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EMPLOYMENT Advertising Section Classifications: Positions open—placement bureaus, industrial positions, and academic positions. Situations wanted—members, nonmembers, student affiliates, retired members. Issuance: Published weekly, issued every Monday. Mailed Friday preceding date of issue. Closing date: Friday AM, 17 days preceding publication date. No extensions. Cancellations must be received 14 days in advance of publication date.

ACS Member Rates "Situations wanted" advertisements inserted by employed ACS members and by student affilâtes of the society will be accepted at 25 cents per word for each insertion, no minimum charge. Requests for placement of such advertisements must state ACS membership status, and whether the member is retired, to ensure publication in the proper classification. All such advertisements should be sent to CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS, Classified Advertising, 50 West State St., Westport. Conn. 06880. ACS members who are unemployed or under notice of involuntary unemployment within 60 days may place one free classified "situations wanted" advertisement per issue for a period of six weeks. The advertiser must state circumstances of unemployment with name of company where last employed and date of termination. Each advertisement may not exceed 45 words plus box address or advertiser's name and address. Excess words charged at 25 cents per word per insertion. After six advertisements have run, the member may restart the advertisement by rewriting and resubmitting it restating the circumstances of unemployment. These subsequent advertisements will be inserted every two weeks. All such advertisements should be sent to American Chemical Society, Employment Aids Office. 1155—16th St.. N.W.. Washington D.C. 20036. Copy cannot be accepted by phone. Retired ACS members are allowed six free classified advertisements in a calendar year. Such advertisements should be sent to American Chemical Society, Employment Aids Office, 1155—16th St., N.W.. Washington, D.C. 20036.

Nonmember Rates Display advertisements $122 per inch (space unlimited). Lower rates on contract basis. Minimum display space 1 inch with inch units thereafter. Agency commission and cash discounts allowed on display ads only. Classified advertisements $1.30 a word, minimum charge $19.50 each. Include five words for box address. Advertisements from outside the U.S. should be accompanied by information stating New York bank that will issue a bank draft in U.S. funds. The advertisements will be run on the nearest publication date following receipt of the bank draft. Mail advertisements to CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS. Classified Advertising, 50 West State St., Westport, Conn. 06880. Copy cannot be accepted by phone.

Conditions In printing these advertisements ACS assumes no obligations as to qualifications of prospective employees or responsibility of employers, nor shall ACS obtain information concerning positions advertised or of those seeking employment. Replies to announcements should carry copies of supporting documents, not original documents. Every reasonable effort will be made to prevent forwarding of advertising circulars. Employers who require applications on company forms should send duplicate copies. ACS considers all users of this section morally and ethically obligated to acknowledge all replies to their advertisements.

ACS Employment Clearing House (A service for both employers and employees) The Employment Clearing House operated at the national office is a contact medium for ACS members and student affiliates seeking employment and for employers who need persons with basic training in chemistry or chemical engineering. Candidates for employment: Only members and student affiliates may use the free service. Information supplied by candidates on training, experience, and education is placed in a data system and this information is available on a nonconfidential basis to potential employers. Write the Employment Aids Office at the address below to request Clearing House registration forms, to submit, renew, or change a "situations wanted" advertisement, or to request a search of newspaper "positions open" advertisements. Unemployed members who need initial counseling and advice on employment matters may telephone collect (202) 872-4528. Employers: Any employer may request a search of the file of candidates by telephone (202) 872-4528 or by writing to the address below. Copies of resumes of those persons who meet the specifications for positions outlined by the employer will be supplied at a cost of 50 cents each plus a basic fee of $10 for each search conducted. Further contact with candidates of interest is at the option of the employer. The society requires that users make no placement charges against applicants. Additional information is available. For application forms and further details write: American Chemical Society, Employment Aids Office. 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.

PLACEMENT BUREAUS— CHEMICAL ENGINEERS—ChEMISTS-PLT. & MTNCE. ENG. Metallurgical-Ceramic* Salaries to $40,000. Nationwide placement to all types of industry. Resume or Contact G. Reynolds/Cass McNichol, 271 Madison Ave. N.Y. 10016 Department 21, PATTENT PERSONNEL SERVICE, INC. Chemists and Chemical Engineers ONLY—our 25th year of Ethical, Professional, Confidential placement of Chemists and Chemical Engineers ONLY at all levels (BS, MS, Ph.D.) and function. All fees and expenses paid by our client companies. Send your resume to S. Goodman, M.S., Suite 1716, care of Selective Placement for Chemists and Chemical Engineers ONLY, 744 Broad Street, Newark, N.J. 07102

INDUSTRIAL POSITIONS WORK IN NEW AND EXCITING FIELD OF LASER FUSION CHEMICAL T E C H N I C I A N SPECIALIST E x p e r i e n c e : 3-5 years H a n d s - o n r e s e a r c h in s y n t h e s i s of polymers a n d / o r associated analytical chemistry. Pertinent experie n c e w i t h a n d k n o w l e d g e of polymer coatings produced from the polymer and from the monomer. BS in C h e m i s t r y . POLYMER C H E M I S T E x p e r i e n c e : 5-10 years E x p e r i e n c e in c h e m i s t r y a s s o c i a t e d w i t h v e r y t h i n c o a t i n g s of p o l y m e r s or c o a t i n g s via t h e monomer. Needs to have a broad knowledge of r e s e a r c h in v a r i o u s p o l y m e r s as films a n d film coatings (approxim a t e l y t e n (10) m i c r o n s ) . MS or P h D in C h e m i s t r y . ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMIST E x p e r i e n c e : 5-10 years R e s e a r c h e x p e r i e n c e in s i l i c o n e chemistry and related organom e t a l l i c c h e m i s t r y . P e r t i n e n t exp e r i e n c e in s u r f a c e treatments w i t h s i l i c o n e is d e s i r a b l e ; altern a t e l y , a b a c k g r o u n d in o r g a n o m e t a l l i c c h e m i s t r y of l i t h i u m is a l s o d e s i r a b l e . MS or P h D in C h e m istry. Please s u b m i t r e s u m e a n d salary r a n g e t o : Personnel D e p a r t m e n t — C E N P.O. Box 1567 A n n A r b o r , M i c h i g a n 48106 An Equal Opportunity Employer Must Be U.S. Citizen—Security Clearance Required

SENIOR PROCESS ENGINEER Outstanding opportunity for candidate with minimum 5 years experience in industries such as cement, non-metallic minerals or related fields. Responsibilities include scale-up of processes from the laboratory bench to commercial product with emphasis on experimental studies, economic analysis and preliminary plant design. Degree in chemical a n d / o r mechanical engineering required. International company with facility In ideal suburb of Los Angeles offering an outstanding benefit program. Send complete resume and salary history t o : R. L. Richmond

GREFC0, INC. :*450 Wilshire Boulevard, Su. 600 Los Angeles, California 90010 An equal opportunity employer M / F


IMPORTANT NOTICE Various state and national laws against discrimination, including the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, or any reason based on a bona fide occupational qualification. Help wanted and situations wanted advertisements on these pages are readers' convenience and are not to be construed as instruments leading to unlawful discrimination.

The following statement is printed at the request of the council Committees on Membership Affairs and on Professional Relations, with the approval of the council. An employer has an ethical responsibility to reply to each candidate who answers his advertisement in CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS. Furthermore, employers who reply to prospective employees' advertisements should provide a reasonable statement of the nature of the position available.

Sept. 22, 1975 C&EN


L Senior Research Scientists/ Research Associates $27,000 Calibre We are a leading producer of consumer and service products, newsprint, pulp and forest products, papers, and specialty products utilizing natural, synthetic, and reclaimed fibers. Our growth has created these 2 challenging professional career opportunities for individuals with expertise in the areas outlined below :

ADHESIVES Requires a B.S. Degree (M.S. and Ph.D. preferred) and at least 10 years experience in formulating, testing, and applying of adhesives—especially pressure sensitive. You'll be involved with fostering and developing new or improved adhesives for our consumer products, processes, and packaging. By keeping abreast of current trends in your specialty, you will be relied upon you to offer recommendations regarding in-house versus external adhesive development equipment selection, plus developing of Q.C. testing and auditing procedures.

SYNTHETIC POLYMERS & FILMS Requires a B.S. Degree or equivalent and a minimum of 10 years experience in blown and extruded films, synthetic polymers and additives, as well as conversion of films to products and packages. You must be creative yet mindful of economic realities. Your responsibilities will encompass furnishing our Research, Development, Engineering, and Mill operations with technical support, including consulting on product and package development, equipment specification, improving the runnability of film converting equipment, purchasing of films and resins, and identification of potential new markets. You will each receive an excellent salary attuned to your experience and actual responsibilities, plus extraordinary benefits including family dental and educational assistance plans. Relocation expenses to Neenah, a pleasant and relaxed Midwestern community of 25,000 with year round recreation and nearby universities, are paid. Send resume, including salary history and indicating specific area in which you are interested, in strict confidence to: CORPORATE RECRUITING-CE

SUPERVISOR ANALYTICAL & PHYSICAL CHEMICAL RESEARCH PhD preferably with experience, but not absolutely necessary to head small group of Chemists in our Analytical and Physical Chemical Research Section. We are looking for a hard working, enthusiastic and aggressive individual with a strong organic analytical background. Experience in any of the following fields would be helpful: electrochemistry, automated analysis, high pressure liquid chromatography. You will join one of the country's largest, most research minded and successful pharmaceutical companies which is international in scope. Our facilities are of necessity ultra-modern. They are located in a readily accessible scenic and placid Philadelphia suburb. Wyeth offers fully competitive salary with excellent opportunity for advancement and a comprehensive benefits plan. Please submit resume including salary requirement to: ROBERT B. LINEBURGER


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P.O. BOX 8299

Philadelphia, Pa. 19101

An Equal Opportunity Employer


NEENAH, WISCONSIN 54956 An Equal Opportunity Employer

Source Testing Supervisor Responsible,professional level assignment, based at our headquarters in CENTRAL SUBURBAN N.J. The qualified candidate for this position will have a technical degree (BSME or BSChE) and be experienced and knowledgeable in all aspects of air pollution control testing techniques and procedures—for field and laboratory studies.

CHEMICAL AND PETROLEUM ENGINEERS LARAMIE, WYOMING. Federal Government expansion in energy programs related to in situ technologies has created positions for Chemical and Petroleum Engineers. Positions involve field experimentation involving application of in situ methods for the production and recovery of enersy from coal, oil-shale and tar sands. These are career positions and offer all government benefits. Salary is: commensurate with experience and ability. Preferred candidates will have petroleum, chemical or mechanical engineering background. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Send SF-T71 "Personal Qualifications Statement" to: U.S. Energy Research & Development Administration, Laramie Energy Research Center, Box 3395 University Station; Laramie, Wyoming 82071 An equal opportunity employer

Responsibilities will encompass on-site and laboratory analysis and evaluation as well as formal report writing and recommendations. This position will entail extended field trips—on short notice. We offer an attractive salary, a comprehensive benefits package and opportunities for growth with the leader in the environmental management industry. Please forward resume, including salary history, in strictest confidence to Mr. H. R. Carr, Jr., Dept. STS

Research Cottrell Experienced Environmental People P.O. Box 750. Bound Brook, New Jersey 08805 An Equal Opportunity Employer, Ml F


C&ENSept. 22, 1975

TECHNICAL SALES Division of National Corporation offers excellent growth opportunity for professional with degree in bio chemistry and experience and/or training in technical/chemical sales. Following detailed on-the-job and field training in all aspects of malt syrups, gluconates and industrial and feed enzymes, the successful candidate will assume sales responsibility for our west coast sales territory. Salary commensurate with experience. Liberal benefit program. Send resume including salary requirements to: Box 21-D-9, ACS, 1155 16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. An equal opportunity employer.



Textile Dyeing

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., a major company long noted for technical excellence and innovation, has an opening for an experi­ enced applications chemist or engineer in the corrosion inhibition/ surfactant fields.

Corrosion Inhibitors/Surfactants A freedom to experiment equal to your ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems is offered by Allied Chemical Corp. in its superbly equipped Technical Center near Richmond, Va. Your professional specialty in the unique science of textile dyeing must be supported by 5 or more years direct experi­ ence with a large chemical or textile firm or academic institution. An advanced degree in Physical Chemistry or related field preferred. Compensation commensurate with qualifica­ tions and experience. Please send resume, in­ cluding current salary and requirements, to: Ms. B. S. Lowe, Personnel Administrator, Al­ lied Chemical Corp., P.O. Box 31, Petersburg, Virginia 23803. An Equal Opportunity Em­ ployer, M/F