EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION - Chemical ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - Include 5 words for box address. Discounts and allowances to Society members on standard-set "Situations Wanted" advertisements only ...
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I n d u s t r i a l Positions

. . . offers p e r m a n e n t p o s i t i o n s i n a n e w A t o m i c E n e r g y P l a n t b e i n g b u i l t n e a r P o r t s m o u t h , Obiio.

CHEMIST—Growing Southern New England firm has unusual opportunity for independent re­ searcher in vinyl plasticizers. Bos 35-F-7, C. & E . N . , Easton, P a . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^g§s^ β

ELECTRON MICROSCOPIST —qualified t o set up and supervise work in electron and light micros­ copy for new laboratory. Should be thoroughly familiar with ex­ perimental techniques and inter­ pretation in non-biological appli­ cations.


SENIOR ENGINEERS Key positions in rapidly expanding division of reliable 50-year o l d company

LABORATORY SUPERVISOR —physical chemist or physicist qualified by ability and experi­ e n c e to supervise work in physical measurements. Broad experience including infra-red spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, electron micros­ c o p y a n d special instrumentation. Excellent opportunity in new laboratory.

P l e a s e s e n d a c o m p l e t e w r i t t e n r e s u m e to> Mr. D . G. B a r k e t t , G o o d y e a r A t o m i c C o r p . , P . O . B o x 628, P o r t s m o u t h , O h i o .

PHYSICAL CHEMIST 5 to 1 0 years experience for research and development in field of special purpose bat- , , teries, and other electro-chemi* cal devices. PHYSICIST 5 to 1 0 years experience for development in field of special , ^ purpose batteries, electro- ' | chemical and electro-mechanical *- J devices. J MECHANICAL ENGINEERS "\ 5 to 1 0 years experience for % design work and production ? \ engineering of electro-mechani- . cal devices. Please submit complete: resume of training and experience, together with salary requirements to: MR. A . C. JOLLIFF

I / £ [ f



CHEMISTS AND CHEMICAL ENGI­ N E E R S — B y Research and Development Division of prominent southeastern textile company for research and development. Experience desirable b u t not necessary. Reply should give education, experience, and salary requirements. Box 36-F-7, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, Pa.

TRANSLATOR, TECHNICAL For Research Laboratory of large Chemical Company located in upstate New York. Applicant should have ç ^od working knowle d g e of German, Frenck, a n d Russian, and at least one of the following: Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Dutch or Swedish. Experience or training in physical sciences desirable. Send complete résumé to Box 3 0 - L - 6 , C. & Ε . Ν . , E a s t o n , P a .


3 2,



ORGANIC C H E M I S T W I T H I N D U S T R I A L E X P E R I E N C E — W e have an opening in Cin­ cinnati for an organic chemist with P h . D . who has had several years of industrial experience in both research and development in t h e field of or­ ganic intermediates. The man we are seeking will be capable of developing processes in the laboratory and supervising their introduction into the plant. Please state your educational background, your industrial experience, and salary vou expect to receive. Box 13-F-7, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, P a .


SECTION LEADER IN RESEARCH We are seeking a chemist or chemical engineer (preferably an M.S. or Ph.D.) for t h e position of section leader to coordinate the activities of laboratory and bench scale research. The man should b e 30-40 years of a g e and prefer­ ably have at least five years experience in pe­ troleum research.

MARKET DEVELOPMENT POSITION W e are seeking a man to coordinate our market development activities. This person should be 35—45 years of age a n d should have experience in this field. Chemist or Chemical engineer preferred. These a r e positions open in a growing, pro­ gressive company (located in Texas Gulf Coast area) engaged in petroleum refining and petro­ chemical production. The positions were created by expansion of its research and other activities and they offer excellent opportunities to the right men. Salary commensurate with experience. Give complete details as to train­ ing, experience, and approximate salary de­ sired in first letter. Include photograph. All replies c a n b e held in strictest confidence. B o x 3 1 - L - 6 , C. & Ε. Ν . , E a s t o n , P a . C H E M I S T (ORGANIC)—22-28. Recent B.S. with M.S. or equivalent experience for organic synthesis in research division of Philadelphia Pharmaceutical Manufacturer. 5-day, 35-hour week. Excellent benefit program. Send complete résumé. Box 20-F-7, C. & E . N . t Easton, P a .

CHEMIST FOR TECHNICAL SALES Well known manufacturer of chemical raw materials desires technical salesman for the Midwestern territory with headquarters in or near Chicago. Prefer a chemist who h a s had some actual experience in alkyd resins. Excellent opportunity for a live wire. Contacts strictly confidential. Send résumé and complete details to Box 2 6 - L - 6 , C. & Ε. Ν . , E a s t o n , P a .




RUBBER CHEMIST WANTED We Have a n excellent opportunity with a young and growing concern located in the Middle West. The man that we need should have some ex­ perience i n the plant and must be capable of solving b o t h current production problems and to d e v e l o p new products in t h e field of rubber to metal bonding, hydraulic seals, silicone rub­ ber, diapnrams, " O " rings a n d miscellaneous mechanical rubber products. If y o u a r e interested in a long; range program ancL·*. steady employment with, ample oppor­ tunity to hotter yourself, reply giving all per­ tinent information, such, as age, experience, salary desired, etc. B o x 4 3 - H - 6 , C. Se E. N . , Eayton, P a . C H E M I C A L P R O C E S S ENGINEERS—For de­ velopment -work a t Niagara Falls plant of major chemical company. Future relocation t o Metro­ politan N e w York area. Minimum t w o years experience, aptitude for pilot plant work. Ret>ly giving details of training and experience, refer­ ences, salary requirement, a n d recent photo if available. Box 17-F-7, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, Pa.

TECHNICAL LIBRARIAN Young woman -with Bachelor's in Chem­ istry or Chemical Engineering; Library degree or equivalent experience pre­ ferred. Duties include: reference ques­ tions, technical searches, abstractive and miscellaneous services. Send replies to:

S1TN OIL COMPANY Research & Development Dept. MARCUS HOOK, P A . TRANSLATORS—European and Asiatic lan­ guages in all branches of chemistry, physics, and biosciences. Full or part-time. Replies held confidential. Submit résumé t o : ATS, Box 271, E a s t Orange, N . J.

PAINT RESEARCH CHEMIST Excellent opportunity for graduate chemist with minimum of five years experience in industrial type coating formulations at new Research and Development Laboratory. Suburban Pittsburgh location. Write complete r é suuné including age, education, experience, salary expected, and small photograph to R e s e a r c h P e r s o n n e l M a n a g e r , B o x 1575, P i t t s b u r g h P l a t e Glass C o . , M i l w a u k e e , Wiscoz&sin.

C C o n t i n n e d o n p a g e 2740) 2739

(Situations Open, Continued)

PETROCHEMICAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CHEMISTS Positions available to well qualified g r a d u a t e chemists, all degree levels. Preference given to applicants with three to five years successful experie n c e in a comparable activity. C u r r e n t openings for chemists include positions for: 1. Physical Chemists for studies of kinetics, reaction mechanisms. 2. O r g a n i c Chemists for organic synthesis of aliphatic, alicyclic a n d heterocyclic chemicals. 3. Analytical Chemists for research and development in analytical techniques. Plant location is just out of city limits of Corpus Christi, Texas. Majority of personnel live in Corpus Christi. Facilities include new air-conditioned offices and laboratories, modern equipment and instrumentation. Salaries commensurate with training and experience. Responses must include complete history of personal backg r o u n d a n d experience and be add r e s s e d to: Celanese Corporation ol America P . O. Box 8 Clarkwood, Texas Attention: C. G. S m i t h , Business Manager ASSISTANT BIOCHEMIST—B.S. or M.S. with interest in clinical biochemistry and background in analytical chemistry. Position involves supervision and development of methods in research institute affiliated with University Medical School. Some graduate course work can be arranged. To $4000. Charles Bishop, Chronic Disease Research Institute, 2183 Main Street, Buffalo 14, New York. CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT HEAD Horizons Incorporated is searching for a top-notch chemist to direct an expanding, highly diversified inorganic research chemistry department. Challenging position for a capable research scientist with proven administrative abilities. INORGANIC RESEARCH C H E M I S T Horizons has openings for experienced inorganic chemists to work at highly diversified laboratory. B.S. or M.S. with at least 3 years of experience desired. Please address all replies directly to: T e c h n i c a l M a n a g e r , Horizons Incorporated, 2891-2905 E. 79th S t . , Clevel a n d 4, Ohio. PHYSICAL CHEMIST—M.S. or B.S. with 1 to 6 years experience for varied and challenging research and development work in colloid and surface chemistry, rheology, protective coatings, resins and elastomers. This is an excellent opportunity for workers with initiative and creative abilities to grow into responsible jobs in a progressive organization whose chief aim is to understand the fundamental properties of materials, and to obtain improved industrial products. Please send full details including salary requirements to Personnel Department, The Franklin Institute, 20th & Parkway, Phila. 3, Pa. APPLIANCE FINISHES CHEMIST Opportunity for a chemist experienced in research and development of organic appliance finishes. Must have ability and initiative necessary to direct the work of a group of chemists in this field. Salary commensurate with experience. Location—Louisville, Ky. Submit complete résumé. All replies will be held strictly confidential. H. C. K l a s s e n , Jones-Dabney C o m p a n y , 1481 So. 11th Street, Louisville, K y . ORGANIC CHEMIST—Prefer P h . D . in organic or bio-chemistry. B.S. or M.S. with equivalent related experience would be acceptable. Involves work in chemical development. Pharmaceutical manufacturing firm. Salary open. Box 25-F-7, C.