. Karl Blom, The DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company, DuPont Experimental Station, P.O. Box 80336, Wilmington, DE 19880-0336. An equal opportunity employer M/F/D/V.

DU PONT MERCK The DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company Merging Strengths...Emerging Opportunities.

APRIL 11, 1994C&EN


ΨΏ/Α CHEMISTS U.S. GOVERNMENT FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Chemists at the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research serve on a multidisciplinary team of scientific professionals and perform such duties as review and evaluate the chemical components of new drug applications (NDAs) and investigational new drug applica­ tions (INDs); evaluate the adequacy of the methods, facilities, and controls used for the manufac­ ture of drugs; review proposed labeling; summarize findings and make recommendations for approval or non-approval of the application. These positions have a high degree of independence and involve complex scientific and regulatory issues.

QUALIFICATIONS: Specific course work in the field of study which includes 30 semester hours of chemistry supple­ mented by course work in mathematics through differential and integral calculus, and, at least, 6 semester nours of physics. Professional experience is required. Directly related postgraduate edu­ cation may be substituted for experience. An advanced degree and related experience in the development, manufacture or testing of drugs and/or antibiotics is highly desirable. Candidates for Civil Service or Commissioned Corps appointments must be U.S. citizens. Candidates for Staff Fellowships may be either U.S. citizens or resident aliens eligible for citizenship within four years.

SALARY: Civil Service salary range for GS-12 through GS-13 is $42,003 to $64,928 per annum. Salary, benefits, and level of responsibility are commensurate with education and experience. Positions may also be filled by appointment in the U.S. Public Health Service, Commissioned Corps with com­ mensurate salary and benefits.

HOW TO APPLY: If you are interested, submit detailed Curriculum Vitae or Application for Federal Employment (SF-171 ) and a copy of college transcripts to:

DHHS/PHS/Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 11B-22; HFD-505 Rockville, Maryland 20857 Attention: Recruitment Staff FDA IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and HAS A SMOKE FREE WORKPLACE

In α hurry for chemists or engineers? Chemical & Engineering News is your answer:

FAST ClOSE YOUR AD HERE MONDAY— IN THE MAIL SATURDAY If your film—right reading, emulsion side down—reaches us by 12 noon on Monday (except legal holidays), your help wanted ad will appear in the very next issue of Chemical & Engineering News mailed Saturday (issue dated Monday). Because Fast Close space is limited, reservations are on a first call, first in basis. Our Fast Close rates require a 15% premium over our regular rates.

For reservations call Geri Anastasia at (203)256-8211

In a hurry for chemists or engineers? Chemical & Engineering News is your answer:




If your film—right reading, emulsion side down—reaches us by 12 noon on Monday (except legal holidays), your help wanted ad will appear in the very next issue of Chemical & Engineering News mailed Saturday (issue dated Monday). Because Fast Close space is limited, reservations are on a first call, first in basis. Our Fast Close rates require a 15% premium over our regular rates:

Unit Size 1-page 2/3-pg (vert.) 1/2-pg (horiz.) 1/3-pg (sq. or vert.) 1/4-pg (vert.) 1/6-pg (vert.)


APRIL 11,1994 C&EN

Regular 1994 Rate $9,660 7,390 6,210 4,000 3,150 2,320

Fast Close Premium +15% +15% +15% +15% +15% +15%

For reservations call 203-256-8211 Send your order and film to: Geri Anastasia, Fast Close Desk, Chemical & Engineering News, 1599 Post Road East, Box 231, Westport, CT 06881-0231.


MÊÊÈÈÊM Matrix Pharmaceutical, Inc. is a leading force in the design and development oi biopolymer based sustained-release products. With several systems in advanced clinical trials, our products are designed to parenterally deliver localized cancer chemotherapy as well as systemically deliver protein drugs. Rapid growth has lead to several opportunities on our drug delivery research team:

SCIENTIST/SR. SCIENTIST Two opportunities exist tor the design, evaluation and product enabling devel­ opment of novel sustained-release systems for local and systemic delivery of cytotoxic agents and protein drugs. Desired background includes parenteral formulation development and working knowledge of protein chemistry and/or controlled release methodologies. Requires a PhD in Pharmaceutics, Physical Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or related field, with at least one year postdoctoral experience (Scientist), or a minimum of five years pharmaceutical industry experience (Senior Scientist). Level also depends on relevant experience with due recognition of IND/NDA filings, patents and publications.

SR. RESEARCH ASSOCIATE Conduct research designing and characterizing novel injectable sustainedrelease systems. Develop appropriate analytical methods and prepare IND/NDA documentation. Desired background includes parenteral formulation development and H PLC experience, preferably in controlled release systems. Requires a BS/MS in Chemistry or Biochemistry, with a minimum of five years experience in pharmaceutical research and development. We offer a small company environment with a very competitive salary and ben­ efits package, including stock option eligibility. Please fax or send your resume to: Staffing Department C&E, Matrix Pharmaceutical, Inc., 1430 O'Brien Dr., Menlo Park, CA 94025. FAX (415) 326-1407. Equal Opportunity Employer.

BIOCHEMIST SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, a worldwide leader in pharmaceutical research, has an immediate opening for a Scientist in the Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics Discovery Department. The successful candidate will be responsible for the design and conduct of in vitro and in vivo preclinical studies of the drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics of novel drug candi­ dates. Such studies will include the development of analytical methods for drugs in biological fluids utilizing HPLC, LC/MS, LC/GC, and activity-based approaches, pharmacokinetic and statistical data analysis, and report preparation. The position requires a B.S. or M.S. in chemistry or biologi­ cal science with 2+ years current laboratory experience and demonstrated competence in quantitative HPLC. Previous experience in drug metabolism/ pharmacokinetic studies, LC/MS or biochemical/immunochemical techniques preferred. Located in our state-of-the-art research facility in suburban Philadelphia, SmithKline Beecham offers a challenging, stim­ ulating, multidisciplinary research environment in which to grow and excel. Interested, qualified applicants should for­ ward their resume to: SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Sr. Employment Administrator, #M110, PO Box 401, Conshohocken, PA 19428. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F/D/V.



Pharmaceuticals C\it\\\ninnp. tlir natural limita

In α hurry (or chemists or engineers? Chemical & Engineering News is your answer:

FAST CLOSE YOUR A D HERE M O N D A Y — IN THE MAIL SATURDAY If your film—right reading, emulsion side down—reaches us by 12 noon on Monday (except legal holidays), your help wanted ad will appear in the very next issue of Chemical & Engineering News mailed Saturday (issue dated Monday). Because Fast Close space is limited, reservations are on a first call, first in basis. Our Fast Close rates require a 15% premium over our regular rates.

For reservations call Geri Anastasia at (203)226-7131

Procter&Gœnble PhD CHEMIST OPPORTUNITIES We have immediate entry-k