RATES to be paid in advance. Standard setting 10c a word, minimum charge $2.00 each; include 8 words for box address. Exceptions as noted below. Displ...
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R A T E S t o b e paid i n advance. S t a n d a r d s e t t i n g 10c a word, m i n i m u m c h a r g e $2.00 each; i n c l u d e 8 words for box address. Exceptions as noted below. Display, 3 i n c h e s m a x i m u m , $20.00 p e r c o l u m n i n c h ; larger u n i t s at regular display rates. IN ο discounts or allowances. S E N D advertisements with remittance t o CHEMICAL and E N G I N E E R I N G NEWS, 332 West 42nd St., New York 18, NT. V., lo reach there not later than the deadline of 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, twenty days preceding the date of publication. Correct remittance must accompany instruit tons and copy and adver­ tisements will be inserted i n sequence of completed orders. EMPLOYERS are requested to mention i n their announcements the section of the country i n whucli the open position is located to ensure replies only from those who are geographically available. In printing these advertisements the SOCIETY assumes no obligations as to qualifications of prospective employees or responsibility of employers. Those replying to announcements should send copies and not original docu­ ments. Advertising circulars will not b e forwarded and to that end all letters will be opened at the forwarding office. U N E M P L O Y E D members of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY seeking employment for themselves are allowed in one calendar year 3 standard announcements 41 free (one per issue) and 3 more at 50% of regular rate. Excess words and further announcements a t full rate. EMPLOYED members of the SOCIETY seeking new positions are permitted 3 standard announcements 4 ' (one per issue) during the calendar year at 50% of the regular rate. * Standard announcement — 42-word text plus 8-word box address.

SITUATIONS OPEN Those announcement* in which the letter **p" is pari of the box number have paid in full and are not committed to acknowledge replies. The SOCIETY regards acknowledgment by employers of all applications as an act of courtesy but can assume no responsibility for their failure to do so.

ORGANIC AND BIOCHEMISTS Being considered for positions in funda­ mental and developmental research on fine chemicals and antibiotics. Thorough training in organic chemistry required. Interested in applicants with B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. In reply describe training and ex­ perience: state salary desired. Please address: T e c h n i c a l Emplo: Merck Jk C o . , l a c . Rahway, New lersey W A N T E D : Capable formulator and chemist to take charge paint laboratory. Shelf goods and industrial maintenance line. Good salary. Excellent opportunity for right party. State full details first letter. All parties in our employ notified of this ad. Your application confidential. Box 23-LP-8, Chem. & Eng. News, Easton, P a . JET PROPULSION RESEARCH P H Y S I ­ CISTS, CHEMICAL ENGINEERS, RE­ SEARCH E N G I N E E R S : Openings exist in research staff for applicants with advanced train­ ing and experience. Program includes experi­ mental and theoretical investigations involving Sropellant chemistry, combustion, heat transfer, uid mechanics, physical measurements, elec­ tronics, instrumentation and pertinent problems in mechanical design. Write Personnel Administrator, Jet Pro­ pulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Tech­ nology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena 2, California, giving biographical data including education, experience in research, salary backgrdund and professional references. SECRETARY: Research laboratory in metro­ politan New Jersey. Give complete informa­ tion including education, experience, age, salary requirement. Include small photograph. Box l l - H P - 9 , Chem. & Eng. News, Easton, P a . GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPS i n PHYSI­ CAL SCIENCE SURVEY permitting graduate work in chemistry or physics. $780 for 9 months. Excellent training for prospective teachers. Send transcript of academic record and state­ ment of qualifications to : A. H. Kunz, University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore

CHIEF ENGINEER WANTED Chief Engineer for well known established firm of Engineers A Constructors. Prefer man with IS to 20 years of mechanical and process experience i n petroleum. Refining, Chemical and Power t o organise and direct engineering work with complete responsi­ bility. Excellent salary and bonus ar­ rangement. Location—Midwest/' C h e m . It 1


2 5,


Courtesy demands that those seeking positions acknowledge receipt of communications they receive from* employers even if not interested in the offer made. EMPLOYERS are permitted 3 standard announcements* (one per issue) during the calendar year without charge (excess words 10c each) provided they agree i n writing to acknowledge all replies, otherwise full rate applies. The AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY has n o information concerning the posi­ tion advertised, or in regard to those seeking employment. The AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY is vitally interested in the welfare of its members and in seeing that the chemical industry is manned with competent chemists and chemical engineers. These pages are part of our service in that connection. In addition, many of the local sections of the AMERICAN CHEMI­ CAL SOCIETY have employment committee».

FOR DISCERNING PLACEMENT in the Midwest write: Tom Coffer, Employment Counsellor, 20 W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago 4, 111. RHEOLOGIST or PHYSICAL C H E M I S T : To study the fundamental rheological behavior of natural and synthetic resins. Man with graduate training or experience preferred. Permanent po­ sition with nationally known concern i n Upstate New York Please state training, experience and salary desired. Box 23-JP-6, Chem. & Eng. News, Easton, Pa. TECHNICAL M A N : Technical man with experience in manufacturing pyroxylin also sup­ ported and unsupported vinyl film. Give edu­ cation, experience, etc. Excellent opportunity. All replies considered confidential. Box 15-LP-8, Chem. & Eng. News, Easton, Pa. RESEARCH CHEMISTS: Several young B.S. degree men as assistants i n Research De­ partment of well known producer of organic and inorganic chemicals. Attractive openings for re­ cent graduates with opportunity for advancement commensurate with ability. Young men with B.S. degrees, either recent or current graduates «referred. Permanent position with excellent uture. Located i n West Virginia. Supply full particulars, including training and experience and include small photograph. Box 14-HP-9. Chem. & Eng. News, Easton, Pa. CHEMICAL ENGINEER: Duties will in­ volve teaching and research. Prefer man with thorough training in thermodynamics. New modern building and equipment. Salary and rank commensurate with qualifications. Sub­ mit small photograph and personal data to: W. A. Koehler, Head, Department of Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va. PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH CHEM­ IST: Large mid western pharmaceutical firm needs a Ph.D. or equivalent t o help formulate new pharmaceutical products. Men with ex­ perience in the manufacture of ampules, tablets, liquids, ointments or related products will be given preference Position has very good future. Box 17-JP-9, Chem. & Eng. News, Easton, Pa. TECHNICAL LIBRARIAN: Young man or woman, graduate in chemistry, metallurgy or chemical engineering to manage research library in Pittsburgh district and prepare abstracts, bibliographies, and patent surveys. Give de­ tails regarding education, experience, salary and age. Send snapshot. All information confi­ dential. Box 33-JP-9, Chem. & Eng. News, Easton, Pa. ASSISTANT PROFESSORSHIP: Chemical engineering. Young, aggressive Ph.D. to teach and supervise research. Industrial or research experience desirable. Salary $3600 for 9 months. Opportunity to augment base salary during sum­ mer. Department of Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State College, Raleigh, N. C. ORGANIC CHEMIST for fundamental re­ search in vinyl polymerisation and development of new catalysts. Excellent opportunity in small, nationally known firm for man with recent Master's in organic interested in initiative re­ search on synthetic resins. Small town location. Upstate New York. Box 12-LP-9, Chem. & Eng. News, Easton, Pa. TEXTILE CHEMIST wanted by well estab­ lished small Southern firm to assist i n expanding line of textile auxiliaries and finishes. Experience in development or manufacture of textile auxilia­ ries required. Give full details, including salary requirements. Box 25-L-9, Chem. & Eng. News, Easton, Pa. A N OLD ESTABLISHED Southern paint, varnish and lacquer manufacturer with complete laboratory facilities is adding t o its staff ancI has an opening for a young chemist. I n answering please give complete information together with salary expected. Box 18-LP-9, Chem. & Eng. News, Easton, Pa.



2 9,


CHEMISTS PHYSICISTS AND METALLURGISTS are desired for research, develop­ ment and control work in the Gaseous Diffusion Plant of the Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation. "Write to: E m p l o y m e n t Department, Carbide a n d Casb o n C h e m i c a l s Corporation, P . O. Box P # Oak Ridge, Tenn. C H E M I S T : New York City manufacturer desires research for new product development work on milk derivatives having pharmaceutical and industrial application. Fermentation ex­ perience desirable b u t not required. Submit training, experience, salary desired. Box 2 7 - N P - 9 , Chem.. & Eng. News, Easton, Pa.

SECIONAL EMPLOYMENT CLEARING HOUSES 'Washington 6, D. C. 3rd Floor, 1155 — 16th St. N.W. Atlanta, Ga. Room 153, Chemistry Annex, Georgia School of Technology, 3rd and Fowler Sts. Boston 16, Mass. Room 503, Boston University, 84 Exeter St. Chicago 1, 111. Room 744,35 E . Wacker Drive Houston 1, Texas Room 212, Chemistry Department, Rice Institute New York 17, Ν. Υ. Room 93, 50 E. 41st St. (Employers b y appointment only : telephone UDxington 2-7340) San Francisco 11, Calif. Room 210, 24 California St. Files in all repositories are duplicates; employers should visit whichever is niost convenient. Members a n d s t u d e n t affiliates wishing t o register can d o so by m a i l ; write t o t h e Washington office for forms. (Continued on page 2868) 2867

(Situations Open Continued)

PHYSICAL CHEMIST With, special training for research, in heterogeneous catalysis. Requirements for this position are a Ph.D. i n physical chemistry (or equivalent) and experience sufficient to pursue independent research investigations. In reply describe training and experience; state salary desired. Please address: Technical Employment Manager Merck Jk C · . , I n c . Rahwayv New Jersey TECHNICAL GRADUATES (especially chemical, electrical) under 30, returned from military services, have excellent opportunity for permanent place with nationwide engineering organization. After training period, work as junior engineer will include traveling for consultation among leading industrial plants. Box 15-LP-9, Chem. & Eng. News. Easton, P a . ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS OR CHEMICAL ENGINEERS: Recent graduates for.laboratories in several states of long established company specialising in coal, water and oil analyses. Experience desirable but not necessary. High caliber men capable of advancement to laboratory managers. Salary open. Box 16—L-9, Chem. A Eng. News, Easton, P a . CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R : Excellent opportunity in mid western industry for graduate engineer with 5 to 8 years* industrial experience. Position in process supervision, operation, and control. Preferred experience related to food processing, adhesives, meat packing, or by-product industries. In reply, give age, education, experience, physical qualifications, salary expected, and references. Box 17-LP-9, Chem. & Eng. News, Easton, Pa. RESEARCH ORGANIC CHEMIST: Opening available for Ph.D. experienced in synthesis and isolation procedures in expanding research program of Southwest foundation. Kindly give complete résumé of training and experience, personal data, publications, photograph, references, salary expected, etc. Ideal working conditions and facilities. Box 10-N-9, Chem. & Eng. News, Easton, Pa. GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP OPEN in insecticide chemistry, large Eastern college. Desire entomologist interested in working for Ph.D. in agricultural chemistry. Sponsored by industry, stipend $1200, ten semester credits graduate work allowed. Give résumé education and training. Box 1 l - N - 9 , Chem. & Eng. News, Easton, Pa. RESEARCH CHEMIST: Long term industrial fellowship for investigation of skin and hides in New England research foundation. Knowledge of enzyme chemistry desirable. State full details in first letter including salary requirements. Box 12-N-9, Chem. & Eng. News, Easton. P a . GRADUATE PHYSICIST: Preferably P h . D . for responsible position in fundamental research, involving studies of structure and physical properties b y means of spectroscopy, x-ray and electron diffraction, electronmicroscopy, electronic and other physical measurements. The salary and responsibility commensurate with experience and ability. Address letters of inquiry to: Technical Personnel Department, Monsanto Chemical Company, 1700 South Second Street, St. Louis, Mo. BACTERIOLOGIST or BIOCHEMIST: Age 22-28; to conduct microbiological assays; good opportunity with nationally known food manufacturer. Write stating qualifications. Box 14-NP-9, Chem. & Eng. News, Easton, Pa.

PHYSICAL CHEMISTS Being considered for positions involving research on fine organic chemicals. Training is required in principles of chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics, and methods of measurement. In reply describe training and experience: state salary desired. Please address: Tecknical Employment Manager Merck Jk C · . , Inc. Rahwasr, New Jersey


CHEMIST: Age 22-26; wanted b y large M id-Western feed manufacturer fox· food a n d feed analyses; college degree required. Write giving qualifications. Box 1 5 - N P - 9 . Chem. & Eng. News, Eaatort, Pa. ASPHALT CHEMIST : Excellent opportunity in research and development, program covering asphalt and asphalt specialties. Broad experience in asphalt and petroleum products required. Ph.D. preferred. Give complete details i n first letter. University of Wichita Foundation for Industrial Research, Wichita 6, Kans. MAJOR OIL COMPANY requir-es the services of several experienced chemical o r mechanical engineers for its process engineering; department. Applicants should b e thoroughly faxoniliar w i t h the design of all types of refinery equipment, including pipe stills, thermal and cata-lytio crocking equipment, lubricating oil refiniag equipment, etc., with from four to t e n years* experience in this type of work. Plant experience desirable. Furnish complete outline of technical education, experience, previous employers, salaries received and desired, references, and photograph. Box 1 7 - N P - 9 , Chem. & Eng. Newss, Easton, Pa. CHEMICAL PHYSICIST: W i t h B . S . or M.S. in chemistry and at least the minimum degree requirements i n math, physics·,» and physical chemistry. Should be interested int the construction and use of equipment for physical and physical chemical research work. Salary open. Replies confidential. Reply fully t o : Box 1 8 - N - 9 , Chem. & E n g . News, Easton, Pa. YOUNG MAN interested in pa-tent work for responsible position in Patent L>epartment of Midwestern research organisation. Background of chemistry and experience in p>rosecution of patents desired but not required. 'Work includes preparation and prosecution of patent applications and occasional research worXc. Please reply giving full particulars as to a g e , education, experience, and salary desired. Replies should be addressed directly to: Battelle Memorial Institute, 505 X£ing Avenue, Columbus 1, Ohio. CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R for small factory New Jersey shore area producing tanning material, chrome compounds, with practical experience in maintenance of buildings, cfciemical equipment, boiler operation, pipefitting; handy, capable installing pilot production a n d later supervising. Must locate neighborhood. Apartment available. Box 2 3 - H - 9 , Cheni.